Minutes 1992-10-13 -- ,- , MJ:NUTES REGtJI..AR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1992 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREB'!' ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA Tbe City Council ot the City ot Arroyo Grande I118t at 7:30 P.M., with MAyor HarJe H. Hillb pr4taidinq. i 1. , 2.. FLAC SALtJfl'E ANn INVOCATION I , Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Alleqianoe to our Flaq, and the Rev. Paul Jones ot 1'ismo Beacb deliverea the invocation. ~.. ROT.L ~AT..TI I Present were Mayor Hillis and CC)\1hcil MeJabers A. 1(. "Pete" , I Douqall, Matthew P. "pete" Gallagher and B'Ann sDL1th. Council J i Me1llber, Gene Moots was Absent. Staff Members present were City I Manaqer chris Christiansen, City Attorney Judy SJcousen, city Clerk Nancy Davis, PUblic Works Director Van Laurn ana current Planner I Scott Spiedin9. 4.. ORAL ~Il!A'I'Yt)NS DENISE COZZA ot 515 Helson street spoke about an erosion problem that is atfeotinq her property. She said she met with City officials one IIOnth ago and has ~en waitinq for help and guidance in remedyin9 the erosion problem. She asked tor a response from the City. 5. CONSRNT AGRNDA It was moved by Douqall/Gallagher, and the motion passed unanimously to approve Consent AljJenda IteM 5.A. throuqh 5.H., with the reeolD11lended courses of action. 5.11.. Septellber 22, 1992, Joint PUblie Hearing/WOrkshop of C11:y Council and Planning Co-.18sion. Approvec1. 5.B. September 22, 1992, city Council ~nutes. Approved. 5.C. September, 1992, Xnvesblent Report. Infonation. 5.0. Third Quarter, 1992, Sales Tax Revenue Report. Intonation. ' 5.B. Liability clai., Kurt Berqer and Mark WeJ'1dler. Rejection I recollllended. , , 5.F. Progress 1'ayaent No. 3 for construction of Well No.9: Water Treatment Facility: Project No. 60-92-2. Approved. 5.G. Request Approval of Tow Service Bid, Police Department: 1992- 93 BUdqeted lte.. Low bid avar4 approved. 5.H. Award of Bid tor Che.icals and Fertilizers: Parks Department, 1992-93 Budgeted Ite.. Low 8i4 Award apprOVed. I 6. RECYSTER 011' CNRCX~ It was moved by Dougall/Smith, and the IIIOtion passed unanimouslY to approve cash disburseaents in the lUIOunt of ,~ $448,325.71, as listed in the OCtober 8, 1992, Staff Report of Finance D1rector David BaQOJ1. 7. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OlP PLANN:t;JJG COJDf!SSYON DRNIAL OP' I VIEWS~ED REVIEW PERMYT NO. 92-37. FOR'A SE~OND-STORY. ?32 SOUARE- , i FOOT ADDITION TO lt1' P:XISTING 1.1:39 SOUARE-FOOT/ SrNGLE-PAMILY KOHE: I i MAXIMUM HRIGWP PROPOSEO IS 22 FRET: 116 BRIit.. STREET: HUE C. OIEP ! Mr. Spierling referred to the OCtober 13, 1992, Staft Report i of the Planninq Director. He said the Planning cOJIIIIission I I reoommended that the City Council deny the appeal made by Mr. Diep. I After beinq assured that the Public Hearing bad been duly 1 -------------~----.- . .. . noticed and all legal requirellents met, Mayor Millis declared the hearing open ""d .aid all persons would be heard regarding the matter. Speaking in favor of the appeal was the appell""t HUE C. DIEP, the project's architect GREG SO'l'O, IUld builder EMIL BRAUGAN. Their arguments were based on the appellant's need for more living space, that fewer people are now livinCJ in the rental on the appellant's property, that the neighborhood already has two-story structures, that other homes in the neighborhood have covered large areas of their lots with buildings, and that windows lOOking east would be removed frOll the new structure design. MR. SO'l'O showed the Council photographs of the two-story structures already builtin the neighborhood. Speaking against the appeal were PAUL QUINLAN of 511 Cornwall, KIM BURn of 515 Cornwall, ~RTM~ SPOHN of 517 Cornwall and LOUIS BRAZIL of 603 Cornwall. Mr. Qllinlan read a letter froll another '-- neighbor KEVIN He BRIDB at 605 Cornwall. Their arg\Ullents were based on the second story overpowering the .cottage type" neighborhood, the privacy issue, that the lot coverage is too great, and that there is not enoll9h parkinq. When no one further cue forward to speak, Mayor Millis olosed the hearing to the floor. Council MeJDbers said the second story would not contorm with the neiqhborhood, that the project should be redesigned, that the lot coveraqe is too great and 1;t1at parkinq is inadequate. It was IIIOved by Smith/Dougall (4-0-1, SlIith, Dougall, Gallagher and Millis voting aye, Moots absent) to approve Resolution No. 2952 Upholding the planninq COlUlission's Denial of Viewshed Review Case No. 92-37, Applied for by Hue C. Diep, for a Seoond story Addition to a Single Family Residence LoCated at 116 Bell street. S . A. SECOND READYNG OIl' ORDINANCE AMRNDING MUN'ICIPAJ. COD);! TYTLR ~. CHAPTER 1 RRGA)mING BUSINRsg T... TC:RMSING.. t!HAPTER '2 RRGAROYNG FUNDS a ANn CHAPTRR ~ REaAROING TAX~g~ AND TITLR 5.. C~ER 10 REGARpING TAXICAB DRIVERS. CHAPTER 12 REGARDING' BINGO GAMES. CHAPTER 13 ~RG~DYNG PARRNTS' ~~~PONSTBtLYTY ~OR J4I~ERING MINORS: CI1VWIDE It was moved by Dougall/Sllith (4-0-1, Dougall, Smith, Gallagher and Millis voting aye, Moots absent) to adopt Ordinance No. 452 C.S. Amending Municipal Code 'l'itle 3, Chapter 1 reqarcling business licensing, Chapter 2 Regarding Funds, and Chapter 3 Regarding Taxes, and'l'itle 5, Chapter 10 Reqarding 'l'axicab Drivers, Chapter 12 Regarding Bingo Game., Chapter 13 Regarding Parents' Responsibility for Loitering Minors. 9 . A. RESOLU'l'YON OIl' CY'I'Y COUNCYL RtmURSTING PROPOSITION 116 DISCRRTIONARY PUWDS POR ~rCYCL~/PRORSTRIAN RRYnGR A~OSS u.s. 101 ~ FAIR OAKS AVRNUE It was IIOved by Dougall/Smith (4~0-1, Qougall, smith, : Gallaqher and Millis voting aye, Moots absent) to approve Resolution No. 2953 Supporting Proposition 116 Funding of Bicycle ; L and Pedestrian Routes: Bicyole Bridge Along Fair Oaks Boulevard. . 9 . R . REDUEST TO RNTER YN'I'O A CONTRAC'l' 1I'OR UPDATE OIl' TH);! HOUSING ELF..MENT AND PREPARATION OF TijE COMPREHENSIVE HOUSING AFF9RDABILITY , STRATEGY WITH CRAWFORD. MULTART ~D STARR . Mr. Christiansen referred to the october 13, 1992, Staff i Report of the Planninq Director, who reCOllllllended that the City , enter into a contract with Crawford, MUltari , Starr to update the HOllsing Element, prepare a Comprehensive Housing Aftordability Strategy and conduct environmental review for $13,650. It was moved by Dougall/Galla9her, and the IIIOtion was passed I unaniDlOwsly to approve the awarding of &bovenoted contract to , crawford, Multari , Starr in the amount ot $13,650. 2 ---_._~---_.._--_.^.. jIo" ": -,.., . 9.. C.. ~CHOOL CROSSING GUARDS J MARGARET HARLOE AND OCEMl VIEW SCHOOLS Mayor Millis said he may have a conflict of interest on this matter and left the room. Council Member Smith presided. Mr. Christiansen referred to the October 7, 1992, staff Report of Chief of Police Rick TerBorch, who recommended that the Council approve a third crossing guard to be assigned to Ocean View School, and in doing so, Lucia Mar School District would pay one-half of the entire Crossing Guard Program, resulting in a savings of approximately $2,622 from'the current cost of the program. It was moved by Gallagher/Douqall, and the motion passed with Gallagher, Dougall and Smith voting aye and Millis and Moots absent, to approve the recommendation of the Chief of Police. Mayor Millis returned to the dais. " 9..0.. APPROVAL OF AGRRRMENT POR RRYMRtJR..QEMENT OF STATE-LOCAL PARTNRRSHTP PROGRAM Mr. Christiansen said this item was removed from the agenda. 9aE. TRACT 1997 GRADING APPROVAL (PHASE II. RANCHO GRANDE) Mayor Millis said he may have a conflict of interest on this matter because of the financial connection between Rancho Grande and Mid-State Bank, in which he owns stock. Council Member Smith presided. Mr. Christiansen said that according to papers received froll the representative of the owners of Rancho Grande, Mid-State Bank no longer has an interest in the tract. Mayor Millis said the Fair Political Practices Commission has said that there is a conflict if there is a financial interest within 12 months, and there certainly has been an interest within that tille. He said he would have to have a verified letter from the FPPC saying he could vote in this lIatter. He said otherwise he would step aside. Council Member Gallaqher read from a copy of the California Conflict of Interest Laws for Public Officials that said the third cOllponent of a conflict of interest is whether the effect of the decision on the official's econoaic interest woUld be "material." He read that the effect would be "material" when an official has a financial interest of $1,000 or more or which is a source of income worth $250 or more to the official in the last 12 months, and the source is directly involved in a decision before the official's agency. He said this would indicate that the words "within the last 12 months" would create a conflict of interest. He said the best course of action was to wait until Council Member Moots returns. The city Attorney said it was up to each Council Member to decide whether he or she had a conflict of interest. She said the only real advice should come from the FPPC. '1 Council Member Dougall said if the paper referred to by the city Manager states that Mid-State Bank no longer has any involvement in the tract and the applicant needs to do sOllie grading to get his project started, he did not want to stand in the way of progress. Council Member smith recognized PETE MILLER, general representative for the owners of Rancho Grande. He said the COnflict of Interest Code provides that an official has a financial interest if it is reasonably foreseeable that the decision will have a material financial effect on the official or his or her immediate family or on any source of incollle aggregating $250 or lIIore in value provided to, promised to or received by the official within 12 months prior to the tille the decision is made. He said Mid-State Bank is the source of incolle and is totally uninvolved in 3 -- ----.-.-.-- . . i .' . '. ..'''; ,....' , the tract. He said no decision made at the meeting would effect Mid-State Bank in any way and therefore not effect any Council Member who has any interest in Mid-State Bank. He said it the Council delays a decision two weeks it would mean a great deal to the city's econollY. He said grac:Ung work needs to beqin before the winter rains. Council Member Dougall asked the City Attorney about whether the grading would oreate a financial interest and the 12 month problem it Mid-State Bank is no longer involved in the project. The City Attorney said since Mid-State is no longer involved in the project, the grading would not aftect Mid-state Bank in any way. She said, however, that she had not had a chance to go through all the details and wu advising that 1t should be the Council Member's decision to make. Council Jf""~r Dougall said the Council should go ahead with '-' consideration ot the request for grading. Council Member Gallagher said he wanted 1 t on the record that these Council proceedings would be a potential conflict of interest for the City. Hr. Christiansen reterred to the OCtober 9, 1992, Staff Report ot Public Works Direotor Van Laum, who recollJUlnded that the City CouncJ.l authorize h111 to issue a grading permit for Tract 1997 subject to an approved erosion control plan. Hr. Christiansen said the rough grading should be done by December, 1992. Council Members questioned the Public Works Director concerning the risks of grading this tille of year, the erosion control plan, the length of ti.. the grading will take, and planting tor erosion control. They said the Public Works Director should be on site to take preventative actions against erosion, and to stop the grading if necessary. Hr. Laurn said there is so.. risk ot erosion on the slopes adjacent to Ja.es Way. but that he would be lIIOnitoring the work on a day by day basis. It was JIOved by Gallagher/Dougall to approve the issuance of a grading perm1t for Tract 1997 contingent on a strict erosion plan and the developer's acceptance of Statf details and conditions. The IIOtion passed with Gallagher, Dougall and Smith voting aye and Hillis and Moots absent. Mayor Millis returned to the dais. 10. WRITTEN COMMUNlCAT:rON~ None. 11. ORAL COMMVNlCATIQJilS Hone. 12. CLOSED SRS~TOH None. '-' 1~. An:rOURNMENT It was moved by Dougall/Smith, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the Meting at 8:35 P.M. 7i?~tf: ATTEST: ~ a. ~~ NANCY A. AVIS, CITY CLERK 4