Minutes 1992-08-25 . , 32 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST '25, 1992 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the city of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Mark M. Millis presiding. 1. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Randy Ouimette, Arroyo Grande Fire Chaplain and st. John's Lutheran Church pastor, delivered the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Millis and council Members A. K. "Pete" Dougall, Matthew P. "Pete" Gallagher and B'Ann Smith. ~bsent was Council Member Gene Moots. Staff Members present were City Manager Chris Christiansen, City Attorney Judy Skousen, City Clerk Nancy -/ Davis, Chief of Police Rick TerBorch and Current Planner Scott Spierling. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIOffS None. 5. PRESENTATION OF PLAOUES OF ~PPRECIATION Accepting plaques of appreciation fronl the City for their service on city commissions were DON BOGGESS, former Planning Commissioner: WILLIAM TAPPAN, former Parking and Traffic Commissioner: HEATHER HOEKMAN, former Teen Advisory Committee member, and DANIEL JONES, former Teen Advisory Committee member. A plaque will be delivered to EDWARD COX, former Parking and Traffic Commissioner. 6. CONSENT ~GENDA It was moved by Dougall/Smith, and the motion passed, with Council Member Moots absent, to approve Consent Agenda Items 6.A. and 6.B., with the recommended courses of action. 6.A. August 11, 1992, city Council Minutes. Approved. 6.B. Progress Billing #2 for Construction of Well No.9, Water Treatment Facility, Project No. 60-92-2. 7. REGISTER OF CHECKS It was moved by Gallagher/Smith, and the motion passed, with Moots absent, to approve cash disbursements in the amount of $1,029,465.60, as listed in the August 20, 1992, Staff Report of Finance Director David Bacon. e.B. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF PLA~NING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF CONDITION~L USE PERMIT CASE NO. 92-501. APPROVING CONSTRUCTION OF A 665-S0UARE FOOT ~ECOND-RESIDENTIAL UNIT OVER AN EXISTING GARAGE: MAXIMUM PROPOSED HEIGHT IS 21.5 FEET: 840 FARROLL AVENUE Current Planner Spierling referred to his Staff Report of August 25, 1992, and said th~ Planning Commission recommended that the Council adopt a resolution denying the appeal and uphold the Commission's approval of Conditional Use Permit Case No. 92-501. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly notic~d and all legal requirements met, Mayor Millis declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. Speaking in favor of the appeal were JERRY MARTIN of 514 Woodland Drive, DICK GRANTHAM of 505 Woodland Drive, REGINA AUSTIN of 509 Woodland Drive, VERNA MURRAY of 518 Woodland Drive, PATRICIA BRENNER of 509 Woodland Drive, BETTY GRANTHAM of 505 Woodland Drive, JERRY BOWSER of 510 Woodland Drive and MELVIN JOHNSON of 835 1 . - 33 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 25, 1992 , Olive Street. They listed as their reasons for supporting the appeal as being, 1) the proposed unit is too high and would overpower the neighborhood, 2) property values would be devalued, 3) there is room on other parts of the applicant's lot for a second unit, 4) windows on the structure would affect neighbor's privacy, 5) a precedent could be set in the neighborhood, 6) the applicant could split his lot and build another two-story unit, and 7) the neighbors' views would be affected. Speaking against the appeal was the applicant ROGER FULLER of 840 Farroll Avenue. He said, 1) he has 13 adjacent property owners to try to please, 2) if he was to build on the ground level of the remaining yard, there would only be six and one-half feet difference between it and the second unit that has been appealed, "-- 3) right now he can sit on his patio and look down into a neighbor's house, so privacy is not a valid issue, 4) it would be much more expensive to build a second unit elsewhere on the lot, and 5) perhaps the neighbors would be willing to pay the extra cost ,. of building elsewhere on the lot. There being no further public discussion on the matter, the Mayor closed 'the hearing to the floor. council Member Gallagher said he was present at the planning commission discussion of this matter on July 7, 1992, and moved that the appeal of Conditional Use Permit Case No. 92-501 be referred back to the planning commission to further explore the alternative that was presented by Planning Staff in its report of July 7, 1992, that the Staff and applicant come up with a setting for the second dwelling unit that would be more harmonious with the existing neighborhood. council Member Smith seconded the motion. Council Member Smith objected to the Conditional Use Permit and Architectural Review findings in the resolution of approval recommended by the Planning Commission. She said the second unit is not harmonious with the character of the neighborhood and is detrimental to the comfort of the neighbors. She suggested that the Planning commission re-evaluate Architectural Review findings Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 in relation to this project. council Member Dougall said he had attended the Planning Commission hearing also, and by allowing "granny flats" the State is trying to dictate what is built in the cities. He asked about landscaping to hide the building, but Mr. Fuller said he could not plant on a sewer easement. Council Member Dougall said he would support sending the matter back to the Planning Commission, and that the project should be compatible with the neighborhood. city Attorney Skousen said the city's Code and state law do allow "granny flats," and if the council wanted to grant the appeal it must make very detailed findings about compatibility with the neighborhood. ~ Mayor Millis said "granny flats" do need to be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. He said the builder does have a responsibility to work with the neighbors. He said it is the second story that is objection!lble, and suggested the Planning Commission explore placement of the unit elsewhere on the lot. Council Members voted on the motion by Gallagher/Smith to return the project to the Planning commission, and it was approved, with Council Member Moots absent. 2 -------- 34 , " ...--- - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 25, 1992 , 9.A. CONTINUATION OF SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO UPDATE THE HOUSING ELEMENT AND PREPARE A COMPREHENSI~E HOUSING AFFORDABILITY STRATEGY REPORT Mr. Christiansen recommended that the Council continue this matter until the State of California budget is passed and the city learns how its budget will be affected. Mayor Millis said the Council does want to update the Housing Element, and suggested that it proceed with advertising for a someone to do the update. He said the bid could be awarded after the State budget results are known. There was Council agreement with Mayor Millis' suggestion. " 10.A. APPOINTMENT OF MICHAEL MC AUSTIN TO THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION: TERM EXPIRES JUNE 30. 1995 Mayor Millis nominated Michael McAustin to the Traffic Commission, and the Council approved. 10.B. APPOINTMENT OF BETTY LA PLANTE TO THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION: TERM EXPIRES JUNE 30. 1995 Mayor Millis nominated Betty LaPlante to the Traffic commission, and the council approved. lO.C. APPOINTMENT OF CHRISTINE PHILLIPS TO THE ARCHITECTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: TERM EXPIRES JUNE 30. 1995 Mayor Millis nominated Christine Phillips to the Architectural Advisory Committee, and the Council approved. 10.D. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A PROCEDURE FOR DESTRUCTION OF POLICE RECORDS Chief TerBorch said a change had been made on Page 2, Item 14 of the proposed Resolution to make it more understandable. It was moved by smith/Gallagher (4-0-1, Smith, Gallagher, Dougall and Millis voting aye, Moots absent) to approve Resolution No. 2946 Authorizing a Procedure for Destruction of Police Records (Supersedes Resolution No. 2343), with the change noted by Chief TerBorch. 10.E. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDED PROPOSITION 116 PROJECTS GEE GEE SOTO, member of the Parks and Recreation Commission, who has been working the Planning Director on the Proposition 116 projects, referred to her August 25, 1992, memorandum, and said the Planning Commission recommended that the Council adopt a Resolution supporting the application to provide Proposition 116 funds for needed bicycle and pedestrian routes. Proposition 116 is the Rail . Transportation Bond Act, which includes funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects. Ms. Soto described the application for the funds and showed on " the map on the wall where the bicycle and pedestrian routes would be. She said the application consists of two projects, Project No. 1 - Paulding Middle School and project No. 2 - Arroyo Grande High School/Margaret Harloe Elementary School. Mr. Christiansen said there is $8.8 million available in Proposition 116 grants for the County, and the cities' requests total $15 million. He said the council of Governments would be prioritizing the requests and then the State would be making the final decision. It was moved by Dougall/Gallagher (4-0-11 Dougall, Gallagher, Smith and Millis voting aye, Moots absent) to approve Resolution No. 2947 Supporting Proposition 116 Funding of Bicycle and Pedestrian Routes; paulding Middle School Project and Arroyo Grande High School/Margaret Harloe Elementary School Project. 3 -~ 35 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 25, 1992 . It. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. 12~ ORAL ~O~UNICATION None. 13. CLOSED S~SSION None. 14. ADJOURNM~NT It was moved by Gallagher/Smith, and the motion paased, with Council Members Moots absent, to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 P.M. I \..-. ~~~ i I I ~. , ATTESTd: - -. 'I I i "'--