Agenda Packet 2011-09-13City Con e1*1 Tony Ferrara, Mayor /Chair Caren Ray, Mayor Pro Tem /Vice Chair Joe Costello, Council /Board Member Jim Guthrie, Council /Board Member Tim Brown, Council /Board Member Steven Adams, City Manager Timothy J. Carmel , City Attorney Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE 4. INVOCATION 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL /RDA BOARD MAYOR FERRARA RANDY OUIMETTE — PASTOR, ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH; CHAPLAIN, FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY — SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period August 16, 2011 through August 31, 2011. 8.b. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council /Redevelopment Agency meeting of August 23, 2011, as submitted. 8.c. Consideration of Aaaroval of an Aareement for Contractor Services for a Centralized Irrigation System (PERRIN) Recommended Action: 1) Approve an Agreement for Contractor Services with John Deere Green Tech in the amount of $89,699.97; 2) Authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement; 3) Authorize the City Manager to approve additional services, not to exceed a total aggregate cost of $135,000 for the entire project; and 4) Direct staff to issue the Notice to Proceed along with other necessary contract documents. AGENDA SUMMARY — SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) 8.d. Consideration of an Award of Contract to Hanlev General Enaineerin Corporation for Construction of the Sewer Lift Station No. 3 Upgrade Project, PW 2010 -10 (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Award a contract for the Sewer Lift Station No. 3 Upgrade Project to Hanley General Engineering Corporation in the amount of $262,500; and 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the contract amount, $26,250 for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. 8.e. Consideration of Extension of Interim Affordable Housina Loan Aareement with Habitat for Humanity for San Luis Obispo County (ADAMS) [RDA] Recommended Action: Approve an extension to the Interim Affordable Housing Loan Agreement with Habitat for Humanity for San Luis Obispo County. 8.f. Consideration of Offer of Sale for a Billboard at 145 East Branch Street and Loan Agreement Between the City of Arroyo Grande and the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency (ADAMS) [COUNCIL /RDA] Recommended Action: No action is recommended. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: None. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and /or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. None. AGENDA SUMMARY — SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 PAGE 4 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and /or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence /Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence /Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office, 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability - related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805 - 473 -5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arroyogrande.org * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** City Council /Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo- span.org R INCORPORATED jKkJULY 10, 1$11* MEMORANDUM To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR of ADMINISTRATIVE ISTRATI VE SER ICE BY: Tf ICIA ME EF S, SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK ` SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period Aug 16 through Aug 31, 2011. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is a $827,242.46 fiscal impact that includes the following items: • Accounts Payable Checks 150958-151168 $ 355, 602.42 • Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks $ 471 9 640.04 BACKGROUND: Cash disbursements are made weeny based o n the submission of all required documents supporting the invoices submitted for payment. Prior to payment, Administrative Services staff reviews all disbursement documents to ensure that they meet the approval requirements adopted in the Municipal Code and the City's Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual of February 2000. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations during the period. The disbursements are accounted for in the FY 2011 -12 budget. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve staffs recommendation; • Do not approve staffs recommendation; • Provide direction to staff. Agenda Item 8.a. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 PAGE 2 ADVANTAGES: The Administrative Services Department monitors payment of invoices for accountability, accuracy and completeness using standards approved by the Council. Invoices are paid in a timely manner to establish goodwill with merchants. Discounts are taken where applicable. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified as long as City Council confirms all expenditures are appropriate. ENVIRONMENTAL ONMENTAL I EVIE1 : No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, September 8, 2011. The Agenda and re port were posted on the City's website on Friday, September g, 2011. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1 . Aug 16- Aug 31, 2011 — Accounts Payable Check Reg 2. Aug 28, 201 1 — Payroll Check & Benefit Checks Register Agenda Item 8.a. Page 2 c� c� CL 0) M0 M c� c� 00 w� apCikHist 0910612011 2: PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ATTAC HMENT 1 Page: 1 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status ClearNold Date Invoice 150958 0811 812011 000553 SLO COUNTY CLERK REC C 0813112011 081 711 1 50959 0811812011 008017 CROCKETT'S AUTO BODY C 0813112011 080411 150960 0811812011 007551 DAN RENEE 150961 0811812011 008636 MAINE HARTLEY 150962 0811812011 008632 JESSIE & JULIE HIND 1A1 150963 0811 812011 008631 ALYSSA LABRAD 150964 0811 812011 008629 AMY LAMIERT 0813112011 081 211 Inv. Date Amount Paid 08/17/2011 E 010.4130.5301 50.00 0810412011 E 010.4213.5601 0811 212011 E 220.4303.5272 0813112011 Rf00011394 08/15/2011 B 640.0000.2301 ff00011390 08/15/2011 B 640.0000-2301 Rf00011399 08/15/2011 B 640.0000.2301 0813112011 Rf0001139 08/15/2011 B 640.0000.2301 C heck Tota 50.00 50.00 1,375.82 1,375.82 1,375.82 134.68 134.68 134.68 120,19 120,19 120.19 43.42 43.42 43.42 28.25 28.25 28.25 195.43 195.43 195.43 Page: 1 ap kHist Check History Listing P 09/06/2011 : 8PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check 0 Date Vendor Statue ClearlVold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Totai 150965 08/18/2011 008626 RI LBDILL Ief0001134 08/15/2011 B 640.0000.2301 199 7 Page: 199.78 100.78 150966 0811 812011 008634 FRED ED MU E L LE F D 0813112011 F ef0001139 0811 512011 B 640.0000.2301 116.45 116.45 11 6.4 1 50067 0811812011 008627 JIM NIELSEN I ef0001139 0811 512011 B 640.0000.2301 40.69 40.60 40.69 150968 0811612011 008626 JOEL PIMIE ITA I ef0001139 6 0611512011 B 640.0000. 301 36.30 36.30 36.30 1 50969 0811612011 006630 JENNIFER & DAVID D 0613112011 I ef0001139 8 0611512011 B 640.0000. 301 0.30 0.30 0.30 150970 0811612011 008635 LINDA VAN WORMER ME D 0613112011 I ef000113963 0611 512011 B 640.0000.2301 60.70 60.70 60.70 1 50971 0811612011 006633 C HRISTINA WY NN I ef000113961 0611 512011 t> B 640.0000.2301 47.17 CL 47.17 0 — 47.17 t� M 00 -gh.iD Page: apCkHlst Check History Listing Page 3 09/05/2011 2:58PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 150083 08/22/2011 001250 AG P V1 t INC C 08/31/2011 4572 08/02/2011 211.4101,5330 960.00 980.00 980.00 150084 08/22/2011 005180 A PEX O UTDOOR POWER E C 08/31/2011 31 555 07/22/2011 E 010.4420.505 59.59 50.59 59.59 150085 08/2212011 008807 AT&T C 08/31/2011 000002534951 C 08/31/2011 000002534953 C 08/31/2011 00000253571 C 08/31/2011 000002834947 C 08/31/2011 2535730 C 08/31/2011 000002520474 D C 08/31/2011 2834948 t� c� CL 0 C 0813112011 000002534950 c� M 00 C� 07!25/2011 E 010.4145.5403 835.45 835.45 07/25/2011 E 010.4201.5403 85.43 85.43 07/25/2011 E 010.4145.5403 57.49 57.49 07!25/2011 E 010.4145.5403 30.84 39.84 07/25/2011 E 010.4145.5403 29.38 29.88 07/22/2011 E 010.4201.5403 28.58 28.58 07!25/2011 E 010.4145.5403 18.30 18.30 0712512011 E 010.4145.5403 18.23 18.23 Page: ap kH!at Check History Listing E 849.4712.5274 Pag 091061201' 2: PM CITY OF ARROYO RANDE 594.00 Bank code. boa E 010.4001.5504 4.04 Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 9712912911 1,10 8.88 1 59938 9812212011 007492 BATTERY SYSTEMS C 9813112011 23- 045054 9819212011 E 910.4291.5891 274.99 274.90 C 08/31/2011 23-028065 07/29/2011 E 910.4291.5891 288.07 268. C 0813112011 23- 028068 97/2912911 E 019.4201.5801 268.07 288.97 811.04 159937 0812212011 000978 BLUEPRINT EXPRES 1 321 0710812011 E 350.5814.7501 9.78 E 350.5904.7501 11.02 20.89 20.80 1 59983 9812212911 005726 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC 150939 0812212011 901577 B F D I 1 E PRINTING (D BA 0813112911 117748 9712712011 E 849.4712.5274 504.00 504.00 594.00 07/14/2011 E 010.4001.5504 4.04 4.D4 4.04 9712912911 C 08131120/1 17318 1 50990 0812212011 000995 B R E AND PACE OF AG INC 0813112011 2421049 D E 010.4420.5805 29.14 c� 29.14 C 0813112011 2420832 0712112011 0 E 220.4303.5813 14.71 14.71 43. M 00 MiD Page: apCkHIst Check Hi story Listing Pag : 5 0910612011 2:58PM CITY OF ARROYO GF ANDE Bank code. boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 150991 08/221/2011 000142 CAL -COAST MACHINERY, INC 01- 447342 07113/2011 E 220.4303.5603 51.07 51.07 51,07 150992 08122/2011 007035 CALPORTLAND C 0313112011 91333939 07/26/2011 E 220.4303.5613 343.39 343.39 0313112011 91333933 0712312011 E 220.4303.5 254.71 254.71 159993 0312212011 000160 CHAPARRAL C 0313112011 335338 0712-012011 E 010.4421.5201 957-1 957.1 C 08/31/2011 334987 0711112011 E 0 10.4002.56 02 120.14 E 010.4120.5201 120.14 E 010.4101.5802 120.14 380.42 C 0813112011 335482 0712512011 E 010.4102 150.00 E 010.4102.5602 40.01 199.91 0813112011 335431 0712512011 E 010.4421.5602 120.00 120.00 593.60 D 1,627.55 150994 0812212011 001990 CHARTER C 0813112011 071411 0711412011 CL E 01 0.4140.5303 214.99 214.99 214.99 c� M 00 �iD Page: apkHit Crack History Listing 34.54 Page: 09/06/2011 2: PM 0610212011 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE E 010.4420.5605 29.77 Bark code: ha 29.77 0712712011 E 010.4420.5605 Check # Date Vendor Statue ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1 50995 0812212011 000163 CHERRY LAME C 0813112011 30491 07113/2011 E 010.4430.5274 129.26 1 29.28 0613112011 30555 0711412011 E 220.4303.5255 22.59 22.59 151.67 160996 0812212011 007546 CSG SYSTEMS INC C 0813112011 6 741 0712712011 E 640.471 0.5206 1,286-70 1,286.70 0813112011 69742 07/2712011 E 640.4710.5303 320.00 E 612.461 0.5303 60.00 E 640.4710.5555 117.82 E 612.4610.5555 29.88 546.85 150997 0812212011 008563 DATA 911 DBA 0813112011 1NV- A017 1,633.35 35, 200.17 CL 0 M 00 000 150998 0612212011 005091 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES 0613112011 58745965 0813112011 62030160 D 0813112011 58733970 0712912011 E 271.4202.6201 35 # 200.17 35,200.17 0712812011 E 010-4420.5605 34.54 34.54 0610212011 E 010.4420.5605 29.77 29.77 0712712011 E 010.4420.5605 11.00 11.00 75.31 Page: app kH!st Check History Listing Page: 09100/2011 2 :6 PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Dante Vendor Status DlearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 150999 08/22/2011 008638 DELL BUSINESS CREDIT C 08/31/2011 74849 0828 07/21/2011 E 010.4120.5201 510.61 Page: 610.61 510.61 1 51000 08/22/2011 000208 J B DEW AR, INC C 08/31/2011 767829 07/31/2011 E 010.4201.6608 116.98 116.98 116.98 151001 08/22/2011 002678 DOCTORS MEDPLUS CNTI 08/81/2011 008585 07/12/2011 E 640.4712-531 200.00 200.00 08/31/2011 008611 07/08/2011 E 010.4 120.681 60.00 50.00 260.00 151002 08/22/2011 000214 DLEY ENTERPRI INC 46474 07/16/2011 E 010.4201.5255 1 E 010.4201.6266 500.00 E 010.4201.5265 70.00 E 010.4201.6256 128.26 1,868.26 1,858.26 151003 08/22/2011 008557 ESII C 08/81/2011 92861 588 07/14/2011 E 010.4140.5808 416.60 4 15.50 D 415.50 t� 151004 08/22/2011 000240 FARM SUPPLY CO 08/81/2011 708419 07/19/2011 E 010.4480.6606 649.20 649.20 c� M 00 w iD Page: apCkHist 1 51005 Check History Listing 000818 FIRST A (ERICA I TITLE CO Page: 0910612011 2: PM 718- 718104278 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE B an k code: boa Check # Date Vendor status DlearlVoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Pald Check Total 0813112011 716154 07127/2011 E 010.4430.5805 484.77 44. C 0813112011 700100 0711112011 395.00 1 51006 E 010.4430.5805 224.28 C 0813112011 9597140400 0712812011 224. C 0813112011 715012 0712612011 E 010.4430.5805 91.58 91. C 0813112011 714848 07126/2011 207.57 E 010.4430.5805 31.40 31.40 207. 151007 0812212011 1,481.10 Page: 1 51005 08122/2011 000818 FIRST A (ERICA I TITLE CO C 0813112011 718- 718104278 0810412011 E 350.5842.7501 395.00 395.00 395.00 1 51006 0812212011 002813 GRAI IGER, INC C 0813112011 9597140400 0712812011 E 640.4712 207. 207.57 207. 151007 0812212011 000330 GSA - INFORMATION TECH C 0813112011 873 0810312011 E 010.4140.5303 739.81 739.01 739.61 1 51008 0812212011 801 747 ALLAN HANCOCK COLLEGE V 0812612011 081911 08119/2011 E 010.4201.5501 8.50 c> 8.50 CL 8.50 c� �F o� Page: apkHit Check History Listing Page: 0910612011 2: 8PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Dante Amount Paid Check Total 151009 0812212011 002320 I ND F F, INC C 0313112011 1911051 0711512011 E 612.4610.5201 186.83 E 220.4303.5201 20.55 207.43 207.43 151010 0812212011 005201 JAS PACIFIC BI 10372 0810412011 E 010.4212.5303 4 4,128.00 151011 0312212011 003291 LANSPEED SYSTEMS INC D 0313112011 19940 0313112011 19920 0310112011 E 010.4140. 3 3,995.00 0310112011 E 010.4140.5303 3 3,003.00 1 51012 0812212011 007373 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY C 0313112011 243059 D 0313112011 243770 0712812011 E 010.4201.5255 136.90 130.90 07/29/2011 E 010.4201.5255 73.00 7 &00 1 51013 0812212011 000441 MULLAHEY FORD D 0313112011 53505 0712912011 E 04 0.4 7 12.5601 271 y 3 4,128.00 7,593.60 zr,4.so D 271.03 t� 271.03 CL 151014 0812212011 000400 NOBLE BARN, INC 0813112011 121909 012212011 E 010.4420.5005 126.08 120.08 �F Page: a p kHi t Check History Listing Page: 10 0910612011 2 :58PM CITY OF ARROYO ANDE Bank code: boa Check N Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice 0313112011 122481 0313112011 122483 0313112011 121071 0313112011 121074 0313112011 121075 0313112011 121070 0313112011 122432 Inv. Date Amount Paid 0712712011 E 220.4303.5303 33.38 33.33 0712712011 E 220.4303.5603 64.43 34.43 0712212011 E 010.4420.5303 62.74 32.74 07!2212011 E 010.4420.5603 53.76 53.73 07122/2011 E 010.4420.5603 43.70 40.70 0712212011 E 010.4420.5003 40.26 40.20 0712712011 E 220.4303.5003 37.85 37.35 151015 0312212011 000705 ON T RAC 0313112011 7101007 0713012011 E 010.4201.5324 12.05 E 010.4201.5324 3.25 E 010.4201.5324 5.50 520.20 23.60, 20.30 D 151010 0312212011 005003 PLAYP'EF LT C 0313112011 Ff00114541 07122/2011 CL E 010.4430.5005 1 1,392.52 1,632.52 c� �F N 0 Check Total Page: 10 apDkHist Chef History Listing P age: 11 09/06/2011 : PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 151017 0812212011 000503 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS Status Cl ear old Date Invoice 0813112011 222257 C 0813112011 222237 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 0810312011 E 010.4102.5255 443.23 443.23 0810312011 E 010.4102.5255 5 7.54 D 130.20 C 0813112011 3394899 0810112011 CL E 010.4213. 112.10 112.10 c� �F w� Page: 11 5 7.54 500.77 151018 08f22f2011 000520 QUINN COMPANY C 0813112011 PCO30202580 0713012011 E 220.4303.5003 390,38 390.38 C 0813112011 PCO3020200 0810112011 E 220. 4303.5003 40.98 40.98 443.30 151019 W22-12011 002751 RANGE MASTER C 0813112011 5574 0712512011 E 010.4201.5504 54.55 E 010.4201.5000 120.04 180.59 180.59 151020 08122/2011 002670 F ICOH LEASING C 0813112011 10281056 0712312011 E 010.4421.5802 109.05 109.05 169.05 1 51021 0812212011 003041 SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY C 08/31/2011 3395110 08/01/2011 E 010.4213.5303 130.20 D 130.20 C 0813112011 3394899 0810112011 CL E 010.4213. 112.10 112.10 c� �F w� Page: 11 a p kHist Che History Listing P 1 09/0812011 2 :58PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: b oa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 0813112011 3395343 0810112011 380.43 151022 E 019.4213.5303 112.18 JULY 2011 112,18 0813112011 3395563 0810112011 E 010.4213.5303 5 .91 Page: 1 54 91 380.43 151022 0812212011 000802 S. SLO COUNTY SAN IT DI BT JULY 2011 0713112011 B 760.0000.2304 102 B 780.0000.2305 4,950.00 E 010.4145.5401 15.30 E 01 0.4145.5401 1 5.30 E 010.4145.5401 15.30 E 010.4145.5401 15.30 E 010.4145.5401 15.30 107,290.40 107 151023 0812212011 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL L 0813112011 1948398 0712112011 E 640,4712-5255 21.79 21.79 21.79 151024 08122!2011 00480 TOMARK SPORTS TS 0813 112911 94193994 0711812011 E 010.4430.5805 523.96 523.98 523.98 151025 0812212011 002468 THE TRIBUNE C 0813112011 ACCT 2674840 0811712011 (^ E 010.4101.5503 188.00 f� 1 8r CL C 08/31/2011 ACCT 2513418 0711512011 E 010.4101.5503 183.00 tQ 183. M � F Page: 1 p kH! t Che History Listing ng Page: 1 0910612011 2: PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank cod o: boa Check # Data Vendor 1 51020 0812212011 008040KIRK V IEI D Status Clear/Void Date Invoice Inv- Date Amount Paid Check Total 369.00 08/31/2011 0 1 11 08/19/2011 E 220.4300.5554 1 0.00 c� �F CA 0 Page: 1 150.00 1 50.00 151 027 0512512011 008307 ABAL COAST 11-4555 0810512011 E 350.5910.7001 127.50 127.50 127.50 151028 0512512011 005045 SHEILA ABBOTT 081911 0811912011 E 226.4300.5554 150.00 150.00 1 50.00 151029 0812512011 000305 APPRIVEF 0813112011 292772 0811512011 E 010.4140-5303 1 .04 B 010.0000. 1111 321.00 1,367.04 1,367.04 151030 0512512011 005040 JAMES ARNOLD 081911 0811912011 E 220.4300.5554 150.00 150.00 150.00 151 031 05125/2011 005507 AT & T C 0813112011 817 -01 0810712011 E 010.4145.5403 183.22 D 183.22 0813112011 1 -7480 0810712011 E 010.4201.5403 03.72 0 03.72 c� �F CA 0 Page: 1 ap kHist Che History Listing Page: 1 09/06/2011 : 8PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE E 010.4201-5601 136.00 Bank code: boa 10.00 146.00 Check# Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total E 220.4303.5255 C 0813112011 8I7 -3956 0810712011 23.95 148640 08/11/2011 E 220.4303.5303 31.38 3.5 31.38 C 0813112011 8l -3959 08/07/2011 E 640.471 31.38 D t� c� CL 0 c� �F 0 151032 08125/2011 008360 BIEIEN BI1 151033 08125/2011 000078 BLUEPRINT EXPRE 1 51034 08125/2011 001 917 BOB'S EXPRES WASH 151035 08/2512011 000090 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER C 08131/2011 082411 08/2412011 E 010.4424.5352 13456 0811012011 E 350.5829.7301 13422 0810112011 E 350.5656.7301 31.38 60.00 60.00 67.24 309. Page: 14 5 . 72.74 201 0810312011 E 010.4201-5601 136.00 E 640.4712-560 10.00 146.00 146.00 148686 08/16/2011 E 220.4303.5255 23.95 23.95 148640 08/11/2011 E 220-4303-5601 3.54 3.5 27.49 Page: 14 apCkHist 09/06/2011 2 :5PM Che History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 15 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 151936 08/25/2011 000094 BRU IT DIESEL, INC Statu C learNoid Date Invoice 08/31/2011 17798 C 98/31/2011 17808 C 98/31/2011 17801 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 08/03/2011 E 0 10. E 612.4610.5601 199. 199.77 08/03/2011 E 22.433.51 150.00 0 8/15/2011 150.00 08/03/2011 E 010.4201.5503 E 220.4303-5601 150.00 150.00 499.77 D c� c� CL 0 c� �F 0 151037 08/25/2011 008138 CA MUNICIPAL TREASURERS ERS 151938 08/2512011 002026 CA RESERVE VE PEACE 151939 08/2512011 009134 CA ST DEPT OF JUSTICE 151940 08/2512011 005830 CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL 061511 081511 C 08/31/2011 860984 11080802 06/15/2011 E 0 10. 155. 155. 155.00 0 8/15/2011 E 010.4201.5503 168-00 168.00 168.00 08/03/2011 E 01 0.4002.5303 32.00 E 0 10.4201.5316 32. E 010.4201.5329 2 3,052.00 3,52. 08/08/2011 E 010.4120.5303 425.00 425.00 425. Page: 15 a pCkHi t Check Hi story Listing Pa ge: 1 0910612011 2:58PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue ClearNoid Date Invoi Inv. Date A mount Paid Chec T ota l 15 0812512011 000603 CAI EST AUTO PARTS C 0813112011 731 - 500327 0810212011 E 640.4712.5601 11.53 151 042 0812512011 001 CENTRAL COAST P 0802113 151043 0812512011 008039 CHEVRON & TEXACO CARD C 0813112011 30951428 151 0812512011 008041 CLEARS INC 081111 151045 0812512011 000178 COLD CANYON LANDFILL, C 0813112011 - 656373 151046 08!25!2011 005997 COOK PAGING IN D 151047 08/25/2011 008644 RYAN CORNELL c� c� CL c� �F 000 0813112911 8397724 08/31/2011 080511 Page: 1 11.53 11.53 0810212011 E 010.4201.5601 40.00 40.00 40.00 0 8/ 06 /2011 E 010.4201.5608 53.60 53.60 53.60 0811112011 E 010.4201.5501 375.00 375.00 375.00 0811812011 E 220.4303.5307 66.00 66.00 86.00 08/01!2011 E 220.43015303 24.29 24. 24.29 08/00/2011 E 010.4120.5201 11 2.04 112.04 11 2.04 Page: 1 ap kHI t Check History Listing P 1 0910612011 2: PM CITY OF ARROYO CRATE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Void Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Taal 151 046 08/25/2011 007728 SCOTT CRAM C 08/31/2011 062411 08/24/2011 E 01 0. 86. D t� c� CL 0 c� �F 151040 08/25/2011 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C 08/31/2011 070931 1 51050 08/25/2011 008619 ROY D M S 151051 08/25/2011 000577 LEND B DE LOS SNTS 151052 08/25/2011 008647 DJ DEE 151053 06/25/2011 002608 DLT SOLUTIONS, IN 08/31/2011 063949 08/31/2011 0 14273 08/31/2011 062411 54288 08/31/2011 081811 08/31/2011 690699 08/02/2011 E 010.4420.5605 06/02/2011 E 01 0.4430.5605 07/31/2011 E 010.4421.5201 06/24/2011 E 010.4424.5352 07/20/2011 E 010.4424.5 351 06/1 8/2011 B 010.0000.2206 08/08/2011 E 010.4301.5503 88.00 16.59 10.00 40.00 40.00 206.50 206.50 30.00 30.00 189.06 169.06 66.00 44.36 40.00 206.50 30.00 189.06 Page: 1 apCkHist Che History Listing Pa ge: 1 0910612011 : 8PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 151 054 0812512011 008648 MICHAEL Df EES 1 51055 0812512011 00798511 WILLIAM R DYER 151056 08/2512011 007948 DANIELLE EBBEN 151057 0812512011 000240 FARM SUPPLY C Status Clear/ D ate Invoice 0818112011 082511 0813 112011 8217 0818112011 081811 0818112011 708613 0818112011 780971 0813 112011 700059 151058 0812512011 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES ISES 0813112011 7887888 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 0812512011 E 226.4806.5554 467.00 0810212011 E 850.5422.7501 0811812011 B 010.0000.2206 0711912011 E 010.4201.5822 0811212011 E 010.4201.5822 0711112011 E 010.4201.5322 0810112011 E 640.471 467.00 1,630.00 1,680.00 80.00 80.00 68.95 58.86 1,029.0 467.00 1 x 630.00 30.00 191.76 D C 0813112011 7887880 0810212011 E 640.4712-5610 511.90 CL 511.90 1,540.92 c� N o0 o� Page: 18 D c� c� CL 0) c� N co a pC kH it 09/06/2011 2:58PM C heck History Listing CITY OF ARROYO NDE 08/10/2011 E 271.4202.6201 1 1 + 500.00 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 151059 08/2512611 666665 THE GAS COMPANY Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice 8110 Inv. Date Amount Paid 0811 012 011 E 0 10.4145-5401 52.76 52.76 08/10/2011 E 0 10.414 5.5401 38.88 38.88 08/02/2011 E 010.4145.5401 38.02 38.02 08109/2011 E 010. 4145.5401 28.16 28.18 08/09/2011 E 010.4145.5401 18.40 18.40 08/04/2011 E 010.4145.5401 14.30 8/10- 8I - 211 819 - 200 8/ 8/4 -111 151 060 08/2512011 004142 STAN GA 151061 08/25/2011 007046 GENER. OF ELECTRICAL 151062 0812512011 008649 HEATHER II TEI 14.30 082411 08/24/2011 E 0 1 0.4424.5352 154.00 154.00 08/3112011 11 -167 08/31/ 080811 08/08/2011 B 010.0000.2206 30.00 30.00 Page: 19 Che ck Total 190.54 154.00 1,500.00 30.00 Pag 1 D c� c� CL 0) c� N co N� a pC k H Ist 09/06/2011 2: PM Check History Listin CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: Bank code: boa C heck Date Vendor 151063 08/25/2011 002813 GRAINGER, INC 151 08/25/2011 006058 FDNEY GRAD 1 51065 08/25/2011 002358 GREAT WESTERN TEF N ALARM 151066 08/25/2011 008650 DEBBIE GREENELY 151067 08/25/2011 008002 ANNA GRIME 151068 08/25/2011 000330 GSA-INFORMATION TECH Status ClearNold Date I nvoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total C 08/31/2011 9601497606 C 08/31/2011 082411 08/03/2011 E 640.4712.5255 37.93 37.93 132.00 132.00 28.00 37.93 08/24/2011 E 010.4424.5352 C 08/31/2011 110702323101 08/01/2011 E 010.4201.5604 C 08/31/2011 110700713101 08/01/2011 E 010.4213.5303 C 08/31/2011 110702455101 08/01/2011 E 350.5435.7001 080811 08/08/2011 B 010.0000.2246 080811 C 08/31/2011 567 132.00 28.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 128.53 08/08/2011 B 0 10.0000. 2206 08/03/2011 E 010.4201.5646 128.53 84.00 30.00 30.00 128.53 Page: 20 ap kHlst Check History Listing Page: 21 09/06/2011 : PM CITY OF ARROYO CRATE Bank code: boa Check Date Vendor Status lear[Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 151069 0812512011 000291 HAAKER EQUIPMENT, T, INC 0813112011 C82178 0810312011 E 612.4610.5603 83.37 83.37 83.37 151070 0812512011 000293 HAINES & COMPANY, INC D 0813112011 308162 0810112011 E 010.4201.5255 288.92 288.92 288.92 151 071 0812512011 002405 CHARLES HATE D 0813112011 082411 0812412011 E 010.4424-5352 88.00 88.00 88.00 151072 0812512011 004188 EDDIE HARRIS D 0813112011 082411 0812412011 E 01 0.4424.5352 260.00 260.00 260.00 151073 0812512011 008651 LAUREL HARRIS D 0813112011 080811 0810812011 B 01 0.0000.2206 30.00 30.00 30.00 151074 0812512011 000301 HEADDK TRAILERS 35324 0810112011 E 01 0.4430.5605 42.03 42.03 42.03 D 151075 0812512011 008652 HPS MECHANICAL INC 080411 0810412011 E 350.5829.7301 10.00 CL 10.00 10.00 c� N °° w� Page: 21 D t� c� CL 0) c� N co p kHi t Check History Listing Page: 22 09/06/2011 :PIA CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Taal 151076 08!25!2011 004288 I - I TL CODE COUNCIL, C 08!31/2011 37769 08!11/2011 E 0 10.4212,5 503 1 37.61 137.81 08/31/2011 38199 08/11/2011 E 0 1 0.4212.5503 4. 01 4.01 141.62 151 077 06!25!2011 008653 BILLIE ISBELL 060811 08!08!2011 010.0000.2206 60.00 60.00 60.00 151076 06!25!2011 006050 MAUREEN KANE & ASSOC 061911 08!19!2011 E 010.4002.5501 1 1,280.00 1,280.00 151079 06!25!2011 001793 J J KELLER & ASSOCIATES 008877047 06!02/2011 E 220.4303.5503 422.34 422.34 422. 151060 08!25!2011 007299 GASTON KETT OLIVIER 08!31/2011 082411 06!24/2011 E 0 1 0.4424.5352 110.00 110.00 110.00 151081 08!25!2011 004845 JOHN LARS N C 08/31/2011 062411 08!24/2011 E 010.4424.5352 160.00 180- 160.00 Page: 22 D c� c� CL 0) c� N co a pD k H ist 0910612011 :66 P M Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: Bank code. boa Check # Date Vendor 151682 0812512011 005511 CHRISTOPHER LI 1T 1EF 151083 0812512011 001136 DOUGLAS LI1TIEF 151084 0812512011 008387 COREY MAYN E Status ClearNold Date Invoice 082411 0813112011 082411 0813112011 082411 151085 0812512011 000429 MINER'S 'S ACE HARDWARE E 0813112011 165474 0813112011 18666 08/31/2011 16631 08/31/2011 166682 08/31/2011 K9058 Inv. Date Amount Paid 08/24/2011 E 0 10. 4424. 352 72.00 E 010.4424.5352 176.00 07/26/2011 2 E 220.4303.5613 248.00 0812412011 157.92 E 0 10.4424.5352 88.00 E 0 1 0.4424.5352 240. 328.00 08/02/2011 328.00 08/24/2011 94.72 E 0 10.4424-5352 30.00 E 010-4424-5352 143.00 E 220.4303.561 3 1 73.00 173.00 07/26/2011 E 220.4303.5613 1 57.92 157.92 07/27/2011 E 640.47 12.561 1 50.1 1 50.'1 08/02/2011 E 0 1 0.4420-5601 94.72 94.7 08/05/2011 E 220.4303.561 3 75.57 75.57 08/1012011 E 640.4712-5609 1. 55 51.55 Check Tota Page: D c� c� CL 0) c� N o0 a� 0) p kH ist 0910612011 : 6 PM Check History Listing C ITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Inv. Date Amount Paid Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice C 0813112011 K8990 C 0813112011 K86084 08/3112011 18916 0813112011 K86424 0813112011 x{86437 0813112011 K86671 0813112011 190386 08131/2011 16645 08/31/2011 186336 0813112011 100630 0813112011 K86594 Page: 24 Ch eck Total 08/1612011 E 220.4303.6613 60.61 60.61 07129/2011 E 640.4712.6266 40.84 40.84 0811 612011 E 640.4712.6609 33.86 33.86 08/0212011 E 010.4420.6601 30.68 30.68 08/02/2011 E 010.4420.6606 24.76 24.76 08103/2011 E 01 0.421 3.6604 22.74 22.74 0010912011 E 640.4712.6266 16.13 16.13 0810312011 E 010.4430.6606 16.69 16.59 0810112011 E 010.4213.6604 16.07 15-07 0811012011 E 640.4712.6266 16.06 16.06 08/0312011 E 010.4212.6266 14.00 14.00 Page: 2 ap 0910812011 2: 8PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status C1earNold Date Invoice C 08/31/2011 K8651 C 08/31/2011 166945 C 0813112011 187843 8.81 16 1086 0812812011 00 328 NICKS TELECOM DBA C 0813112011 4447 Check Total 842.83 133.61 161087 0812812011 007084 NORTH COAST 161088 0812812011 008854 JENNIFER O LSON 7,237.78 30.00 D c� c� c� N o0 0 161089 0812512011 007389 SOCORRO OROZCO 08181 Inv. Date Amount Paid 0810312011 E 010.4213.5804 13.38 13.98 08108/2011 E 840.4712.5255 10.75 10.75 0811812011 E 010.4201.5801 8.01 0810212011 E 010.4201.5608 183,81 133.61 0712812011 E 350.5656.7501 7 7,237.75 0811812011 B 010.0000.2206 30.00 30.00 080811 0810812011 B 010.0000.2206 30.00 30.00 181090 0812512011 000481 PACIFIC GAB & ELECTRIC C 0813112011 8117- 184803 0811712011 E 010.4145-5401 880.08 889.08 C 0818112011 3344 30.00 Page: D c� c� CL 0) c� N F0 00 0) ap kHis 09!06!2011 2:68PM C he c k History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor 1 51091 03!25/2011 008655 DAVID P DLIOVA 151092 03!2512011 007103 PARAMOUNT CLE NEF 151093 03!25/2011 006696 POSTAL CONCEPTS 151094 03125/2011 006930 KELLY REYNOLD Status ClearNoid Data invoice Inv. late Amount Paid Check To tal C 08/31/2011 3!10- 620338 08/10/2011 E 612.4610.5402 C 08/31/2011 8/16-105 short st 08/16/2011 E 010.4145-5401 C 08/31/2011 8/11-781296 08/11/2011 E 010.4145.5401 C 08/31/2011 031311 08/18/2011 B 0 1 0.0000.2206 C 08/31/2011 3304 C 08/31/2011 20379 031 811 151095 03!25/2011 000531 RICHETTI COMPLETE WATER C 08!31!2011 93763 07/31/2011 E 0 1 0.420 1.5303 08/12/2011 E 220.4303.5601 08/18/2011 B 0 1 0.0000.2206 08/01/2011 E 01 0.4201.5604 262.34 20.62 30.00 30.00 533.75 533.75 20.41 20.41 30.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 1,235.58 30.00 533.75 20.41 eelf; 15.00 Page: apDkHIst Che History Listing P age: 09/06/ 2011 2:58PM CITY OF ARROYO S I DE Bank code: boa Ch # Date V en d or Status C learNold Date Invoi Inv, Date Amo Paid Ch Total 151090 08!25!2011 000530 GREG ROSE 082411 08!24/2011 E 010.4424.5352 340.00 Page: 340.00 340.00 1 51097 08!25!2011 006317 ,DOE ROULEAU 081 811 08/18!2011 B 010.0000.2206 30.00 30.00 30.00 1 51098 08!25!2011 007326 PUSH TRUCK CENTER D 08/31/2011 310- 1010929 08/11/2011 E 220.4303.5603 103.44 103.44 103.44 151099 08!25!2011 000538 B & L SAFETY PRODUCTS D 08!31/2011 387136 08!1212011 E 010.4420.5005 499.70 E 010.4420.5255 155.35 655.05 655.05 151100 08!25!2011 008050 SHARON SALDIVAR 080811 06!08!2011 B 010.0000.2206 30.00 30.00 30.00 151101 08!25!2011 000570 BAN LUIS POWERHOUSE D 08/31/2011 28600 08!05!2011 E 010.4201.5603 396.56 396.56 D 08/31/2011 28007 08!05!2011 c� E 040.4201.5003 363.68 363.68 CL D 08/31/2011 28056 08!04/2011 E 612.4610.5603 187.70 1 87.70 N o0 Page: a p k H it 09/06/2011 2:58PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 2 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 161162 06/26/2611 060675 SANTA MARIA TIRE, I Status Clear/Vold Date Involve Inv. Date Amount Paid 08/31/2011 66361 151103 06/26/2011 060673 A 1 ELITA ANN SARMIENT 06/31/2011 032411 Check Total 947.9 41.60 164.06 tD CL 0 c� o0 w. o� 151104 03/26/2011 603630 MAR TI SARM I E N T 1 66/26/2011 003024 MARK K S HAFFEF 161106 06/26/2011 603362 SERENDIPITY IPITY LL 161167 06/26/2011 003667 JACOB SHEPAF D 161106 06/2612011 007792 TIM SHEF I AN 08/31/2011 062411 682411 061111 1111 062411 03/03/2011 E W0.4201.5601 03/24/2011 E 010.4424.6362 0.50 4 1.60 154.00 154.00 03/24/2611 E 010.4424.6352 03/24/2011 E 010.4424.6362 08/11/2011 E 260.4312.6061 341.60 341.60 460.00 460.00 6,006.00 6,600.00 341.00 430.60 6,000.06 63/03/2011 010.0006.4364 B 0 0.6060.2206 03/2412011 E 010.4424.6362 37.60 37.60 120.00 37.66 1 20.06 Page: 28 D c� c� CL 0) c� w 0 p kHist 09/06/2011 2: PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 2 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status ClearNoid Date Invoice 1 51 1 09 08/25/2011 003838 SILVAS OIL COMPANY, INC 08/31/2011 24113 Inv. Date Amount Paid 08/10/2011 B 010.0000.1202 4.486.71 7,074.40 7,074.40 Page: 2 Check Total 4,4.1 4,4.1 151110 08/25/2011 000552 SLO COUNTY C 08/31/2011 L 2011 -12 08/24/2011 E 01 0.4145.5503 12 12,514.07 12,514.07 151111 08/25/2011 000548 SL DATA, INC C 08/31/2011 32061 07/10/2011 E 010.4102.5255 853.00 853.00 853.00 151112 08/25/2011 000598 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORP 200500 08/10/2011 E 010.4305.5273 175.85 175-85 175.85 151113 08/25/2011 007220 DONALD SNYDEF C 08/31/2011 082411 08/24/2011 E 010.4424.5352 100.00 100.00 100.00 151114 08/25/2011 007926 AMANDA SOUCHEI 08/31/2011 082411 08/24/2011 E 010.4424.5352 55.00 55.00 55.00 151115 08/25/2011 004303 SP MAINTENANCE C 08/3112011 35870 08/01/2011 E 22 0.4303.5303 2 E 010.4304.5303 4.315.38 7,074.40 7,074.40 Page: 2 Check Total ap kHist Check History Listing Page: 0910612011 :68PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Dane Vendor 151116 0812512011 000609 BOB SPEAR Status Clear/Vold Dane Involve 0813112011 082411 Inv, Date Amount Paid 08/24/2011 E 01 0.4424. 5352 110.00 E 010. 100.00 C h ec k Total 210.00 210.00 151117 08125/2011 008658 ROBERT T SPYKSMA 082511 0812512011 E 226.4306,5554 490.00 490.00 490.00 1511 0812512011 000613 STATEWIDE SAFETY SIGN 0813112011 998 08/31/2011 1 866 0811112011 E 010,4201.5255 155.34 155.34 0810412011 E 220.430, 5613 127.7 127.73 283.07 151119 0812512011 000623 SUNSET NORTH TH CAR WASH 2632 07131/2011 E 010.4305.5601 20.36 E 010.4420.5601 27.16 E 220.4303.5601 27.16 E 010.4301.5601 20.36 E 010.4212.5601 27.16 122.20 122.20 151120 0812512011 000624 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIER C 0813112011 37434 07101/2011 D E 010.4102.5602 1,63 1.02 c� 1 CL C 0813112011 37435 0710112011 E 010.4102.5602 337.50 337.50 c� 1 W ^ N ice/ Page. a p kHi Check History Listing P 31 09/06/2011 2: 8PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv, Date Amount Paid Ch Total 1 5112 1 08/25/2011 002004 TEMPLET ON UNIFORMS C 08/31 /2011 48287 08/05/2011 E 010.4201.5272 317.25 317.25 317.25 1 511 08/25/2011 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 1 5112 3 08/25/2011 008650 .HACKIE T R ES C 08/31/2011 1046448 08/02/2011 E 010.4201.5272 07/28/2011 E 010.4201.5272 07/20/2011 E 220.4303.5255 65.53 C 08/31/2011 1046405 C 08/31/2011 07202011 C 08/31/2011 080811 151124 08/25/2011 006551 UNITED STAFFING ASSOC. C 08/31/2011 078720 C 08/31/2011 078768 08/08/2011 B 010.0000.2206 08/03/2011 E 640.4712.5303 08/03/2011 E 640.4712.5303 20.22 30.00 30.00 1,063.60 134.51 30.00 405.50 1,460.10 D 1511 08/25/2011 002033 UNIVAR USA, INC C 08/31/2011 660804 08/0112011 E 640.4712. 274 1,251.70 CL 1251.79 C 0813112011 15905906 08/01/2011 c� E 640.4712.5274 410.94 410.04 w 0 w� Page: 31 a pCkHit Check Hi story Listing P a ge: 3 2 0910612011 2:5 PM CITY O ARROYO RANDE Bank code: boa Chuck # Data Vendor 1511 05/25/2011 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS Statu Cl ear/Void Date Invoice 08/31/2011 1 5905909 C 08/31/2011 1001 730318 1 51127 08/25/2011 008660 WEST COAST AMMU NITION C 08/31/2011 081011 -1 151128 08/2512011 007927 SHIRLEY WILL I TT C 08/31/2011 082411 151129 08/2512011 000704 WITMER-TYSON IMPORTS TS C 06/31/2011 T8748 151130 08/2512011 006661 I E R 1 IT I C 08/31/2011 061611 Inv. Date Amount Paid 06/0112011 E 640.4712.5274 255.53 Check Total D 151131 08/2612011 003281 AG VIA C 08/31/2011 601 06/2312011 t� E 010.4424.5252 1 1,000.00 CL 1,000.00 c� w 0 9h. 0 Page: 32 255.53 1 06/07/2011 E 010.4421.5602 47.99 47.99 47.99 06/10/2011 E 010.4201.5255 579.09 579.09 579.09 08/2412011 E 010.4424.5352 66.00 55.00 66.00 06/0112011 E 010.4201.5322 500.00 500.00 500.00 08/1812011 B 010.0000.2206 30.00 30.00 30.00 D 151131 08/2612011 003281 AG VIA C 08/31/2011 601 06/2312011 t� E 010.4424.5252 1 1,000.00 CL 1,000.00 c� w 0 9h. 0 Page: 32 Page: apCkHi t 0910612011 2 :58PM Check History Listin CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P a ge: Bank coda. boa Check Data Vendor Statue Dl arNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 151132 0812612011 001918 CITY OF ATACADEIO 081 511 0811512011 E 010.4209.5803 821.20 82 1.20 821.20 1511 0812812011 000055 B & T SVC STN C 0813112011 11 7025 0712512011 E 010.4305.5303 84.85 84.85 84.85 151134 0812812011 008663 BF AI` DI BF ENHAM C 0813112011 080811 0810812011 B 010.0000.2206 30.00 30.00 80.00 151135 0812612011 000144 VIIIE CARDO C 0813112011 082511 08/2512011 E 010.4201.5502 154.80 E 010.4201.5502 171.17 325.77 325.77 151136 0812612011 005712 ELETFIFAFT INC C 0813112011 5182 0711812011 E 350.5435.7001 101.71 191.71 191.71 151137 0812812011 000818 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE CO 718 718104187 0812012011 E 350.5042.7501 500.00 500.00 D 7 18 - 7 18104197 0812112011 E 350.5042.7501 395.00 395.00 7 18 - 7 18104210 0812812011 E 350.5842.7501 395.00 395.00 ♦ ^ V ■ ice/ Page: D c� c� CL 0) rF W F 0) pCkHl t Check History Listing Page: 0910612011 2: 9PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE B an c code: boa Check Date Ven Status ClearNoi Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 18- 718104100 09119/2011 E 850.5942.7501 895.00 395-00 18 -71 8104184 06/17/2011 E 350-5642,7501 895.00 805.00 7 18-718104190 09120/2011 E 850.9942.7501 895.00 899.00 18- 718104200 0612112011 E 850.5942.7901 895.00 895.00 7 18-718104192 09120/2011 E 3 0.5 42. 901 895.00 805.00 8,295.00 151188 0812012011 008004 DANA IVERSEN 080811 0910912011 B 010.0000.2209 80.00 80.00 80.00 151189 09!2012011 005295 KIDZ LOVE SOCCER DBA 081511 09/15!2011 E 010.4424.5351 1,499.00 1,499.00 1,499.00 151140 0912912011 009011 NICK MADRIZ 080811 00!0912011 B 010.0000.2209 80.00 80.00 80.00 151141 0812912011 0070 4N F TH COAST ENGINEERING ING C 0918112011 88441 A 0712512011 E 850.959.7501 8 8,707.75 Page: apCkHlst 0910612011 :5 PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 151142 0812612011 004085 OMNI MEANS LTD 997.25 3,370.00 ^ CL ice/ M W ■^' ice/ 151143 0812512011 000497 CITY OF PISMO PI BEACH Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Page: Check Total 0813112011 31430 0313112011 31474 081011 0811012011 E 010.4209.5303 1 E 010.4209.5303 1 E 010.4209.5303 533.67 3,478. 151144 0312512011 0005851 WALLACE GROUP A CALIF C 0813112011 31928 0813112011 31968 0813112011 31883 0813112011 31929 0813112011 31883A 0610212011 E 350.5426.7501 2 2A72.75 0612712011 E 350.5426.7501 99 7.25 0711112011 010.4301.5303 847.53 E 010.4301.5303 345.00 E 010.4301.5303 3 4,732.55 0711312011 350.5678.7501 1 1, 1 .34 0710812011 350.5910.7501 997.03 997.03 0711112011 E 350-5656.7301 301 655. 0 655.50 0710812011 E 350.5910.7301 172.50 172.50 3 Page: 3 p kHist Check History Listing Page: 09/0612011 2:58PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 0813112011 31968 0711312011 E 350.5673.7301 103.50 103.50 0313112011 31 927 0711112011 E 350.5638.7501 34.50 34.50 0313112011 31 930 0711112011 E 350.5633.7301 34.50 34.50 0313112011 31931 0711112011 E 350.5754.7301 34.50 34.50 3,431.52 151 145 0812612011 004397 WOOD RODGERS INC 0313112011 77072 0711212011 E 350.5642.7501 4 4 1 339.27 4,335.27 151153 0312012011 000133 BFGC ARCHITECTS C 0813112011 011001121 0710512011 E 350.5420.7501 3,455.00 E 350.5420.7501 14.20 3,409.26 3,405.20 151154 0312012011 007304 BUR E, WILLIAMS C 0813112011 147135 0011412011 E 010.4003.5327 0 0,307.00 6,307.00 c> 1511 0312012011 003053 CID CABRIALES 032011 03120!2011 c� E 010.4201.5502 900-00 500.00 500.00 c� w 0 000 Page: arp kH!st Check History Listing Page: 3 7 09/06/2011 2: 8P 1 CITY O ARROYO F ANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid 151 0812812011 008487 CROSNO CONSTRUCTION C 0813112011 PW 2010 -11 0812512011 E 350.5910.7001 22.808. C heck Total Page: 37 22,808.1 22,808.14 151157 0812812011 008368 K IST PHEF DOE C 0813112011 080111 0812812011 E 010.4424.5351 883.80 883.80 883.80 181188 0812812011 007985WILLIAM R DYER C 0813112011 8209 0710512011 D E 350.5422.7501 3,505.00 3,505.00 3,505.00 151159 0812812011 000499 GRAND AWARDS, INC 4342 0812812011 0 151182 0812812011 000583 ALLEN SCH FIELD E 010.4101.5319 75.99 E 01 0.4213.5303 75.99 4320 0812212011 308.75 E 010.4101.5319 38. 51 C heck Total Page: 37 88.51 114.50 151160 0812812011 007780 OLIVIA MILLER 081511 0811512011 E 010.4424.5351 478.20 478.20 478.20 151181 0812812011 008258 C. ALLEN POOL C 08/31/2011 ARB -08 -12 05/18/2011 D E 010.4003.5327 3 3,149.90 3,149.90 0 151182 0812812011 000583 ALLEN SCH FIELD 1168 0712512011 E 01 0.4213.5303 308.75 c� w 308.75 C heck Total Page: 37 c� c� CL 0) c� co o0) apkHist 0910612011 :PISA Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa heck # Date Vendor Statue learlVoid Date Invoice 030311 0610312011 E 612 3,042.15 1 5116 3 0812612011 004167SLO CNTY PUBLIC HEALTH C 0613112011 0074934 Inv. Date Amount Paid 0712812011 E 640.471 0.5303 1.4 20.33 1,420.33 151164 0812612011 000602 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SAN IT 1 5116 5 0812612011 007599 WATER SYSTEMS 030311 0612612011 E 612.461 0.5303 5 5,367.73 030311 0610312011 E 612 3,042.15 3 306 0613012011 E 350.5614.7501 9 E 350.5904.7501 10,906-70 20,576.66 151166 0612612011 000688 VILEST COVINA NURSERIES C 0813112011 345107 151167 0812912011 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 151168 0812912011 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 07/01/2011 E 010.4420.5308 459.03 459.03 082511 0812512011 E 010.4425.5303 15.00 15.00 0 511 .VIEW 0812512011 E 010.4425.5303 15.00 15.00 Page: C heck Total 306.75 1,420.33 6,409.66 20,578.66 459.03 15.00 15.00 Page: ap kHist Che History Listing Page: 08!08!2011 :68PM CITY OF ARROYO E Y GRANDE Bank co boa Check # Date Ven Status Clean oid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total D c� c� CL 0 U3 M 44- co 193 ch in this report b Taal: 888,802.42 Taal helps: 388,802.42 Page: 39 ATTACHMENT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 8!5!2011 - 8/18/2011 08/26/11 FUND 616 367 FUND 217 - FU D 219 8.38 FUND 226 17,862.62 FUND 226 5165 FUND 284 364.38 FUND 286 1,164.61 FUND 290 111 FUND 812 8 FUND 846 24,456.28 4 471,646.64 OVERTIME BY DEPARTMENT: Admin. Support Services - mmunity Development - PIte 103539-89 Fire 6 vrnment Bldg Maint. 13,877.89 Engineering Comp Pay Fleet Maintenance 6115 Parrs 91337.18 Recreation - Ad m n PETS Retirement Re - Special Events - Children In Motion - Soto Sport Complex PARS Retirement Public Works Maintenance 1 Mate Disability Ins. 18,21 5.73 5161 Salaries Full time 215,696.81 8162 Salaries Part -Time - PPT 15,370-17 6163 Salaries Part -Time - TPT 31,286.48 5165 Salaries OverTime 18,215.73 107 Salaries Standby 342. 5168 Holiday Pay 3 8169 Sick Pay 4 5116 Annual Leave Buyback - 111 Vacation Buyback 85.69 5112 Sick Leave Buyback - 113 Vacation Pay 13,877.89 8114 Comp Pay 4 6115 Annual Leave Pay 91337.18 5121 PETS Retirement 775288.7' 5122 Social Security 21,839.96 5123 PARS Retirement 638.68 8126 Mate Disability Ins. 1,493.82 127 Deferred Compensation 833.21 5131 Health Insurance 44 5132 Dental Insurance 4,633.86 5133 Vision Insurance 1,054.68 6134 Life Insurance 466.96 5135 Long Term Disability 962.35 5143 Uniform Allowance - 8144 Car Allowance 875.66 6146 Council Expense - 147 Employee Assistance 214.89 5148 Boot Allowance - 149 Motor Pay 134.96 8186 Bi- Lingual Pay 128.66 6161 Cell Phone Allowance 336.66 471,646,64 Agenda Item 8.a. Page 42 ACTION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY C UNCIUREDE EL PI Ei T AGENCY TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2011 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH CH STI EET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor/Chair Ferrara Called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 2 . ROLL CALL City Council/RDA: Council /Board Member Joe Costello, Council /Board Member Jim Guthrie, Council /Board Member Tim Brown, Mayor Pro Teml ice Chair Caren Ray, and Mayor/Chair Tony Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Attorney Timothy Carmel, Director o f Legislative and Information Services /City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director o f Administrative Services Angela I' raetsch, and Community Development Director Teresa I CClish. 3 . FLAG SALUTE Members representing Sea Scout Ship 413 led the Flag Salute. 4 . INVOCATION Pastor Robert Banker, Open Door Church, delivered the invocation. 5 . SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS i s None. Mayor Ferrara announced that a ribbon Cutting was held prior to the meeting for the opening of the Le Point Street Paring Lot and provided a brief description of the project which resulted in a substantial increase o f parking availability in the pillage. 8. AGENDA FEI EW 8,a. Ordinances Read in Title Only. Council Member Brown roved, Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read by title only and all further readings be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS., TS., AND SUGGESTIONS The following members of the public spoke during Citizens' Input, Comments and Suggestions: Ronny Betita, Short Street; Steve Ross, Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee CTAC Member: and Jeff Pinar , representing Surfrider Foundation. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited public Comment on the Consent Agenda. Spearing from the public regarding Item 8.h. was Steve Ross. There were no other Comments received, and the public comment period was Closed. Council Member Brown requested that item 8.k. be pulled. Mayor Pro Tem Ray requested that Item 8.n. be pulled. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 1 r Minutes: City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Meeting Tuesday, August 23, 20 Page 2 Action: C un ii /Board Member Guthrie moved, and C 1. ncil B and Member Brown seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.p., with the exception f Items 8.k., and 8.n., with the recommended courses of action. City Attorney Carmel read the full title of the Ordinances in Items 8.o. and 8.p. The motion passed on the following roll -call Grote: AYES: Guthrie, Brown, Costello, F Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8.a. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period August 1, 2011 through August 15, 2011. 8.b. Consideration of statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received eived and filed the report listing the current investment deposits of the City, as of July 31, 2011, as required by vernment Code Section 53646(b). 8.c. Consideration of Amended Citywide Appropriation Amount for the FY 2011-12 Budget. A ction: Adopted Resolution No. 4389 entitled: "A RESOLUTION TI THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING FISCAL YEAR 2011 ;12 OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 & 2012-13 BIENNIAL BUDGET, AS AMENDED, AND MAKING C ARRR PRIA TI S FOR THE A11 O T BC ETE R', 8.d. Consideration of a Resolution Altering the safety shoe Policy for Designated Part - time Positions. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4390 entitled: ` "A RESOLUTION TIO THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ALTERING THE SAFETY SHOE POLICY FOR DESIGNATED PART­ TIME POSITIONS . 8.e. Consideration of Resolutions Adopting the Governmental Accounting Standards Board GASB statement No. 54. [COUNCIL/RDA] Action: City Council Adopted Resolution N . 4391 e ntitled: "A RESOLUTION TI THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD S TA TEMENT NO 54 THAT INCORPORATES A FUND BALANCE POLICY INCLUDING A GENERAL FUND PRUDENT RESERVE, AUTHORIZES THE DIRECTOR OF A MIS ISTRA TIt E SERVICES TO IMPLEMENT THE FUND BALANCE POLICY AND DELEGATES THE CITY MANAGER WITH THE AUTHORITY RITY T ASSIGN AMOUNTS TO BE USED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES PURSUANT TO GASB STATEMENT NO. :54 and RDA Board Adopted Resolution N o. RDA 11 -03 entitled: "A RESOLUTION TI F THE ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (RDA) BOARD ADOPTING GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD STATEMENT CVO+ 54 THAT INCORPORATES A FUND BALANCE POLICY INCLUDING A GENERAL FUND PRUDENT RESERVE, AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF A MINIS TRA TI VE SERVICES TO IMPLEMENT THE FUND BALANCE POLICY AND DELEGATING TO THE AGENCY E EC L TI VE D IRECTOR THE AUTHORITY TO ASSIGN AMOUNTS TO BE USED FOR SPECIFIC RC R S ES RC RSA N T TO GA SB S TA TEMEN T NO. 54 ` 8.f. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Dire station Expansion General Obligation Bond Property Tax Leery Fate. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4392 entitled: "A RESOLUTION TI F THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF ARROYO RA E AUTHORIZING THE FIRE STATION EXPANSION LC PROPERTY TAX R FISCAL YEAR 201 - �'. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 2 Minutes: City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Meetin Tuesd Au g ust , Page 3 8.g. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of August 9, 2011 , as submitted. 8.h. Consideration of Resolution Consenting to Charter Communications, Inc. Assignment of Cable Franchise to CCO sCal I, LLC. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4393 entitled: "A RESOLUTION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONSENTING TO THE ASSIGNMENT NT THE CABLE FRANCHISE FROM CHARTER C 14IM NICAT NS TO CCO SCAL I, LLCM' 8.i. Consideration of Temporary Use Permit 11 -015 Authorizing Closure of City streets and Use of City Property for the 74 Annual Arroyo Grande valley Harvest Festival, Friday and Saturday, September 23-24, 2011. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4394 entitled: "A RESOLUTION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TEMPORARY US PERMIT 11-015, AUTHORIZING CL S R CITY STREETS AND USE CITY PROPERTY FOR ANNUAL ARROYO GRANDE VALLEY HARVEST F STIR AL, RI A Y AND SA TC R A Y, SEPTEMBER - , 201 " 8.j. Consideration of an Award of Contract to American Asphalt south, Inc. for Construction of the 2011 street Resurfacing ing Project, PIN 2011-06, and Appropriate Funds for short street Improvements. Action 1 Awarded a contract for the 20 11 Street Resurfacing ing Project to American Asphalt South, Inc in the amount of $466,251; 2 Authorized the City Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the contract amount, $46,625, for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project; and 3 Appropriated $140,000 from the Sales Tax Fund to the Pavement Management Fund. 8.1. Consideration of Amendment N. 2 to the Agreement for Consultant Services with GEI Consultants, Inc. for Preparation of the Northern Cities Management Area 2011 Annual Monitoring F ep rt. Action: Approved and authorized the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement for Consultant Services with GEI Consultants, Inc. in connection With the annual groundwater monitoring report. 8.m. Consideration of Letter of Support for the Nipomo supplemental Water Supply Project. Action: Approved a letter of support for the Nipomo Supplemental Water Supply Project to the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors. 8.. Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance Amending Chapter 10.20 of Title 10 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Relating to Abandoned, Wrecked, Dismantled and Inoperative vehicles. Action: Adopted Ordinance No. 635 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHARTER 10.20 OF TITLE 10 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING T ABANDONED, WRECKED, ISMANTLE AND INOPERATIVE VEHICLES 8.p. Consideration of City Council Adoption of Ordinance Determining the City Will Comply with the voluntary Alternative Redevelopment ment Program Pursuant to Part 1. f Division 24 of the California Health and safety Code in Order to Permit the Continued Existence and Operation of the Redevelopment Agency, and Redevelopment Agency Board Adoption of a Resolution Approving an Enforceable Obligation Payment schedule (EOPS [COUNCIL/RDA] Agenda Item 8.b. Page 3 Minutes: City Coun illRedevelopment Agency Meeting Tuesday, August 2, 2011 Page Action: City Council Adopted Ordinance Igo. 636 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING IT WILL COMPLY WITH THE VOLUNTARY ALTERNATIVE REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PURSUANT To PART 1.9 of DIVISION 24 of THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE IN ORDER To PERMIT THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE AND OPERA TION of THE REDEVELOPMENT A ENCY of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE; and FDA Board: Adopted Resolution Igo. FDA 11-04 entitled: ` "A RESOLUTION TION of THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING IN AND ADOPTING AN ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE, PURSUANT To THE PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 341 69 (AB 1X 2 ! ITEMS PILLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA 8.k. Consideration of Approval of Lease Agreement Between the City of Arroyo Grande and Mangano Homes, Inc. Regarding Public Property Located at the Corner of West Branch street and Rodeo Drive. MCCLISH Recommended Action: Approve a lease with Mangano Homes, Inc. for public property located at the corner of Vilest Branch Street and rodeo Drive for an off -site advertising sign in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Staff responded to questions and concerns from Council Member Brown regarding the setting of a precedent for future developers to request signs on public property. Director I lcClish further explained that it could potentially set a precedent; however, any issues could be controlled through a lease agreement. Action: Council Member Brown moored to approve Item 8-k. with the recommended course of action. Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call Grote: APES: Brown, Guthrie, Costello, flay, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8.n. Consideration of Changes to Art in Public Places Program. I CCLISH Recommended Action: 1 Approve proposed changes to the Art in Public Places Program and Process; 2 Direct staff to prepare an Ordinance to incorporate the changes into the Municipal Code and amend the Design Guidelines and Standards for Mined Use Districts; and Direct staff to apply the changes to the process to the proposed Hart - Collett Firefighters' Memorial Park Project. Mayor Pro Tem Flay noted she had previously requested this item be brought forth for Council discussion and a review of alternatives. She requested a continuance in order to provide public notice, encourage public comment, and stated she would like to see public art programs and policies from other cities. Brief Council discussion ensued regarding the impact on staff time considering other higher priority projects in the pipeline, and the desired format for bringing this item back to the Council. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 4 Minutes: City it e e l e Agency Meeting Tuesday, August , 201 Page Following discussion, the Council directed staff to bring this item back to the Council as a business item and to include alternatives for Council discussion. It was also directed that the staff report and minutes from the 2004 meeting, at which the public art program currently in place was considered, be included as an attachment to the report. No formal action was taken on this item. 9 . PUBLIC HEARINGS GS None 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS None. 12. C117Y COUNCIL REPORTS The Mayor and Council Members provided brief reports from the following committee, commission, board, or other subcommittee meetings that they have attended as the City's appointed representative. (a) Mayor Ferrara: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments /San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Brisco /Halcyon /Hwy 101 Interchange Project Subcommittee (b) Mayor Pro Tem Ray: (1) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) {2} California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) {3} Tourism Committee (4) South County Library Donor Recognition Committee (5) Other (c) Council Member Costello: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) (d) Council Member Guthrie: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Community Action Partnership (CAPSLO) (3) Homeless Services Coordinating Council (HSOC) (e) Council Member Brown: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). Agenda Item 8.b. Page 5 Minutes: City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Meetin in Tuesday, August 23, 201 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Costello commented that the street from the Council Chambers are flashing property owner. Page 6 outside lights on the new building across the on and off and suggested that staff advise the Mayor Pro Tem Ray commented on the article in The Tribune newspaper on the new restaurant coming to the Village. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 16. COMMUNITY IT COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Steve Foss, Garden Street, commented on Consent Agenda Item 8.o. and expressed concern about enforcement on residents who restore cars as a hobby. 17. ADJOURNMENT ENT Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 8 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk/Agency Secretary (Approved at CC Mtg ) Agenda Item 8.b. Page 6 RO INCORPORATED JULY 10. 1911 ,� MEMORAN UM iFO i 11 ■ &916111:Is] FROM: DOUG PERRIN, DIRECTOR of RECREATION & MAINTENANCE SERVICES 0, P SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of APPROVAL AL of AN AGREEMENT FO CONTRACTOR SERVICES FOR A CENTRALIZED IRRIGATION SYSTEM DATE: SEPTEMBER 1 , 201 1 RECOMMENDATION: ATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Approve an agreement for contractor se rvices with the John Deere Green Tech in the amount of $89,699.97; 2. Authorize the Ma to exec ute the agreement; 3. Authorize the City Manager to approve additional se rvices, not to exceed a total aggregate cost of $ 135,000 for the entire project; and 4 . Direct staff to issue the Notice to Proceed along with other necessary contract documen FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Capital Improvement Program budget includes $ for a centralized irrigation system. Funding sources include $90,000 from the Park Development Fund and $45 ,000 from the Water r Neutralization Fund. The contract amount is $89,699.97. Any unused money will be returned to the two funds. BACKGROUND: The City of Arroyo Grande operates numerous parks and other landscaped areas using variety of irrigation controllers and sprinkler heads. In an effort to reduce water use, staff requested proposals to install a satellite based centralized system that will monitor and adjust run times based upon weather conditions, detect and shut down stations when breaks occur, track water use for each site, and allow for remote access and control. irhe contractor will be required to analyze soil and terrain, provide design, Agenda Item 8.c. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACTOR SERVICES FOR A CENTRALIZED IRRIGATION SYSTEM SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 PAGE 2 supply all materials, install ar centralized system to meet the City's needs and provide ne training for staff. The scope o f the project includes all services necessary for the analysis of soil and terrain, project design, provision of materials, installation and training. Sites include: Rancho Grande P rl , 500 James Way Strther Park, 1150 Huasna Road Heritage Square Park, 205 Nels Street City Hall l han Alley area, including Ki wanis Park, Centennial Park, 21 East Branch, 300 East Branch and 100 Olohan Alley Elm Street Park, 1 221 Ash Street {also 350 S. Elm Dingo Park, Curtland and Loganberry Streets 0 Parr) side Parry, 401 N. Eal eman Hart - Collett Memorial Park, 201 Traffic Way ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Due to a lack of clear records o f points of contact, master valves, locations for water lines, etc., the Soto Sports Complex was removed from the original request. In addition, some of the City's smaller irrigated arrears, such as medians, were not included in the request. Since the specified system is satellite based staff requested that proposals include a cost for a minimum o three years o f satellite access, and also ar cost for ten years o access, to be paid in advance. An initial request for proposals was issued June 2 nd 1 2011. Addendu s were distributed duly, th , July 21 and duly 27 th . Three proposals were received by the August 18, 2011 deadline. (Bid Opening Log Sheet is attached) A lover base bid of $70,414.22 was received from alleyCrest Landscape Maintenance. John Deere Green Tech had the second lowest base bid at $89,699.97. Staff is recommending the agreement be awarded to John Deere Green Tech for the following reasons: 1 As indicated above, staff requested costs for three years and ten years of satellite access. For three years access, ValleyCrest will charge the City $6,877.50. John Deere will not charge for satellite access; 2 For ten years satellite access, V alleyCrest will charge the City $23,618. Again, ,John Deere will not charge for satellite access; 3 ) When adding $23,618 to the alleyCrest' proposal, the total for the base bid plus 1 years o f satellite access is $94,032. The total cost for John Deere Green Tech is $89,699.97. Since satellite access is critical to the o peration of the program, awarding the agreement to John Deere Green Tech actually sages the City more than $4,000; Agenda Item 8.c. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACTOR SERVICES FOR A CENTRALIZED IRRIGATION SYSTEM SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 PAGE 3 4) In its proposal, John Deere included all costs for possible pavement o concrete work. ValleyCrest indicated there may be additional costs if boring under pavement o sidewalks, o cutting and repairing are required. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staff s recommendation to warrd the bid to John Deere Green Tech; - Modify staff's recommendation arnd award the bid to ll yCr t Landscape Maintenance: - Do not award the bid; - Provide direction to tarff. ADVANTAGES; Installation of ar centralized irrigation system will provide the City with two methods of saving. First, centralized irrigation systems have a proven record for saving water. Second, with the City's current system, staff must manually enter changes at each individual controller. With the centralized system, from a computer station, staff can turn on, shut off o change run times for the entire system. In the past, the City often receives mplarint when park sprinkler systems are running during rain conditions. However, manually shutting off each site during each rain was not feasible given the staff time required. The proposed system will address this issue in an efficient manner. DISADVANTAGES: Awarding the contract will deplete Park Development Funds by approximately $90,000 and Water Neutralization funds by approximately $45,000. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review i required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, September 8, 2011. The Agenda and staff report were posted on the City's website on Friday, September 9, 2011. No public comments were received - Attach rant: 1. Rid Opening Log Sheet 2. Agreement Agenda Item 8.c. Page 3 INCORPORATEO JULY 10. 10 11 dj BID OPENING LOG SHEET F CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEADLINE: AUGUST 18, 2011, 2:00 p.m. CENTRAL IRRIGATION SYSTEM PROJECT SUBMITTED BY: TOTAL Ivey Turf Construction San Marc CA allecrest Landscape Maintenance Thousand Oaks, CA John Deere - Green Tech Fresno, CA / l Kitty No n, Deputy City Clerk $206,000-00 70,4'14.22 $ 89,699.97 c: Director of Recreation and Maintenance Services Maintenance Services Supervisor City Manager ATTACHMENT I Agenda Item 8.c. Page 4 ATTACHMENT T 2 AGREEMENT EEMEI T FOR CONTRACTOR SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, is made and effective as of 2011, between JOHN DEERE GREEN TECH ("Contractor"), and the CITY of ARROYO O CRAZ E, a Municipal Corporation ("City"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on September 14, 2011 and shall remain and continue in effect until September 14, 2012, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. SERVICES Contractor shall perform the tasks described and comply with all terms and provisions set forth in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. PERFORMANCE Contractor shall at all times faithfully, competently and to the best of his /her ability, experience and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Contractor shall employ, at a minimum generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged In providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. AGREEMENT AD II I1' I STRATIO City's Director of Recreation and Maintenance Services shall represent City in all matters pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. Greg Ireland shall represent Contractor in all matters pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. 5. PAYMENT The City agrees to pay the Contractor in accordance with the payment rates and terms set forth in Exhibit `'", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 6. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION of AGREEMENT T WITHOUT CAUSE (a) The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by searing upon the Contractor at least ten 10 days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall net make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. Page 1 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 5 (b) In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Contractor the actual value o the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is f value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Contractor will submit an invoice to the City pursuant to Section 5. 7. TERMINATION CCUR E CE OF STATED EVENTS This Agreement shall terminate automatically on the occurrence o f any of the following events: (a) Bankruptcy or insolvency of any party; (b) Sale of Contractor's business; or (c) Assignment of this Agreement by Contractor without the consent of City. (d) End of the Agreement term specified in Section 1. 8. DEFAULT OF C (a) The Contractor's failure to comply with the provisions o f this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms o f this Agreement, City shall have no obligation o duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the Contractor to make progress in the performance o work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall not be considered a default. (b) If the City Manager o his /her delegate determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance o f any of the terms o conditions of this Agreement he /she shall cause to be served upon the Contractor a written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have ten 1 days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity o under this Agreement. g. LAWS TO BE OBSERVED Contractor shall: (a) Procure all permits and licenses pay all charges and fees, and give all notices which may be necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the services to be performed by Contractor under this Agreement; (b) Keep itself fully informed o f all existing and proposed federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees which may affect those engaged or employed under this Agreement, any materials used in Contractor's Page 2 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 6 performance under this Agreement, or the conduct of the services under this Ag reement, (c) At all times observe and comply Frith, and cause all of its employees to observe and comply with all of said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above; ( d) Immediately mediartely report to the City's Contract Manager in writing any discrepancy or inconsistency it discovers in said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above in relation to any plans, drawings, specifications, or provisions of this Agreement. (e) The City, and its officers, agents and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Contractor to comply with this Section. 10. OWNERSHIP SHIP of DOCUMENTS (a) Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records with res pect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts, and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Contractor shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be cleanly identified and read ily accessible. Contractor shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records; shall give city the right to examine and audit said books and records; shall permit City to mare transcripts therefrom as necessary; and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for ar period of three years after receipt of final payment. (b) Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused, or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Contractor. With respect to computer files, Contractor shall mare available to the City, at the Contractor's office and upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring, and printing computer files. 11. INDEMNIFICATION ( a) Indemnification for Professional Liarbilit . When the law establishes ar professional standard of cane for Contractor's Services, to the fullest extent permitted b law, Contractor sharll indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees and agents "Indemnified Panties" from and against any and Page Agenda Item 8.c. Page 7 all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees and costs to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Contractor, its officers, agents, employees or subcontractors or any entity or individual that Contractor shall bear the legal liability thereof} in the performance of professional services under this agreement. (b) Indemnification for Other Than Professional Liabil'r . Other than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, and any and all of its employees, officials and agents from and against any liability (including liability for claims, suits, actions, arbitration proceed administrative proceed regulatory proceed losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including attorneys fees and costs, court costs, interest, defense costs, and expert witness fees), where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this A greement by Contractor or by any individual or entity for which Contractor is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees or subcontractors of Contractor. (c General Indemnification Provisions Contractor agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions identical to those set forth here in this section from each and every subcontractor or any other person or entity involved by, for, with or on behalf of Contractor in the performance of this agreement. In the event Contractor fails to obtain such indemnity obligations from others as required here, Contractor agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms of this section. Failure of City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no way acct as a waiver of any rights hereunder. This obligation to indemnify and defend City as set forth here is binding on the successors, assigns or heirs of Contractor and shall survive the termination of this agreement or this section. 12. INSURANCE Contractor shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the duration of this Agreement insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 13. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR (a) Contractor is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent Contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Contractor shall at all times be under Contractor's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, or agents shall have control over the conduct of Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, employees, or agents, except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees, or agents are in any manner officers, Page Agenda Item 8.c. Page 8 employees, or agents of the City. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. (b) No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, , or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 14. UNDUE INFLUENCE Contractor declares and warrants that no undue influence or pressure was or is used against or in concert with any officer or employee of the City of Arroyo Grande in connection with the award, terms or implementation of this Agreement, including any method of coercion, confidential financial arrangement, or financial inducement. No officer or employee of the City of Arroyo Grande will receive compensation, directly or indirectly, from Contractor, or from any officer, employee or agent of Contractor, in connection with the award of this Agreement or any work to be conducted as a result of this Agreement. Violation of this Section shall be a material breach of this Agreement entitling the City to any and all remedies at fair or in equity. 15. No BENEFIT To ARISE To LOCAL EMPLOYEES No member, officer, or employee of City, or their designees or agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or responsibilities with respect to the project during his /her tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any agreement or sub - agreement, or the proceeds thereof, for work to be performed in connection with the project performed under this Agreement. 16. RELEASE of INFORMATION /CONFLICTS of INTEREST (a) All information gained by Contractor in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Contractor without City's prior written authorization. Contractor, its officers, employees, agents, or subContractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories, or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Contractor gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. ( Contractor shall promptly notify City should Contractor, its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for Page Agenda Item 8.c. Page 9 admissions, o other discovery request, court order, or subpoenas from any person o party regarding this Agreement and the work performed thereunder o r with respect to any project o property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Contractor and be present at any deposition, hearing, o similar proceeding. Contractor agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Contractor. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or 'mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 1. NOTICES Any notice which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement ''rust be in writing and may be given either by i personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, which provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) ''railing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by notice: To City: City of Arroyo Grande Doug Perrin 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 To Contractor: John Deere Green Tech Greg Ireland, District Sales Manager 2380 . Larkin Ave Fresno, CA 93727 18. ASSIGNMENT The Contractor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, without the prior written consent of the City. 19. GOVERNING l ING LAIN The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties, and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall tale place in the superior or federal district court with jurisdiction over the City o Arroyo Grande. Page Agenda Item 8.c. Page 10 20. ENTIRE E AG EEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneou agreements, understandings, representations, and statements, or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 21. TIME City and Contractor agree that time is of the essence in this Agreement. 22. CONTENTS of REQUEST UEST Fold PROPOSAL AND PROPOSAL Contractor is bound by the contents of the City's Request t for Proposal and the contents of the proposal submitted by the Contractor. In the event of conflict, the requirements of City's Request t for Proposals and this Agreement shall tale precedence over those contained in the Consultant's proposals. 23. CONSTRUCTION The parties agree that each has had an opportunity to have their counsel review this Agreement and that any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in the interpretation of this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits thereto. The captions of the sections are for convenience and reference only, and are not intended to be construed to define or limit the provisions to which they relate. 24. AMENDMENTS Amendments to this Agreement shall be in writ in and shall be made only with the mutual written consent of all of the parties to this Agreement. 25. AUTHORITY To EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents than he /she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. Page Agenda Item 8.c. Page 11 III WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DE C ITF ACT F Bar: Tony Ferrara, Mayor Attest: Its: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney Page (Title) Agenda Item 8.c. Page 12 EHIRIT A SCOPE OF WORK SCOPE of SERVICES A. Description The scope of the project includes all services necessary for the analysis of soil and terrain, project design, provision of materials, installation and training. Sites include: 0 Rancho Grande Park, Soo ,James Way 0 Strother Park, 1150 Huanar Road 0 Heritage Square Park, 205 Nelson Street 0 City Harll loharn Alley area, including Kiwanis Park, Centennial Park, 21 East Branch, Soo East Branch, and loo 01ohan Alley 0 Elm Street Park, 1 221 Ash Street (also 30 S. Elm) 0 Soto Sports Complex, 1 275 Ash 0 Dingo Park, Courtland and Loganberry Streets 0 Parkide Part, 401 N. B akeman 0 Hart - Collett Memorial Park, 201 Traffic Way B. City Supplied Information and Services The City will provide the following source data for the project: A list of sites, current controllers, size of main and lateral lines, sprinkler types, water pressure for each site, water meter location, electrical service location. 0 Maps, plans and record drawings as available C. Tack The selected contractor shall perform the following services: 1 . Design ar fully functional central irrigation system, which utilizes an internetartellite /cell phone based control. The design should include but not be limited to necessary controllers, master valve flow sensors, hand held transmitter, any necessary we ather stations, hardware and software. 2. Installation The contractor shall install all materials and equipment required to provide the City with a fully functional central irrigation system for sites that are selected during final negotiations. Page Agenda Item 8.c. Page 13 3. Surveys The Contractor shall perform all necessary soil, terrain and landscape analysis to determine appropriate run times for individual stations. In addition, the Contractor shall recommend reconfiguration of stations to best maximize water conservation. D. Contractor ualifi ati ns and Requirements 1. Contractor must show qualifications to install the selected system /equipment submifked for the project. 2. Contractor must submit references from at least three 3 government agency installations of similar systems. 3. Contractor must be able to provide training and technical support for City staff. 4. Contractor shall subunit the name of the manufacturer providing the system /equipment. The ideal system /equipment will meet the following qualifications; a. Will demonstrate proven water savings, based on previously conducted studies. Please submit the published results. b. Will demonstrate proven ability to reduce dry weather runoff, based on studies. Please submit the published results. . Will demonstrate proven ability to conserve water as demonstrated in studies. Please subunit list of all published results. d. Will demonstrate a proven ability, as measured by a public agency study, to deliver up to 95% of the total conservation potential on any given landscape. Please submit published results. e. Contractor shall provide five customer references that have proven water savings, as measured and verified by customers using the same system equipment. f. Contractor shall submit verification that the vendor providing the equipment has been providing central irrigation control systems for minimum of three 3 years. g. Will sense high flow from broken sprinklers, lateral lines or mainlines automatically shut down the effected station and report the problem. h. Accept external rain sensing equipment. i. Be capable of expansion .- xpansi n n ufgrades if necessary. j. Designed and constructed for heavy duty commercial use and resistance to weather exposure. k. Controller to have visible indicators to identify normal station operation and fault indicator including pumpmv. - 5. Weather Data: the City does not want to operate o nsite weather stations. The ideal vendor of the system proposed for installation will: a. Demonstrate the ability to transmit via wireless network, daily weather data to each controller to ensure accuracy of weather information. Page 10 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 14 b. Demonstrate the ability to transmit corrections to weather data to ensure accuracy o f Breather information. . The vendor ideally shall utilize all of the following factors to properly instruct ET -based watering schedules: ■ Temperature ■ Solar radiation ■ Relative humidity ■ Wind d. Because of micro - climates Breather data shall ideally be accurate t o within one square kilometer. e. The system1equipment shall be capable of transmitting Breather data to each controller. f. The method underlying the Breather data required for calculating irrigation schedules shall utilize methodsicalculations as recommended by the Irrigation Association. 6. The preferred controller hardware shall meet the following criteria: a. Irrigation controller hardware must be UL certified. b. All produ must provide a minimum five year warranty, parts a nd labo r. Ten 1 yea rs wu Id be preferred . . Expandable from twelve ( 112) to forty -eight stations. d. Offer the ability to operate controllers without access to external signals. e. Offer normally open or normally closed master valves. f. Provide non - volatile memory to maintain programs and internal clock in case of parer outages. g. Contain a heavy -duty transformer for simultaneous operation of multiple at least simultaneous programs inclusive of a master valve, pump start and manual operation. h. Have the ability to read Data Industrial o r similar type flow sensor for flow values in gallons per minute. i. Provide flow monitoring capability for high flow, leak detection, and no flow conditions. j. Provide the option to exclude stations from flow monitoring a s needed. k. Provide a preview mode that displays fir data and irrigation schedules, by program, for each station. I. Provides reports s howing cumulative total of flow usage and run time on daily, weekly and monthly basis. m. Contain a diagnostic circuit that identifies short, open, o normal station wiring status. n. Pre - equipped with universal hand -held remote ready interface. . Allover for manual operation of individual stations and programs t o allow for testing. Page 11 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 15 7 . Automated Irrigation Scheduling. The City requires the contrctorvendor be responsible for calculating baseline irrigation schedules. In addition, controllers shall: . Automatically adjust run time schedules on ar daily basis, according to changing weather and types of landscape. b. Be programmable for day of week exclusions and water windows c. Automatically calculate next day allowable day watering schedule, based on carrying over depletion information, for each zone. Upon completion of the construction project, the contractor shall provide the City with all changes than differed from the original project design. The contractor shall incorporate all construction changes into the approved set of construction drawings to the City in permanent mylarr sheets and digital format in accordance with City requirements. Page 1 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 16 EXHIBIT PAYMENT SCHEDULE Page 1 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 17 � JOHN DEERE GREEN TECH Request for Proposal City of Arroyo Grande Central Control Irrigation System Rancho Grande Park Part No. Description EPi Rain Master Eagle Plus, Cold Rolled Steel Station Count ISM -I ll -10Y 10 years of i entral S ervice Labor Labor trotter Park Part No. Description EPi Rain Master Eagle Plus, Painted tall Mount Station Count 3 10030ORWG 3 Inch Norma Ily open Superior Master VaIve FS300P 3 Inch Flow Sensor ISM -I ll -10Y 10 years of i entral S ervice Labor Labor City Mall Part No. Description EPi fain Master Eagle Plus, Painted tall Mount t Station C ount 3 10015ORW 1.5 Inch Normally open Superior Master Valve r FS- 1 0P 1.5 Inch Flow Sensor ISM -ISV -10Y 10 years of i entral Service Labor Labor Greg Ireland District Sales Manager 2380 N L ark in Agra Fresno, CA 93727 559-916.1984 girerand a@johndeeregreente h. om Cost $4,528.92 $0.00 $2,312.00 $6,840.92 Cost $2,986.07 $608.13 $o.00 $0.00 $11,910.00 $15 , 813 .20 Cost $2,986.07 $167.09 $374.00 $0.00 $3,145.00 $6,672.16 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 18 entinnel Park Part No. I EGP16i FS-150P RM- ISVGIOY Labor Creekside I Park Part No. EGP1fii Description Rain Master Eagle Plus, Painted tall Mount 16 Station Count 1.5 Inch Flow Sensor 10 years of Ientral Service Labor Cost $2,471.78 $374.00 $.o $2,090.00 y $4,935.78 Description Cost Rain Master Eagle Plus, Pinted Wall Mount $2,471.78 16 Station Count 310020ORW 2 Inch Normally Open Superior Master Valve $201.13 FS-200P Inch Flow Sensor $385.00 ISM -I V -1 Y 10 years of (Central Service $o. Labor Labor $3,411.00 $6,468.91 200 E Branch, Sht # Pam No. Description E CP1 i Ravin Master Eagle Plus, Painted Wall Mount 16 Station Count RM-15VC-10Y 10 years of i entral Service Labor Labor The Shops at short Street, L-3 Part No. Description ECP1i Rain Master Eagle Plus, Painted tall Mount 16 Station Count 310015ORW 1.5 Inch Normally Open Superior Master Valve FS-150P . Inch Flow Sensor ISM -ISV -1 Y 10 years of i entral Service Labor Labor Cost $2,471.78 $0.00 $1,569.00 $4,040.78 Cost $2,471.78 $374.00 $167.09 $0.00 $6,796.00 $9 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 19 Elm Street Park Part No. Description EP4t Rain Master Eagle Plus, Painted Wall Mount 4 Station Count F FV -15 P 1.5 1n h Norma IlyOpen Superior Master VaIve Flow Sensor RM -I V -1 Y 10 gears of !Central Service Labor Labor 4i no Park Part No. Description EP1i Rain Master Eagle Plus, Painted Wall Mount 16 Stalon Count 310015ORW 1.5 Inch Normally Open Superior Master Valve FS- 1P 1.5 Inch Flow Sensor RM -I V -1 Y 10 gears of i entral S ervice Labor La bo r Parkide Park Part No. Description EP4i Rain Master Eagle Plus, Painted Wall Mount 4taionCount , 310015ORW 1.5 Inch Normally Open Superior Master Valve ' F -1P 1.5 Inch Flow Sensor RM-ISVC-10Y 10 gears of i entral Service t j Labor Labor Herbage Square Park Part Igo. Description EP4i Rain Master Eagle Plus, Painted Wall Mount 4 Station Count RM-ISVC-10Y 10 gears of i entral 5 ervice Labor Labor F r Cast $2,986.07 $167.09 $0.00 $6 $10,108.16 C ost $2,471.78 $167.09 $374.00 $0.00 $3,815-00 $6,827.87 Cost $2,986.07 $167.09 $374.00 $0.00 $6,756.00 $10,283.16 Cost $2,986.07 $0.00 $0.00 . $2,986.07 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 20 1 Hart - Collett Park Part No. Description Handheld Demotes Part No. Description PR MAX Rain Master ProMax Complete Remote Set /RM Only P ROMAX Rain Master ProMax Complete Remote Set /RM Only PROMAX main Master ProMax Complete Remote Set/R 1 only Cost $3,181.00 $167.09 $374.00 $o.00 $4,492.00 $8;214.09 Cost $900.00 $900,00 $900.00 $ GCi000 TOTAL S95,f99:9� _J �J Agenda Item 8.c. Page 21 WSA4-120AC John Deere Green Tech Wireless s Sensor Assembly 3 10015ORW 1.5 Inch Normally open Superior Master Valve PS -150P 1.5 Inch Plover Sensor RII -ISV -101 10 years of i entral Service La bor La bor Handheld Demotes Part No. Description PR MAX Rain Master ProMax Complete Remote Set /RM Only P ROMAX Rain Master ProMax Complete Remote Set /RM Only PROMAX main Master ProMax Complete Remote Set/R 1 only Cost $3,181.00 $167.09 $374.00 $o.00 $4,492.00 $8;214.09 Cost $900.00 $900,00 $900.00 $ GCi000 TOTAL S95,f99:9� _J �J Agenda Item 8.c. Page 21 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.c. Page 22 C j jt INCORPORATE ' m MEMO RAND UM JULY 10. 1$ 1 � T: CITY C FROM: TER ESA IIIIocLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Y: MIKE LINN, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN AWARD F CONTRACT TO HANLEY GENERAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION F 1 CONSTRUCTION F THE SEWER LIFT STATION NO. 3 UPGRADE PROJECT, PW 201040 DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1, Award a contract for the Server Lift Station Igo. 3 Upgrade Project to Hanley General Engineering Corporation In the amount of $262,500; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the contract amount, $26,250, for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project (total construction costs = $262,500 + $26,250 = $288,750). FINANCIAL CIAL IMPACT: The Capital Improvement Program budget includes $401,034 for the Sewer Lift Station Igo. 3 Upgrade Project. BAC Server Lift Station Igo. 3 is located on the south side of Huasna Road between Calle Court and V ard Loomis Way and accepts sewage from the V ard Loomis housing tract and approximately half of the herpes north of Huasna Road between Stagecoach Road and the City Limits. The lift station was constructed in 1973 and has exceeded its originally projected design life. The existing dry well dimensions are approximately feet in diameter by 8 feet in depth and houses two pumps, motors and all the electrical equipment. The renovation project will modernize the facility by converting the existing wet t D cell to a submersible pump system and relocating the electrical service and equipment to an above ground configuration. Also included in the new design will be a new entry vault and hatch, incorporation of a stand -by generator connection and the installation of a new perimeter fence. The consultant will perform all coordination with PG&E for the electrical service and also develop specifications for the future contractor Agenda Item 8.d. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of AN AWARD of CONTRACT To HANLEY GENERAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION FOR CONSTRUCTION of THE SEVER LIFT STATION No, 3 UPGRADE PROJECT, P II 2010 -1 SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 PAGE 2 to prepare a severer by -pass plan during construction. All SCA A (Supervisory r Control and Data Acquisition) improvements to enable remote operation of the facility will be designed and constructed on a separate contract. On August 10, 2010, Council approved a consultant services agreement with AEC OM I to provide design and construction support services for the Sewer Lift Station No. 3 Upgrade Project in the amount of $48,989. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: On August 16, 2011, nine bids were opened for the Sewer Lift Station No. 3 Upgrade Project. The lowest bid, from Hanley General Engineering Corporation was in the amount of $262,500. Staff has determined the bid to be responsive and recommends the award of a construction contract to Hanley General Engineering Corporation. The project is dependent upon the procurement, fabrication and deliverer of the new pumps. The City will issue the Notice to Proceed 14 weeks following the contract award, or upon deliverer of the pumps, whichever comes first. Eased on the contract time of 45 calendar days, the completion date is estimated at mid-January, 2012. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve staffs recommend to award a construction contract to the lowest responsive bidder; 2. Do not award a constructiorn contract for the project at this time; or 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The existing sewer lift station has exceeded its original design life and must be upgraded. The contractor's bid price is within the Engineer's Estimate. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENViRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is categorically eemt from CEA pursuant to Section 15301 b. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted on Thursday, September 8, 2011. The agenda and staff report was posted on the City's website on Friday, September 9, 2011. No public comments were received as of the time of preparation of this report. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AN AWARD OF CONTRACT ENGINEERING CORPORATION FOR CONSTRUCTION STATION NO. 3 UPGRADE PROJECT, PW 2010-10 SEPTEMBER 13, 201"1 PAGE 3 Attachment: 1. Bid Tabulations TO HANLEY GENERAL F THE SEWER LIFT Agenda Item 8.d. Page 3 ATTAC HMENT i INCORPORATED *T 1 l BID OPENING LOG SHEET CITY O F ARROYO GRANDE DEADLINE: August 16, 2011 � 2:00 p.m. SEWER LIFT STATION NO. 3 UPGRADE PROJECT SUBMITTED BY: TOTAL Spiess Construction Co., Inc. $289,300 Santa Maria, CA C e han a Construction Co., Inc. $304 Arr Grande, CA HPS Mechanical, Inc. 11 Bakersfield, CA R. Baker, Inc. 1 Arr Grande, CA Br ugh Construction, Inc. $318 Arr Gra C A Arthurs Contracting, Inc. $323,076 Ataader, CA Hanlr General Engineering Corp. $262,500 Santa rune, CA arninha Construction, Inc. $318 Ataader, CA GE Underground $303,077 Faso R CA Kitty No ,Deputy City Clerk Director of Community Development Assistant City Engineer City Manager Agenda Item 8.d. Page 4 RO INCORPORATED 7 rM \JULY 10, 1911,1* c o MEMORANDUM To: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD of DIRECTORS FROM; STEVEN ADAMS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of EXTENSION of INTERIM AFFORDABLE HOUSING LOAN AGREEMENT WITH HABITAT FOR HUMANITY FOR SAN LUIS O ISPO COUNTY DATE: SEPTEMBER +1 3, 201 +1 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors approve an extension to the Interim Affordable Housing Loan Agreement with Habitat for Humanity for Ban Luis Obispo County. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The existing Agreement resulted in an expenditure of $260,000 from Redevelopment Agency Affordable Housing Bet Aside funds, which are required by State lair to be used for the purpose of providing affordable housing. Extension of the Agreement will not result in any additional expenditure. BACKGROUND: At the December 14, 2010 meeting, the City Council approved an Interim Affordable Housing Loan Agreement with Habitat for Humanity for acquisition of property at 1 Brisco Road to develop seven multi - family owner occupied affordable housing units. The Agreement provided one year for the City and Habitat for Humanity to negotiate an Affordable Housing Agreement. The property was successfully acquired with use of the funds, which was at a cost well belo w the appraised Value due to a recent foreclosure. Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit agency seeking to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to rake decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Habitat for Humanity has built approximately 300,000 houses around the world, providing over 1. 5 million people with safe, decent, affordable shelter. Using Volunteer labor and tax-deductible donations of money and materials, Habitat for Humanity builds and rehabilitates homes with the Delp of future homeowners, referred to as "Family Partners ". Houses are solid to Family Partners for no profit, financed through affordable, no-interest mortgages. Mortgages are issued over a fined period, Agenda Item 8.e. Page 1 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD of DIRECTORS CONSIDERATION of E TE SSION of INTERIM AFFORDABLE HOUSING LOAN AGREEMENT 1 ITH HABITAT FOR HUMANITY of SAN LUIS O ISPO COUNTY SEPTEMBER 1 , 201'1 PAGE usually 20 -30 years. Monthly mortgage payments are used to support the construction of more Douses through the revolving Fund for Humanity. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: Staff has been working with the Agency's special counsel and representatives of Habitat for Humanity on the affordable Dousing agreement. A draft is under review and changes are being negotiated. However, recent state legislation involving elimination of redevelopment agencies and the stay issued by the Court in response to litigation filed by the California Redevelopment Association have precluded the Agency from entering into any new agreements. Therefore, staff is concerned that the Agency may not be able to meet the timeline set forth in the Interim Affordable Housing Loan Agreement for execution of a permanent agreement. As a result, a sic month extension is recommended. ADVANTAGES: The recommendation will enable the Redevelopment Agency to meet the terms of the Interim Affordable Housing Loan Agreement in order to cost effectively facilitate development of seven very low income affordable housing units and Delp meet the City's housing needs through Habitat for Humanity. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified regarding this item. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Board's consideration: 1. Approve the extension of the Interim Affordable Housing Loan Agreement; 2. Delay or modify the extension time; 3. Do not approve an e of the Interim Affordable Housing Loan Agreement with Habitat for Humanity; 4 Provide staff direction. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIE1 : A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was approved on September 19, 2006 for a PUD and -phase subdivision for 14 lots — seven on the subject property (184 risco and seven across the street at 189 Brisco. The entitlements are still valid due to state extensions for subdivisions. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: ITS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, September 8, 2011 and on the City's website on Friday, September 9, 2011. No public comments were received. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 2 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONSIDERATION F EXTENSSION OF INTERIM AFFORDABLE HOUSING LOAN AGREEMENT WITH HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 PAGE 3 Attachment: I . Interim Affordable H using Loan Agreement Extension Agenda Item 8.e. Page 3 ATTACHMENT I EXTENSION ENSI OF DATES IN LOAN AGREEMENT ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic, and HABITAT FOR HUMANITY FOR SAN LUIS OBI PO COUNTY, a California nonprofit public corporation, hereby agree to extend the Negotiation Period in that certain Loan and Negotiation Agreement between the parties dated December 14, 201 , by a period of 1 days, such that the Negotiation Period expires on March 12, 2012. All other terms and conditions of the Loan and Negotiation Agreement shall remain in effect and unmodified. ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic M Its: Executive Director HABITAT FOR HUMANITY FOR SAN LUIS OBI PO COUNTY, a California nonprofit corporation B Its — - its 538/024600 -0013 2300767 -1 ao8f2911 i Agenda Item 8.e. Page 4 INCORPORATED IXXJULY 10. 1911*, c` MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION F OFFER OF SALE FOR A BILLBOARD D AT 145 EAST BRANCH STREET AND LOAN AG EEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND THE ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE. SEPTEMBER , 2011 The staff report will be delivered under separate corer. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.f. Page 2 RO A. INCORP RAT50 JULY 10, 1911 ' 1F MEMORANDUM To: CITY COUNCIL1REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD of DIRECTORS FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY AGERI REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 14, SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of OFFER of SALE of BILLBOARD ON EAST BRANCH STREET AND LOAN AGREEMENT BET WEEN THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE AND THE ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council take no action. FINANCIAL IMPACT: *There is no cost impact of the recommendation. If the City Council directs staff to execute an agreement for removal of the billboard and a lean agreement between the City and Redevelopment Agency, the cost impact would be $25,000. Funding would need to be appropriated from the General Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance. The Loan Agreement would enable the Redevelopment Agency to repay the General Fund within the net two year period. BACKGROUND: Removal of the billboard at the entrance to the V illage on East Branch Street has been a goal of the City for many years. Staff~ researched the ability to buy out the lease several years ago, but determined it was cost prohibitive. The existing lease recently expired. The property o wner is entertaining an offer to rene w the lease for a -year period. He has also contacted the City with an offer to remove the billboard if the City will match the cost of the proposed lease renewal. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: Although its permitting history is somewhat unclear, staff has previously researched options and confirmed there is currently no legislative gray to require removal of the billboard. Since the purpose would be to remove the blighted condition, it would be an appropriate expenditure for Redevelopment Agency Funds. Ho wever, current State legislation and the California Redevelopment Agency lawsuit related to the legislation precludes the Redevelopment Agency from malting any appropriations or entering into Agenda Item 8.f. Page 1 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD of DIRECTORS CONSIDERION of OFFER of SALE of BILLBOARD ON EAST BRANCH STREET AND LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE AND THE ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 PACE 2 any new agreements. Therefore, the payment would need to be rude from the General Fund. The City's special counsel has confirmed that the City may enter into a loan agreement with the Redevelopment Agency that would be contingent upon the results of the lawsuit and take effect at that time. However, if the lawsuit is unsuccessful, the Agency would not have sufficient funding to repay the General Fund in FY 2011 -12. Staff's analysis indicates that enough funding may be available in FY 2012-13, but will depend on revenues remaining at existing levels despite a substantial decrease experienced this year. It would also likely mean no funding would be available to meet other needs. Given that General Fund revenues are not currently sufficient to fund basic City services, it is not recommended to utilize General Fund monies when there is no guarantee that it will be repaid by the Redevelopment Agency. Therefore, no action is recommended at this tune. Staff will continue to work with the property owner to determine if there is a way to delay consideration until the lawsuit is settled. However, thus far, he has indicated that he needs a decision immediately. ADVANTAGES: The recommendation will result in no additional expenditure of General Fund or Redevelopment funds. DISADVANTAGES: The recommendation will not enable removal of the blighted condition created by the billboard. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Board's consideration: 1 . Take no action; 2. Authorize staff to execute an agreement with Nester Construction for removal of the billboard at a cost not to exceed $25,000 and to draft a loan agreement between the City and Redevelopment ent Agency that will be effective at conclusion of the litigation; 3. Direct staff to make an alternative offer; 4. Provide staff direction. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, September 8, 2011 and on the City's website on Friday, September 9, 2011. No public comments were received. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 2