Agenda Packet 1999-02-09 CITY COUNCIL ~ity 0/ AGENDA ~ [ff1'4nde Michael A. Lady Mayor Robert L. Hunt City Manager Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Pro Tem Timothy J. Cannel City Attorney Thoma. A. Runel. Council Member Nancy A. Davis City Clerk Steve Tolley Council Member Jim Dicken. Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,1999 7:30 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE: MARILYN VICKERS QUOTA INTERNATIONAL OF FIVE CITIES 4. INVOCATION: RABBI NORMAN MENDEL CONGREGATION BETH DAVID, SAN LUIS OBISPO l. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: i 5. a. Excellence Award - Children in Motion Program b. Recognition of Arroyo Grande Valley Agricultural Lands Conservation Workshop c. Proclamation - "Spay Day USA" 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6A. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. -~._--- AGENDA SUMMARY - FEBRUARY 9, 1999 PAGE 2 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None 8. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS: Persons in the audience may discuss business not scheduled on this agenda regarding any item of interest within the jurisdiction of the Council. The Council will listen to all communication but, in compliance with the Brown Act, will not take any action on items that are not on the agenda. 9. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted in parentheses. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) (Action Required: Approval) b. Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Interfund Advance From the Sewer Facility Fund (SNODGRASS) (Action Required: Approve Staff Recommendations) c. Statement of Investment Deposits (SNODGRASS) (Action Required: Receive an File) d. Minutes of City Council Meetings of January 22 and January 26. 1999 (DAVIS) (Action Required: Approval) e. Update of SLOCOG and SLORT A Joint Powers Agreements (HUNT) (Action Required: Approval) f. Progress Payment #1 - Bedloe Lane Maintenance Project. PrQject No. 60-90-98-3 (SPAGNOLO) (Action Required: Approve Staff Recommendations) g. Approval of Final Map Tract 2197 (Armstrong) (SPAGNOLO) (Action Required: Approve Staff Recommendations) --~-_." -~------- -------------------- -.--- AGENDA SUMMARY - FEBRUARY 9, 1999 PAGE 3 9. CONSENT AGENDA (continued) h. Approval of Final Map - Tract 1834. Unit NO.4 (SPAGNOLO) (Action Required: Approve Staff Recommendations) i. Appointment to Downtown Parking Advisory Board (HUNT) (Action Required: Approval) 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: a. Consideration of Weekly Green Waste Collection Service (HAMILTON) (Action Required: Approve Staff Recommendations) 11. NEW BUSINESS: a. Pavement Management Program Update (SPAGNOLO) (Action Required: Approval) b. Fiscal Year 1998/99 Mid-Year Budget Status Report (SNODGRASS) (Action Required: Approve Staff Recommendations) c. Fiscal Year 1999/00 Budget Development Guidelines and Calendar (HUNT) (Action Required: Approval) 12. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council 13. ST AFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Information for the City Council presented by the City Manager 14. ADJOURNMENT - ------ AGENDA SUMMARY - FEBRUARY 9, 1999 PAGE 4 * * * * * * * Copies of the staff reports or other written materials relating to each item of business referred to on this agenda are on file in the City Clerk's' Office and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If you have questions regarding any agenda item, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (805) 473- 5414. * * * * * * * In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at the number listed above at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to ensure that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting. * * * * * * * Note: This agenda is subject to amendment up to 72 hours prior to the date and time set for the meeting. Please refer to the agenda posted at City Hall for any revisions, or call the City Clerk's Office at (805) 473-5414 for more information. www .arroyogrande.org . _.~_. .- --_._-~-- --._~"' 5.a. MEMORANDUM TO: ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER fK FROM: DANIEL C. HERNANDEZ, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION SUBJECT: THE EXCELLENCE AWARD - OUTSTANDING PUBLIC PROGRAM DATE: FEBRUARY 3, 1999 On January 29th, the California Parks and Recreation Society District 8, which encompasses Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo Counties as well as Rancho Simi, Pleasant Valley, and Rancho Conejo Park and Recreation Districts, held its Annual Awards and Installation Banquet in Camarillo, California. Unlike previous years, nominees in each of the Excellence Award categories were not given advance notification of which agency would be receiving an award. The categories were Outstanding Facility, Outstanding Public Program, Outstanding Maintenance Crew, and Outstanding Publicity Piece. Great News! The City of Arroyo Grande Parks and Recreation Department received The Excellence Award for Outstanding Public Program for the Children In Motion program! The criteria that weighed heavily in the selection of the program was staff longevity, staff training, and the unique feature of charging particip~nts only for program hours used (Le., a drop-in basis), which is rarely done in any child care programs, municipal or private. The program's growth over the last year, as well as the Department's positive working relationship with the Lucia Mar School District, were also considered when the nominations were reviewed. Staff is very pleased to receive this high honor. c: Parks and Recreation Commission c:\CIM\Memo-CIMAwardofExcellence.202 "- . THE CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION SOCIETY DISTRICT VIII THE EXCELLENCE AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING PUBLIC PROGRAM DECEMBER 18, 1998 USA DEL VAGUO, CHILDCARE COORDINATOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PO BOX 550 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 (805) 473-5484 . . Statement of Program: Goals and Objectives The Arroyo Grande Parks and Recreation Department offers a State licensed school-age childcare program called "Children in Motion". It is through continuous staff training, a positive relationship with the local school district, and an exceptional payment policy that the number of program participants has more then doubled in the past two years. The first goal of the department is to provide a safe, respected, and loving environment that is a fun place for children (kindergarten to 13 years of age) to be while their parents have other obligations. The next step is to provide an affordable childcare program that operates on a drop-in basis. Unlike many childcare programs which require parents to pay and hold a space in the program for their child, the "Children in Motion" program only charges parents for the hours their child attends the program The "Children in Motion" program began September 1988 at two sites, Margaret Harloe Elementary School and at Ocean View Elementary School. Morning and after-school childcare was offered at both schools. Several months later, a third childcare site opened at Branch Elementary School. The "Children in Motion" program was developed based on results of a needs assessment and questionnaire that was distributed to parents. The sites operate from 7:00a.m. until school starts and then reopen when school ends until 6:00p.m. The extended nightly hours are extremely helpful for working parents because most sites in the area close at 5:30 and charge additional fees. The morning "Children in Motion" program is a safe place where children can go to play games, finish their homework, or just relax before their day at school begins. The afternoon "Children in Motion" program offers several activities to its participants, beginning with snack after they check into the program. If children do not bring a snack, the program provides one. After roll call, the children have the option of participating in the homework club (an agreement between the child and parent that the child will try and complete their homework at "Children in Motion" so it does not have to be done at home), or going outside for a group game. After the group game, the children have free play and then return to the cafeteria for a craft or cooking project. Crafts are based on weekly themes related to seasonal holidays or activities. Children also participate in team- building activities that promote communication and working together toward a common goal. These activities also aid in building self-esteem among the youth. . Unique and Innovative Features In 1988, each site averaged 12 children in the morning and 25 children in the afternoon. The number of participants rose in 1995 to approximately 20 children in the morning and 45 children in the afternoon. Within the last two years participant levels have nearly doubled to 45 children in the morning and 80 . . children in the afternoon. The factors contributing to this increase include the payment policy, the positive working relationship with the local school district, and the highly trained staff. The program charges an hourly rate of $2.25 per child and a one-time $10.00 registration fee per family. Parents pay at the end of each week for the hours that their children attended the program. As a drop-in program, parents can use the program for as little as a half-hour; there is no minimum time frame required. A weekly activity schedule allows parents to choose which days their child will attend the program. Although the "Children in Motion" program was designed primarily for the 60% of kids whose parents work, it is an ideal program for parents who want their children to interact with peers. Once registered for the program, parents have the freedom to call the school and instruct their child to go to "Children in Motion" in case of an emergency. The City of Arroyo Grande and the Lucia Mar School District share an excellent working relationship. The City uses the schools' cafeteria to run the "Children in Motion" program and, in exchange, allows the School District to use City parks and athletic fields. The schools also provide tables, chairs, cleaning solutions, and trash cans and liners. Additionally, communication concerning the children has always been outstanding. The school principals take the necessary steps to improve the programs. For example, one principal purchased an outdoor storage shed to accommodate the program's supplies. Creative, outgoing, and positive program staff has drawn new and returning participants to the "Children in Motion" program. Staff attends monthly training sessions provided by the City of Arroyo Grande Parks and Recreation Department, which focus on new innovative craft ideas, games and positive interaction among peers. Staff also attends training workshops offered by the Community Partners in Childcare School Age Sub-Committee, which teaches staff about developing a quality child care program. Weekly staff meetings at each site and all-staff meetings each month inform staff of new procedures and encourage open lines of communication. The staff is highly trained and reliable. Because staff receives partial sick and vacation benefits, turnover rates are low. The City of Arroyo Grande pays their program staff a higher. wage than other area childcare programs. Parents have built trusting relationships with the staff, many of whom have been working with the program for three to six years. Currently, parents are asked to complete a survey three times a year to give suggestions and measure the quality of the "Children in Motion" program. The survey results indicate that staff is rated extremely helpful, courteous and responsible by parents. Most parents have been satisfied with the cost and the program hours. ----_._~- . . Program Budget, Expenditures and Revenues and Cost Per Participant Children in Motion Program Budget SALARIES/FRINGE BENEFITS Salaries-Full Time $33,700 Salaries-Part Time $128,400 Administrative Overhead $22,200 Sick Leave Pay $250 PERS $5,200 PARS $0 Social Security $12,400 Health Insurance $1,700 Dental I nsurance $1,000 Vision Insurance $100 L TD Insurance $50 Workers' Compensation $5,200 Life Insurance $50 Total $210,250 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Special Dept. Supplies $4.500 Contractual Services $9,300 Total $13,800 Grand Total $224,050 Revenues Estimated 1998/99 $270,000 Cost per participant = $10.00 registration fee and $2.25 per hour . Reasons for Deeming the Program a Success The City of Arroyo Grande Parks and Recreation Department's "Children in Motion" program has successfully met the program goals of continuous staff training, a positive relationship with the local school district, and an exceptional payment policy. These special features, in conjunction with an increase in program participants, deem the "Children in Motion" childcare program an outstanding public program. c:wpdocs\general\cprsawrd . "[ 1" E u I- ~ ~g U en <( n:Z - Q 0:: 00 0:: - 0:: I.L. ~ - 11\ .J~ - V (35 I- > <( 0 ~ en ~ ~ 0- <( 0:: ~ 0... ~ -t 1.- I I.J I I - w I I ~ w m I I .::I.J. 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I i I I NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Michael A. Lady, Mayor of the City of I Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby extend its support for the workshop I and success in efforts to assist in voluntarily conserving farming properties. I I I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my i hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande I I to be affixed this 9th Day of February, 1999. I I I I MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR I , ~-_. -" ._~- __ . __~_ __ _.___ .~ __..__.___..__...._._._ __ - - . __n_.____ --- -- - I i _u. .____"~__ s..c. I Proclaznstion I I .... .... .... .... I I . . . . DESIGNATING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1999 I I I AS "SPAY DAY USA" I I I WHEREAS, dogs and cats give companionship and share the homes of over 50,000,000 individuals in I I the United States; and I I WHEREAS, two unaltered cats and their kittens can produce 420,000 more cats in seven years and two unaltered dogs and their puppies can produce 67,000 more dogs in six years; and I WHEREAS, humane societies and shelters euthanize eight to ten million dogs and cats each year, although many of them are healthy and adoptable, simply because there are not enough good homes; and I WHEREAS, the problem of dog and cat overpopulation costs the taxpayers of this country millions I I of dollars annually through animal control programs aimed at coping with the millions of unwanted dogs and cats; and WHEREAS, spaying and neutering dogs and cats has been shown to drastically reduce dog and cat overpopulation; and I WHEREAS, veterinarians, humane societies, and national and local animal protection Ol'ganizations I worked together to ensure the spaying or neutering of more than 108,000 companion animals through J nSpay Day USA" in 1998; and I WHEREAS, veterinarians, humane societies, and national and local animal protection organizations have joined together again to advocate the spaying and neutering of companion animals during "Spay I Day USA" 1999. I NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that!, Michael A. Lady, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby designate February 23,1999 as nSpay Day USA" in the City of Arroyo Grande and call upon the people of Arroyo Grande to observe the month by having their I own dogs or cats spayed or neutered or by sponsoring the spaying or neutering of another person's dog or cat. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my I I hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be affixed this 9th Day of February, 1999. I I 1 I MICHAEL A. lADY, MA YOR I - ,_n._.__. __,_._ .- . - ---- --- 9.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICe9 SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period January 16 - January 31, 1999. FUNDING: There is a $443,592.90 fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ATTACHMENTS: A IT ACHMENT A - Cash Disbursement Listing A IT ACHMENT B - January 22, 1999 Accounts Payable Check Register A IT ACHMENT C - January 29, 1999 Accounts Payable Check Register A IT ACHMENT D - January 29, 1999 Payroll Checks and Payroll Benefit Checks -~---_. ------ ---------- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS City Government (Fund 010) Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4001 - City Council 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - City Oerk Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Conshuction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Fund (Fund 271) 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant 4140 - Management Information System 4203 - Federal COPS Hiring Grant 4145 - Non Departmental 4204 - Federal Local Law Enforcement Public Safety (Fund 010) 4201 - Police ENTERPRISE FUNDS 4211 - Fire Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4212 - Building & Safety 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4213 - Government Buildings Water Fund (Fund 640) Public Works (Fund 010) 4710 - Water Administration 4301 - Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4711 - Water Production 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance 4712 - Water Distribution 4304 - Street Ughting Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4305 - Automotive Shop 4750 - Lopez Administration Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4420 - Parks CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 4421 - Recreation 5501-5599 - Park Projects 4422 - General Recreation 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4423 - Pre-School Program 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 4460 - Parkway Maintenance DepL Index for Council.xIs _..__...._,--~.. --_.._---_.._.~. ATIACHMENT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS *PM tk f)ettiMt ot ~ 16 7~ ~ SI, 1999 February 9, 1999 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Deparbnent of Financial Services for the period January 16 to January 31, 1999. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. January 22, 1999 Accounts Payable Cks #88714-88822 B $ 331,158.45 Less: Payroll Transfer Included-1/26/99 (178,174.90) 152,983.55 January 29,1999 Accounts Payable Cks # 88823-88885 C 67,786.44 Payroll Checks and Payroll Benefit Checks D 222,822.91 290,609.35 Two Week Total 443.592.90 --- ATTACHMENT B VOUCHRE2 CITY OF. ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 01/20/99 09:16 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER -. FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 983 01/15/99 005616 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE G.A.REIMB.1/7/99 P/R 011.0000.1015 178,174.90 178,174.90 88714 01/22/99 000468 A T & T-L/DIST SVC. DATA LINE 473-0379 010.4140.5303 112.16 112.16 88715 01/22/99 068127 AG PRINT N COPY COLORED COPIES 010.4301. 5201 16.30 16.30 88716 01/22/99 100584 AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA COR OXYGEN/ACETYLENE 010.4305.5303 64.93 88716 01/22/99 100584 AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA COR WELDING CASES 010.4305.5303 61. 90 126.83 88717 01/22/99 002262 EDWARD ALLEN EDGED WEAPONS - ED ALLEN 010.4201. 5501 132. 90 132.90 88718 01/22/99 003042 AMERICAN EQUIPMENT SVCS DUMP BIN 010.4213.5303 1,250.00. 1,250.00 88719 01/22/99 003120 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SUP LENS TISSUES/EAR PLUGS 010.4420.5255 91.97 88719 01/22/99 003120 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SUP SAFETY GLASSES 010.4420.5255 22.74 88719 01/22/99 003120 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SUP GLOVES 010.4420.5255 86.87 201. 58 88720 01/22/99 003276 AMERICAN LASERTEK REMANUF. TONER CARTRIDGES 010.4201.5201 159.14 159.14 88721 01/22/99 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS HAWORTH SVCS-12/27 284.4103.5303 439.60 88721 01/22/99 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS DAVIDSON SVCS-12/27 010.4130.5303 439.60 88721 01/22/99 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS HAWORTH SVCS-1/3 284.4103.5303 439.60 88721 01/22/99 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS DAVIDSON SVCS-1/3 010.4130.5303 439.60 1,758.40 88722 01/22/99 100930 ARMENIAN APOLSTOLIC REF.C/B.DEPOSIT-ARMENIAN 010.0000.2206 250.00 88722 01/22/99 100930 ARMENIAN APOLSTOLIC BLDG. SUPER-ARMENIAN 010.0000.4355 119.29- 130.71 88723 01/22/99 005772 ARROYO GRANDE COMM. HOS DMV PHSlCAL-MADRID 220.4303.5501 90.00 88723 01/22/99 005772 ARROYO GRANDE COMM. HOS REP B-MACHADO 010.4201.5303 55.00 145.00 88724 01/22/99 006006 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER SH FLOWERS-CRUZ 010.4001.5504 48.26 48.26 88725 01/22/99 009126 REV.ROBERT BANKER CHAPLAINS SEMINAR-BANKER 010.4201.5501 74.00 74.00 88726 01/22/99 011426 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS PRINTS-GRAND AVE 350.5806.7301 51.43 51. 43 88727 01/22/99 011856 KIMBERLY BOESE REIMB.TUITION-BOESE 010.4201.5502 1,210.00 1,210.00 88728 01/22/99 012480 CARL BRANDT REIMB. RADIO PROGRAMER 010.4211. 5603 300.00 300.00 88729 01/22/99 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER TOOL BOX/MAT/BULBS 010.4201.5604 61.57 88729 01/22/99 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER PLAQUES 010.4420.5605 29.25 90.82 88730 01/22/99 100926 BUMBLE BEE WHOLESALE,IN AMMUNITION 010.4201.5255 1,512.23 1,512.23 88731 01/22/99 013806 BURKE AND PACE OF AG CORRAL BOARDS/GREEN POST 010.4420.5605 76.16 76.16 88732 01/22/99 100301 RYAN BURT B/BALL LGE.OFFlCAL-BURT 010.4424.5352 45.00 45.00 88733 01/22/99 021294 C.COAST FIRE PREVENTION CC FIRE DUES-FIBICH 010.4211.5503 30.00 88733 01/22/99 021294 C. COAST FIRE PREVENTION CC FIRE DUES-SCHMIDT 010.4212.5503 30.00 60.00 "------ -- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 01/20/99 09:16 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 88734 01/22/99 021940 C.COAST TAXI CAB SERVIC TAXI SVCS-DEC.1-31 225.4553.5507 2,663.75 2,663.75 88735 01/22/99 017202 CA.ST.BOARD OF EQUALIZA UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK FEE 010.4305.5201 286.50 88735 01/22/99 017202 CA.ST . BOARD OF EQUALIZA DIESEL FUEL TAX 2Q-98/99 010.0000.1202 95.58 382.08 88736 01/22/99 018330 CA. ST. DEPT. OF JUSTICE FINGER PRINTS 010.4425.5255 91.00 91. 00 88737 01/22/99 014508 CALIF.APPLIED TECHNOLOG REPR.RADAR UNIT 010.4201.5603 60.00 60.00 88738 01/22/99 021918 CENTRAL COAST SUPPLY LINERS/BOWL CLEANER 010.4420.5605 289.47 289.47 88739 01/22/99 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY BOXWOOD 010.4420.5605 18.23 88739 01/22/99 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY FERTILIZER 010.4430.5274 42.89 88739 01/22/99 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY LODGE POLES 01:0.4420.5605 85.53 88739 01/22/99 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY FERTILIZER 010.4430.5274 428.57 88739 01/22/99 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY SPRAY CLEANER 010.4420.5274 21.13 596.35 88740 01/22/99 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SMQG-B405 010.4211. 5601 24.95 88740 01/22/99 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SMOG B408 010.4211.5601 24.95 88740 01/22/99 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SMOG TEST-923 010.4201.5601 24.95 88740 01/22/99 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SMOGTEST-901 010.4201.5601 24.95 88740 01/22/99 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SERV.TRANS/LUBE/OIL/FILTER 010.4201. 5601 243.93 88740 01/22/99 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SMOG TEST-922 010.4201.5601 24.95 88740 01/22/99 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SMOG-86 CHEVY 010.4211. 5601 24.95 88740 01/22/99 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SMOG-F303 010.4211.5601 24.95 88740 01/22/99 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SMOG TEST-931 010.4201.5601 24.95 443.53 88741 01/22/99 023946 CLINICAL LAB.OF SAN BER WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 250.00 88741 01/22/99 023946 CLINICAL LAB.OF SAN BER WELL SAMPLES-DON ROBERTS 350.5501.7401 470.00 720.00 88742 01/22/99 024870 COMPUSERVE INC. COMPUSERVE USER FEE-12/26 010.4140.5607 44.03 44.03 88743 01/22/"19 100326 COOKIE CROCK WAREHOUSE FILM PROCESSING-NOV/DEC 010.4201.5255 214.08 214.08 88744 01/22/99 100509 COPY DATA OF SLO CNTY CLEAN FAX 010.4211.5602 80.00 80.00 88745 01/22/99 100631 CUESTA CONSULTING CUESTA SVCS-12/28-1/10 010.4130.5303 4,905.00 4,905.00 88746 01/22/99 029484 DIESELRO INC. SMOKE TEST-P7 010.4420.5601 45.01 45.01 88747 01/22/99 100575 FIRST AID DIRECT BAGS/BATTERIES 010.4201.5255 21.72 21. 72 88748 01/22/99 036114 FULTON FIRE ENGR.INC. PLAN CHECK REVIEW-5 CITIES CTR 010.4212.5303 150.00 88748 01/22/99 036114 FULTON FIRE ENGR.INC. PLAN CHECK REIVEW-5 CITIES CTR 010.4212.5303 450.00 600.00 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/C REMOVAL 220.4303.5307 80.50 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/ C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 51. 83 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/ C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 44.84 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/ C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 31. 25 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/C REMOVAL 220.4303.5307 112 . 91 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/ C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 59.23 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 01/20/99 09:16 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 45.75 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 37.46 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 39.03 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/ C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 32.69 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 43.61 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/ C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 31. 91 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 47.97 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 62.28 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/ C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 44.67 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/ C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 44.96 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/ C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 40.32 88749 01/22/99 036972 GATOR CRUSHING & RECYCL A/C REMOVAL 350.5808.7001 41.12 892.33 88750 01/22/99 037206 GIBBS INTERNATIONAL TRU FILTERS 010.4211.5601 33.70 88750 01/22/99 037206 GIBBS INTERNATIONAL TRU LAMP-P23 010.4420.5601 15.67 88750 01/22/99 037206 GIBBS INTERNATIONAL TRU FASTENERS-PW51 612.4610.5603 28.00 77.37 88751 01/22/99 038376 GRAND AUTO PARTS BATTERY-P31 010.4420.5603 57.86 88751 01/22/99 038376 GRAND AUTO PARTS UNDERCOAT-P31 010.4420.5603 18.04 75.90 88752 01/22/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4421.5201 4.16 88752 01/22/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 51.43 88752 01/22/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 31.05 88752 01/22/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 12.96 88752 01/22/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4101. 5201 83.56 88752 01/22/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 640.4710.5201 14.76 88752 01/22/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 63.28 261.20 88753 01/22/99 036426 GTE. WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PW DIR 010.4301.5403 40.75 88753 01/22/99 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-CONST INSPECT 350.5612.7301 156.22 88753 01/22/99 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-DIV.CHIEF 010.4211.5403 21.51 88753 01/22/99 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-FIRE CHIEF 010.4211.5403 24.26 242.74 88754 01/22/99 100933 H.S.S.INTERNATIONAL REGIS-ED ALLEN(EDGED WEAPONS) 010.4201.5501 75.00 75.00 88755 01/22/99 042158 BOB HICKS TURF EQUIPMEN ANTI-SCALP WHEEL/BELTS 010.4420.5603 459.73 88755 01/22/99 042158 BOB HICKS TURF EQUIPMEN MACHINE BUSHINGS 010.4420.5603 18.56 478.29 88756 01/22/99 100929 HUGH HOLMES REF. WATER DEPOSIT-602 HARRISON 640.0000.2302 120.00 88756 01/22/99 100929 HUGH HOLMES CLOSING BILL-602 HARRISON 640.0000.4751 77.73- 42.27 88757 01/22/99 043290 CHERI HULGAN CRIME PREVENTION-HULGAN 010.4201.5501 218..00 218.00 88758 01/22/99 043954 JOSH IANNEO B/BALL LGE.SCORER-IANNEO 010.4424.5352 21. 00 21. 00 88759 01/22/99 100117 IMAGING PRODUCTS INT' L FILM 010.4201. 5255 115.83 115.83 88760 01/22/99 045084 INT'L ASSN PLUMB/MECH 0 IAPMO DUES-SCHMIDT 010.4212.5503 150.00 150.00 88761 01/22/99 100191 INT'L CONF.OF POLICE CH CHAPLAINS TRAINING-BANKER 010.4201.5501 155.00 155.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 01/20/99 09:16 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 88762 01/22/99 045708 INTOXlMETERS, INC. REPR.ALCO SENSOR 010.4201.5603 257.51 257.51 88763 01/22/99 046098 J C LANDSCAPING L/SCAPE MAINT-DEC 010.4420.5303 380.00 88763 01/22/99 046098 J C LANDSCAPING L/SCAPE MAINT-DEC 217.4460.5356 70.00 450.00 88764 01/22/99 046410 J.W.ENTERPRISES TOILET RENTAL 220.4303.5552 91.73 91. 73 88765 01/22/99 100931 JUANITA JAVIER REF.PARK DEPOSIT-JAVIER 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 88766 01/22/99 047190 JOHNSON ENGINEERING REPR-SMART UNIT 984 010.4201. 5603 99.96 99.96 88767 01/22/99 047150 JAMIE JOHNSON INTERVIEW/INVEST-JOHNSON 010.4201. 5501 30.00 30.00 88768 01/22/99 047300 BLAIR JUAREZ B/BALL LGE.SCORER-JUAREZ 010.4424.5352 21. 00 21.00 88769 01/22/99 051012 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CI REGIS-SPAGNOLO/PW OFFICERS 010.4301. 5501 265.00 265.00 88770 01/22/99 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. TRANS-HOLLOWAY TREE FARM-12/10 010.4423.5253 66.8S 66.88 88771 01/22/99 054484 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTEND MSA MEETING-5 PEOPLE 220.4303.5501 70.00 70.00 88772 01/22/99 056580 MID STATE BANK ACH DISTRID-1/6/99 010.4145.5319 25.30 25.30 88773 01/22/99 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE LUBE/OIL/FILTER-932 010.4201.5601 177 . 62 177.62 88774 01/22/99 056940 MIER BROS. TOPSOIL 010.4430.5605 579.15 88774 01/22/99 056940 MIER BROS. TOPSOIL 010.4430.5605 350.00 929.15 88775 01/22/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE EXT CORD/MISC.HARDWARE 010.4420.5605 21.42 88775 01/22/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE GROUT BRUSH/OVEN CLEANER 010.4213.5604 7.27 88775 01/22/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE LEVER FLUSH SIDE MOUNT 010.4213.5604 10.18 88775 01/22/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE C8 BATTERIES/BAR TOWELS 010.4211.5255 69.53 88775 01/22/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE POP UP KIT/CONTACT CEMENT 010.4213.5604 4.80 88775 01/22/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE STAPLES 640.4712.5255 2.78 88775 01/22/99 0,57096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE WET PAINT SIGNS 010.4420.5605 2.53 88775 01/22/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 6V BATTERIES 220.4303.5613 96.31 88775 01/22/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BOLT/HEX NUT 010.4420.5605 13.28 88775 01/22/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MERCURY VAPOR LAMP 010.4420.5605 9.43 88775 01/22/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BASIN PARTS/CEMENT 010.4430.5605 107.23 344.76 88776 01/22/99 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE MATS 010.4213.5604 18.54 18.54 88777 01/22/99 058578 MULLAHEY FORD REPL.STARTER-PD 952 010.4201.5601 261. 27 88777 01/22/99 058578 MULLAHEY FORD ALIGN/OIL-PD941 010.4201.5601 55.95 88777 01/22/99 058578 MULLAHEY FORD CHARGE BATTERY/TEST-PD 952 010.4201.5601 117.56 88777 01/22/99 058578 MULLAHEY FORD BRAKE LINING/ROTATE/LUBE 010.4201.5601 118.05 88777 01/22/99 058578 MULLAHEY FORD BRAKE LINING/LUBE/OIL-PD982 010.4201.5601 32.55 585.38 88778 01/22/99 059496 SHARON NACCARATI WATER/UTILITY HISTORY ANALYSIS 350.5805.7701 206.25 206.25 88779 01/22/99 060642 NAT'L NOTARY ASSOC. ERRORS/OMISSIONS INS 010.4002.5503 101.00 101. 00 - VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 01/20/99 09:16 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK .CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 88780 01/22/99 060684 NAT . L PUB. SAFETY INFO. B 99 NH DIRECTORY-LAW ENFORCEMEN 010.4201.5255 94.00 94.00 88781 01/22/99 060840 NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPL T.PAPER/P.TOWELS/SPRAY BOTTLES 010.4213.5604 162.61 162.61 88782 01/22/99 061420 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS NO PARKING SIGNS 220.4303.5613 119.00 119.00 88783 01/22/99 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE FILTER 010.4420.5605 11.79 88783 01/22/99 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE URINAL KIT 010.4420.5605 15.00 88783 01/22/99 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE PANEL BOX METAL 220.4303.5613 39.67 88783 01/22/99 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE URINAL KIT 010.4420.5605 15.00 81.46 88784 01/22/99 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 481-9263 612.4610.5403 19.23 19.23 88785 01/22/99 064258 PAGING NETWORK OF LA PAGER SVCS-1/99 010.4145.5403 26.63 88785 01/22/99 064258 PAGING NETWORK OF LA PAGER SVCS-1/99 010.4421.5602 100.44 127.07 88786 01/22/99 065050 PEOPLE PROFESSIONALS TE STEARS SVCS-12/31 010.4213.5303 383.60 88786 01/22/99 065050 PEOPLE PROFESSIONALS TE STEARS SVCS-1/8 010.4213.5303 383.60 767.20 88787 01/22/99 100936 BOB PHILLIPS REF.L/SCAPE BOND-165 REFUGIO 010.0000.2210 1,200.00 1,200.00 .-. 88788 01/22/99 067890 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION,IN HIGH PRESSURE CYCLINDER 010.4211. 5206 15.60 15.60 88789 01/22/99 100937 QUALITY FABRICS VELCRO 010.4211.5324 58.61 58.61 88790 01/22/99 100222 QUILL CORPORATION FAX CARTRIDGE/PRINTER CARTRIDG 010.4421. 5201 111.68 111.68 88791 01/22/99 069654 RALCCO CONTAINER COLL-12/98 761.0000.2006 2,526.06 88791 01/22/99 069654 RALCCO GREEN WASTE COLL-12/98 761.0000.2007 4,400.16 88791 01/22/99 069654 RALCCO R-1 RECYCLING 12/98 010.0000.4030 346.31- 88791 01/22/99 069654 RALCCO RECYCLING ADMIN-12/98 010.0000.4755 346.31- 6,233.60 88792 01/22/99 071682 GREG ROSE B/BALL LGE.OFFlCAL-ROSE 010.4424.5352 45.00 45.00 88793 01/22/99 100934 S.L.O.S.O. REGIS-JOHNSON (INTERVIEW/INTER 010.4201.5501 25.00 25.00 88794 01/22/99 100932 SACRAMENTO CRIMINAL JUS REGIS-HULGAN(CRlME PREVENT 010.4201.5501 54.00 54.00 88795 01/22/99 100938 SAFEWAY, INC. TURKEY TROT SUPP.LIES 010.4424.5252 200.69 200.69 88796 01/22/99 100928 SAGE PUBLlCATIONS,INC. SUBSCRIPTION-JRNL OF CRIMINAL 010.4201.5503 45.00 45.00 88797 01/22/99 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE WINTER/SPRING GUIDES PRINTED 010.4421. 5504 1,254.94 88797 01/22/99 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE CLASS AD-ASSOCIATE PLANNER 010.4130.5201 83.23 1,338.17 88798 01/22/99 075660 SAN LUIS PAINTS PAINT 010.4430.5605 97.58 97.58 88799 01/22/99 100935 SANTA MARIA FIRE DEPT DUES-TRI COUNTIES FlRE-FIBICH 010.4211.5503 50.00 50.00 88800 01/22/99 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. DIESEL/GASOLINE 010.4211.5608 196.12 196.12 -_0.__- ---~---..~-- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 6 01/20/99 09:16 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 88801 01/22/99 078234 SECURED STORAGE STORAGE CHARGES 010.4002.5303 24.00 24.00 88802 01/22/99 078468 SENSUS TECHNOLOGIES,INC TOUCH READ METERS 640.4712.5207 917.64 88802 01/22/99 078468 SENSUS TECHNOLOGIES,INC MAGNET SHAFT 640.4712.5611 25.46 943.10 88803 01/22/99 100939 SICAN CORP. DISPATCH CHAIR 271.4202.6001 709.00 709.00 88804 01/22/99 074490 SLO CNTY DEPT. HEALTH UST PERMIT 010.4305.5303 714.00 714.00 88805 01/22/99 075114 SLO CNTY GENERAL HOSPIT LEGAL TOX TEST 010.4201. 5324 28.00 28.00 88806 01/22/99 080340 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORP PICK TOOL SET/DIAG.CUTTER 640.4712.5273 51.96 51.96 88807 01/22/99 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT SEWER SVC COLL-12/98 760.0000.2304 57,214.12 88807 01/22/99 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT SEWER HooKUPS-12/98 760.0000.2305 35,500.00 88807 01/22/99 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT 12-1 SAN DIST-203 N.RENA 010.4145.5401 13.47 88807 01/22/99 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT 12-1 SAN DIST-AS R/RM 010.4145.5401 13.47 92,741. 06 88808 01/22/99 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY SLICK 50 010.4420.5605 40.65 88808 01/22/99 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY AIR NEEDLE VALVE 612.4610.5610 4.10 88808 01(22/99 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY TIRE CLEANER 010.4305.5603 22.76 88808 01/22/99 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY BATTERIES 010.4305.5255 15.93 88808 01/22/99 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY SMALL TOOLS FOR SHOP 010.4305.5273 6.59 88808 01/22/99 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY SMALL TOOLS FOR SHOP 010.4305.5273 6.44 96.47 88809 01/22/99 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 20.91 88809 01/22/99 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 324.18 345.09 88810 01/22/99 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS MAINT-2/99 010.4201. 5606 995.00 995.00 88811 01/22/99 082486 STEWARD CO INK 010.4102.5255 46.18 46.18 88812 01/22/99 082836 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY SLOAN VALVE 010.4420.5605 11. 29 11.29 88813 01/22/99 083382 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIER HP LASER TONER 220.4303.5201 16.09 88813 01/22/99 083382 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIER HP LASER TONER 612.4610.5201 16.09 88813 01/22/99 083382 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIER HP LASER TONER 640.4710.5201 16.08 48.26 88814 01/22/99 084474 TELEGRAM TRIBUNE T.T.SUBSCRIPTION-12 MONTHS 010.4301.5503 132.00 132.00 88815 01/22/99 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. WIRE CONNECTOR/COUPLINGS/TEES 010.4430.5605 85.00 85.00 88816 01/22/99 088424 URBAN FUTURES INC. PROF. LEGAL SVCS-REDEVELOP 284.4103.5303 485.00 485.00 88817 01/22/99 088842 VALLEY AUTO SERVICE MOUNT/BREAK TWO TIRES 010.4211.5601 48.00 48.00 88818 01/22/99 089426 VAVRlNEK,TRlNE,DAY & CO PROF.SVCS-AUDIT-97/98 010.4120.5303 7,500.00 88818 01/22/99 089426 VAVRlNEK,TRlNE,DAY & CO SINGLE AUDIT-ll/98 010.4120.5303 1,500.00 88818 01/22/99 089426 VAVRlNEK,TRlNE,DAY & CO PROF.SVCS-RDA-97/98 284.4103.5303 2,000.00 11,000.00 88819 01/22/99 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO ENVELOPES/PAPER 010.4102.5255 364.43 --~--- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 7 01/20/99 09:16 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 88819 01/22/99 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO PAPER 010.4102.5255 145.86 510.29 88820 01/22/99 092976 WITMER-TYSON IMPORTS K-9 TRAINING-12/19/99 010.4201. 5322 90.00 88820 01/22/99 092976 WITMER-TYSON IMPORTS K-9 SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5322 328.19 418.19 88821 01/22/99 100834 WLC ARCHITECTS PROF.SVCS-AG FIRE DEPTEXPAND 350.5402.7701 792.00 792.00 88822 01/22/99 093366 J.F. WRIGHT ITT WEAPONS SIGHT/NIGHT SCOPE 271.4202.6201 6,491.09 6,491.09 TOTAL CHECKS 331,158.45 ._-.---- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 8 01/20/99 09:16 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 35,565.77 011 PAYROLL CLEARING FUND 178,174.90 217 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 70.00 220 STREETS FUND 716.21 225 TRANSPORTATION FUND 2,663.75 271 STATE COPS BLOCK GRANT FUND 7,200.09 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 3,364.20 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 2,374.82 612 SEWER FUND 67.42 640 WATER FUND 1,320.95 760 SANITATION DISTRIBUTION FUND 92,714.12 761 RUBBISH COLLECTION FUND 6, 926 .22 TOTAL 331,158.45 _.~""-"~._--_._~-_._- -_.__....,._~._- ATTACHMENT C VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 01/27/99 09:06 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 984 01/22/99 100857 HANSON BRIDGETT MARCUS PROF. LEGAL SVCS 010.4003.5327 3,500.00 3,500.00 985 01/25/99 100942 POWER CASTER INC. TRAILER MOVER/POWER CASTER 010.4211.6201 997.52 997.52 986 01/25/99 100271 LYNDA SNODGRASS DEVELOP. LEADERSHIP-SNODGRASS 010.4120.5501 58.00 58.00 88823 01/29/99 000780 ACCURATE FLO & MOTION PARTS-PW249 220.4303.5603 55.05 55.05 88824 01/29/99 100584 AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA COR WELDING GASES 010.4305.5303 50.07 50.07 88825 01/29/99 003120 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SUP GLASS HOLDERS/RETAINERS 010.4420.5255 58.53 58.53 88826 01/29/99 005772 ARROYO GRANDE COMM. HOS HEPATITIS B SHOTS 010.4211.5324 278.00 278.00 88827 01/29/99 007332 AUSTIN'S PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHS-COUNCIL 010.4001.5201 64.35 64.35 88828 01/29/99 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4301.5201 43.22 88828 01/29/99 009008 BANKCARD CENTER FILM/CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES 010.4301. 5255 130.34 88828 01/29/99 009008 BANKCARD CENTER NOTARY SUPPLIES 010.4301.5255 116.45 88828 01/29/99 009008 BANKCARD CENTER LOCC CONFERENCE 010.4001.5501 700.00 88828 01/29/99 009008 BANKCARD CENTER CSMFO CONF-SNODGRASS-AIR 010.4120.5501 225.00 88828 01/29/99 009008 BANKCARD CENTER COMM.DINNER SUPPLIES 010.4421. 5255 38.99 88828 01/29/99 009008 BANKCARD CENTER JACKETS 010.4211.5255 149.97 88828 01/29/99 009008 BANKCARD CENTER LODGING ASlLOMAR-FIBICH 010.4211.5501 418.00 88828 01/29/99 009008 BANKCARD CENTER MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4211.5501 48.02 1,869.99 88829 01/29/99 009438 BARKLOW'S FIRE TRUCK PA GAS SPRINGS 010.4211.5601 51.25 51.25 88830 01/29/99 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMS.AM/PM SUPPLIES-BARROW 010.4425.5255 73.38 88830 01/29/99 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMS.AM/PM SUPPLIES-BARROW 010.4425.5255 31. 36 88830 01/29/99 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMS.AM/PM SUPPLIES-BARROW 010.4425.5255 107.68 212.42 88831 01/29/99 011426 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS MAP COPIES-NEWSOM SPRINGS 350.5754.7701 22.53 88831 01/29/99 011426 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS MAP COPIES-NEWSOM SPRINGS 350.5754.7701 11.27 33.80 88832 01/29/99 012480 CARL BRANDT REIMS. RADIO EQUIPMENT-BRANDT 010.4211.5603 400.00 400.00 88833 01/29/99 012792 FLOYD BRIDGE INVEST. COMPUTER CRIMES-CLEAVER 010.4201.5501 218.00 218.00 88834 01/29/99 013572 BRUMIT DIESEL,INC FILTER KITS 010.4211.5601 132.34 132.34 88835 01/29/99 016692 CALIF. PEACE OFFICER'S A REGIS-RICHARD CLEAVER-POLICE 010.4201.5501 294.00 294.00 88836 01/29/99 021918 CENTRAL COAST SUPPLY MOP HEAD EXTEND. 010.4213.5604 81. 09 81. 09 88837 01/29/99 023868 RICHARD CLEAVER POLICE DISCIPLINE-CLEAVER 010.4201.5501 30.00 30.00 88838 01/29/99 100940 COASTAL COMPUTERS NOVELL HUB - 2ND ONE - BACKUP 010.4140.5607 166.24 166.24 88839 01/29/99 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS SCADA SYS UPGRADE-LIFT#3 612.4610.6201 240.54 88839 01/29/99 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS SCADA SYS UPGRADE-LIFT#5 612.4610.6201 136.65 -- ....--- ~----~----.__._-- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 01/27/99 09:06 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 88839 01/29/99 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS SCADA SYS UPGRADE-LIFT#3,5,2 612.4610.6201 247.68 624.87 88840 01/29/99 026286 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 105.00 105.00 88841 01/29/99 027144 L.N CURTIS & SONS MOUNTING BRACKETS 010.4211.5603 138.72 138.72 88842 01/29/99 027534 D.G.REPAIR REPR.LEFT FRONT MIRROR 220.4303.5601 20.39 88842 01/29/99 027534 D.G.REPAIR REPR.LEFT FRONT MIRROR 640.4712.5601 20.39 88842 01/29/99 027534 D.G.REPAIR REPR.LEFT FRONT MIRROR 010.4420.5601 20.38 61.16 88843 01/29/99 076848 LENNY DE LOS SANTOS ADULT TENNIS-DE LOS SANTOS 010.4424.5351 294.00 294 . 00 88844 01/29/99 029484 DIESELRO INC. REFLECTORS 010.4305.5601 10.66 10.66 88845 01/29/99 032838 FAMILIAN PIPE & SUPPLY PVC FITTINGS/COUPLINGS 640.4712.5610 214.48 214.48 88846 01/29/99 100943 MICHAEL FARAGE REF.C/B DEPOSIT-FARAGE 010.0000.2206 125.00 125.00 88847 01/29/99 033702 TERENCE FIBICH C.C.FIRE PREVENT. SUPPLIES 010.4211.5501 22.71 22.71 88848 01/29/99 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 886 010.4130.5301 51.00 88848 01/29/99 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 893 010.4130.5301 66.00 11 7.00 88849 01/29/99 100944 KEITH GARRISON REF. PARK DEPOSIT-GARRISON 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 88850 01/29/99 038376 GRAND AUTO PARTS FUSES 010.4305.5601 5.36 5.36 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 48.80 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 75.08 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 4.49 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 9.55 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 4.49 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 48.80 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4301.5201 34.33 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 10.89 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 8.57 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 79.17 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4301.5201 19.31 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 640.4710.5201 8.67 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 11. 52 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 640.4710.5201 2.99 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 8.57 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4102.5255 77.00 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4101.5201 32.90 88851 01/29/99 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 7.49 492.62 88852 01/29/99 099069 HOLIDAY INN RESV-B.BRIDGE 010.4201.5501 440.00 440.00 88853 01/29/99 044304 IMPULSE MFG. MOD.VACTOR VACC.TUBE HOLDER 612.4610.5603 196.64 196.64 88854 01/29/99 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY ORAL BOARD SUPPLIES 010.4301.5301 21.81 21. 81 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 01/27/99 09:06 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 88855 01/29/99 048360 LINDA KEY REIMB.PRE SCHOOL SUPPLIES-KEY 010.4423.5253 16.70 16.70 88856 01/29/99 053092 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES PHONE MAINT.TO 1/10 010.4211.5403 25.60 25.60 88857 01/29/99 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE WHEEL ALIGNMENT/BALANCE 220.4303.5601 131.58 131. 58 88858 01/29/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC.HARDWARE/FILM 640.4712.5255 26.52 88858 01/29/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ELEC.BOX/COVER/CUTTER TUBE 010.4420.5605 28.07 88858 01/29/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 75W.LIGHT BULBS 010.4213.5604 5.77 88858 01/29/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PAINTBRUSH/SPRAY PAINT 640.4712.5610 10.78 88858 01/29/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BLUE EPOXY 640.4712.5610 31. 09 88858 01/29/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ELECT.CLEANER/ENDUST/AA BATTER 010.4211.5201 16.06 88858 01/29/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE FLAT STEEL 640.4712.5610 5.03 88858 01/29/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BOLT/SCREW EXTRACTOR 010.4420.5605 23.57 88858 01/29/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE DUP . KEYS 010.4211.5201 2.12 88858 01/29/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE NIPPLE 010.4420.5605 1.92 88858 01/29/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ELECT. SUPPLIES/BULBS/RING WAX 010.4420.5605 19.02 88858 01/29/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE RING WAX BOWLS/PLUMB.SPLYS 010.4420.5605 3.82 88858 01/29/99 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PVC PIPE/TEE/ELBOW 010.4420.5605 5.54 179.31 88859 01/29/99 060724 NAT'L REC & PARK ASSOC. AGENCY MEMBERSHIP 010.4421.5503 350.00 350.00 88860 01/29/99 060840 NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPL CLEANSER 010.4213.5604 8.60 88860 01/29/99 060840 NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPL P. TOWELS 010.4213.5604 41. 72 50.32 88861 01/29/99 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELEC-TR1769 L/SCAPE 217.4460.5355 7.46 7.46 88862 01/29/99 065050 PEOPLE PROFESSIONALS TE VELDHUIS SVCS-l/8 220.4303.5303 520.80 88862 01/29/99 065050 PEOPLE PROFESSIONALS TE JACKSON SVCS-1/10 640.4710.5303 215.28 88862 01/29/99 065050 PEOPLE PROFESSIONALS TE JACKSON SVCS-1/10 612.4610.5303 143.52 88862 01/29/99 065050 PEOPLE PROFESSIONALS TE JACKSON SVCS-12/13 640.4710.5303 215.28 88862 01/29/99 065050 PEOPLE PROFESSIONALS TE JACKSON SVCS-12/13 612.4610.5303 143.52 88862 01/29/99 065050 PEOPLE PROFESSIONALS TE GOMEZ SVCS-1/10 220.4303.5303 416.64 88862 01/29/99 065050 PEOPLE PROFESSIONALS TE STEARS SVCS-1/10 010.4213.5303 438.40 2,093.44 88863 01/29/99 065520 PEPSI-COLA LOS ANGELES C/B.PEPSI MACHINE SUPPLIES 010.4422.5258 113.96 113.96 88864 01/29/99 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE PLAQUE-D. HUNT 010.4001.5201 27.86 88864 01/29/99 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE PICTURE PLATE 010.4001.5504 8.85 88864 01/29/99 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE SVCS . TROPHY KEY 010.4001.5504 3.85 88864 01/29/99 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE NAME SIGN 010.4101.5201 9.85 50.41 88865 01/29/99 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS BUSINESS CARDS-CITY COUNCIL 010.4001.5201 180.23 180.23 88866 01/29/99 068200 PROMEDIX SPLINTS/COLLARS 010.4211.5206 343.32 343.32 88867 01/29/99 068444 PROTO DIE MFG. INC. SHARPEN CHIPPER BLADES 220.4303.5603 175.00 175.00 88868 01/29/99 071838 CHARLES RUDA ROOM/FOOD COSTS 010.4211.5501 187.83 187.83 88869 01/29/99 073320 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY CO. LINERS 010.4213.5604 12.97 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 01/27/99 09:06 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 88869 01/29/99 073320 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY CO. LINERS 010.4213.5604 58.59 88869 01/29/99 073320 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY CO. LINERS 010.4213.5604 26.51 98.07 88870 01/29/99 100192 SAN LUIS MAILING SVC MAIL UTILITY BILLS-1/98 640.4710.5201 761.05 761.05 88871 01/29/99 100941 TAMI SIMPSON REF.PARK DEPOSIT-SIMPSON 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 88872 01/29/99 074256 SLO CNTY CLERK-RECORDER NOV 3,1998 ELECrrON CHARGES 010.4002.5506 7,727.42 7,727.42 88873 01/29/99 074490 SLO CNTY DEPT. HEALTH CROSS CONNECT-10/98-11/98 640.4710.5303 2,055.86 88873 01/29/99 074490 SLO CNTY DEPT.HEALTH 99 HAZ-MAT FEE 220.4303.5613 10.00 2,065.86 88874 01/29/99 100946 SLO CNTY.SHERIFF'S REGIS-JAMIE JOHNSON-INTERVIEW 010.4201.5501 25.00 25.00 88875 01/29/99 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY MR.GOODPUMP/GASKET 010.4211.5601 33.66 88875 01/29/99 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY HOSE CLAMPS 640.4712.5610 4.42 88875 01/29/99 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY HYD-JACK OIL 010.4305.5603 6.54 88875 01/29/99 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY AIR VALVE 612.4610.5603 4.93 88875 01/29/99 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY WATER SOLUBLE OIL 612.4610.5603 4.55 88875 01/29/99 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY CR:BRAKE SHOES/DISC 010.4211.5601 38.29- 15.81 88876 01/29/99 084084 TAYLOR'S TUNE-UP SHOP TUNE UP/SCOPE/ADJUST 010.4301.5601 166.60 166.60 88877 01/29/99 088298 UNITROL MOTOROLA ADAPTERS 010.4211.5603 263.25 263.25 88878 01/29/99 087672 US RENTALS, INC RENTAL-TEST PUMP 640.4712.5552 40.22 88878 01/29/99 087672 US RENTALS, INC PROPANE 220.4303.5613 5.26 45.48 88879 01/29/99 089700 VILLAGE ART CITY COUNCIL PICTURES FRAMED 010.4001.5201 27.70 27.70 88880 01/29/99 100208 VISIONARY SYSTEMS,INC. FIREHOUSE SVC CONTRACT 010.4140.5303 960.00 960.00 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. UG STORAGE TANK REPLACEMENT 350.5401.7301 414.76 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. DON ROBERTS FIELD 350.5501.7301 75.00 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. GRAND AVE. CORRIDOR STUDY 350.5603.7301 186.05 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. BIKEWAY PROJECT ONE 350.5606.7301 225.00 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. CREEKSIDE PATH 350.5607.7301 12.50 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE DECK REHA 350.5608.7301 50.00 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. STREET SEAL-COAT PROJECT 350.5612.7301 737.50 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 350.5613.7701 480.00 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. BRISCO/101 INTERCHANGE ALTS 350.5615.7301 138.50 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. EL CAMPO/101 INTERCHANGE ALTS 350.5616.7301 138.50 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. CENTRAL COAST TOWN CENTER 350.5617.7301 13,104.75 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. MONTEGO STREET SIDEWALKS 350.5622.7501 1,354.00 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. PARKING LOT BEHIND CITY HALL 350.5623.7501 570.66 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN/FINANCE A -350.5752.7701 117.83 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. NEWSOM SPRINGS 350.5754.7701 325.00 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. DISASTER SVCS 1998 (DR-1203) 350.5755.7301 12.50 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. DISASTER SVCS 1998 (DR-1203) 350.5755.7501 700.00 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. SEWER/WATER RATE STUDY 350.5805.7301 314.00 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. GRAND AVE, ELM TO HALCYON 350.5806.7501 3,201.50 -----._-- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 01/27/99 09:06 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE &, ASSOC. BEDLOE LANE MAINT.PROJECT 350.5808.7301 383.80 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE &, ASSOC. RESERVOIR NO.1 DESIGN 350.5903.7501 4,515.12 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE &, ASSOC. WATER MASTER PLAN 350.5904.7701 190.00 88882 01/29/99 090246 JOHN WALLACE &, ASSOC. GENERAL CONSULTING SVCS 010.4301.5303 12,369.92 39,616.89 88883 01/29/99 092274 STEVE WHITNEY REIMB.MEAL-DMVETP-WHITNEY 010.4211.5501 54.04 54.04 88884 01/29/99 093210 WORKRITE 5 NAME TAGS 010.4211.5272 30.63 88884 01/29/99 093210 WORKRITE NOMEX SHIRT/PANTS 010.4211.5272 394.69 425.32 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO POSTAGE-CASP 010.4145.5201 27.60 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO PHOTO PROCESSING 010.4424.5252 7.04 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO INLlNE COUPLER 010.4422.5256 3.21 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO FELT-PLAQUES 010.4420.5605 7.45 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO POSTAGE 010.4130.5201 5.45 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO POSTAGE 010.4130.5201 11.53 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO REIMB. RECORDING FEE 010.4301.5201 3.00 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO ORAL BOARD SUPPLIES 010.4101. 5201 8.99 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO CSMFO MTG. 010.4120.5501 22.86 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO CSMFO W/SHOP-HUWALDT 010.4120.5501 16.50 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO COPY 010.4130.5201 1.00 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO POSTAGE-MOTT 010.4101.5201 12.25 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO ORAL BOARD SUPPLIES 010.4301. 5201 11.70 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO ORAL BOARD SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201. 5.53 88885 01/29/99 093542 JACKIE YACONO ASCE MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4301. 5201 14.00 158.11 TOTAL CHECKS 67,786.44 .__..__.~.- ---_.._----~- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 6 01/27/99 09:06 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 34,328.40 217 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 7.46 220 STREETS FUND 1,334.72 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 27,280.77 612 SEWER FUND 1,118.03 640 WATER FUND 3,717.06 TOTAL 67,786.44 ---.--..-- ATTACHMENT D CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 1/08/99 TO 1/21/99 1/29/99 FUND 010 198,032.46 Salaries Full time 123,385.28 FUND 220 9,245.50 Salaries Part-Time 19,653.60 FUND 284 - Salaries Over-Time 8,481.66 FUND 612 6,221.44 Holiday Pay 142.43 FUND 640 9,323.51 Sick Pay' 4,359.85 222,822.91 Annual Leave Pay - Vacation Buy Back .10,957.46 Vacation Pay 2,521.94 Comp Pay 2,247.28 Annual Leave Pay 424.29 PERS Retirement 15,022.11 Social Security 12,290.29 PARS Retirement 218.94 State Disability Ins. 69.65 Health Insurance 17,384.78 Dental Insurance 3,424.58 Vision Insurance 612.15 Life Insurance 485.45 Long Term Disability 643.43 Uniform Allowance - Car Allowance 350.00 Council Expense - Employee Assistance 147.74 Boot Allowance - Total: 222,822.91 -----..-- ~ -._._-~"---- -- 9.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES SUBJECT: CASH FLOW ANAL YSIS/APPROVAL OF INTERFUND ADVANC9 FROM THE SEWER FACILITY FUND DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . Accept the December 1998 cash report . Approve the interfund advance of $340,862 from the Sewer Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds as of December 31, 1998. FUNDING: No outside funding is required. A IT ACHMENT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH BALANCE / INTERFUND ADVANCE REPORT At Decmeber31, 1998 Balance at Recommended Revised Fund 12/31/98 Advances Balance 010 General Fund 1,119,115 1,119,115 213 Park Development 212,721 212,721 217 Landscape Maintenance 17,863 17,863 220 Street (Gas Tax) Fund 103,290 103,290 222 Traffic Signalization 248,267 248,267 223 Traffic Circulation 256,064 256,064 224 Transportation Facility Impact 215,108 215,108 225 Transportation 12,775 12,775 226 Water Neutralization Impact 2,110 2,110 230 Construction Tax 193,263 193,263 231 Drainage Facility 16,142 16,142 271 State COPS Block Grant Fund 24,532 24,532 274 Federal Universal Hiring Grant (7,828) 7,828 0 275 96-97 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant 16 16 276 97-98 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant 22,345 22,345 277 98-99 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant 59,668 59,668 284 Redevelopment Agency (129,697) 129,697 0 350 Capital Projects (203,337) 203,337 0 466 Canyon Way Bond Fund 11,317 11,317 612 Sewer Fund 17,278 17,278 634 Sewer Facility 1,237,961 (340,862) 897,099 640 Water Fund 1,947,318 1,947,318 641 Lopez 1,283,166 1,283,166 642 Water Facility 1,046,269 1,046,269 751 Downtown Parking 45,073 45,073 760 Sanitation District Fund 104,618 104,618 761 Rubbish Collection Fund 6,926 6,926 Total City Wide Cash 7,862,344 0 7,862,344 THE ABOVE LISTING ARE THE CASH BALANCES SHOWN IN THE GENERAL LEDGER OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1998 --.. -_._~-----_._- MEMORANDUM I.c. . TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K.SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE~ SUBJECT: STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 Attached please find a report listing the current investment deposits of the City of Arroyo Grande, as of January 31,1999, as required by Government Code Section 53646 (b). CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MONTHLY INVESTMENT REPORT ~4 D/ ~ 8/, /999 February 9, 1999 This report presents the City's investments as of January 31, 1999. It includes all investments managed by the City, the investment institution, type of investment, maturity date, and rate of interest. As of January 31, 1999, the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy. Current Investments: The City is currently investing all short-term excess cash in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) administered by the State Treasurer. This is a very high quality investment in terms of safety, liquidity, and yield. The City may readily transfer the LAIF funds to the City's checking account when funds are needed. At this time, the City does not hold any other investments. The following is a comparison of investments based on book values as of January 31, 1999 compared with the prior month and the prior year. The January 1999 LAIF investment is substantially higher than December 1998 and January 1998 because of a one-time developer payment of $1.4 million dollars. To maximize interest income this payment was transferred to LAIF. Date: Jan. 1999 Dec. 1998 Jan. 1998 Amount: $9,410,000 7,710,000 6,780,000 Interest Rate: 5.37% 5.49% 5.74% .-.---- -.-,.--- -~. 9.d. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, JANUARY 22,1999 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Lady called the meeting to order at 8:35 AM. Council Members Runels, Dickens, City Manager Hunt, City Attomey Carmel, Public Works Director Spagnolo, Chief Building Official Schmidt and Senior Consultant Engineer Campbell were present. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 2. CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Carmel announced that the Council was going to meet in closed session to discuss the following matter: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - Anticipated Litigation Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54956.9(b) involving the Five Cities Center project. 3. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: There was no reportable action from the closed session. 4. ADJOURNMENT TO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: The meeting was adjoumed at 9:10 AM. to the regular City Council meeting of January 26, 1999. MICHAEL A LADY, Mayor ATTEST: NANCY A DAVIS, City Clerk "_._-~--_.._- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 26,1999 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER The Honorable City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. .lL-Redevelopment Agency Board Meeting 2. FLAG SALUTE HE WA WIN SU DISCOVERY CAMPFIRE CLUB, ARROYO GRANDE 3. INVOCATION FATHER BUTTERS, ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH, ARROYO GRANDE 4. ROLL CALL Council: -X..Lady -X..Ferrara -X-Runels -X.. Tolley -X..Dickens Board Members: -X-Lady -X..Ferrara -X..Runels -X.. Tolley -X..Dickens STAFF PRESENT XCity Manager, Executive Director XCity Attorney, General Counsel XCity Clerk, Secretary XChief of Police XDirector of Building and Fire XDirector of Community Development XDirector of Public Works XDirector of Parks and Recreation XDirector of Financial Services, Finance Officer XSenior Consultant Engineer 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW None. -------.---- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 26,1999 6.A. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY Council Member Runels moved, Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7.A. PUBLIC HEARING TO HEAR AN APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 98-565 TO CONSTRUCT A 27.250- SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIALlRET AIL BUILDING. 200 ST A TION WAY - DR. ROBERT D. ANDERSON Staff comments and recommended action: Staff recommended the Council adopt a resolution upholding the decision of the Planning Commission of December 1, 1998 and deny the application for a conditional use permit. Staff gave a history of the project and addressed the reasons the applicant listed for appealing the Planning Commission denial. Council questions of staff: There were Council questions concerning loading docks, drainage problems, the number of trees, easements, and the project meeting Code requirements. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Lady declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. The following members of the public spoke to the Council on this matter: Gerald Weaver, Attorney for the applicant, said the sidewalk and drainage were the main issues and requested that the Council uphold the appeal with conditions stating that the applicant must meet City building standards. Tim Brown of 125 Allen Street said the City could have liability problems if it allows drainage to cross other properties. He recommended Council deny the appeal without prejudice and allow the developer to fix the problems. Mike Miner of Miner's Ace Hardware said the same problems, placement of the sidewalk, drainage, the delivery docks, and parking have existed from the beginning of the project. He said the simple fact is the project is too big and the developer had refused to reduce the size. Bill Dyer of Dyer Engineering, Grover Beach, said the drainage could go underground and his firm had been working with Caltrans on the matter. Brad Anderson, builder of the project, rebutted Mr. Miner's statements and said the project has only 25 to 27 percent coverage of the site. He said Mullahey Ford 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 26,1999 has 100 percent lot coverage, no improvements, and no landscaping. He said the applicant offered to donate up to $10,000 to the City's Opticom traffic program; the CC&Rs allow drainage and parking over the other parcels in the center, and two delivery docks will be constructed. Mr. Anderson said if the building footprint were moved back to a zero property line, landscaping would be put in. When no one further came forward to speak, the Mayor closed the hearing to the floor. Council discussion: Council Members discussed the placement of the sidewalk in the project. There were concerns about encroaching on the Mullahey Ford property; the safety of pedestrians, especially school children; drainage, zero setback of the building, and parking. After considerable discussion, Council Members directed staff to meet with the developer to resolve the issues listed on Page 5 of the Staff Report. The Council said zero setback should be studied and staff should work closely with Caltrans to solve the drainage problem. With regard to the sidewalk, there was Council consensus to reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of the street and construct the sidewalk on the east side of Station Way fronting the applicant's property. Staff was directed to return on February 23, 1999 with a resolution upholding the appeal and conditions of approval the developer must meet. 8. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD The following members of the public spoke to the City Council: Ernie Sarina of 435 LePoint expressed concerns for the Village and said the new WalMart Store could harm it. Tim Brown of 125 Allen Street asked the Council what the consequences would be if the developers of 5 Cities Center did not meet the conditions set by the City. He requested that the water reclamation workshop be held in the evening or on a weekend. John Pinero of 1620 Brighton Avenue, Grover Beach, said he wouldJike a traffic signal light at Oak Park Boulevard and Brighton Avenue for pedestrian crossing. John Wysong of 1660 Brighton Avenue, Grover Beach, said it is time for the cities to cooperate and require the builders of the new RiteAid at Oak Park Boulevard and Grand Avenue to place a traffic signal light at Brighton Avenue. He also said the cities should cooperate to solve the problem of the lack of schools. 9. CONSENT AGENDA Council/Board Member Runels moved and Council/Board Member Dickens seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a. through 9.g., with 3 --..- __..._u....__._______ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 26,1999 the recommended courses of action. City Attorney/General Counsel Carmel read the title of item 9.f. Ordinance No. 501 C.S. a. Cash Disbursement Ratification b. Acceptance of Audited Annual Financial Reports c. Minutes of City Council Meetings of January 12.1999 d. Council Appointments to Various Boards and Commissions e. Waiver of Fees - Harvest Bag. Inc. f. Adoption of an Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande Revising the Flood Plain Management Ordinance No. 501 C.S. g. Waiver of Fees - South County Historical Society _Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote ..An..Lady ~Ferrara ..An..Runels ..An..To II ey ~Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10. A. DATE FOR WORKSHOP ON WATER RECLAMATION PROJECTS/ISSUES Staff comments and recommendation: Staff recommended Council select a date to conduct a workshop on water reclamation projects/issues. Council questions of staff: None Council discussion: Council Members set the time and date for the workshop as 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 11, 1999. City Manager Hunt said staff will send out a press release and handle other notification. 11. A. REQUEST FOR SPEED HUMPS: UPPER PORTION OF NEWPORT AVENUE Staff comments and recommendation: Staff recommended Council review the homeowners' request to install speed humps on the upper portion of Newport Avenue, as recommended by the Traffic Commission, and provide direction on funding if the decision is to install the speed humps. 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 26, 1999 Council questions of staff: Council Member Tolley asked if speed surveys had been done and Public Works Director Spagnolo said speed surveys and traffic counts had been taken. He said traffic was moving about eight miles faster than the posted speed limit and ten miles over the limit indicates a problem. The following members of the public spoke to the Council on this matter: Maggie Summers of 1470 Newport Avenue and Elizabeth Barrett of 1340 Newport Avenue gave a history of the problem. They said they had been to four Traffic Commission meetings on this matter. They used the .overhead projector in their presentation. They asked that three speed humps be installed because of the growth and increasing traffic on the street. Bruce Summers of 1470 Newport Avenue said the traffic counts taken require solutions~ Eric Rose of 1391 Newport Avenue asked who would be affected by the speed humps and who would pay for them. Mr. Spagnolo said the speed humps will be installed on upper Newport only. Tom Owen, 331 Tally Ho Road, member of the Traffic Commission, said it was his understanding that if the speed hump criteria is met, the City pays for the humps and if the criteria is not met, the residents pay. He suggested installing the humps as a test to see if speed could be reduced. Council discussion: Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara, Council Member Dickens, and Mayor Lady said speed humps were the best solution and would provide an opportunity to evaluate how speed humps reduce speeding. Council Members Tolley and Runels objected to the installation of speed humps. Council Member Tolley said if citations were written, it would have to be proven in court that the vehicle's speed was unsafe. He suggested a Neighborhood Traffic Watch Program be tried. Council Member Runels said a stop sign should be placed at Courtland and a motor cycle officer work in the neighborhood. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara moved and Council Member Dickens seconded the motion that Speed Humps be installed on Newport Avenue as soon as possible and that funds for the installation come from the City's General Fund. _Voice Vote lLRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara No Runels 5 --~---.__._._. ----- ~- --..-- -,..-----------..-- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 26, 1999 No Tolley Aye Dickens There being 3 A YES and 2_ NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11.B. FINAL MAPS - APPROVAL PROCESS Staff comments and recommendations: Staff recommended the Council direct staff to prepare an ordinance designating the City Engineer as the official to approve final subdivision maps, accept offers of dedication, and enter into agreements to construct subdivision improvements. Council questions of staff: Council Members asked for clarification on the processing of the maps and if there was a potential for Council's decisions to be circumvented. Public Works Director Spagnolo said the City Engineer is responsible to enforce the conditions of approval. City Manager Hunt said there would be an appeal process also. Council Member Tolley moved and Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara seconded the motion to approve the staff recommendation. X Voice Vote Roll Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Aye Tolley Aye Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS This item gave the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they participated. (a) MAYOR MICHAEL A. LADY (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District - Mid-Year budget review is set to begin soon. (2) City Select Committee - John Brown was elected chair and Allen Settle, vice chair. (b) MAYOR PRO TEM TONY M. FERRARA (1 ) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board - the City of Arroyo 6 . ~---_.....-- .------ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 26, 1999 Grande was last on the Recycling Diversion Rate list. Jurisdictions are participating in demonstrations of an electric vehicle. (2) Economic Vitality Corporation No Report. (3) Air Pollution Control Board No Report. (c) COUNCIL MEMBER MICHAEL RUNELS (1 ) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board - Discussion of the County buying out the State's portion of the Davis-Grunsky Recreation Bond. Water quality is good. Lopez Lake is 73 percent full. Water has been lost at the rate of 2,000 gallons per minute due to a flow restriction. (2) - County Water Resources Advisory Committee - Officers were elected. The Area Water Planning meetings will begin in the near future. (e) COUNCIL MEMBER STEVE TOLLEY (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional . Transit Authority - An orientation meeting was held and appointments made. Council Member Tolley met with Council of Governments staff to discuss issues concerning Arroyo Grande and the South County. (2) South County Youth Coalition - The final Youth Master Plan document will be finished in two or three weeks. (3) Long-Range Planning Committee - Citizens returned 1,300 Long Range Planning Update Citizen Surveys. In order to protect the survey's credibility, the Committee will meet and decide how to use the survey results before statistics and numbers are discussed with the public. (4) League of California Cities Safety Committee - Booking fees may be in jeopardy again. There are openings on the LOCC policy committees. (f) COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS (1) South County Area Transit - Coastal Cruiser has new, easier to use schedules. The service of the trolley will be surveyed and evaluated. (2) Economic Development Committee/Chamber No Report. 7 ~-_..__...- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 26,1999 Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara said he attended a conference in Sacramento and learned there is Federal grant money available for transportation systems. Council Member Tolley said he would investigate the matter at his SLOCOG meeting. 13. COUNCIUBOARD COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Dickens invited the Council and public to an Arroyo Grande Valley Agricultural Lands Conservation Workshop, sponsored by the California Department of Conservation and the Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District, from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. Monday, February 22,1999, at the Community CenterlWoman's Club, 211 Vernon Street. Mayor Lady said he would be giving the State of the City speech Thursday noon, January 28th, at the Chamber of Commerce meeting. 14. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 15. ADJOURNMENT Council/Board Member Runels moved, Council/Board Member Tolley seconded, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting. .Time: 10:45 p.m. MICHAEL A LADY, MAYOR NANCY A. DAVIS, CITY CLERK, SECRETARY 8 --.----_.~_.__._- I.e. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGE~ SUBJECT: UPDATE OF SLOCOG AND SLORTA JOINT POWERS AGREEMENTS DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the proposed Revised Joint Powers Agreements for SLOCOG and SLORT A and authorize the Mayor to execute each Agreement on behalf of the City. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: A number of revisions to the Joint Powers Agreements (JPAs) establishing the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) and the San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) have been recommended to the County and its seven cities by the SLOCOG Executive Committee, the Mayors' Committee, and the SLORTA Board of Directors. Following the initial distribution of the proposal, a change was made to retain the Administration Committee (County Administrative Officer and the seven City Managers). A representative of the Administration Committee will be invited to all Executive Committee meetings. The Administration Committee will meet on an ad-hoc basis to discuss/recommend items referred by the Executive Committee or other items of interest to the Committee. Staff recommends the Council approve the amended JPAs with the retention of the Administration Committee. As indicated in the SLOCOG memorandum of September 9th, in summary, the changes to the JPAs are as follows: SLOCOG JPA Changes . Update to delete the Congestion Management Agency and County Integrated Waste Management Planning and add Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (SAFE Call box Program). CITY COUNCIL UPDATE OF SLOCOG AND SLORTA JOINT POWERS AGREEMENTS FEBRUARY 9, 1999 PAGE 2 . Modification of date for selection of officers from July to January to coincide with local jurisdictions' committee appointment calendars. . Update and clarification of standing committees. . Minor cleanup clarification, and update of language. SLORTA JPA Changes: . Correct/update agency names, SLOCOG and Grover Beach. . Modification update for selection of officers from July to January to coincide with local jurisdictions' committee appointment calendars. . Modification of meeting calendar from "following SLOCOG meetings" (even months) to odd months. . Update to add SLORT A committees (Executive Committee and Regional Transit Advisory Committee). . Minor cleanup, clarification, and update to language. Staff has reviewed the documents and, with the retention of the Administration Committee, has not identified any issue of concern. Under the JPAs, all seven Cities in the County must ratify the proposed changes for the changes to become effective. To date, the County and the Cities of Pismo Beach, Morro Bay, Atascadero, Grover Beach, and San Luis Obispo have approved the changes. Alternatives The following alternatives are presented for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve the Revised Joint Powers Agreements as presented by SLOCOG. 2. Modify the Proposed Joint Powers Agreements and approve. 3. Deny approval of the Proposed Revised Joint Powers Agreements. 4. Provide direction to staff. jv ..1 , San. Luis Obispo Council of Governments . ~.' ',' '~,.'. .... ..~..., .. ,. Region~1 Transporta. tio. nPlanm'.ng Agency.. , ' Arr~~~~~~: ~ .. " . ......' ,... Metropolitan Planning OrganizatiOnG~~.IT~e:~~ ~ . -"-- C D Affi I. Paso Robles . ensusata I late Pismo Beach . '. S. .A t'h .t ~ F . 'd E.. San Luis Obispo ROllaJdL DeCarh - Execulive Direclor ervlce u on y lor reeways an xpressways San Luis Obispo County DECEMBER 8, 1998 TO: COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND ALL CITY ADMINISTRATORS FROM: RONALD DECARLI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AD RE: SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENt AND COUNTY AND CITY AND ADMINISTRATORS PARTICIPATION This is to advise you that the SLOCOG board on December 2nd recommended a minor , modification to the SLOCOG Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) to retain the Admirtistrators . Committee. Please forward this revised JPAto your governing board for ratification and return a resolution or minute orderof your action to our office. Background. In August, 199&, the SLOCOG board approved several "update and cleanup" amendments to the JPA and qistributed the proposedJPA for your ratification. During its ' ratification several administrators questioned the rationale for the' proposed deletion of the 'Administrators Committee from the JPA. In response SLOCOG'staffrequested all agencies defer action on the JPA to Tesolve this issue. A meeting was held with all administrators, it was explained thaUhe proposed deletion simply reflec;:ted the fact that the administrators committee had never acted under the auspices of SLOCOG. It was noted that SLOCQG was. involved in many substantialiternssome pf which -may be of interest to the administrators. It was also unanimously agreed that enhanced involvement would provide better opportunities for full dis,cussion of issues, better understanding, and enhanced collaboration, ~ndearly conflict resolution. . . Proposat In response, a proposal was developed to retain the Administrators Committee in the JPA (as documented In the attached amended p~ge);' send all ~dministrators a cOpy of the Executive Committee agenda and draft SLOCQG agenda, and invite a representative of the Administrators Committee to all Executive Committee, meetings. The Administrators Committee would meet on an ad-hoc basis for referral items, items of interest, or as determined by Committee members or the Executive Committee. Action. The SLOCOG board unanimously endorsed this proposal and has requested each ag~ncY ratify the JPA as amended with the attached page. Please forward a copy of your Council's action at your earliest convenience. I will be looking forward to working with you in the future. If you have a questions, please give me a call at 781-4219. Thank you. 60:[ WdSI 33096 30NV'~m OAOH~\f/;lO Al13 03^1333M 1150 Osos Street, Ste. 202, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 . Tel. (805) 781-4219 . Fa~. (805)781-5703 E-mail. slocog@slonet.org. Internet. . http://www.slonet.org/-ipslocog . -.-- ------- . , SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.9 9. Robert's Rules of Order, or such other rules as SLOCOG may adopt, will govern all proceedings not specifically provided for herein. 10. Executive sessions shall be held in accordance with applicable law. 11. SLOCOG shall hold public hearings for the adoption of Regional Plans. 12. Minutes of all SLOCOG meetings shall be kept by the Executive Director to SLOCOG and shall be submitted to member agencies. IX. COMMITTEES 1. Committees and subcommittees may be established as SLOCOG may deem appropriate. 2. Membership on "ad-Hoc" policy committees shall be at the discretion of the President. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit membership on these aforesaid committees to officials of the member agencies. The President may appoint any individual deemed qualified to serve on a committee. 3. Standing committees shall include the: a. Administration Committee, comprised of all managers and administrators of member jurisdictions; b. Technical Transportation Advisory Committee (IT AC) and the Citizen's Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) to advise the board on transportation issues per adopted Committee bylaws. c. Regional Transit Advisory Committee serving as the Regional Transit Productivity Committee to advise the board on the efficiency and effectiveness of transit systems and fulfill all responsibilities as required by Sections 99238 and 99244 of the Public Utilities Code; and d. An Executive Committee comprised of the President, Vice President and the past President and at least one representative from the county of San Luis Obispo (if none of the above). Said committee is to advise the Executive Director and SLOCOG on: draft agendas, personnel issues, budget and Overall Work Program; controversial, sensitive and major policy issues; and shall facilitate the annual performance evaluation of the Executive Director. Items for review shall be selected by the Executive Director with consultation by the President. All Committee members may include agenda items as they desire. For purposes of conducting business, a quorum shall constitute two members. 4. No committee shall commit SLOCOG on any matter or questions of policy. Such matters or questions can only be decided by SLOCOG. 5. All committees shall receive clerical assistance from SLOCOG staff for the purpose of maintaining minutes of meetings and other such duties as the Executive Director may direct. The chair of each committee shall sign the original copy of the minutes indicating verification of contents upon committee adoption. Copies of minutes of all meetings shall be sent to members of SLOCOG and the Executive Director. ------ _...._~-~.~- n i~ C -.: \,1 E 0 C ; T ~{ (J ;~~ /-'. ,;, 'i l) CR' 1 D E SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS SAN LUIS OBISPO REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY (, ,', (' r . '.', I ,- , ' ,...,. C' :;;10 '::,.i' I J I Ii L' ,+ INTERAGENCY JOINT MEMORANDUM SEPTEMBER 9,1998 TO: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND ALL CITY ADMISTRATORS FROM: RONALD DE CARLI, EXECImVE DIRECTOR, SLOCOG ~ JOHN BATES, INTERIM TRANSIT MANAGER, SLORTA . RE: UPDATE AND RATIFICATION OF SLOCOG AND SLORTA JOINT POWERS AGREEMENTS During the past year the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) has been considering an update and minor "cleanup" modifications to their Joint Powers Agreernent (JPA). As these amendments were being considered the board concurrently;requested.the San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) JPA, be similarly updated and modified for consistency with the SLOCOG JPA. Please schedule these JPAs before your councitslboard for formal ratification. A number of attachments are enclosed for your consideration and use. These include draft staff reports summarizing the suggested modifications, a copy of each JPA with highlighted changes, a clean copy of each modified JPA, and a draft resolution for adoption. The suggested changes are minor in nature, update the current JPA to consider modified responsibilities, and modify the agreements to be more in synch with local jurisdiction's appointment calendars. Suggested changes to both JPAs are summarized below: SLOCOG JPA suggested changes: . Update to delete the Congestion Management Agency and County Integrated Waste Management Planning and add Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (SAFE- callbox program). . Modification of date for selection of officers from July to January to coincide with local jurisdiction's committee appointment calendar. . Update and clarification of standing committees. . Minor cleanup, clarification, and update language. SLORTA JPA suggested changes: . Correct/Update agency names: SLOCOG and Grover Beach. . Modification of date for selection of officers from July to January to coincide with local jurisdiction's committee appointment calendar. . Modification of meeting calendar from "following SLOCOG Meetings" (even months) to odd months. SLOCOG ATTACHMENTS Supporting Documents for the SLOCOG Joint Powers Agreement Sample staff report for your use in presenting the information to the Council/Board. Sample resolution to be adopted by the Council/Board. Joint Powers Agreement indicating the changes that were made. Joint Powers Agreement (Final) for signature. _m__ I Section V (Operation): . Clarifv that anv costs incurred as the SAFE are Daid out of the SAFE trust fund. Section VI (Officers): . Change election of officers from July to Januarv to coincide with election cycles and scheduled city council committee appointments. Section VIII (Meetings): . Delete the reference to the annual meetina. Section IX (Committees): . Eliminate the followina standina committees: . Administration (City Managers) . Legal (legal counsels of all entities) . Planning (Planning Directors) . Public Works (Public Works Directors) These standing committees have never been formal committees under the control or auspices of the COG. SLOCOG staff will on occasion ask for items to be agendized for discussion as needed. The deletion of these committees will clarify their lack of direct relation to SLOCOG. . UDdate and clarifv COG's Drimary committees: the Citizen and Technical Transportation Advisory Committees and the Regional Transit ProduCtivity Committee (deleting reference to the outdated Caltrans Memorandum of Understanding). Executive Committee - clarify role: add agenda review, personnel issues, and facilitate the performance evaluation of the Executive Director; delete criteria for competitive funding allocations; add agenda is developed by Director with approval of the President and/or committee members; and quorum consists of two members. The SLOCOG Board also encouraged all cities to: * appoint the same individual to both boards, * leave appointments on each board as long as practical, and * encourage appointees to provide continual feedback to their councils. Longer terms on both boards was encouraged by our boards in recognition of the increasing complexity and responsibilities of the agencies in order to maximize the knowledge, expertise, and effectiveness of each representative. . \1SkIc:aQ...__1\1IIJI1\OVERALL WORK PROGRAM 1998-99\0100 -~ AdminIsIratlon'D200 - Board. Committee Support\MemcranPA TRANSMrrrAL INFO.doc --~._-- STAFF REPORT SUMMARY This report presents a draft of an updated and slightly modified SLOCOG Joint Powers Agreement (JPA). The draft highlights changes from the current JPA with strikeouts and underlining. Changes include: . updates to delete the Congestion Management Agency (CMA) and add the Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (SAFE); . modifications to change the election of officers to January; . clarifications of COG standing committees; . and other minor clarification changes. In January, 1998, the Mayor Group met, considered the attached suggested amendments and more specific amendments suggested by a citizen advocate, and endorsed the staff recommended changes. The Executive Committee requested this item be deferred pending the outcome of the May 14th Delegate Workshop. The SLOCOG Board approved the changes on . August 5th for member agency ratification. RECOMMENDATIONS STAFF: 1. Adopt Resolution Ratifying the Amend Joint Powers Agreement. DISCUSSION The Joint Powers Agreement provides the basis for the operating parameters of the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG). Any modification requires. ratification by all member agencies. A number of modifications are proposed to clarify issues and update the JPA. The attached draft JPA highlights proposed changes with strikeouts and underlining. Proposed modifications include the following (suggested changes are underlined): Sections I, II, and III (Purpose and Powers): . Add Service Authoritv for Freewavs and EXDresswavs (SAFE - call box Droaram - as approved by County and a majority of cities); . Delete the following: . Countv Inteorated Waste Manaoement Planning (assumed by Integrated Waste Management Board), and . Conoestion Management Aoencv (as directed by the County and a majority of cities). . Modify multi-modal to inter-modal transDortation Dlanning (as recommended by federal transportation guidelines). Section IV (Membership): . Add clarification referring to members as "Board Members" (as recommended by the Executive Committee). RESOLUTION NO. - RESOLUTION OF THE RATIFYING THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments was created by a Joint Powers Agreement between the Cities and County of San Luis Obispo; and WHEREAS, any amendments require ratification by member agencies; and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo Council of Govemments Board on August 5th approved minor clean-up and clarifying amendments for ratification by member agencies; NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the does hereby ratify the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments Joint Powers Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, and authorize the to execute said agreement, and forward it to the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments. On motion of , seconded by , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted on this day of ,1998. . Update to add SLORT A Committees (Executive Committee and Regional Transit Advisory Committee). . Minor cleanup, clarification, and update language. The SLOCOG JPA suggested amendments were reviewed and recommended by the SLOCOG Executive Committee, and the Mayors Committee (January, 1998), and were approved for distribution and ratification by the SLOCOG board on August 8th. The SLORTA board requested the SLORTA JPA be updated and modified for consistency, and approved the recommended amendments to their JPA at their September 2nd meeting. Please schedule these JPA updates for your agency's ratification. After ratification please have your Chair/Mayor execute the signature pages, and return them with a copy of your adopting resolution or minute order. Our two boards also encouraged all cities to: . appoint the same individual to both boards, . leave appointments on each board as long as practical, and to . encourage appointees to provide continually feedback to their councils. Longer terms on both boards was encouraged by our boards in recognition of the increasing complexity and responsibilities of the agencies in order to maximize the knowledge, expertise, and effectiveness of each representative. We will be happy to attend your council meeting for clarification if desired. If you have any questions please contact John Bates @ 781-4465 or Ron De Carli @ 781-4219. Thank you for your prompt cooperation. Attachments: draft staff reports, sample resolutions, and the two JPAs. ~ -- SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.1 ~'~~"~Ii JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS WITNESSETH: THIS JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 17th day of January, 1976, and amended on November.4, 1982, September 19, 1984, July 19, 1990, June 10, 1992, June 2, 1993, June 8, 1994, and . 1998 by and among. such of the incorporated cities of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, EI Paso de Robles, Grover Beach, Morro Bay, Pismo Beach, and San Luis Obispo, all being municipal corporations of the State of California and located within the boundaries of the County of San Luis Obispo, California, as may execute this Agreement, hereinafter called "CITIES," and the County of San Luis Obispo, a body politic and corporate and a subdivision of the State of Califomia, hereinafter called "COUNTY," as follows: WHEREAS, Section 6500, et sea., of the California Government Code (Title 1, Diyision 7, Chapter 5, Article 1) provides for agreements between two or more public agencies to jointly exercise any power common to the contracting parties, subject to certain mandatory provisions contained therein; and WHEREAS, the City of San Luis Obispo by virtue of its charter, and the other incorporated cities in the County, parties hereto, by virtue of Sections 65600 through 65604, inclusive, of the California Government Code have the joint and mutual power to create an area planning council; and WHEREAS, COUNTY AND CITIES did, in 1968, jointly execute an agreement establishing such a planning council and now wish to amend and supersede the same; and WHEREAS, Section 29532, California Government Code, provides that such a Planning and. Coordinating Council shall be designated the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) to act in rnatters of transit and transportation planning; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that a single agency be created by and with the consent of CITIES and COUNTY to advise, plan for, and suggest solutions to common problems; assist in the preparation of plans and programs by utilizing planning talents and general plans of the various governmental jurisdictions in the County and of experts in various other fields and to coordinate their efforts; and WHEREAS, creation of such an agency and action by it upon certain plans and programs is necessary to comply with requirements of federal and state legislation in order to participate in the allocation and disbursement of state and federal funds which may be desired by COUNTY and CITIES in the implementation of plans and programs which have been approved by their respective governing bodies. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: .--.-,....- --.- ----.,-.....-...-------- SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO. 1 I. PURPOSE The member cities and county have joined together to establish the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments for the following purposes: 1. As a Regional Agency, address issues of mutual concern to the county and the cities in the San Luis Obispo region, and satisfy federal and state planning and programming mandates. 2. Provide a forum for planning, discussion, and study of areawide issues; prepare and adopt regional plans and programs; serve as the regional agency for federal and state programs and funding opportunities; and address other areawide issues based on the desires of the member jurisdictions. 3. Represent member jurisdictions as planner, programmer, and broker in developing an efficient and effective multi-modal transportation system that provides for the mobility needs of people, goods. and services while protecting the environment. 4. Maximize state and federal funding and facilitate the development, coordination, and implementation of local, and regional transportation programs to improve mobility and air quality. 5. Establish and oDerate a call box Drogram in the County. These purposes are to be achieved through the following methods: 1. Administer the Joint Powers Agency (JPA) as the Council of Governments (COG), the Metropolital)>el~~p;ing;.5>rQ~l)i.~~ti8n;J~P5>1,tD~:;~~.Q.i,<:>rl~1 Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA), and the~PQgQ~!i:qn:;;;;::M.;mggQmg:g!.l\gQfuPY;:::EGM~~) Service Authoritv. for . Freewavs and EXDresswavs (SAFE) for San Luis Obispo County. 2. Allocate applicable federal, state, and local transportation funds to member jurisdictions consistent with appropriate federal and state statutes, policies, and regulations. and adoDted board Dolicies and criteria. 3. Conduct a continuous, cooperative, and comprehensiverJ'Il,J.lti inter-modal transportation planning and project programming process that satisfies federal and state requirements. 4. Facilitate and monitor the assessment, coordination, funding, utilization, and improvement of an effective and efficient mtJlti inter-modal transportation system that satisfies the existing and projected mobility needs of the region. g~tI'1~i'ij1.,'. 5. DeveloD and oDerate a Countywide call box system in coordination and cooceration with the California Hiahwav Patrol (CHP) and the Califomia DeDartment of TransDOrtation (CAL TRANS)' 6. Serve as the Regional Census Data affiliate to analyze and disseminate socio-economic and demographic data for integration into local and regional studies and plans. 7. Discuss and study area-wide problems of mutual interest and concern to the cities and county and facilitate the development of policies and action recommendations for the solution of such problems. ._~..... . -.--. ~~ SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO. 1 II. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (SLOCOG) Upon the effective date of this agreement the parties hereto reaffirm the es~blishment of the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments hereinafter, SLOCOG, a separate and distinct public entity, as the agent to exercise the common powers provided for in this Agreement, and to administer or otherwise execute this Agreement. When originally established, SLOCOG was known as the San Luis Obispo County and Cities Area Planning and Coordinating Council, subsequently renamed respectively: the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG), the San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council (SLOACC), and back to SLOCOG. SLOCOG, as successor entity to the original COG established in 1968, insofar as its predecessor entity has been designated, and insofar as legally authorized shall function as: 1. "(HI:) An Area Wide Planning Organization (APO), as designated by the U. S. Department of Housing and County Development (HUD); 2. A Council of Governments (COG), as designated by the Governor of the State of California; 3. A Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) as designated by the Secretary of Business and Transportation Agency of the State of California; 4. "(~(:) A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) as designated by. the U. S. Department of Transportation; and iilll1t4tiil~jllaliii~f!f;._. 5. A Service Authoritv for Freeways and EXDresswavs (SAFE) as desianated bv the Countv of San Luis ObisDO and a maioritv of cities with a maioritv of DODulation. 6._ A Census Data Affiliate as desianated bv the U.S. Bureau of the Census. III. POWERS The San Luis Obispo Council of Governments hereinafter called "SLOCOG," is hereby created as a voluntary agency pursuant to applicable provisions of the California Government Code with the power to carry out the purposes hereinabove stated and to implement,!he approved annual work program, including the power to: contract for goc:>ds and services; 1* provide for ~mployment of necessary personnel, experts and consultants;~ accept gifts, loans, and grants; i acquire, hold and convey real and personal property; incur debts, obligations and liabilities; sue and be sued; and j9 administer the affairs of SLOCOG hereby created in accordance with this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 6508.1, California Government Code, it is hereby declared by COUNTY and CITIES that the debts, liabilities and obligations of the SLOCOG shall not be the debts, liabilities and obligations of any of the parties to this Agreement, except as otherwise provided herein. ~._~-"'- SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.2 IV. MEMBERSHIP 1. Membership in SLOCOG shall be voluntary, but only the County of San Luis Obispo and all cities incorporated in the County of San Luis Obispo presently or in the future, are declared eligible for membership in SLOCOG. 2. Representatives of the COUNTY and CITIES shall be appointed to serve on SLOCOG in accordance with procedures established by each of the governing bodies of the member agencies. Representatives to SLOCOG. referred to as "Board Members". shall consist of the five members of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo from time to time in offi~ and of one member from the governing body of each incorporated city within the boundaries of the County of San Luis Obispo which is a party to this Agreement, with each incorporated area beingJimlted to one representative. .'~' Representatives shall serve so long as they hold office with their member agency or until they shall resign or be removed by a majority vote of their respective governing bodies. Vacancies among representatives shall be filled in the same manner as the first appointment. The pirector of the California Department of Transportation, District 5, or his/her appointee, may sit as!. an ex officio member of the Board. He or she shall receive all meeting notices and agendas, have the right to participate in Board discussions, and have the right to request. matters on the agenda, but shall not be counted towards a quorum of the Board and shall have no vote. 3. Member city agencies may elect to have an altemate member(s) from their city council in addition to any official member, but said alternate(s) shall be able to vote only in the absence of the official representative. 4. . Designation of the official representative or alternate(s), or changes thereto, shall be transmitted in writing to the Executive Director of SLOCOG by the appointing city. 5. In addition to the incorporated cities presently a party to this Agreement, any other city which may hereafter be incorporated within the boundaries of the County of San Luis Obispo and which may desire to participate in the activities of the SLOCOG may do so by executing this Agreement without prior approval or ratification of the named parties to this Agreement and shall thereafter be governed by all the terms and provisions of this Agreement as of the date of execution. 6. Membership shall be contingent upon the execution of this Joint Powers Agreement. V. OPERATION 1. The powers of SLOCOG are advisory to the member agencies which execute this Agreement except for those actions mandated by state or federal law for the processing of applications submitted by any of the member agencies for federal and state grants or funds which require action by SLOCOG. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit in any manner the power of any of the parties to initiate and complete a local project within their respective jurisdictions with their own funds. It is understood, however, that the recommendations of SLOCOG may have the effect of precluding any favorable action by an agency of the state or federal government in support of such a project if other than local financing is sought, as determined by the respective state or federal agency under law, regulations and policies applicable to them. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO. 3 2. Except as otherwise provided herein, there shall be no costs incurred by SLOCOG pursuant hereto, other than expenses of its members, which are to be borne by their respective entities, and the cost of services by the officers and personnel of the respective entities to said SLOCOG, upon approval of such services by the governing bodies hereof, shall likewise be borne by the respective entities. All costs incurred by SLOCOG performing functions as the MPO, and RTPA ~~Er:~Mi for San Luis Obispo County as designated by the State shall be paid out of the transportation fund established pursuant to Section 29530, et sea., Government Code as provided for therein, and State and Federal planning funds. All costs incurred bv SLOCOG Derformina functions as the SAFE for San Luis ObisDO Countv. as designated bv adoDted local resolutions: shall be Daid . out of the ... SAFE fund established Dursuant to Section 2550. of the Streets and Highwav Code as Drovided fortherein. 3. Costs of SLOCOG for each fiscal year which are necessary for the ordinary operation of SLOCOG, including but not limited to salaries, office space, furniture, and services and supplies shall be set forth in the budget as part of the annual work program of SLOCOG and shall be funded from designated funds as approved by SLOCOG and applicable state and federal agencies. Extraordinary costs as recommended by SLOCOG shall be borne by contributions from the member entities as approved by their governing bodies. Costs of all other extraordinary activities undertaken by SLOCOG as the Areawide Planning Organization shall be set forth in the budget as part of the annual. work program and shall be funded from contributions from member entities as approved by their governing boards or from desianated funds as aDDroved bv SLOCOG and/or aDDlicable state and federal aaencies. 4. The annual work program and budget, when adopted, shall be the basis for operation of SLOCOG for the fiscal year. Any deviation from the work program affecting the budget shall be approved by SLOgQ(3. Any extraordinary costs which have not been funded as part of the COG. MPO, RTPA and ;~,~~~ SAFE budget reauiring local contributions, shall be retumed to the member agencies for approval. 5. For purposes of conducting business, there shall be present a quorum consisting of a majority of representatives, including one (1) COUNTY representative. No action shall be effective without the affirmative votes of a majority of those present. However, eight (8) affirmative votes shall be required for taking any action in the event any agency demands such a vote. The representatives to SLOCOG shall adopt such procedures as are consistent with this Agreement and necessary to conduct the business of SLOCOG in an orderly manner. VI. OFFICERS 1. Officers. The officers of SLOCOG shall consist of a President and Vice President elected for a term of one year by a majority vote of member agency representatives to SLOCOG. 2. Both the President and Vice-President of SLOCOG shall be elected at the ~;QI1O Januarv meeting. 3. The officers shall serve until their successors are elected. 4. The duties of the officers shall be as follows: ~._.__.- SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO. 4 a. President: 1) Shall preside over all meetings of SLOCOG and the Executive Committee as Chairperson. 2) Shall appoint all standing committees. 3) Shall exercise general supervision over all activities of said SLOCOG. 4) Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. 5) Shall execute all contracts and legal documents on behalf of SLOCOG. b. Vice-President: 1) Shall serve as (;t1f\i,f President Pro-tem (delegated to temDorarilv serve as chair) in the absence of the President. 2) Shall give whatever aid is necessary to the President in administering SLOCOG. 3) Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. 5. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of either the President or Vice-President upon said officer's death, resignation, removal or his/her ceasing to be an official representative of a member city of the County of San Luis Obispo, such vacancy will be filled by majority vote of the SLOCOG, the officer elected to serve for the balance of the unexpired term. u VII. PERSONNEL AND SERVICES 1. - Executive Director. The Executive Director shall be selected by, and shall serve at the pleasure of and upon the terms prescribed by the SLOCOG Board. The powers and the duties of the Executive Director are to: a. Serve as the chief administrative officer for SLOCOG and to be responsible to SLOCOG for the administration of all SLOCOG affairs. b. Supervise and direct the preparation of the annual work program and budget to SLOCOG and be responsible for its implementation after adoption by SLOCOG. c. Attend meetings of SLOCOG Board and act as Secretary to the SLOCOG Board. d. Disburse all funds in accordance with the policies of the County-Treasurer and the County Auditor/Controller and the budget and work program adopted by SLOCOG. e. Prepare and submit to SLOCOG periodic financial reports and prepare a written year end report reflecting activities of the preceding fiscal year, said year end report to be distributed to each of the participating member bodies. f. Appoint, supervise, suspend, discipline, or remove SLOCOG employees subject to policies and procedures adopted by SLOCOG. g. Maintain a record of all financial transactions, correspondence and reports of SLOCOG. h. Contract and assure completion of an annual fiscal audit of SLOCOG and a triennial Derformance audit of SLOCOG. ----_...,- SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO. 5 i. Perform such other duties as SLOCOG may require in carrying out the policies and direction of SLOCOG Board. j. Maintain custody and control of all property of SLOCOG, other than monies and securities. 2. Legal Counsel. The San Luis Obispo County Counsel's Office shall serve as legal counsel at the pleasure of SLOCOG Board and shall be reimbursed for services rendered. 3. Treasurer. The Treasurer of the County of San Luis Obispo shall be the Treasurer of the SLOCOG. Treasurer shall: a. Receive and receipt all money of SLOCOG and place it in the treasury of San Luis Obispo County to the credit of SLOCOG. b. Be responsible for the safekeeping and disbursement of all SLOCOG money held by him/her. c. Pay any sums due from SLOCOG, from SLOCOG'S funds held by him/her or any portion thereof, upon warrants of the SLOCOG controller designated herein. d. Verify and report in writing as soon as possible after the first d~y of July, October, January, and April of each year to SLOCOG the amounts of monies he/she holds for SLOCOG, the amount of receipts since his/her last report, and any interest accrued to those funds. e. Invest funds. SLOCOG shall reimburse the Treasurer for the actual cost of services rendered. 4. Controller. The Auditor-Controller of the County of San Luis Obispo shall serve as the Controller at the pleasure of the SLOCOG Board and shall be reimbursed for services rendered. The Controller shall: a. Draw warrants to pay demands against SLOCOG when the demands have been approved by the COG Board and/or the COG Executive Director. He/She shall be responsible on his/her official bond for his/her approval of disbursement of SLOCOG money. b. Keep and maintain records and books of account under the custody of the Controller on the basis of generally accepted accounting practices. c. Make available all such financial records of SLOCOG to a certified public accountant or public accountant contracted by SLOCOG to make an annual audit of the accounts and records of SLOCOG. The minimum requirements of the audit shall be those prescribed by the State Controller for special districts under Section 26909 of the Government Code and shall conform to generally accepted auditing standards. SLOCOG shall reimburse the Auditor/Controller for the cost of services rendered. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.6 5. Bond Requirements a. The Executive Director and such other employees of SLOCOG as may be designated by the COG Board, shall file with SLOCOG an official fidelity bond in a sum determined by the Council as security for the safekeeping of SLOCOG property entrusted to such employees. Premiums for such bonds shall be paid by SLOCOG. b. The County Treasurer, and Auditor-Controller shall be bonded or self-insured through the county in-lieu of bonds (in accordance with Govemment Code Section 24156) in the sum of $1000. VIII. MEETINGS 1. {" Regular meetings of SLOCOG shall be held at least six (6) times a year or at more frequent intervals as approved by SLOCOG. 2. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon written request of at least three (3) representatives of SLOCOG. Actual notice of special meetings must be given at least three (3) business days in advance. .~, 3. Meetings shall be open to the public as required by state law. 4. Regular meetings shall be generally h~,I,~ipt~~",TIr,~t'vVeek of August, O~~ber, December, February, April and~~~;,,~~,,~p':~~~~,i~~h9Anp~~l:~~~t,!n~:,',~I:~~~r,~~,()pt~~,i at the June and Januarv meetinas. "'(f'}O~q!"\Q)DQQJihg;:'$bqU;;pp;:;gQ~ighqtqd.;tg~i;;::qrlnqqlmqQtihg;.~ 5. The Executive Director of SLOCOG will direct the publication of notices of all meetings pursuant to state law. 6. Only official representatives or alternates shall represent a member of SLOCOG or vote on any motion before SLOCOG. 7. The meeting agenda shall be prepared by the Executive Director to SLOCOG. Agenda material shall be submitted to the Executive Director at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the next regular meeting and distributed to members at least twelve (12) calendar days prior to the next regular meeting to allow member agencies to advise their representatives on tentative vote subject to independent judgment of delegate based on public testimony. Unless authorized by four-fifths vote of the representatives at a regular meeting, only agenda items shall be considered by SLOCOG pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act. 8. SLOCOG, at the discretion of the President may memorialize any of its actions by resolution. 9. Robert's Rules of Order, or such other rules as SLOCOG may adopt, will govern all proceedings not specifically provided for herein. 10. Executive sessions shall be held in accordance with applicable law. 11. SLOCOG shall hold public hearings for the adoption of Regional Plans. 12. Minutes of all SLOCOG meetings shall be kept by the Executive Director to SLOCOG and shall be submitted to member agencies. ----~~~~ --._---- - SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.7 IX. COMMITTEES 1. Committees and subcommittees may be established as SLOCOG may deem appropriate. 2. Membership on "ad-Hoc" policy committees shall be at the discretion of the President. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit membership on these aforesaid committees to officials of the member agencies. The President may appoint any individual deemed qualified to serve on a committee. 3. Standing committees shall include the: q).:';~~mlni~trotiOg~9Ej:trnlttQO,b9rj1pri$od;9f:t:\11"mt:\gqgCr$;'qgq;Qdrj1jglg.~,lgJl:i:Q~:;mQffit:)o,. jl1lj~dl'qtjq!i~; t));i:;:~gQ~:C:,~()[T1rrt!!'t9g.,:gqmpr!,~g:d:::Qfii'::$[Q~g@~~':lgg'Q'I,:i:o.(.)l:Jt'I~gti:;t16~;,'~t\~:::;,g,iglll~'iQ~i:itJjg1 mQmQQ,.l;!g'qHQ!Q$~ g)";ii.thQ::i];')I.J~lJd\.^J()r~ii'~(),IfT:tiltgg;:gq'mpri$gd'qfqU':qggggy:ig~gittqq~~g:.,~ml~!~::,~~'~~i~~9:~!: Qy.:thQit.:;t.Q$ppgtN~'qgQQ'QrQ~:; Effi a. Technical Transportation AdvisoI}'9.(),r.Dr.Di,~~~"(I!~9,t","~.!)~"..,",!b~",,.,9i,!i,~~!)~~., h6~';H~6~2BqL~~~~:a~~m~~~9~CJ~[Jp~~8~~~8fi:~~$~~~~~f~~~'!~~~~'t~~~~~~':: on transDortation issues Der adoDted Committee bvlaWs. f.P~ Regional Transit Advisorv Committee serving as the Regional Transit Productivity Committee to advise the board on the efficiency and effectiveness of transit systems and fulfill all. resDonsibilities as required by Sections 99238 and 99244 of the Public Utilities Code; and fffi c. An Executive Committee comprised of the President, Vice President and the past President and at least one representative from the county of San Luis Obispo (if none of the above) said committee is to advise the Executive Director ~nd SLOCOG on: draft agendas. Dersonnel issues. budget and Overall Work Program; gl( controversial, sensitive and major policy iS~,lJ~~,;,~n~~nC1I1,!~~lit~,!~t~~,C1~~lJ~lperformanc:~ evaluation of the Executive Director. Qbg:~,~\9~g::,[Qt1:,:~!!U~~it~Q1,~iJ,,~.iOg:::'1QXi1~ Items for revi~\\,~hall be~~lected by the ~r~Gia15At Executive Director with consultation by the E~oq~!l1?Q:'Dit-()otQt President. All Committee members may include agenda items as thev desire. For Durooses of conductina business. a auorum shaH constitute two members. 4. No committee shall commit SLOCOG on any matter or questions of policy. Such matters or questions can only be decided by SLOCOG. 5. All committees shall receive clerical assistance from SLOCOG staff for the purpose of maintaining minutes of meetings and other such duties as the Executive Director may direct. The chair of each committee shall sign the original copy of the minutes indicating Ii verification of contents UDon committee adoDtion. Copies of minutes Of all meetings shall be sent to members of SLOCOG and the Executive Director. -.--.-- '.'_0- --'-..------ SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.8 X. FINANCE 1. SLOCOG shall have no power to expend funds on any project for which funds have not been budgeted, nor on any item in excess of the budgeted amount. 2. The Treasurer of the County of San Luis Obispo is designated the depository, and shall have custody of all money of SLOCOG from whatever source received. SLOCOG shall contract with an independent certified professional accountant to conduct annual fiscal audits as required by the California Public Utilities Code Section 99245 and the Federal Single Audit Act of 1984. XI. CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT SLOCOG shall carry out a process for citizen involvement in major decisions in accordance with ClI1Cl~<?pted Public Involvement Plan for Transportation Planning. Such process shall include: a ~Jti~QD~~ Transportation Advisory Committee~ for advising SLOCOG on Em-transportation issues; legal notices, and or press releases for €fH adoption of all plans and for the allocation of and prioritization of funding; and widespread distribution of an agency newsletter. XII. WITHDRAWAL AND DISSOLUTION 1. The parties to this Agreement pledge full cooperation and agree to assign representatives to serve as official members of SLOCOG or any committee or subcommittee thereof who shall act for and on behalf of their city or county in any or all matters which shall come before SLOCOG, subject to any necessary approval of their acts by the goveming bodies of CITIES and COUNTY. 2. Any party to this Agreement may withdraw from SLOCOG and terminate its participation in this agreement by resolution of its goveming body. The withdrawal of the member shall have no effect on the continuance of this Agreement among the remaining members and the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as respects the remaining members. 3. A member withdrawing shall not be liable for the payment of further contributions falling due beyond the date of withdrawal and shall have no right to reimbursement of any monies previously paid to SLOCOG, provided, however, that SLOCOG may authorize a reimbursement if in its judgment such reimbursement is fair and equitable and can be done without jeopardy to the operation of SLOCOG. If any party hereto fails to pay its contribution, as determined by SLOCOG, said entity shall be deemed to have voluntarily withdrawn from SLOCOG. 4. SLOCOG may be dissolved at any time and this Agreement rescinded by a joint agreement executed by COUNTY and CITIES which are parties hereto. Said rescission Agreement shall provide for the orderly payment of all outstanding debts and obligations and for the return of any surplus funds of SLOCOG in proportion to the contributions made. XIII. EFFECTIVITY This Agreement shall take effect upon its execution by the chairman or mayor and clerks of the governing bodies of the County of San Luis Obispo and at least four (4) cities, pursuant to resolutions of such governing bodies authorizing such execution and shall remain in full force and effect until dissolved pursuant to the provisions herein. This Agreement may be executed in eight (8) counterparts which together shall constitute a single agreement. --..-"..-- --- --- SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Date: Mayor Resolution. No. Clerk CITY OF GROVER BEACH By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF MORRO BAY By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF PASO ROBLES By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk ~._...__._-~.._.._- SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO. 10 CITY OF PISMO BEACH By: Date Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By: Date: Mayor -. Resolution No. Clerk COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By: ~- Date: Chair Resolution No. Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: . JAC CRAWFORD SLOCOG Legal Counsel By: Legal Counsel Dated: Adopted by SLOCOG ,1998 \\SIoco!L- _1\IIOI1\OVERALL WORK PROGRAM 1998-99\0100 . A/;Jency Adminislration\0200 - Board. Committee Support\MemoIandums\JPA AUGUST se.doc . --~~--~~--,.._.- ~_._._.- ) ,: '. ' . JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT . , . .OF Tl-:li:., .. SAN'LUI$,OBISPO COU'NCIL OF GOVERNMENTS WITNESSETH: , ' , '. ,. THIS JQINT POWE;RS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 1 Zth day of January, 1976,' and Bl11enoed on November 4, 1982, September 19, ~984, July ,19, 1990, June. 10~ 1992, .Jun~2~19~3,Ju.ri~'.8, 1.994; and Augus~. 5,19985y.andamong such~ of,1he:jnCQrwra~edciti~ of ~. .'.ArrQY9': Grande, Atascadero,EI ,Paso' de Robles, 'Grover-BeaCh, ,Morro Bay. Pisrn.Q Beiich;and "SanLuJsObisPo, aUbeint) muni,cipal'corpOrations c>ftheSta~eofCalifomia'and loca\ecJ Within.the bound~ries ..ofthe COunty of.San 'Jui~ ',Obispo, Califomia;:'~s'may'execute thls,:Agreement, . . hereInafter ~lIed"CITIES," a.n'~the'Gourity of San Luis Qbispo, a body'politic 'andCorpo~te'ahd , a sut>piVisiQriofthe State of Califomia,here.inaftercalled "COLJNTYt~s'follows:., .' ... . " . . . -...:.- . - . ~ ,. ~ -".' -".' . " . . ,,- '. ' <"' '. . . (.. -, , .. ' WHER~$~ Section 6500: et seq., of ttieCalifomfci Govemh,ent 'Code (Titi~ 1, OMsion 7, .. . . :Chcipter, :p,~Artide1 )pr9vides:for'agre,emEmtS. between '. two. or.niorep~blic:<agendes tOJointly:., . . e~ercise~ny, power Common tottle (:OntrilCting . parties,.' subj~ct. tQ :~rtaih., mandatc)-ry :proVision.s . . '. ~ntai,ned~ther~i~; ancf,' ' ~ ',' ..' .':.' " '1,' ,"; .: ".. .~..:,: ",': . . ': ...WtiEREAS,the,Cityof San' Luis.Qbisp.o.byvirtUe,of its.charter;'-~ndthe..oth6rjnCorpQrated . ..'.ciljes 'ir1th~.90'on.ty, parties, hereto, by virtue ofSeCtipns 656d6,thr<?ugh:~5eQ4.;'.inClosiye,:-of:the, ,.,Califomia' Goveromehfeo,dehavethe ]oiritand mutual pcjwer toaeate~n"area, pl.~nJ1ing oo~nCi,; . . 'and.. ". . .'" c. ..'''. '. ' ..~' .'... ':'.' ..'.' .,:.'. o' .. ... "."',:' ~ :", . I .'. . . :,..~VVI:IER~S,. .COQNTY ,~N'D . CI:TIf:S; 'did, 'in. ,196a, jointly' :ex~~~,.an ':~gr$~m~~t :' .... . establishli19 such'a'plaririirig'C()unc.iI ~nd nOW,Wish to ,artiel1d ,an~ !)~p~rsed.e :the, same; ~nct ... ..'., .,.::',.. 'W~ER~S~"Secti_6n. 295;i~"_&lif~~ia'~0~em~~nt'eod~,~'~ro~ide~, ~~~SUch'~ 'Pla~ni~g .' . and ,'COOfdinating:C.ouhcil. .shall' bEt~e!)ignat~~.; the.:::'R~glonal )rran$po~ti9n. ..PlanriingAgency". ... :'.(RTPAjto';!1.C~tin':i11~tte.rS9ftransitandti-a'nsPOrtatiohi:>lan!1ing;an~..-.::';.' ,>: ,.,,-.'..... " .):> .:'.~ ,.. , . . "" -,.' ".' ~.~ '_ '," ,~:.-, ".: ,':.) ~~' " '...:',: ',.... . . ~: ""~" :'. . .~' .:' ~ t ' ,'- :, ,. . . ;.'., wHEREAS" .it' is. d~sirabfe .that' a ~ingle iagEm6y b~ created. ~y a~d - With, the cOn~ent ,of . . ~.. OltlES 'and: COUNTY to adv,ise,' ptan .for, and' sugg~stsolUtions to. coniO'ion . prObierns;' assist in', " . " >?:. ~. . . " I I -. 4.... '.' ,( .. , th~ prepa~~ori :of' plans .,8f1C:f prpg~ms by U,tiliZing prann,ing ,talents .and ge~eral-plans of .the . .' various 'governmental 'jlirisdiCtions. in the' QountY"and ',of experts in Various bther fields' arid' to" '. ; \~rdinate(heir.effor:ts;'~~~' .','.:' '. '.. .'..,- " """.':~" :..' '.': .,.' ", . "'~':.':::_:"-\';-" ::'~~';".:':--~..~-.,:"'" ....y. .:..;-,~.- ,"('" '~.," A.. .~:- ~ "'1.. .... .<",.':'.. ..t';'" -' :, . ' 0'" ::- .:' ,:' . ':.WHERE:AS~Creation of suct1 an,~gei1cy and~cti~n ~y'lt u~n.',<;;e~in 'plans.,a~~ prog~Jj1s ' . .' ;isn~ce~~.afy ~ tp. ~ro'p'ly:wlth .requji-~rnentsoff~d~ra1'a.bd:,state:Ie9lsl~tion.ino~er .tQ patJicipa,te: in. ~... .: . . . " -<::the .'aU~tlon'and: ~isb~~em~ot' ofs~te;a,nd. federa! -:t~nd's'/w~ICh:may.~~.. ~~sired, 't)y..cpUNTY....., ' . , . ,...~'., .:and':~II~g$ .in .ttl~ 'irnpl~trler;ltati6n"o~,plaris -and::.p~r.ams, wh1ch):iav$~~en ,approved by:'tlieir .;. :. ..',..'. '.. '.'.. ..~:,)'.,. >. .'. . b.';"'''''.'. ,.,. ,', .'.,"." ..' ... :,.".1..',.,., . - '.< .respe",.uvegovermng \NI~S..: '. :'..," .' "".':" . "'~... ,'. ::';'~/~~F.()~.ftl~'~~'~ioi7;:ii;., . <,':',-:': . ",. ..'" I i5()_Osos.S~e~. Ste.202;San Lj,li~.obispo, C..f~j401. Tel:;(&05).781":4~19. 'F#;,(I~OS)781~5703 ..', _ 'E~miiC.skK:ol!@slonet.or2'. Internet .httD:/IwWw:sloriet,()r2l:"ipsJreoR :,,: . ..0._'_. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.2 I. PURPOSE The member cities and county have joined together to establish the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments for the following purposes: 1. As a Regional Agency, address issues of mutual concern to the county and the cities in the San Luis Obispo region, and satisfy federal and state planning and programming mandates. 2. Provide a forum for planning, discussion, and study of areawide issues; prepare and adopt regiorlal plans and programs; serve as the regional agency for federal and state programs and fundirjg opportunities; and address other areawide issues based on the desires of the member jurisdictions. 3. ., Represent member jurisdictions as planner, programmer, and broker in developing an efficient and effective multi-modal transportation system that provides for the mobility needs of people, goods, and services while protecting the environment. 4. Maximize state and federal funding and facilitate the development, coordination, and impl~mentation of local, and regional transportation programs to improve mobility and air ~uality. 5. Establish and operate a call box program in the County. These purposes are to be achieved through the following methods: 1. Administer the Joint Powers Agency (JPA) as the Council of Governments (COG), the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA), and the Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (SAFE) for San Luis Obispo County. 2. Allocate applicable federal, state, and local transportation funds to member jurisdictions consistent with appropriate federal and state statutes, policies, and regulations, and adopted board policies and criteria. 3. Conduct a continuous, cooperative, and comprehensive inter-modal transportation planning and project programming process that satisfies federal and state requirements. 4. Facilitate and monitor the assessment, coordination, funding, utilization, and improvement of an effective and efficient inter-modal transportation system that satisfies the existing and projected mobility needs of the region. 5. Develop and operate a Countywide call box system in coordination and cooperation with the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and the Califomia Department of Transportation (CAL TRANS). 6. Serve as the Regional Census Data affiliate to analyze and disseminate socio-economic and demographic data for integration into local and regional studies and plans. 7. Discuss and study area-wide problems of mutual interest and concern to the cities and county and facilitate the development of policies and action recommendations for the solution of such problems. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.3 II. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (SLOCOG) Upon the effective date of this agreement the parties hereto reaffirm the establishment of the San Luis Obispo Council of Govemments hereinafter, SLOCOG, a separate and distinct public entity, as the agent to exercise the common powers provided for in this Agreement, and to administer or otherwise execute this Agreement. When originally established, SLOCOG was known as the San Luis Obispo County and Cities Area Planning and Coordinating Council, subsequently renamed respectively: the San Luis Obispo Council of Govemments (SLOCOG), the San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council (SLOACC), and back toSLOCOG. SLOCOG, as successor entity to the original COG established in 1968, insofar as its predecessor entity has been. designated, and insofar as legally authorized shall function as: 1. An Area Wide Planning Organization (APO), as designated by the U. S. Department of Housing and County Development (HUD); 2. A Council of Governments (COG), as designated by the Governor of the ~tate of California; 3. A Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA). as designated ~y the Secretary of Business and Transportation Agency of the State of California; 4. A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) as designated by the U. S. Department of Transportation; and 5. A Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (SAFE) as designated by the County of San Luis Obispo and a majority of cities with a majority of population. 6. A Census Data Affiliate as designated by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. III. POWERS The San Luis Obispo Council of Governments hereinafter called "SLOCOG," is hereby created as a voluntary agency pursuant to applicable provisions of the California Government Code with the power to carry out the purposes hereinabove stated and to implement the approved annual work prog~am, including the power to: contract for goods and services; provide for employment of necessary personnel, experts and consultants; accept gifts, loans, and grants; acquire, hold and convey real and personal property; incur debts, obligations and liabilities; sue and be sued; and administer the affairs of SLOCOG hereby created in accordance with this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 6508.1, California Government Code, it is hereby declared by COUNTY and CITIES that the debts, liabilities and obligations of the SLOCOG shall not be the debts, liabilities and obligations of any of the parties to this Agreement, except as otherwise provided herein. .--'------_..,....-..~ -- SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.4 IV. MEMBERSHIP 1. Membership in SLOCOG shall be voluntary, but only the County of San Luis Obispo and all cities incorporated in the County of San Luis Obispo presently or in the future, are declared eligible for membership in SLOCOG. 2. Representatives of the COUNTY and CITIES shall be appointed to serve on SLOCOG in accordance with procedures established by each of the governing bodies of the member agencies. Delegates to SLOCOG, referred to as "Board Members", shall consist of the five members of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo from time to time in office and of one member from the governing body of each incorporated city within the boundaries of the County of San Luis Obispo which is a party to this Agreement, with each incorporated area being~imited to one representative. Representatives shall serve so long as they hold office with their member agency or until they shall resign or be removed by a majority vote of their respective governing bodies. Vacancies among representatives shall be filled in the same manner as the first appointment. The Qirector of the California Department of Transportation, District 5, or hislher appoint~e, may sit as: an ex officio member of the Board. He or. she shall receive all meeting notices and agendas, have the right to participate in Board discussions, and have the right to request matters on the agenda, but shall not be counted towards a quorum of the Board and shall have no vote. ,. 3. Member city agencies may elect to have an alternate member(s) from their city council in addition to any official member, but said altemate(s) shall be able to vote only in the absence of the official representative. 4. Designation of the official representative or alternate(s), or changes thereto, shall be transmitted in writing to the Executive Director of SLOCOG by the appointing city. 5. In addition to the incorporated cities presently a party to this Agreement,. any other city which may hereafter be incorporated within the boundaries of the County of San Luis Obispo and which may desire to participate in the activities of the SLOCOG may do so by executing this Agreement without prior approval or ratification of the named parties to this Agreement and shall thereafter be governed by all the terms and provisions of this Agreement as of the date of . execution. .. 6. Membership shall be contingent upon the execution of this Joint Powers Agreement. V. OPERATION 1. The powers of SLOCOG are advisory to the member agencies which execute this Agreement except for those actions mandated by state or federal law for the processing of applications submitted by any of the member agencies for federal and state grants or funds which require action by SLOCOG. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit in any manner the power of any of the parties to initiate and complete a local project within their respective jurisdictions with their own funds. It is understood, however, that the recommendations of SLOCOG may have the effect of precluding any favorable action by an agency of the state or federal government in support of such a project if other than local financing is sought, as determined by the respective state or federal agency under law, regulations and policies applicable to them. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO. 5 2. Except as otherwise provided herein, there shall be no costs incurred by SLOCOG pursuant hereto, other than expenses of its members, which are to be borne by their respective entities, and the cost of services by the officers and personnel of the respective entities to said SLOCOG, upon approval of such services by the governing bodies hereof, shall likewise be borne by the respective entities. All costs incurred by SLOCOG performing functions as the MPO and RTPA for San Luis Obispo County as designated by the State shall be paid out of the transportation fund established pursuant to Section 29530, et seq., Govemment Code as provided for therein, and State and Federal planning funds. All costs incurred by SLOCOG performing functions, as the SAFE for San Luis Obispo County, as designated by adopted local resolutions, shall be paid out of the SAFE fund established pursuant to Section 2550, of the Streets and Highway Code as provided fortherein. 3. Costs of SLOCOG for each fiscal year which are necessary for the ordinary operation of SLOCOG, including but not limited to salaries, office space, furniture, and services and supplies shall be set forth in the budget as part of the annual work program of SLOCOG and shall be funded from designated funds as approved by SLOCOG and'applicable state-and,federal agencies. Extraordinary costs as recommended by SLOCOG shall be bome by contributions from the member entities as approved by their governing bodies. Costs of all other extraordinary activities undertaken by SLOCOG as the Areawide Planning Organization shall be set forth in the budget as part of the annual work program and shall be funded from contributions from member entities as approved by their goveming boards or from designated funds as approved by SLOCOG and/or applicable state and federal agencies. 4. The annual work program and budget, when adopted, shall be the basis for operation of SLOCOG for the fiscal year. Any deviation from the work program affecting the budget shall be approved by SLOCOG. Any extraordinary costs which have not been funded as part of the COG, MPO, RTPA and SAFE budget requiring local contributions, shall be returned to the member agencies for approval. 5. For purposes of conducting business, there shall be present a quorum oonsisting of a majority of representatives, including one (1) COUNTY representative. No action shall be effective without the affirmative votes of a majority of those present. However, eight (8) affirmative votes shall be required for taking any action in the event any agency demands such a vote.' The representatives to SLOCOG shall adopt such procedures as are consistent with this Agreement and necessary to conduct the business of SLOCOG in an orderly manner. VI. OFFICERS 1. Officers. The officers of SLOCOG shall consist of a President and Vice President elected for a term of one year by a majority vote of member agency representatives to SLOCOG. 2. Both the President and Vice-President of SLOCOG shall be elected at the January meeting. 3. The officers shall serve until their successors are elected. --... SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO. 6 4. The duties of the officers shall be as follows: a. President: 1) Shall preside over all meetings of SLOCOG and the Executive Committee as Chairperson. 2) Shall appoint all standing committees. 3) Shall exercise general supervision over all activities of said SLOCOG. 4) Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. 5) Shall execute all contracts and legal documents on behalf of SLOCOG. b. Vice-President: "'.7_' 1) Shall serve as President Pro-tem (delegated to temporarily serve as chair) in the absence of the President. 2) Shall give whatever aid is necessary to the Presidentin administering SLOCOG. 3) Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. 5. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of either the President or Vice-president upon said officer's death, resignation, removal or his/her ceasing to be an official representative of a member city of the County of San Luis Obispo, such vacancy will be filled by majority vote of the SLOCOG with the officer elected to serve for the balance of the unexpired term. VII. PERSONNEL AND SERVICES 1. Executive Director. The Executive Director shall be selected by, and shall serve at the pleasure of and upon the terms prescribed by the SLOCOG Board. The powers and the duties of the Executive Director are to: a. Serve as the chief administrative officer for SLOCOG and to be responsible to SLOCOG for the administration of all SLOCOG affairs. b. Supervise and direct the preparation of the annual work program and budget to SLOCOG and be responsible for its implementation after adoption by SLOCOG. c. Attend meetings of SLOCOG Board and act as Secretary to the SLOCOG Board. d. Disburse all funds in accordance with the policies of the County-Treasurer and the County Auditor/Controller and the budget and work program adopted by SLOCOG. e. Prepare and submit to SLOCOG periodic financial reports and prepare a written year end report reflecting activities of the preceding fiscal year, said year end report to be distributed to each of the participating member bodies. 1. Appoint, supervise, suspend, discipline, or remove SLOCOG employees subject to policies and procedures adopted by SLOCOG. g. Maintain a record of all financial transactions, correspondence and reports of SLOCOG. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.7 h. Contract and assure completion of an annual fiscal audit of SLOCOG and a triennial performance audit of SLOCOG. i. Perform such other duties as SLOCOG may require in carrying out the policies and direction of SLOCOG Board. j. Maintain custody and control of all property of SLOCOG, other than monies and securities. 2. Legal Counsel. The San Luis Obispo County Counsel's Office shall serve as legal counsel at the pleasure of SLOCOG Board and shall be reimbursed for services rendered. 3. Treasurer. The Treasurer of the County of San Luis Obispo shall be the Treasurer of the SLOCOG. Treasurer shall: a. Receive and receipt all money of SLOCOG and place it in the treasury of San Luis Obispo County to the credit of SLOCOG. b. Be responsible for the safekeeping and disbursement of all SLOCOG money held by him/her. c. Pay any sums due from SLOCOG, from SLOCOG'S funds held by him/her or any portion thereof, upon warrants of the SLOCOG controller designated herein. d. Verify and report in writing as soon as possible after the first day of July, October, January, and April of each year to SLOCOG the amounts of monies he/she holds for SLOCOG, the amount of receipts since his/her last report, and any interest accrued to those funds. e. Invest funds. SLOCOG shall reimburse the Treasurer for the actual cost of services rendered. 4. Controller. The Auditor-Controller of the County of San Luis Obispo shall serve as the Controller at the pleasure of the SLOCOG Board and shall be reimbursed for services rendered. The Controller shall: a. Draw warrants to pay demands against SLOCOG when the demands have been approved by the COG Board and/or the COG Executive Director. He/She shall be responsible on his/her official bond for hislher approval of disbursement of SLOCOG money. b. Keep and maintain records and books of account under the custody of the Controller on the basis. of generally accepted accounting practices. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.8 c. Make available all such financial records of SLOCOG to a certified public accountant or public accountant contracted by SLOCOG to make an annual audit of the accounts and records of SLOCOG. The minimum requirements of the audit shall 6e those prescribed by the State Controller for special districts under Section 26909 of the Government Code and shall conform to generally accepted auditing standards. SLOCOG shall reimburse the Auditor/Controller for the cost of services rendered. 5. Bond Requirements a. The Executive Director and such other employees of SLOCOG as may be designated by the COG Board, shall file with SLOCOG an official fidelity bond in a sum determined by the Council as security for the safekeeping of SLOCOG property entrusted to such employees. Premiums for such bonds shall be paid by SLOCOG. b. The County Treasurer, and Auditor-Controller shall be bonded or self-insured through the county in-lieu of bonds (in accordance with Government Code Section 24156) in the .. sum of $1000. VIII. MEETINGS 1. Regular meetings of SLOCOG shall be held at least six (6) times a year or at more frequent intervals as approved by SLOCOG. 2. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon written request of at least three (3) representatives of SLOCOG. Actual notice of special meetings must be given at least three (3) business days in advance. 3. Meetings shall be open to the public as required by state law. . 4. Regular meetings shall be generally held in the first week of August, October, December, February, April and June; as specified in the calendar adopted at the June and January meetings. 5. The Executive Director of SLOCOG will direct the publication of notices of all meetings pursuant to state law. 6. Only official representatives or alternates shall represent a member of SLOCOG or vote on any motion before SLOCOG. 7. The meeting agenda shall be prepared by the Executive Director to SLOCOG. Agenda material shall be submitted to the Executive Director at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the next regular meeting and distributed to members at least twelve (12) calendar days prior to the next regular meeting to allow member agencies to advise their representatives on tentative vote subject to independent judgment of delegate based on public testimony. Unless authorized by four-fifths vote of the representatives at a regular meeting, only agenda items shall be considered by SLOCOG pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act. 8. SLOCOG, at the discretion of the President may memorialize any. of its actions by resolution. - _. ~--"'.._._----"- SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO. 9 9. Robert's Rules of Order, or such other rules as SLOCOG may adopt, will govern all proceedings not specifically provided for herein. 10. Executive sessions shall be held in accordance with applicable law. 11. SLOCOG shall hold public hearings for the adoption of Regional Plans. 12. Minutes of all SLOCOG meetings shall be kept by the Executive Director to SLOCOG am:! shall be submitted to member agencies. IX. COMMITTEES 1. Committees and subcommittees may be established as SLOCOG may deem appropriate. 2. Membership on "ad-Hoc" policy committees shall be at the discretion of the President. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit membership on these aforesaid committees to officials of the member agencies. The President may appoint any individual deemed qualified to serve on a committee. 3. Standing committees shall include the: a. Technical Transportation Advisory Committee (TT AC) .and the Citizen's Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) to advise the board on transportation issues per adopted Committee bylaws. b. Regional Transit Advisory Committee serving as the Regional Transit Productivity Committee to advise the board on the efficiency and effectiveness of transit systems and fulfill all responsibilities as required by Sections 99238 and 99244 of the Public Utilities Code; and c. An Executive Committee comprised of the President, Vice President and the past President and at least one representative from the county of San Luis Obispo (if none of the above). Said committee is to advise the Executive Director and SLOCOG on: draft agendas, personnel issues, budget and Overall Work Program; controversial, sensitive and major policy issues; and shall facilitate the annual performance evaluation of the Executive Director. Items for review shall be selected by the Executive Director with consultation by the President. All Committee members may indude agenda items as they desire. For purposes of conducting business, a quorum shall constitute two members. 4. No committee shall commit SLOCOG on any matter or questions of policy. Such matters or questions can only be decided by SLOCOG. 5. All committees shall receive clerical assistance from SLOCOG staff for the purpose of maintaining minutes of meetings and other such duties as the Executive Director may direct. The chair of each committee shall sign the original copy of the minutes indicating verification of contents upon committee adoption. Copies of minutes of all meetings shall be sent to members of SLOCOG and the Executive Director. _ _ ___~"_m..~_..__.._". SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO. 10 X. FINANCE 1. SLOCOG shall have no power to expend funds on any project for which funds have not been budgeted, nor on any item in excess of the budgeted amount. 2. The Treasurer of the County of San Luis Obispo is designated the depository, and shall have custody of all money of SLOCOG from whatever source received. SLOCOG shall contract with an independent certified professional accountant to conduct annual fiscal audits as required by th~ California Public Utilities Code Section 99245 and the Federal Single Audit Act of 1984. XI. CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT SLOCOG shall carry out a process for citizen involvement in major decisions in accordance with an adopted Public Involvement Plan for Transportation Planning. Such process shall indude: Transportation Advisory Committee(s) for advising SLOCOG on. transportation issUes; legal notices, and or press releases for adoption of all plans and for the allocation of and prioritization of funding; and widespread distribution of an agency newsletter. XII. WITHDRAWAL AND DISSOLUTION 1. The parties to this Agreement pledge full cooperation and agree to assign representatives to serve as official members of SLOCOG or any committee or subcommittee thereof who shall act for and on behalf of their city or county in any or all matters which shall come before SLOCOG, subject to any necessary approval of their acts by the governing bodies of CITIES and COUNTY. 2. Any party to this Agreement may withdraw from SLOCOG and terminate its participation in this agreement by resolution of its governing body. The withdrawal of the member shall have no effect on the continuance of this Agreement among the remaining members and the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as respects the remaining members. 3. A member withdrawing shall not be liable for the payment of further contributions falling due beyond the date of withdrawal and shall have no right to reimbursement of any monies previously paid to SLOCOG, provided, however, that SLOCOG may authorize a reimbursement if in its judgment such reimbursement is fair and equitable and can be done without jeopardy to the operation of SLOCOG. If any party hereto fails to pay its. contribution, as determined by SLOCOG, said entity shall be deemed to have voluntarily withdrawn from SLOCOG. .4. SLOCOG may be dissolved at any time and this Agreement rescinded by a joint agreement executed by COUNTY and CITIES which are parties hereto. Said rescission Agreement shall provide for the orderly payment of all outstanding debts and. obligations and for the return of any surplus funds of SLOCOG in proportion to the contributions made. XIII. EFFECTIVITY This Agreement shall take effect upon its execution by the chairman or mayor and derks of the governing bodies of the County of San Luis Obispo and at least four (4) cities, pursuant to resolutions of such governing bodies authorizing such execution and shall remain in full force and effect until dissolved pursuant to the provisions herein. This Agreement may be executed in eight (8) counterparts w!:lich together shall constitute a single agreement. ---'---"'~-'--' --'-~-- SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO. 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF AT ASCADERO By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF GROVER BEACH By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF MORRO BAY By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF PASO ROBLES By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk - --~-----'" SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO. 12 CITY OF PISMO BEACH By: Date Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By: Date: Chair Resolution No. Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: JAC CRAWFORD SLOCOG Legal Counsel By: Legal Counsel Dated: Adopted by SLOCOG August 5, 1998 \15100:0;..- _1\1ICI1\OVERAlL WORK PROGRAM 1998-99\0100 . NJency Adminislration\0200 . Board. Committee Support\COG BoardlJPAslSLOCOG JPA.doc SLORTA ATTACHMENTS Supporting Documents for the SLORT A Joint Powers Agreement Sample staff report for your use in presenting the information to the Council/Board. Sample resolution to be adopted by the Council/Board. Joint Powers Agreement indicating the changes that were made. Joint Powers Agreement (Final) for signature. STAFF REPORT ~ SUMMARY This report presents a draft of an updated and slightly modified SLORT A Joint Powers Agreement (JPA). The draft highlights changes from the current JPAwith strikeouts and underling. Changes include: . modifying the name of agency, City of Grover Beach and San Luis Council of Governments; . clarification of SLORT A's standing committees; . and other minor modifications. At its July15, 1998 meeting, the SLORTA Executive Committee requested SLORTA staff to revise SLORT A's Joint Powers Agreement to be consistent with SLOCOG's JPA. The attached changes were presented and the SLORTA Board approved the changes on September 2, 1998, for member agency ratification. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff; 1. Adopt Resolution Ratifying the Amended Joint Powers Agreement. DISCUSSION The Joint Powers Agreement provides the foundation for SLORT A. Any modification requires ratification by all member agencies. The attached draft JPA highlights proposed changes with strikeouts and underlining. Proposed changes include the following (suggested changes are underlined): Withesseth: Modify the name of the AQencv Aareement. City of Grover Beach and San Luis ObisDO Council of Governments Article I, Section 2: Add the word SLORT A ARTICLE II Organization Section I Board of Directors: Clarify that Board of Directors are Members, and ~::~~~is ~~~~~Il"iTljlila ~oU~~ils~a~~:e:~~~~ea~~ a&;i~~ of SLOCOG. Section 2 Meeting: Delete portion stating that meetings shall be part of SLOCOG meetings. Clarify reQular meetinas shall be Qenerallv held in the first week of Julv. "' - SeDtember. November. Januarv. March and Mav or as specified in a biannuallv adoDted meetina calendar. Change the name of ItlilfliUfiB to SLORTA Board. Section 3 Officers: Chan e the 1i::::::::::::~~ti::::::::~<ii.B to SLOCOG g ..:~....:lit.:....,I.i...:...:...:..... Section 4 Mana er: Chan e ifie:::<~::~:ti6.iif~~1 to SLORT A Board and ri::::::.!":_ to g g ..:.:t.:.:.:...:.it:.....:.:...:.:.:.......:...9I: , :::..::.JI..:." H:' ;g.....~..MY:...:.. .': SLORTA Lii!;i.iiit.1!i.;iIHti1.;i~I~l.jli:1~._j~ Section 6 Boundaries and Service Levels: Change iIIf~.Ii.I8.1 to SLORTA Board and add or mandated in the Unmet Transit Needs Hearina (PUC Section 99401.5 Add Section 7 to clarify that SLORTA has the following standing committees: 1. Committees and subcommittees may be established as SLORT A may deem aDDroDriate. 2. MembershiD on "ad-Hoc" Dolicv committees shall be at the discretion of the President. Nothina herein shall be construed to limit membershiD on these aforesaid committees to officials of the member aaencies. The President may aDDoint any individual deemed Qualified to serve on a committee. 3. Standina committees shall include the: a. Reaional Transit Advisorv Committee (RT AC) servina as a Reaional Transit Productivity Committee to advise the Board on the efficiency and effectiveness of the transit system. b. An Executive Committee comDrised of the President. Vice President and the Dast President and at least one reDresentatives from the county of San Luis ObisDO (if none of the above) Ii!.!' shall advise the Transit Manaaer and SLORTA on: draft aaendas. Dersonnel issues. budaet and Overall Work Proaram.: controversial. sensitive and maior DOlicv issues: and shall facilitate the annual Derformance evaluation of the Reaional Transit Manaaer.. Items for r~view shall be selected bv the Transit !<:>.-..:....:.......:. ......;:.:} . . Manaaer WftI-in consultation Ii with the President. All' Committee me~be~s may i~CIU~;~w~S;~~~~,I~:~~->>::;~,~~;.x~i~ire. For D~rDOsesh ol~ con uctlna buslness'I.!.!.!.~..!.!.iG\iilQNlth!.!.$. . ~. .!.!.!.~AI "* e. two mem ers s a constitute a Quorum. 4. No committee shall commit SLORTA on any matter or Questions of Dolicv. Such matters or Questions can onlv be decided bv SLORT A. 5. All committees shall receive clerical assistance from SLORTA staff and. bv aareement. SLOCOG staff for the DUI'DOSe of maintainina minutes of meetinas and other such duties as the Transit Manaaer may direct. The chair of each committee shall sian the oriainal CODY of the minutes indicatina verification of contents UDon committee adoption. Copies of minutes of all meetinas shall be sent to members of SLORT A and the Transit Manaaer. ARTICLE III Financial Provisions: Add The budget may additionally carry funds for future fiscal years where necessary to develop a multi-vear Capital Improvement Proaram and to reflect obligations under state of federal funding agreements, to the extent allowable by California law. Clarify that the transit system shall be funded from revenues received from operations, TDA and arants. Clarify that all population percentages utilized shall be those annuallv adopted bv SLOCOG for allocatina Transportation Development Act Funds. Section 4 Annual Audit: Delete;:::U.nllii~ip.J.iilil<fi:::F.iti~il<ii:::ii;lliIlifJlIfIII, At Board's direction, staff will finalize the JPA and distribute copies to each member jurisdiction for their review and ratification. This revised document will serve as the legal foundation of SLORT A once all signatures have been received. _....~ RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE RATIFYING THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR THE SAN LUIS OBISPO REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority was created by a Joint Powers Agreement between the Cities and County of San Luis Obispo; and WHEREAS, any amendments require ratification by member agencies; and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority Board on September 2nd approved minor clean-up and clarifying amendments for ratification by member agencies; NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the does hereby ratify the San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority Joint Powers Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, and authorize the to execute said agreement, and forward it to the S.an Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority. On motion of , seconded by , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted on this day of ,1998. SAN LUIS OBISPO REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH: . This Agreement is made and entered into this 9th day of March, 1990, and amended on , 1998, by and among the incorporated cities of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero,..EI Paso de Robles, Grover" Beach, Morro Bay, Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo, all being municipal corporations in t e County of San Luis Obispo, California (hereinafter called "Cities") and the County of San Luis Obispo, a body politic and corporate, and a subdivision of the State of California, (hereinafter called "County") WHEREAS, Section 6500 et seq of the California Government Code (Title 1, Div. 7, Chapter 5, Article 1) provides for agreements between two or more public agencies to jointly exercise any power common to the contracting parties, subject to certain mandatory provisions contained therein; and WHEREAS, the Cities and County have previously entered into a joint powers agreement for the formation of the San Luis Obispo ~ Council of Governments for the purpose of providing, among other things, for a reglona transportation agency; and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo ~ Council .0fGovernments, at a regularly held meeting on May 10, 1989, vo e 0 conso I ate the administration of several transportation systems through a regional transit joint powers agreement. NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: ARTICLE I General Provisions Section 1. Purpose: The purpose of this Agreement is to exercise the common powers of the member agencies for the formation of Joint Powers Agreement with full power and authority to own, operate and administer a county-wide public transportation system within the boundaries and over the territory over which the Joint Powers Agency has jurisdiction. Section 2. Name: The official name of the entity shall be San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (~I ORTA) and hereafter referred to as SLORTA thA Tr~nRit Allthnrity. ARTICLE II Organization Members: The membership of the ~ , s all e the same as the membership 0 an UIS Governments (hereinafter referred to as SLORTA JPA PAGE 1 -------------..--...,.-..---.-. ------- -_._.~------ Section 2. Board Meetings - Voting - Quorum: Voting and quorum provisions shall be the same as those provided in the SLOCOG Joint Powers Agreement. ..- ... Section 3. Officers: The officers of SLOCOG shall serve as officers of the Transit Authority. -- Section 4. Manager: The SLORTA Board .shall designate a Regional Transit Manager to operate RT A. The manager shall serve at the pleasure of IBII SLORTA oar, WI e ega ed powers to certify documents of the !II!P!PI! oard as required by the law and to assume such duties and respon$ IS. as e Board may direct. ' .' Section 5. Members: .!lI The County of San Luis Obispo and all cities incorporated in thE!' County of San Luis Obispo presently or in the future, are declared eligible for membership. , ~ Membership shall be contingent upon the execution of this ,Joint Powers Agreement. Section 6. Boundaries and Service Levels: The service area boundaries shall be all of the area within the boundaries of San Luis Obispo County as designated by the SLORT A Board ~. Any additional services beyond the level recommended by the Regional ranspo a Ion Ian or mandated in the Unmet Transit Needs Hearing (PUC Section 99401.5) may be instituted, but shall require unanimous approval of affected jurisdictions, with costs for the extra service to be distributed on the basis of formula developed by the SLORT A Board members representing the affected jurisdictions. Section 7. Committees: 1. Committees and subcommittees may be established as SLORTA may deem appropriate. 2. Membership on "ad-Hoc" policy committees shall be at the discretion of the President. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit membership on these aforesaid committees to officials of the member agencies. The President may appoint any individual deemed qualified to serve on a committee. 3. Standing committees shall include the: a. Regional Transit Advisory Committee (RT AC) serving as a Regional Transit Productivity Committee to advise the Board on the efficiency and effectiveness of the transit system. I SLORTA JPA PAGE 2 _.._~_.- 4. No committee shall commit SLORTA on any matter'orquestionsofpolicy.' Such matters or questions can only be decided by SLORT A. . ARTICLE III Financial Provisions Section 1. Budget: The Regional Transit Manager shall prepare an' ~nnual budget for Transit Authority adoption prior to commencement of each fiscal year. The approval of the Annual Budget shall be in accordance with those procedures prescribed by the Joint Powers Agreement of SLOCOG. Accounting practices to be applied will conform with those used by San Luis Obispo County, consistent with Transportation Development Act rules and regulations. A Consolidated Fund balance and cash balance will carry forward from one year to the \ The budget may additionally carry funds for future fiscal years where necessary to develop a multi-year Capital Improvement Program and to reflect obligations under state of federal funding agreements, to the extent allowable by California law. No member Agency shall be required to expend any of its general fund monies to support the operations of the Transit Authority. The operation of the transit system shall be funded from revenues derived from operations, member Transportation Development Act fund contributions.!, grants, and any other appropriate revenue sources. Each member agency shall make an annual contribution to the Transit Authority in accordance with the adopted budget. Any formula may be amended upon approval of all jurisdictions affected by that formula and ratified by the Transit Authority. ~ All population percentages utilized shall be those annually adopted by SLOCOG for allocating ransportation Development Act Funds based annually on estimates prepared by the State Department of Finance pursuant to Section 2227 of the Revenue and Taxation Code for SLORTA JPA PAGE 3 cities and by the County Planning Department for unincorporated communities. Section 2. Expenditures: The Transit Authority may establish procedures and policies to insure competitive prices for the purchases of goods and services. Formal bidding shall not be required unless directed specifically by the Transit Authority or unless required by state or federal law. Particularly in the purchase of equipment, including buses, the Transit Authority may consider the design, maintenance and operating costs, and other similar factors in determining the most suitable equipment and need not purchase equipment having the lowest initial cost. Section 3. Treasurer and Auditor: Pursuant to Government Code Section 6505.5, the Treasurer of the County of San Luis Obispo is hereby designated as Treasurer of the Transit Authority. The Treasurer shall have the powers and duties set forth in Government Code Section 6505.5. The Auditor/Controller of the County of San Luis Obispo is designated as the Auditor of this Transit Authority pursuant to Government Code Section 6505.5. Section 4. Annual Audit The Transit Authority shall cause an annual audit to be prepared and filed in accordance with Government Code Section 6505 and Public Utilities Code Section 99245. - Section 5. Annual Report: The Regional Transit Manager shall prepare and submit an annual report of the operations to the Transit Authority, SLOCOG, and State Controller. within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year pursuant to Public Utilities Code, Section 99243. Section 6. Periodic Reporting: The Transit Authority may require periodic reporting of ridership, finances, or other information. It shall be the responsibility of the Regional Transit Man~ger and Contractor (if appropriate) to provide such reports in a form acceptable to the Transit Authority. ARTICLE IV Authority Section I. Powers: The Transit Authority shall have all Powers necessary to carry out the purpose of this Agreement, except the power to tax. Its power to expend funds shall be limited only by the availability of funds as set forth in ARTICLE III: Finances, Section t The Powers of - - the Transit Authority specifically include, but are not limited to, the following: a. To solicit bids and negotiate contracts from private enterprise for services and/or operation. b. To sue or be sued. c. To employ agents, employees and contract for professional services. d. To make and enter contracts including labor and employment contracts. e. To acquire, convey, construct, manage, maintain and operate necessary equipment, building and improvements. f. To acquire and convey real and personal property. SLORTA JPA PAGE 4 _.~_.~..._..- g- To incur debts, liabilities and obligations of financial assistance from State and Federal agencies and to obligate the Transit Authority to operate the improvements, equipment or transportation system in accordance with the terms and conditions of said financial assistance. Section 2. Transit Authority is a Public, Legal Entity: The Transit Authority is a public entity duly formed and existing under the laws of the State of California. It is a separate and distinct legal entity from its member agencies. . The debts, duties and obligations created pursuant to this Agreement, shall be solely the obligations of the Transit Authority and not those of its officers, employees, members of the Board of Directors or the member agencies. ARTICLE V Miscellaneous Provisions Section 1. Withdrawal of Member: A withdrawing member's financial obligation under this Section is limited to the withdrawing member's pro-rata share of the currently adopted operating budget based upon ARTICLE III, Section 1 within the service area; of the obligated commitments affecting the withdrawing member and any ~ SLOCOG's finding as to unmet transit needs that are reasonable to meet pursuan 0 u IC II ies Code Section 99401.5. Section 2. Amendment of Agreement:. No amendment to this Agreement shall be made without the consent of all member agencies at the time of the amendment. Section 3. Ratification - Effective Date: This Agreement shall be deemed effective as to those parties executing this agreement upon their execution of the agreement. Section 4. Assignability: In the event it is deemed in the best public interest to have the Transit Authority operated by another individual or entity, whether public or private, and provided that the assignment complies with State and Federal laws, the agency on affirmative vote of the majority in accordance with Section 2 of ARTICLE II, may sell, lease or assign all of its real and personal property and cease operations upon such terms and conditions as the Transit Authority deter11:1ines to be reasonable. Section 5. Termination: This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until rescinded by a majority of the member agencies. Section 6. Notification to Secretary of State: Pursuant to Government Code Section 6503.5, the Transit Authority shall cause a notice of the execution of this Agreement to be prepared and filed with the Office of the Secretary of the State of California, within thirty (30) days after the effective date of any amendment to this Agreement. Until such filings are completed, the Transit Authority shall not incur indebtedness of any kind. SLORTA JPA PAGE 5 -- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF GROVER BEACH By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF MORRO BAY By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF PASO ROBLES By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk .. SLORTAJPA PAGE 6 - ...-....-.-..--..--.-..---- --'----- CITY OF PISMO BEACH By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By: Date: Chair Resolution No. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: JAC CRAWFORD Legal Counsel By: Legal Counsel Dated: Adopted by SLORT A ,1998 . SLORTA JPA PAGE 7 SAN LUIS OBISPO REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH: This Agreement is made and entered into this 9th day of March, 1990, and amended on , 1998, by and among the incorporated cities of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero,EI. Paso de Robles, Grover Beach, Morro Bay, Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo, all being municipal corporations in the County of San Luis Obispo, California (hereinafter called "Cities") and the County of San Luis Obispo, a body politic and corporate, and a subdivision of the State of California, (hereinafter called "County") WHEREAS, Section 6500 et seq of the California Government Code (Title 1, Div. 7, Chapter 5, Article 1) provides for agreements between two or more public agencies to jointly exercise any power common to the contracting parties, subject to certain mandatory provisions contained therein; and WHEREAS, the Cities and County have previously entered into a joint powers agreement for the formation of the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments for the purpose of providing, among other things, for a regional transportation agency; and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments, at a regularly held meeting on May 10, 1989, voted to consolidate the administration of several transportation systems through a regional transit joint powers agreement. NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: ARTICLE I General Provisions Section 1. Purpose: The purpose of this Agreement is to exercise the common powers of the member agencies for the formation of Joint Powers Agreement with full power and authority to own, operate and administer a county-wide public transportation system within the boundaries and over the territory over which the Joint Powers Agency has jurisdiction. Section 2. Name: The official name of the entity shall be San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority and hereafter referred to as SLORT A. ARTICLE II Organization Section 1. Board Members: The membership of the SLORT A Governing Board, shall be the same as the membership of the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (hereinafter referred to as SLOCOG). Section 2. Board Meetinas - Voting - Quorum: Regular meetings shall be generally held SLORTA JPA 1 -'--"'- -~ in the first week of July, September, November, January, March and Mayor as specified in a biannually adopted meeting calendar. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon written request of at least three (3) members of the SLORTA Board. Voting and quorum provisions shall be the same as those provided in the SLOCOG Joint Powers Agreement. Section 3. Officers: The officers of SLOCOG shall serve as officers of the Transit Authqrity. -.. Section 4. Manaoer: The SLORTA Board shall designate a Regional Transit Manager to oper~te SLORT A. The manager shall serve at the pleasure of SLORT A Board, with delegated powers to certify documents of the SLORTA Board as required by the law and to assume such duties and responsibilities as the Board may direct. . Section 5. Members: 1. The County of San Luis Obispo and all cities incorporated in the County of San Luis Obispo presently or in the future, are declared eligible for membership. :.2. Membership shall be contingent upon the execution of this Joint Powers Agreement. Section 6. Boundaries and Service Levels: The service area boundaries shall be all of the area within the boundaries of San Luis Obispo County as designated by the SLORT ABoard. Any additional services beyond the level recommended by the Regional Transportation Plan or mandated in the Unmet Transit Needs Hearing (PUC Section 99401.5) may be instituted, but . shall require unanimous approval of affected jurisdictions, with costs for the extra service to be distributed on the basis of formula developed by the SLORTA Board members representing the affected jurisdictions. Section 7. Committees: 1. Committees and subcommittees may be established as SLORTA may deem appropriate. 2. Membership on "ad-Hoc" policy committees shall be at the discretion of the President. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit membership on these aforesaid committees to officials of the member agencies. The President may appoint any individual deemed qualified to serve on a committee. 3. Standing committees shall include the: a. Regional Transit Advisory Committee (RT AC) serving as a Regional Transit Productivity Committee to advise the Board on the efficiency and effectiveness of the transit system. b. An Executive Committee comprised of the President, Vice President and the past President and at least one representatives from the county of San Luis Obispo (if none of the above) shall advise the Transit Manager and SLORTA on: draft agendas, personnel issues, budget and Overall Work Program; controversial, sensitive and major policy issues; and shall facilitate the annual performance evaluation of the Regional Transit Manager. Items for review shall be selected by SLORTAJPA 2 the Transit Manager in consultation with the President. All Committee members may include agenda ite":,s as they desire. For purposes of conducting business, two members shall constitute a quorum. . 4. No committee shall commit SLORTA on any matter or questions of policy. Such matte':5 or questions can only be decided by SLORTA. 5. All committees shall receive clerical assistance from SLORTA staff and, by agreement, SLOCOG staff for the purpose of maintaining minutes of meetings and 'other such duties as the Transit Manager may direct. The chair of each committee shall sign the original copy of the minutes indicating verification of contents upon committee adoption. Copies of minutes of all meetings shall be sent to members of SLORTA and the Transit Manager. ARTICLE III Financial Provisions Section 1. Budaet: The Regional Transit Manager shall prepare an annual budget for Transit Authority adoption .prior to commencement of each fiscal year~ The .approval of the Annual Budget shall be in accordance with those procedures prescribed by the Joint Powers Agreement of SLOCOG. Accounting practices to be applied. will conform with those used .by San Luis Obispo County, consistent with Transportation Development Act rules and regulations. A Consolidated Fund balance and cash balance will carry forward from one year to the next. . The budget may additionally carry funds for future fiscal years where necessary to develop a multi-year Capital Improvement Program and to reflect obligations under state of federal funding agreements, to the extent allowable by California law. No member Agency shall be required to expend any of its general fund monies to support the operations of the Transit Authority. The operation of the transit system shall be funded from revenues derived from operations, member Transportation Development Act fund contributions, grants, and any other appropriate revenue sources. Each member agency shall make an annual contribution to the Transit Authority in accordance with the adopted budget. Any formula may be amended upon approval of all jurisdictions affected by that formula and ratified by the Transit Authority. All population percentages utilized shall be those annually adopted by SLOCOG for allocating Transportation Development Act Funds based annually on estimates prepared by the State Department of Finance pursuant to Section 2227 of the Revenue and Taxation Code for cities and by the County Planning Department for unincorporated communities. Section 2. EXDenditures: The Transit Authority may establish procedures and policies to insure' competitive prices for the purchases of goods and services. Formal bidding shall not be required unless directed specifically by the Transit Authority or unless required by state or federal law. Particularly in the purchase of equipment, including buses, the Transit Authority may consider the design, maintenance and operating costs, and other similar factors in determining the most suitable equipment and need not purchase equipment having the lowest initial cost. SLORTAJPA 3 Section 3. Treasurer and Auditor: Pursuant to Government Code Section 6505.5, the Treasurer of the County of San Luis Obispo is hereby designated as Treasurer of the Transit Authority. The Treasurer shall have the powers and duties set forth in Government Code Section 6505.5. The Auditor/Controller of the County of San Luis Obispo is designated as the Auditor of this Transit Authority pursuant to Government Code Section 6505.5. Section 4. Annual Audit: The Transit Authority shall cause an annual audit to be prepared and fi,led in accordance with Government Code Section 6505 and Public Utilities Code Section 99245. Section 5. Annual Report: The Regional Transit Manager shall prepare and submit an anm~.~1 report of the operations to the Transit Authority, SLOCOG.a. and State Controller within 90 days jof the end of the fiscal year pursuant to Public Utilities Code, Section 99243. :. .. ~;,- Section 6. Periodic Reportino: The Transit Authority may require periodic reporting of ridership, finances, or other information. It shall be the responsibility of the Regional Transit Manager and Contractor (if appropriate) to provide such reports in a form acceptable to the Transit Authority. . - ARTICLE IV '" Authority Section I. Powers: The Transit Authority shall have all Powers necessary to carry out the purpose of this Agreement, except the power to tax. Its power to expend funds shall be limited only by the availability of funds as set forth in ARTICLE III: Finances, Section 1. The Powers of the Transit Authority specifically include, but are not limited to, the following: a. To solicit bids and negotiate contracts from private enterprise for services and/or. operation. b. To sue or be sued. c. To employ agents, employees and contract for professional services. d. To make and enter contracts including labor and employment contracts. e. To acquire, convey, construct, manage, maintain and operate necessary equipment, building and improvements. f. To acquire and convey real and personal property. g- To incur debts, liabilities and obligations of financial assistance from State and Federal agencies and to obligate the Transit Authority to operate the improvements, equipment or transportation system in accordance with the terms and conditions of said financial assistance. Section 2. Transit Authoritv is a Public. Leoal Entitv: The Transit Authority is a public entity duly formed and existing under the laws of the State of California. It is a separate and distinct legal entity from its member agencies. The debts, duties and obligations created pursuant to this Agreement, shall be solely the obligations of the Transit Authority and not those of its officers, employees, members of the Board of Directors or the member agencies. SLORTA JPA 4 -..,-..- ARTICLE V Miscellaneous Provisions Section 1. Withdrawal of Member: A withdrawing member's financial obligation under this Section is limited to the withdrawing member's pro-rata share of the currently adopted operating budget based upon ARTICLE III, SeCtion 1 within the service area of the obligated commitments affecting the withdrawing member and any SLOCOG's finding as tounmet transit. needs that are reasonable to meet pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 99401.5. Section 2. Amendment of Acreement:. No amendmenUo this Agreement shall be made without the consent of all member agencies at the time of the amendment. Section 3. Ratification - Effective Date: This Agreement shall be deemed effective as to those parties executing this agreement upon their execution of the agreement. Section 4. Assicnabilitv: In the event it is deemed in the best public interest to have the Transit Authority operated by another individual or entity, whether public or. private, and provided that the assignment complies with State and Federal laws, the agency on affirmative vote of the majority in accordance with Section 2 of ARTICLE II, may sell, lease or assign all of its real and personal property and cease operations upon such terms and conditions as the Transit Authority determines to be reasonable. Section 5. Termination: This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until rescinded by a majority of the member agen~ies. . Section 6. Notification to Secretary of State: Pursuant to Government Code Section 6503.5, the Transit Authority shall cause a notice of the execution of this Agreement to be prepared and filed with the Office of the Secretary of the State of California, within thirty (30) days after the effective date of any amendment to this Agreement. Until such filings are completed, the Transit Authority shall not incur indebtedness of any kind. SLORTAJPA s IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk . . CITY OF GROVER BEACH By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF MORRO BAY By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF PASO ROBLES By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk SLORTAJPA 6 . CITY OF PISMO BEACH By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By: Date: Chair Resolution No. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: JAC CRAWFORD Legal Counsel By: Legal Counsel Dated: Adopted by SLORT A ,1998 SWRTA JPA 7 --,~ -.--..- --.".-...---- ------------ .~- 9.f. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER Dffls" SUBJECT: PROGRESS PAYMENT NO.1- BEDLOE LANE MAINTENANCE PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 60-90-98-3 DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Council: A. authorize payment in the amount of $23,055.92 to SJ Souza Construction Company; B. direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion; and, C. release the retention of $2,561.77 on or about thirty days from the date the notice of completion is recorded, if no liens have been filed. FUNDING: On November 24, 1998, the Council awarded the pavement reconstruction contract for Bedloe Lane to SJ Souza Construction Company in the amount of $26,545.34. DISCUSSION: An Application for Progress Payment NO.1 was received from SJ Souza Construction Co. for work completed between December 21, 1998, and January 20, 1999, on the Bedloe Lane Maintenance project. As of January 20th, the Contractor had completed all items of work on the project in accordance with the plans and specifications and has submitted a progress payment. The amount of this invoice includes the final adjusted contract amount of $25,617.69 minus the 10% retention for a total of $23,055.92. Staff is recommending the release of the 10% retention to SJ Souza Construction Co. in 30 days if no liens are filed. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendations; - Do not approve staffs recommendations; - Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendations; - Provide direction to staff. jep:232.5808\prog.pay. wpd ---..,-, Invoice .-----. DATE INVOICE # ~-~--, 1/26/99 26 P .O.BOx 216 -------...... Plsmo Beach, CA. 93448 HECEIVElJ - , '{ OF ARROYO GRAf'.4, BILL TO JAW (2 J 1999 -------- City of Arroyo Grande '\CCTS. PAYABlF P.O.Box 550 208 E.Branch St. Arroyo Grande, CA. 93421 -.,-.-......--.-- .'.--'" -....- P.O. NO. TERMS CONTRACT NO. ------- Due on receipt 60-90-98-3 __.__,__. _m_____ - ----.--..--.,--,. ITEM DESCRIPTION EST AMT PRIOR QTY RATE CUR QTY AMOUNT --- ..--.---- --- 01 Mobilization 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.9 900.00 02 Traffic Control 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.9 900.00 03 OSHA Compliance 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.9 0.90 05 Class 2 aggregate base 9,846.69 0.00 58.41999 151.695 8,862.02 06 1/2 inch Mix type B Asphalt 6,120.00 0.00 61.20 90 5,508.00 Concrete 07 3/4 inch Mix type B Asphalt 7,650.00 0.00 61.20 112.5 6,885.00 Concrete @lfD~ , ~ : --" --'------.--------- Retention has been deducted Total $23,055.92 --.-.--......- --_.- - --._---- ------ -- . APPLICATION FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT NO.1 CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 CONTRACT DATE: December 15,1998 28-Jan-99 SUBMITTED TO: CIty of Arroyo Grande 10:00 AM CONTRACT NO: 60-90-98-3 CONTRACT FOR: Bedloe Lane Maintenance Project CITY ACCOUNT NO: 350.5805-7001 = $23,055.92; 350-5808-7201 = $0.00 FOR THE WORK ACCOMPLISHED BY SJ SOUZA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FROM: Dec 21,1998 TO: Jan 20, 1999 CONTRACTOR'S Schedule of Values WORK COMPLETED NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE QUANTITY AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT 1. Mobilization $ 1,000.00 1 LS $ 1,000.00 1 LS $ 1,000.00 2. Traffic Control $ 1,000.00 1 LS $ 1,000.00 1 LS $ 1,000.00 3. Compliance with OSHA Requirements $ 1.00 1 LS $ 1.00 1 LS $ 1.00 4. Class II Aggregate Base $ 58.42 197 CY $ 11,508.74 168.55 CY $ 9,846.69 5. 1/2-inch Mix Type B Asphalt Concrete $ 61.20 71 TON $ 4,345.20 100 TON $ 6,120.00 6. 3/4-inch Mix Type B Asphalt Concrete $ 61.20 142 TON $ 8,690.40 125 TON $ 7,650.00 $ 26,545.34 $ 25,617.69 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS: Estimated Total % Billed Amount Paid TOTAL I $ - I PAID 1$ - ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION: ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 26,545.34 Invoice #26, dated 1/26/99 from SJ Souza Construction Co. TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS $ - ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 26,545.34 TOTAL VALUE OF WORK PERFORMED TO DATE $ 25,617.69 NOTES: LESS 10% RETAINAGE $ (2,561.77) LESS AMOUNTS PAID $ - TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION $ 23,055.92 CONTRACT START DATE December 21, 1998 ORIGINAL CONTRACT DAYS 30 PREVIOUS ADJUSTMENTS 0 ADJUSTMENTS THIS PERIOD 0 ADJUSTED CONTRACT DAYS 0 ADJUSTED CONTRA T D January 20,1999 CONTRACTOR'S ACCEPTANCE: Dated: j). - /... 5'1' . of 1999. Payment of the above AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION is recom Dated: ~~. 2 ,of1999. By ~~.E"""." I nature Dated: ,of 1999. Does not apply City Manager By: Signature Send payment to' SJ Souza Construction Co P.O. Box 216 Pismo Beach, CA 93448 (805) 481-5379 jep:232.5808\Prog.pay.,.xls _._~___...___m _~~____.__ RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF ARRDYD GRANDE P.o.. BDX 550 ARRDYD GRANDE, CA 93421 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NDTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The undersigned is owner or agent of owner of the interest or estate stated below the property hereinafter describe. 2. The FULL NAME of the DWNER is: The City of Arroyo Grande 3. The FULL ADDRESS of the DWNER is: 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande., California 93421 4. The NATURE DF THE INTEREST or ESTATE of the undersigned is: in fee 5. THE FULL NAME and FULL ADDRESS of ALL PERSDNS, if any, who hold such interest or estate with the undersigned as JDINT TENANTS or as TENANTS IN CDMMDN are: NAMES ADDRESSES None 6. THE FULL NAMES and FULL ADDRESSES of the PREDECESSDR'S in interest of the undersigned if the property was transferred subsequent to the commencement of the work of improvements herein referred to: NAMES ADDRESSES None 7. All work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was COMPLETED January 20, 1999 8. The NAME DF THE DRIGINAL CDNTRACTDR, if any, for such work of improvement is: SJ Construction Company, P D. Box 216, Pismo Beach, California 93448 9. The street address of said property is: None 10. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Dbispo, State of California, and is described as follows: Bedloe Lane Maintenance PrQject, City PrQject No. 90-90-98-3 Verification of NON-INDIVIDUAL owner: I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am the Public Works Director of the aforesaid interest or estate in the property described in the above notice; that I have read the said notice, that I know and understand the contents thereof, and the facts stated therein are true and correct. February 1, 1999, Arroyo Grande, California END DF DDCUMENT jep:232.5808\notice.of.completion. wpd -----------..- -- ---- n_____ - --------.--- -~- 9+ MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP TRACT 2197 DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Council: 1. approve the Final Map for Tract 2197; 2. reject without prejudice as to future acceptance the easements offered for public utilities (PUE), street trees, and public sewer; 3. reject without prejudice as to future acceptance the offers of dedication for Spruce Street; and, 4. authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Subdivision Agreement. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: On September 12, 1995, the City Council approved Resolutions 3091 and 3092 approving Tentative Tract Map 2197 and Conditional Use Permit Case No. 95-534 (P.U.D. Permit) and associated Architectural Review. The project is located along the west side of Spruce Street between Ash and Cedar Streets. The subdivision map creates 5 new lots for a proposed 5- unit Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.) In accordance with the conditions of approval, the developer is required to make offers of dedication for street right of way and public easements. They include the following: 1. Public utility easements (PUE) and street tree easements along the perimeter streets; 2. Public utility and public sewer easement across a proposed 26-foot driveway and parking area; ~___.m.__ -- --~~....~---- _______u --- 3. Street right of way for Spruce Street. It is recommended that the City Council reject the offers of dedication at this time, reserving the right for future acceptance. Typically, the offers of dedication of public easements are accepted after the improvements have been constructed and maintained for a one year period. The map includes the required offers of dedication. A private access and drainage easement required by the conditions of approval is reserved on the map. This allows for common use by lots 1 through 5 subject to a maintenance obligation which is included in the CC&R's. The CC&R's further restrict the development of the lots in accordance with the conditions of approval. The Final Map for Tract 2197 has been prepared to complete the subdivision process. The developer has complied with the conditions of approval necessary for recordation of the map, has paid the required fees, and has guaranteed the completion of tract improvements by providing a subdivision agreement and posting financial securities. CC&R's for the project have been prepared, reviewed and approved and will be recorded concurrently with the map. Approval of the Final Map does not alter the requirement that the developer comply with all conditions of approval for the project. Attachments: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Final Map for Tract 2197 U:119991City CounciIIFeb\2197.RECORD.MEMO.wpd --------------...- - i ~ I I II 1 1 1 111 T~ d 3Jd ~ I WI '- i~ 'is ~ 1 ~ 9 ~ (j I( 1 "t L..J \ I~ I~ - i-- l- I---- l- I-- I-- r-- i--- HJ :Lls' WTt I ' S H7.fi f '1nL S L- I-- \ S N3d~t>' 'lS JJ '(V3dSt>' I------ I'- ....: m -vj 1::;- V) ~ Q; ~ N 1[ - 8 ~ ~ ,--- .... V) r - I------ E U I...: V) ~ - JS fJn 'fS J\ ~~ [\.. pnc CIS ~ I-- ~ [\.. ~ ~ l--- .... ~ 0- "t '" ~ ~ ........ :is <( CJ) I...: ,-- V) .... - ,-- ~ ~ ~- - ~ m --~-*~g - J: ~ ~ ( X VI V<> I- W -, i - -- I -- :J Sl.IWn HI::! >- - - !:; ..... . ~ I I>-j . I; ~ ~ ~ 5! ~i . ~ i ~b S~! ~ -n ~[ ~~ ~3 } ~ 0 a ~: !~ i ------------------------------ :i---~ i~ i~ 0 YJ tiS SY tiS S :JJ]Y d S ~!~~ i: .c~ ~ i _ _ ~ .____ _ _ _ ~.~I ~~o If ".Z'"OS' . .tl.lO.OO It --.. 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I I . . ~ ---~--__'~~~l___~). i " I If .Sf"05I 3.or t' r If " .K "l L . . N .tl'OS, 3 ..r.lO.to" ___ :.!= 1?tt:J1 '''IA ISt_" eJIe =t" tt ONtt:J9 1/ 107 t;,.11;])f?;](J 9.h. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP TRACT 1834 UNIT NO.4 DATE: FEBRUARY 9,1999 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Council: 1. approve the Final Map for Tract 1834 Unit No.4; 2. reject without prejudice as to future acceptance the offers of dedication for Vista Drive, Castillo, Puesta Del Sol, and Los Ciervos; 3. reject without prejudice as to future acceptance the offers to dedicate easements to the public for street trees, and public utilities (PUE); and, 4. authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Subdivision Agreement. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: On April 30, 1991 the City Council approved Resolution No. 2467 approving Tentative Tract Map 1834 and Specific Development Plan No. 90-01. The project is located generally northeast of James Way in the "Rancho Grande" Planned Development. The subdivision map creates 70 residential lots and one remainder lot from a single remainder lot of previously recorded Tract 1834 Unit NO.3. Final Maps for Units number 1 through 3, inclusive, have previously been approved by Council and subsequently recorded. In accordance with the conditions of approval, the developer is required to make several offers of dedication for street right-of-way and public easements. These include the following: 1. Street right-of-way for Vista Drive, Castillo, Puesta Del Sol, and Los Ciervos. 2. Public utility easements (PUE) and street tree easements along the above mentioned streets. --.-----.-- -------- It is recommended that the City Council reject these offers of dedication of public easements and right of way at this time, reserving the right for future acceptance. Typically, offers of dedication of the public easements are accepted after the improvements have been constructed and maintained fora one year period. The Final Map includes the required offers of dedication. CC&R's have been prepared in accordance with the conditions of approval. Additional map sheets in conjunction with the CC&R's provide limitations on building height, style, location and setback in accordance with the requirements of the conditions of approval. The Final Map for the tract has been prepared to complete the subdivision process. The developer has complied with the conditions of approval necessary for the recordation of the map, paid the required fees, and guaranteed the completion of Tract improvements by providing a subdivision agreement and posting financial securities. Approval of the Final Map does not alter the requirement that the developer comply with all other conditions of approval for the project. Development of this tract includes the construction of a water booster station and transmission mains to establish a new pressure zone. An application is in process by other developers for annexation to the City of an area adjacent to James Way. If this annexation is ap'proved by Council, the new water pressure zone would be extended to serve the annexation area. The developer of Tract 1834 Unit 4 has requested that an improvement agreement be approved by the City Council that would share the cost of constructing the pressure zone. Staff supports the concept of an improvement agreement in this case, but has not received the documentation needed to present it to Council at this time. The applicant has requested the right to return at a later date to request consideration of a reimbursement agreement by the City Council to share the pressure zone expenses with future development. Attachments: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Final Map for Tract 1834 Unit NO.4 U:\ 1999\City CounciI\Feb\1834-4.record.wpd . ^ "-_._-~~-- --- ~-- EXHIBIT A TRACT 1834 .. UNIT 4 C,EXH/1834 01-29-99 .. . ..... ., 0 "" <II '> ., ................. .... ...... ..... ................... .. ............ ..... ...... . ....., ................... :-: -:-::is:': :.:.s:(:. <.s~:-:- -:-:'$~<< . ..".. ...... ..... ...... ......................... . .......,.................. . ............ ............. 29 ':::::::::::~~:::::::::.':::::::::::~:~:::::::::: Q ............ ............. ............. ............ ......................... . ..,......... ............. ',*, ......................... . ......................... . ............. ...... .....,.,... . ..... . NOT TO SCALE ~_._._-- -- --...- '" I!! ~~., ~ ~ ~)...iit .! I ~ ~ C 1;:):"1: C: )... ~ul.&1 ~'O.... ~ I>: '" ~~~ <J"~ ~~ ~~ ,!,~...~ t>;'~ .... ~~ ,U ~ !o~~ ~~o:~~ "'<:si:I ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~e ~ o!;~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~'!!~~~ ~"iII ::! 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HUNT, CITY MANAGE~ SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT TO DOWNTOWN PARKING ADVISORY BOARD DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve Mayor Lady's appointment of Mark Clark to the Downtown Parking Advisory Board. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: On January 14, 1997, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 481 amending the composition of applicable Commissions and Boards from seven to five members and also adopted Resolution No. 3192 establishing Council policy as it relates to the appointment procedure to the Boards and Commissions. It is recommended the Council approve the appointment of Mark Clark to the Downtown Parking Advisory Board. Mr. Clark previously served on the Downtown Advisory Board as Mayor Pro Tem Lady's appointment. ~ CITY 'oF ARROYO GRANDE RESERVOIR OF CITIZENS TO. SERVE _Parks and Recreation Coaunission Driver'a License No.NS"~ 7+''''' _Planning COlIIDission Years Lived in Arroyo Grande 3 ~parking and Traffic Commission Registered Voter of Arroyo Grande YES _ NO V- _Special ConmIittee t THIS FORM IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD, I Mdi Mrs. i Miss .,...A;fA1,eK C~AAf'K ~lea8e circle one) RESIDENCE 110MB ADDRESSJ'fo"l.' J"~A.u_.If'.. ~~. A....A~v'" 6A..tINAI,. ~A PII>NE ~r~-,., f'4' MARITAL STAWS ~.A~A ~Gd NUMBER OF CHILDREN .:2. PRESENT PRESENT EMPLOYER,I"I..t, - ~A..c-K ce~tlfK C",A POSITION <!J1V"v,l-" - t!:.,#fII~ OFFICE BUSINESS : ADDRESS~ / 2. '...tIS~ Lr~~Nf% TELEPII>NE. ~r/- ...."S1. '7 I ,I9;t~a;'fl ISvttAl""" '" C~ t EDUCATIONAL . BACKGROUND High Schoo~..r c:::a~~'_J" College UNO''". CI,eo c-~ -AIAA'I'~~V CCl~_,,~At:? ADDITIONAL ED.'L. INFO . Are you aware that you may be required to fill out a .~ CONFLICT OF INTEREST Form. YES _ NO ....It!:.- EMPLOYMENT. EXPERIENCE (If ADDlicable) ,. " :i 1 .1 Do you represent any special group? YES _ NO..Jt:::::. If so, please, give name of lro~. ;: ,. COMKJNITY AND ClVIC INTERESTS , '.t 'l The City Council would like to have the Name of three Arroyo Grande References.: lWm ADDRESS 1. ./".- ,<'"L~.;I. - AA~'7',JII..r .:to.3 ~. 4A!"".uH AI''''IY. ~"A...hJ."''' . 2. A.~,....._ P,A4III.e- d.., "''''.;-.;$ /"'~~. A~.._..._ AAA._ ~~..~ _oJ. ' 3..?Q_ AdAh"'J - t:-'AA':J .AI.,,-,,, ~",..n /d '/ NL5,J.so""- "-""~"V. ~""H..':,-,JI. WOULD YOU BE WII.LING TO SERVE ON THE COMHISSION MEETING NIGHTS SmwN BEIDW: . PARKS 6. RECREATION COttiISSION MEETINGS. 2nd Wed. of Ea. Month YES _ NO_ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS. 1st 7 3rd Tues. of Ea. Month YES _ NO_ PARKING 6. TRAFFIC COMMISSION f-IEETINGS. Monthly Meetings YES L NO_ , SPECIAL COMMITTEE. Various YES _ NO_ DATE J"'''~..J- r'/ SIGNA1URE~/ ~/ The Arroyo Grande Council needs some information about your interes~, <and education, if applicable) in serving on a Commission, specifically your comments and views relative to the role and responsibilities of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Coaadsslon,. the Parking and Traffic Commission or a Special Committee. Please note such information on the reverse side of this form. .-.----.-------- MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: JIM HAMILTON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT c;}t/~ DIRECTOR ' SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM 10. A. - CONSIDERATION OF WEEKLY GREEN WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 Staff is forwarding supplemental information regarding Council consideration of proposals for weekly green waste collection service. This information was received after distribution of the Council agenda. _______n_O___ -- ---------~-- STEPH~H.A.MCGRATH .2~~-.:'-"- ----.. - ~ - - . MARING ADOIUI: P.O. DRAWER 1110 RECE1\fEO ,_'- NU'OMQ. CAlIfORNIA 9!444 IT'f Of ARROYO G~~: HIGHWAY 1 & 101 WCOA WAr NII'OMO, CI\l~ 9)+1-4 99 FEB - 8 ~H \\: 51 1291 MU" VIEW O<<M ARROYO GRANDE. CAlIJ:ORIIIIA 934lo . PttONE: (80S) 143-2289 RETURNING TO A RESOURCEFUL AMERICA . fAX: (80S) M3.SSIS Jim Hamilton Community Development Director City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande. CA 93421 February 8. 1999 Dear~on~~ I received the copy of the staff repon. and attachmenlS 1.2 and 3, regarding green waste coUection; dlank you for faxing that to me. However. I would like to see some of the additional attachments. not included in your fax. if possible. specifically: 5 South County Sanitary proposal . 6 Memo tiom William WOITdl to IWMA ) 7 1997-98 Residential Curbside Recycling Table (Is this the spreadsheet summary we submit to you?) ,. 8 Im-98 Residential Curbside Recycling Table 11 Docwnentation on current RALCCO Greenwaste and Recycling program The biggest issue however. is that I will be unable to attend the meeting tomorrow evening. and feel tbat my presence would be of value to any discussion that might occur. Additionally, you will hearing from Greg Shipley regarding a proposal that RALCCO would like to make to the City. Consequently I would like to request that the matter be continued for another twO weeks, with time on the agenda for the proposal that Greg would like to make. Given'that our green waste proposal was submitted in October, I am hoping that you will consider a two week delay a reasonable request. With thanks in advance, and I hope to bear from you SOOD. Sincerely Stephen A. McGrath .. The attachments were included in the c: City Council information mailed to Ralcco. City Manager ,_......_--" - - FEB-eS-99 MON 02:07 PM RALCCO 805 :34:3 5515 P.02 Market Target Research 4004 Stag's Leap RECEIVED Paso Robl.., Ca 93446 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 99FEB -8 PH I: 04 806-239.871~ FaJ .. BOa..239-0817 ~n.oot , I February 8, 1999 THE HONORABLE MAYOR MIKE LADY THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCil CITY 0' ARROYO GRANDE POI 330 ARROVO ORANDE, CA 93421 Re: Agendized Item; City Council Meeting on 219/99 Subject: ~ WAST!! PR~ Agent for: RALCCO & BEDFORD- ENTERPRISES, INC. Dear Mayor Lady: We respectfully request a .continuance- d this issue; so that, we may have time to discuss the benefits to the City of Arroyo Grande of the new strategic relationship between RAlCCO and Bedford Enterprtses.lnc. Specifically, Bedford Enterprises, Inc. has. sole license to 'the Recovermat Technology Process, which is a patented method (using patented processing and use patents) of processing COnstruction and Demolition (C&D) materials for use as ADC (Alternative Daily Cover) for landfills. As a result of this new relationship, RAlCCO can provide diversion credits to the City d Arroyo Grande for all C&D and Green Wast~ mat~rials to meet A8939. In the average California city's municipal waste stream, 28% of the total waste can be attributed to the C&D waste component. Through RALCCO, we would require 3eVeral weeks of discussion with staff to assess the C&O component for Arroyo Grande, discuss the Recovermat Process with staff and'the implication (;/ the Green Waste component that can be included for diversion credits. Secondly. RAlCCO and Market Target Research have a financial relationship that will provide RALCCO with additional funds to fully automate it's route collection for green waste, curbside and resi<fential garbage. RAlCCO is in a position to resubmit it's proposal for Green Waste in a manner that is beneficial to the City of Arroyo Grande. In light of RALCCO's current contract with the City (;/ Arroyo Grande and, in pMicular, the clause that allows the city the option of renewing RALCCQ's contract; we trust that the CIty wiN allow RALCCO the opportunity to discuss these nfIN developments, with staff, for the Council's consideration. Best Regards, MARKET TARGtiT RnEARCH RALCCO ~1~~ Greg Shipley Kim Aslanidis ...-.,___....~.._..........__._..._.. ...._ )i_____ .._.n_.~~._... -........... ...._~ ..... ~._......---" . 10.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: JIM HAMILTON, AICP, COMMUNITV9!/ DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ,. SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF WEEKLY GREEN WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Select a firm to provide weekly green waste collection service, based on a review and comparison of the proposals. submitted by RALCCO and County Sanitary Service (Tri-City Disposal Service); 2. Direct staff to prepare necessary contracts, or contract amendments, for Council review and approval; and 3. Conduct a public hearing on March 9, 1999 to consider a revised rate structure for green waste collection. FUNDING: There is no direct cost to the City; however, the cost for weekly green waste collection will affect individual customers. Active participation in the curbside recycling program, combined with the effective use of the variable can rate system may reduce cost impacts to individual customers. DISCUSSION: Under AS 939, cities must reduce refuse going to landfills by 50% by the year .2000. As of August 1998, Arroyo Grande had a diversion rate of approximately 29%, down from a high of 32%. Like many cities, it will be difficult meeting the 50% reduction by the year 2000. Failure to achieve the 50% reduction target could result in fines of up to $10,000 a day levied by the California Integrated Waste Management Authority (CIWMA). To address this issue, the City has taken aggressive steps to encourage recycling including the Curbside Recycling Program, and recently, implementation of a Variable Can Rate structure. Additional measures will be necessary to achieve the required 50% reduction in solid waste mandated by AS 939. One of the areas in which the City can make progress is by -.. - .. increasing the diversion rate of yard clippings and. debris, commonly called Ugreen waste." An active green waste diversion program is a significant element of the City's adopted Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE Executive Summary pg. ES-3, Attachment 9). In May of 1996, the City Council established a program of green waste collection and recycling for City residents. The fee for this service is currently 75 cents per household per month, and the waste is collected twice a month. Residents place a tag, provided by RALCCO, on a bag or other container to designate it for green waste pick-up. In May of 1998, a workshop on solid waste issues was held with the City Council. Information on the role that a variable can rate system and expanded green waste recycling can serve in meeting the State mandated diversion rates was provided. In June, the Council adopted the uVariable Can Rate" system, and directed staff to review the option of weekly green waste collection. GREEN WASTE COLLECTION AND RECYCLING EFFORTS Green waste is now collected on a semi-monthly basis from residents, with 75 cents collected on City water/sewer bills to cover the cost of this service. During fiscal year 1997-98, the San Luis Obispo IWMA estimated that green waste comprised approximately 1,500 tons of the solid waste stream, or about 10% of the City's total solid waste. However, last year only 305 tons (20%) of this green waste component was actually recycled through the current program. Projections on the amount of additio':1al green waste, which can be diverted by moving to weekly versus semi-monthly collection, ran,ge from 60% to 80%. The use of waste wheelers for green waste collection also appears to be a significant element in these increased participation levels. The commonly used green waste wheelers are easily identified by operators, avoiding confusion between solid waste and green waste containers. They also provide a more efficient method of collection, and a convenience for the consumer that helps encourage participation in the program. Escalating workers compensation claims and increasing costs for labor services are dictating the move to automated collection systems. Automation only becomes practical with the use of waste wheelers. The experience of other local communities illustrates the impact that weekly green waste collection, combined with the use of 96 gallon Uwaste- wheelers" and a variable can rate system, can have on green waste diversion (Attachment 6). -- .~._---- --- According to the San Luis Obispo IWMA, the City diverts approximately 12 Ibs. of green waste per home per month. In the City of San Luis Obispo this figure is approximately 80 Ibs. per month per home, and in Los Osos this figure is approximately 90 Ibs. per month per home. Both San Luis Obispo and Los Osos combine weekly green waste collection with a variable can rate system and the use of waste-wheelers. The San Luis Obispo Integrated Waste Management Authority estimates that the combination of weekly green waste collection, the use of waste-wheelers, and a variable can rate system will increase total solid waste diversion rates in Arroyo Grande by 10 to 1 5 %. PROPOSALS The tables on the following pages provide an analysis of the costs associated with various green waste collection options. The tables are based on the information provided by the two firms which currently provide refuse or recycling service in the Arroyo Grande area. Table 1 compares the cost of the current rate structure and semi-monthly collection, with that .of weekly collection, on a per household basis, and includes the total refuse bill based on the level of service chosen. Table 2, compares total contract cost per year for the service. It assumes a five- (5) year contract period. The table also compares the contract costs assuming no exemptions from the service, and the contract costs with a 15% exemption rate. The City currently exempts approximately 700 residences from green waste collection. As the number of exemptions rises, the cost per customer increases. Under the City's Refuse Ordinance, the collection and payment of refuse and recycling services are mandatory, except in the specific case of green waste, where the Council may choose to grant exemptions. The City currently allows exemption from green waste collection service under the following four circumstances: . Residential parcels covered by buildings to the extent that no more than 500 square feet of lot area remains which is maintained as lawn, garden, or other landscaping. . Commercial lots whereon an area of 500 square feet or less is maintained in lawn, garden, or other landscaping. . When residents have contracted with a licensed landscaper, which provides for removal of green waste; or . The resident conducts composting with a commercially sold, or equivalent, composting unit. To reduce the per user cost of weekly green waste service, the Council could choose to eliminate or reduce the number of exemptions from green waste collection service. This would also have the beneficial affect of increasing the City's solid waste diversion rate. In addition, the Council could choose to grant a ten-year contract to provide service. This would allow the costs of the waste-wheelers to be amortized over a longer period, resulting in a lower monthly charge per customer (See Table 3). The effective date of the contract (or contract amendment) would be April 1, 1999. The City's current curbside recycling contract will also expire on April 1, 1999. Staff will be returning to the Council within 45 days with a report concerning the status of the curbside recycling program, and a recommendation to extend the current contract or solicit proposals. " Alternatives The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: 1 ) Select South County Sanitary, Inc., to provide weekly green waste collection service, direct staff to return with necessary contract documents for Council review and action, and conduct a public hearing on March 9th to consider a revised rate schedule. 2) Select RALCCO to provide weekly green waste collection service, select the method of collection (customer container or waste- wheeler), direct staff to return with necessary contract documents for Council review and action, and conduct a public. hearing on March 9th to consider a revised rate schedule. 3) Provide direction to staff. Attachments 1 ) TABLE 1 - Comparison of Contract Costs/~ollection Methods on A Per Customer Basis. 2) TABLE 2 - Comparison of Contract Proposals on a Per Year Basis. 3) TABLE 3 - Comparison of 5-year contract costs vs. 10-year costs. 4) RALCCO proposal. 5) South County Sanitary proposal. 6) Memo from William Worrell, Manager, to Integrated Waste Management Board on green waste diversion rates in Los Osos. 7) 1997-98 Residential Curbside Recycling Table. 8) 1997-98 Commercial Curbside Recycling Table. 9) City of Arroyo Grande Source Reduction and Recycling Element - Vol. I 10) Materials from Council workshop on Variable Can Rate system. 11 ) Documentation on current RALCCO Greenwaste & Recycling program. 12) Related general recycling and solid waste information. - '#. ..... e ~ cu 0 ~~~ .... :3 s'f; . .... 0') to 2 !OCU~ O')~tO W U"'=III e e 0 0 :E -.- U U :E: ca-~ o 0 cu~Qj ~ ... 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I/) C I/) C> Z 8:E :J 0 CO CO CD CO -I 0 Uu (1)~ m~ <( en i=enQ: ce U Zt-<( w C WenD.. 0 - QO:E ;; Q) u cnUO 0 >.- W~U a: .... ~ C Q) 0::: I a.. gU) >-enC") w 0 0 U ~ s2~W 0 u u ;; u U .t: CO W--I ..., .~ Wt-m a: -I ...J :J C ~g,~ W <( <( o CO U) ex: ex: u)u) -~-,-_..._.__.- -"- RALCCO PROPOSAL FOR WEEKLY GREEN WASTE COLLECTION CITY COUNCIL REPORT FEBRUARY 9, 1999 ATTACHMENT 4 . MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. DRAWER 1170 NIPOMO, CALIFORNIA 93444 . PLANTS: HIGHWAY 1 & 801 RALCOA WAY NIPOMO, CALIFORNIA 93444 t 291 MESA VIEW DRM ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420 RETURNING TO A RESOURCEFUL AMERICA . PHONE: (805) 343.2289 . FAX: (805) 343.5515 Jim Hamilton Conununity Development Director City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 January 19 1999 Dear Mr. Hamilton, At your request, I have reviewed the numbers for our recent green waste proposal, and while the overall revenue requirements remain the same, the monthly cost per resident must increase to accommodate the anticipated 15% of exemption requests. At this level of exemptions, the monthly cost per resident is $3.26 with RALCCO provided waste wheelers, and $1.76 without. Additionally, the montWy cost per account will increase by $0.05, with each additional 100 customers who opt for exemption for the program, and similarly decrease by $0.05 per 100 accounts who, while currently exempted from the program, opt to participate. . These rates are based on assumptions of green waste tons collected, participation rates and minimum revenue requirements as stated in our letter of 11.10.98. Consequently, we recommend a review of the program after one year I hope that this sufficiently clarifies our proposal for you. Of course, please call me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely ~ Stephen A. McGrath . ... . .llING ADDRESS: P.O. DRAWER 1170 NIPOMO, CALIFORNIA 93444 . PLANTS: HIGHWAY 1 &: 801 RAlCOA WAY NIPOMO, CALlFORNIA93444 . 1291 MESA VIEW DRIVE ARROYO GRANDE, CAliFORNIA 93420 RETURNING TO A RESOURCEFUL AMERICA . PHONE: (80S) 343-2289 . FAX: (80S) 343-5515 Jim Hamilton City of Arfoyo Grande Community Development Director City of AIToyo Grande Community Development Dept. P.O. Box 550 NOV '1 J 1998 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 November 10, 1998 Dear Mr. Hamilton, Pursuant to your letter of November 2, I hope that the following responses supply you with all the infonnation you need: '1 Collection methodology: I trust that this was satisfactorily addressed in my letter of 10.29.98 2 Annual cost: as stated in the letter of 10.29.98, the total annual cost of the program is $81,196. When apportioned amongst the 4496 water accounts, for billing purposes, that amounts to $1.50 per account per month. However, if we must assume up to a 5% non-participation, through the exemptions program, the total annual cost then becomes divided by a smaller nwnber, pushing the monthly cost to $1.57 per account. 3 At this point, I am assuming that the 4496 nwnber of accounts is the nwnber of residential water accounts. My understanding is that there are approximately 600 businesses in Arroyo Grande. Should you desire that commercial customers be included, the monthly 'per account' cost remains $1.57. Currently, commercial accounts are billed on a basis of number of units. or area of building. We recommend simplifying this such that . each water meter accoUnt is one billing unit. 4 The total program costs, as originally calculated, are as follows, and include an administrative and overhead factor of 16%, and a profit of 8%: Collection costs: $55,775 Processing costs: $18,040 The franchise and city administrative fees of 5% each are assessed on revenues, and do not include the overhead and profit margins: $7,381 5 By using all recycling options available, and reducing garbage selVice to the one can rate of $6.90, the resident will see a monthly reduction of $0.68 from current rates: Old rate Garbage $8.40 New rate Garbage $6.90 Recycling $0.50 Recycling $0.50 Green waste $0.75 Green waste $1.57 Total $9.65 Total $8.97 _._____w__~. _ ._-~ --- ---- -----_.~_.--...------- . ..ING ADDRESS: P.O. DRAWER 1170 NIPOMO, CALIFORNIA 93444 . PLANTS: HIGHWAY 1 &: 801 RAlCOA WAY NIPOMO, CALIFORNIA 93444 1291 MESA VIEW DRM ARROYO GRANDE, CAlIFORNIA 93420 . PHONE: (80S) 343-2289 RETURNING TO A RESOURCEFUL AMERICA . FAX: (80S) 343.5515 Jim Hamilton Community Development Director City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 October 29,1998 Dear Mr. Hamilton, Further to our c;onversation of Monday, the following addresses the issues raised: Collection methodology: It is anticipated that the current collection methodology will continue, namely the use of RALCCO provided stickers on customers containers. Annual cost: As stated in the proposal of October 20, the anticipated cost per customer is $1.50 per month. This is arrived at thus: Collection: Labor, vehicle, insurance, fuel, etc. $55,775 Processing $18,040 Franchise and admin fees $7,381 Total annual cost $81,196 Landfill Diversion: This is difficult to anticipate. Currently the City of San Luis Obispo is diverting approximately 250 to 300 tons per month. This suggests that the potential diversion in Arroyo Grande is 60 to 80 tons per month through this program. Again, thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal to the City of Arroyo Grande. ~~JL- ---------- --~--- .. JLlNG ADDRESS: P.O. DRAWER 1170 NIPOMO, CAliFORNIA 93444 . PLANTS: HIGHWAY 1 & 801 RALCOA WAY NIPOMO, CALlFORNIA.93444 1291 MESA VIEW DRIVE ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420 . PHONE: (80S) 343~2289 RETURNING TO A RESOURCEFUL AMERICA . FAX: (80S) 343-5515 Jim Hamilton .' ~~:. ~.z Community Development Director ,...1 ~'j ;:~ O'eve\opment Dept. City of Arroyo Grande Communi'" . P.O. Box 550 OCT 2 1 1998 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 October 20, 1998 Dear Mr. Hamilton In response to your letter of September 24, RALCCO agrees that a comprehensive green waste program, coupled with a variable can rate for garbage service, is one of the most effective ways of reducing waste to the landfill, and thus the City's exposure u:nder the tenns of AB 939. RALCCO fIrst introduced green waste collection as a monthly program. Due to the overwhelming response to this program, RALCCO voluntarily increased the collection to twice monthly, at no additional cost to the City or the residents. To move this program to the next level of efficiency, and maximize diversion from the landfill, RALCCO will be pleased to offer weekly greenwaste collection to the City. .cns.t.:. Currently RALCCO collects green waste in the City semi-monthly, or 24 times per year, for $0.75 per account per month. RALCCO proposes to collect green waste weekly, or 52 times per year, for $1.50 per account per month, based upon full participation. This reflects a 7% decrease in 'per pick-up' costs. T. . ImIDe: If green waste service is to be expanded, participating residents should be able to receive a reduction in the level of garbage service delivered and paid for. This is the intent and effect of a variable can rate. My understanding is that this will be implemented in the near future. RALCCO strongly recommends implementing weekly green waste at the same time as the introduction of a variable can rate for garbage customers. This will greatly enhance the acceptance of the new program by the residents. Promotion: We suggest that the promotion for this program run in conjunction with the promotion of the variable can rate; this will allow residents to see the connection between increased recycling and cost of garbage service. Other: An important consideration for the City must be the issue of exemptions from the green waste program. The goals of AB939 are for all of the City to attain; any penalties will be paid by all of the City. It is necessary for all residents to participate in this program. RALCCO strongly recommends that, upon introduction of the new weekly green waste program, no exemptions be allowed from participation in the program. Respectfully' abmitted A ~~~ ~~o/ P.O. Box SSO ~ 6f~ 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Phone: (805) 47~S420 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX: (80S) 473-0386 E-MaD: agcity@rax.net September 24, 1998 RALCCO C/O STEPHEN A MCGRATH P. O. Drawer 1170 Nipomo, CA 93444-1170 RE: PROPOSAL FOR WEEKL Y GREENWASTE COLLECTION Dear Mr. McGrath: The City Council, at its meeting of September 22, 1998, voiced its concern that the City's diversion rate had dropped from approximately 32% to 28%. The Council also spoke regarding the need to increase efforts to ensure attainment of the 50% diversion rate by the year 2000. One option to improve the City's diversion rate would be to modify .the greenwaste collection to a weekly basis. Therefore, please provide a comprehensive proposal detailing the logistics to implement a weekly greenwaste program. Please submit the proposal no later than October 16, 1998. Please contact me or Helen Elder should you have any questions. Sincerely, ~a . HAMILTON, ICP . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR JH~v c: City Council City Manager Assoc. Planner - SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY, INC. PROPOSAL FOR WEEKLY GREEN WASTE COLLECTION CITY COUNCIL REPORT FEBRUARY 9, 1999 ATTACHMENT 5 Tri-City Disposal Service 874 Grand Avenue Nipomo Garbage Company (805) 489-3534 Grover Beach, California 93433 (805) 489-3534 City of Arroyo Grande Jim Hamilton P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande; CA 93421 01/08/99 Re: Requested greenwaste proposal - As you can see from the enclosed cost estimate, I assume an 80% participation rate. The total cost of $63,127 for the greenwaste program will be the same regardless of whether the city grants exemptions or not. ASSUMES 10 YEAR CONTRACT/DEPRECIATION NO 15% EXEMPTIONS EXEMPTIONS Greenwaste program cost $63,127.00 $63,127.00 PAYING CUSTOMERS 4,255 3,617 COSTICUSTOMERNEAR $14.84 $17.45 COST/CUSTOMER/MONTH $1.24 $1.45 ASSUMES 5 YEAR CONTRACT/DEPRECIATION NO 15% EXEMPTIONS EXEMPTIONS Greenwaste program cost $80,191.00 $80,191.00 PAYING CUSTOMERS 4,255 3;617 COSTICUSTOMERNEAR $18.85 $22.17 COST/CUSTOMER/MONTH $1.57 $1.85 Sincerely, ~- Tom Martin, Controller South County Sanitary Service, Inc. 'f) L( a=--A/0 D lE-Pl6Ec:., ATlLJt' SOllah CQ.nIY Sa"itary Service. Ide. BASE YEAR RATE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION I II II II Financiallnjormation Pismo Pisml ArroYI I countJI Tot.! Commercia Residentia Grand S~cdon I-Allow.able Cost~ 6. Direct Labor $50,194 $50,194 7. Corporate Overhead $0 $0 $0 SO $0 8. Office Salaries $0 $0 $0 SO 9. Other General and Admin Costs $36,436 $0 $36,436 10 Total Allowable Costs I $01 $01 $86,630 I SOl $86,630 II II. Operating Ratio 92% I 92~1 92% I 92~1 92% 12. Allowable Operating Profit $0 L- $7.533 $7,533 13. Greenwaste'Tipping Fees ~~ $21,945 ~ $21,945 14. Franchise Fees 5% INCREASE SO $0 16. Landfill Savings ($35,917 ($35,917 17. Total Pass Through Costs ($13972 SO ($13 972 18. Revenue Requirement IL $011 $011 $80,19111 $011 $80,19111 19. Total Revenue Offsets SO $0 SO SO (from Page 3) 20. Net Shortfall (Surplus) II $011 $011 $80,19111 .soll $80,19111 21. Total Revenue without increase RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIA~ENUE in Base Year (pg.3, lines 32+40) $930,679 SO $930,679 22. Percent Change Requirement ERR ERR 8.6% ERR 8.6% 23. Franchise Fee Adiustment Factor 90% 90% 94% 90% 24. Percent Change in Existing Rates ERR ERR 9.2% ERR Fiscal Year: 1-1-98 to 12-31-98 Pg. 2 0'6 P---,- ------------ - .....,. c....., S..iblrJ Serrice.l.c. Base Year Rate Adjustment A0)lication Cost Summary for Base Year GREENWASTE,FRANCHISE, & VARIABLE RATES SectioD VIII.B... Yea. Cost AllocatlOD Descr/ption of Cost I Labor $47.151 Pa roll Taxes S3.043 48. Total Direct Labor S50 194 49. Corporate Overhead I '+l\'SO! Less limitation I> ,/,!iW'~SQI Total Corporate Overhead ..',;il:$O Office Salary I .." ......~jj1;~b()1 Pavroll Taxes I .... ">hi~sol 50. Total Office & Yard Salaries ' >.)iEiySO Computer Servicess 96 GAL Depreciation on Bldg and Equi CUSTOMERS PARTICIPATION WW YEARS Depreciation on green waste car S31,398 4,255 80% $46.12 5 Depreciation on garbage carts 4,255 100% $46.12 7 Billing switch Gas and oil Hauling Interest Expense Laundry Legal and Accounting Miscellaneous and Other Non-Deductible Office Expense Operating Supplies Other Insurance Other Taxes Outside Services Public Relations and Promotion $1,950 Recycling Rent Telephone Tires $488 Travel Truck Insurance Truck License Truck Repairs ....$2;~()q $2,600 Utilities \i;@;$'!so 51. Total Other Gea/Admln Cost I ;;$V'''$1&r41i511 S36.4361 52. Total Greenwaste Tipping Fe I iii, . sir!!i4S'1 S21,9451 1.463 TONS @ $15 53. Total Franchise Fee li01/ "Sqjjjls()1 I 54. Total landfill savings ;;'';''(s)!s:gl'7i (S3S,917 1,463 TONS @ S24.55 55. I:U.:;);.jti%;tSO I I 56. Total Cost I . . $1Z;651! I:;:",; "S72.65Sf Pn ,4 nf6 - \D L{ ~A[L DE P12-Ec';-l{\ T? ot;-J South Co.nlY Saniury SCfVice. tDC. BASE YEAR RATE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION I II II II Fmandallnfo,mauon Pismo Pism~ Arroyc I countJI Tots! Commercia Residentia Grand Section I-Allowable Costs 6. Direct Labor $50,194 $50,194 7. Corporate Overhead $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8. Office Salaries $0 $0 $0 SO 9. Other General and Admin Costs $20,737 $0 $20,737 10 Total Allowable Costs $0 $0 $70,931 $0 $70,931 11. Operating Ratio 92% I 92%1 92% I 92%1 92% 12. . Allowable Operating Profit $0 $0 S6,I68 .$0 $6168 13. Greenwaste'Tipping Fees ~~ $21,945 ~ $21,945 14. Franchise Fees 5% INCREASE $0 SO 16. Landfill SavinRs ($35,917 ($35,917 17. Total Pass Through Cosls (SI3,972 $0 ($13 972 18. Revenue Requirement II soil soil S63,12711 soil S63,12711 19. Total Revenue Offsels SO SO SO SO (from Page 3) 20. Net Shortfall (Surplus) II $011 soil S63,I2711 $011 S63,I2711 21. Total Revenue without increase RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIA~ENUE in Base Year (pg.3. lines 32+40) S930,679 SO S930,679 22. Percent Change Requirement ERR ERR 6.8% ERR 6.8% 23. Franchise Fee Adjustment Factor 90% 90% 94% 90% 24. Percenl Change in Exisling Rales ERR ERR 7.2% ERR. Fiscal Year: 1-1-98 to 12-31-98 Pg. 20'6 -,----., ~...... C...IJ' S..illol')' Se,.ice.I... Base Year Rate Adjustment A[!plication Cost Summary for Base Year GREENWASTE,FRANCHISE, & VARIABLE RATES SectloD VIII.B... Y..rCo.tAlIoc~lIoD Description of Cost I Labor $47,151 Pa roll TaJles $3.043 48. Total Direct Labor $50 194 49. Corporate Overhead Less limitation Total Corporate Overhead Office Salary . Pa roll Taxes 50. Total Office & Yard Salarle. Computer Servicess 96 GAL Depreciation on Bldg and Equi CUSTOMERS PARTICIPATION WW YEARS Depreciation on greenwasle car $15.699 4.255 80% $46.12 10 Depreciation on garbage carts 4,255 100% $46.12 7 Billing switch Gas and oil Hauling Interest Expense Laundry Legal and Accounting Miscellaneous and Other Non-Deductible Office Expense Operating Supplies Other Insurance Other Taxes Outside Services Public Relations and Promotion $1,950 Recycling Rent Telephone Tires $488 Travel Truck Insurance Truck License Truck Repairs $2.600 Utilities 51. . Total Other Geo/Admln Cost l!Ji'~~~7j711 $20.7371 52. Total Greenwaste Tipping Fe ..{;S~!$irJ9~f$j S21 945 1,463 TONS @ $15 53. Total Franchise Fee I ,iit!~#jfR'fdl 1 54. TotallandfJll savings ItF'B;I($:J$!!$:f7'] C$3S,917j 1,463 TONS @ $24.55 55. IU;!?j~0%1'f;(fSOil I 56. Total Cost r '$$~.9591{fW$1:lsG3H91 Fiscal Year: 3-31-96 Pg. 4 of6 -- Inc. Tri-CityDisposal Service 874 Grand Avenue Nipomo Garbage Company (805) 489-3534 Grover Beach, California 93433 (805) 489-3534 City of Arroyo Grande Bob Hunt P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 10/22/98 Dear Bob, South County Sanitary Service, Inc. is proposing to provide weekly greenwaste service to the City of Arroyo Grande for an annual fee of $63,127. Every participant would receive a green 96 gallon Waste Wheeler to put their greenwaste in. I have enclosed a copy of the Pismo Beach program that will start soon. There are several approaches to incorporate the $63,127 into the rate structure. The breakdown of the $63,127 is in appendix C. Greenwaste Option #1 (this is what pismo did) see appendix A Include both commercial & residential in the greenwaste program. This will maximize the recycling effort and spread the cost over a larger revenue base. 7.2% , current increase $6.90 $7.40 $9.90 $10.61 $12.90 $13.83 plus all commercial rates would increase by 7.2%. Greenwaste Option #2 see appendix B Include only residential customers in raising the $63,127. 14.5% current increase $6.90 $7.90 $9.90 $11.34 $12.90 $14.77 Greenwaste Option #3 Adopt same rates as Pismo Beach residential and commercial. Raise franchise fee to 10%. AG would pay curs ide recycling costs to whatever vendor they choose. The $0.50 per month recycling fee vanishes from AG water bills. The 4.6% that Ralcco bills commercial customers is eliminated. Si~ -~~ ~ Tom Martin, Controller South County Sanitary ----~--,-- 4p~I1d{,;t A So.tIt Co_aty S;aoitary Service. lac. BASE YEAR RATE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION I II II I Fmanclallnformanon Pism~ Pismc Arroy( I countJ Commercia Residentia Grandt Tota $ectloD. I;'Allo~,able Costs ^. '~",~:.' ,~ 6. Direct Labor S50,194 S50,194 7. Corporate Overhead SO SO SO SO $0 8. Office Salaries SO SO SO $0 9. Other General and Admin Costs S20,737 $0 $20,737 10 Total Allowable Costs SO SO S70,931 $0 $70,931 11. Operating Ratio 92~ I 92~1 92% I 92~1 92% 12. Allowable Operating Profit S6 168 S6,168 13. Greenwaste'Tipping Fees ~~ S21,945 ~ S21,945 14. Franchise Feed% INCREASE SO SO 16. Landfill Savings ($35,917 {S35,917 17. Total Pass Through Costs (SI3,972 SO {Sl3 972 ,<",,~,.. -0- , 18. Revenue Requirement II soli soil S63,12711 $011 563,12711 19. Total Revenue Offsets $0 SO $0 $0 (from Page 3) 20. Net Shortfall (Surplus) II soil soli S63,12711 . soli S63,I2711 21. Total Revenue without increase RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIA~ENUE in Base Year (pg.3, lines 32+40) S930,679 $0 $930,679 22. Percent Change Requirement ERR ERR 6.8% ERR 6.8% 23. Franchise Fee Adjustment Factor 90% 90% 94% 90% 24. Percent Change in Existing Rates ERR ERR 7.2% ERR Fiscal Year: 1-1-98 to 12-31-98 Pg. 20'6 - Aj>/~J?~:t. I. So.tb Coaaty Saaitary Service. IDC. BASE YEAR RATE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION I II II II Fmandallnlormadon Pism~ Pismil Arro:jl countJI Tot.! Commercia Residentia Grand . SectloDI~A\lowable Costs\.;' 6. Direct Labor S50,194 S50,194 7. Corporate Overhead SO SO SO SO SO 8. Office Salaries SO SO SO SO 9. Other General and Admin Costs S20,737 SO S20.737 10 Total Allowable Costs SO SO S70.931 SO S70.931 11. Operating Ratio 92~1 92~1 92% I 92~1 92% 12. Allowable Operating Profit S6.168 S6.168 13. Greenwaste'Tipping Fees ~~ S21,945 ~ S21.945 14. Franchise Fees 5% INCREASE SO SO 16. Landfill Savin2s (S35,917 (S35,917 17. Total Pass Through Costs ($13,972 SO (SI3,972 18. Revenue Requirement II soil $011 $63,12711. soil S63.12711 19. Total Revenue Offsets $0 $0 SO SO (from Page 3) 20. Net Shortfall (Surplus) II soli $011 $63,12711 soil S63.12711 21. Total Revenue without increase RESIDENTIAL REVENUE ONL ~ in Base Year (pg.3, lines 32+40) $462,588 SO S462,588 22. Percent Change Requirement ERR ERR 13.7% ERR 13.7% 23. Franchise Fee Adiustment Factor 90% 90% 94% 90% 24. Percent Change in Existing Rates ERR ERR "14.5% ERR Fiscal Year: 1-1-98 to 12-31-98 Pg. 20'6 <...."....,..,,,..,........1... A/;Pd-rl.A.I'!-' ( Base Year Race Adjustment AQPlicatlun Cost Summary fot Base Year GREENWASTE,FRANCHISE, & VARIABLE RATES S,ction VIII.B.., Year co.t AUocadon Description of Cost I Labor I S47,I51 Pa roll Taxes S3,043 48. Total Direct Labor S50 194 49. Corporate Overhead I '<",,%%/\'(sOI Less limitation I T ,i!}&rSOI Total Corporate Overhead ..,~ ,';;;';;:\:;:$'(I Office Salary 1"\ >t'j';*J$61 Pavroll Taxes l;i;"f':;;i;;~;0S01 SO. Total Office & Yard Salaries j;L ,;:;tii;;/sO Computer Servicess 96 GAL Depreciation on Bldg and Equi CUSTOMERS PARTICIPATION WW YEARS Depreciation on greenwaste car S I 5,699 4,255 80% $46.12 10 Depreciation on garbage carts 4,255 100% $46.12 7 Billing switch Gas and oil Hauling Interest Expense Laundry Legal and Accounting Miscellaneous and Other Non-Deductible Office Expense Operating Supplies Other Insurance Other Taxes Outside Services Public Relations and Promotion $1,950 Recycling Rent Telephone Tires $488 Travel Truck Insurance Truck License Truck Repairs $2,600 U tilities":"t::SO 5 I. Total Other GenlAdmln Cost I ")X;Y0S20\'13'j!l S20,7371 52. Total GreenwasteTlpplng Fe '<'k;s2\'t94SI $21.9451 1,463 TONS @ SI5 53. Total Franchise Fee I . ";';,'#;'1%$01 I 54. Total land 011 savings V> '{s:ts;91,j (S35,917j 1,463 TONS @ S24.55 55. I :J;,tt&j$sol 1 56. Total Cost I $S6:9591;i",;~$56;9591 ....___. v___. .. .... 0': Pg. 4 of 6 . '~I~'~1a"i':"'.:.1:1.=-".:.1~.:f.:.,.=---'"t':U[..t'I:~=--" t. A"''"'I~[.i'l::h'il:i =-:..I:):H State law requires that dties and counties reduce the volume of materials placed in the landfills by 25% by 1995 and by 50% In the year 2000. Through curbside recycling and education programs, Arroyo Grande met the 1995 diversion requirement. However, in order to meet the 50% goal, additional efforts are needed. Other areas In the counlly have acheived a 50% reduction by adding a curbside recycling, a greenwaste program and a variable can garbage rate (also referred to as .pay as you throw" or unit pcIdng). The curbside recycling and greenwaste programs are already In place In Arroyo Grande. Now for the variable can rate structure: The basic premise of a vartable can rate structure Is customers who throw away lots of garbage will pay dramatically more than customers who minimize their garbage. It rewards those who take the Ume and effort to partldpate In ALL of the recycling options. In fact, If you diUgentiy work at minimizing your trash, you may end up paying lesS than you used to for garbage and recycling. Here's how. The dty put out a request for proposal on the greenwaste program. The lowest suitable proposal called for an Increase of $2.05 to the old rates. under the old method garbage $8.55 Under the new vartable can system you control how much you spend for garbage. (garbage only) 32 gallon garbage WASTE WHEELER (same as 1 can) $6.90 per month 64 gallon garbage WASTE WHEELER (same as 2 cans) $9.90 per month 96 ganon garbage WASTE WHEELER (same as 3 cans) $12.90 per month EXAMPLE .1 A retired couple recycles curbside, recycles greenwaste, and puts out 1 can of garbage each week. $8.55 per month $6.90 month EXAMPLE .2 A family of four recycles curbside, recycles greenwaste, and puts out 2 cans of garbage each week. under the old pcIdng system they would've paid $8.55 per month under the new tem the will $9.90 er month EXAMPLE .3 A famlty of four recycles someUmes, parents or kids have a weekly party and they set out 3 cans of garbage each week. under the old pridng system they would've paid $8.55 per month under the new s tem the will a $12.90 r month Under the old pricing system, the more ga.. ..ge you threw away the cheaper it was, kind of a quanul)' discount. It rewarded wastefulness, exactly the opposite message that AB939 (the 50% recycling law) was trying to send to Califomians. Those who throwaway very few gallons will pay substantially less than those who throwaway lots of garbage. This is exactly the message that AB939 wants to convey. It doesn't mandate anything to anyone. Its fair to everyone because you .pay as you throw". How do I decide which service level I will need? Take a look at what you throwaway now and average it out over the course of a month. Then select the the appropriate box on the mall-in card. You aren't stuck with that level forever. You can change twice per year w!thout a charge. What do I do If I want to change service levels? For the first selection, we ask that you mail the card in with your best guess as to what size garbage can you will need. We suggest you try your first choice for 4 weeks before changing. There are 4,000 customers in Arroyo Grande. If all of them call the office in the first week, the phone lines will melt down, we ask for your patience during the beginning phases of this new system. After we get over the big push on startup, you can call the office and get your billing level changed and request a different size can right over the phone. Our office number is 489-4246. The phone is answered 24 hours a day. If you don't have to speak to the office directly, the best time to call is in the evening. Our answering service deals with the phones from 4;00 PM to 9:00AM. The office answers the phones from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. What should I do If I have extra garbage? OPTION #1 If its just an occasional event, you may put it beside the can and your garbageman will will pick it up and we will add $2.25 for each bag (32 gallons or less) to you next bill. Anything over two bags must be called into the office prior to your pickup day. The garbageman will only take two bags worth if he doesn't have a extra slip from the office. Don't leave the lid up and just pile the bags on top. The WASTE WHEELER is designed to be emptied with the lid closed.. Piled high garbage just falls on the ground when the hydraulic lift empties the can. You will still be charged for the extra. Please don't lean extras against the can, they just fall over a make and mess when we move the can. OPTION #2 If you put out one extra bag per week you will end up paying $9.00 per month more. It will be cheaper for you to move to a one size larger WASTE WHEELER. That way you will have the convenience of getting all your trash in one can. Call the office at 489-4246 to adjust your service. Do I have to use WASTE WHEELERS? What do I do with my old garbage cans? Yes, you have to use waste wheelers. In the near future, we will be replacing our trucks with automated ones. These new trucks reduce workers compensation injuries (mainly backs & knees) and allow one man to pick up the same amount of garbage as two men could with the older trucks. In the long run this will keep . the cost of collection as low as possible. Your old garbage cans make great holders for dry dog food. During the week of Dec 7-11, 1998 we will be picking up and recycling any metal or plastic trash that you want to get rid of. Just put them out empty on collection day from Dec 7-11, 1998. What If I need more than three can garbage service? You can subscribe to 4 can, 5 can, 6 can , etc..... Each 32 gallons of subscribed service will cost an additional $3.00 per month. You just have to combine various sizes to get the volume you want. 128 gallon garbage service $15.90 per month you would have two 64 gallon WASTE WHEELERS 160 gallon garbage service $18.90 per month one 64 & one 96 gallon WASTE WHEELERS 192 gallon garbage service $21.90 per month you would have two 96 gallon WASTE WHEELERS Won.t this Increase Just make profits higher for the garbage company? No, the profits of the garbage company are governed by the franchise agreement. The allowable profit is limited to 8% of expenses excluding franchise fees, landfill expense, income taxes and political donations. . .,. ATTACHMENT 6 DATE: January 13, 1999 ITEM: 10 o Approv~ 0 Deny o Continue to TO: Integrated Waste Management Authority FROM: William A. Worrell, Manager RE: Status of Annual Reporting and Implementing Green Waste Collection (Receive and File) Update on the Annual Reports and Green Waste Program. RECOl\1MENDATION Receive arid file. DISCUSSION All jurisdictions must meet a 50 diversion mandate by the year 2000. Implementation of weekly green waste recycling programs continues to have a large impact on waste diversion. Attached is a chart which shows the diversion in Los Os os from their new program. Those communities which have not yet implemented weekly green waste collection should consider doing so. The IWMA is still in discussion with the California Integrated Waste Management Board regarding adjusting the 1990 base year numbers to reflect a "normal" generation of green waste. If approved, this would significantly increase the existing diversion rates. FISCAL IMPACT None ATTACHMENTS: Los Osos diversion chart .,. J'\ ... ..'.. ....-- "' Q) ~ ~ 3 ctJ ~ a> c:s ~ ..... 0 .9 "'0 Q) ~ 0- E 0 0 \ 6 \ .- (/) ~ E Q) :z. tI) ~ c.D '"0 \...0- c:') Cf) - 0 \ \ 0 \...0- 0- 0) tI) ~ \ \ ~ ~ \ \ (/) 0 ~ \ co . \ i ctJ 3 I a> \ 0) \ \ 0> (/) 0) \ 2- Q) \...0- ~ tI) <.9 .~ .9 ro \ \ "'0 Q) 3 :;::; \ ~ C. .(\1 Q) \ '% "0 \ .- 8 di ~ \ c: ctJ 0 a> .- (/) ? ~ Q) ~ .~ cO '"0 c:') \ \ II \ \ \.\ \ /~-+ '0." . .". ... ..- 0\.00\.00\.00\.00 .q-c0c0C"1C"1~~ W8::j18d 'UO\S.l81\\O ..... = ~ It It .... ... ... ... ~ ~ III N II .. .1 ~ .. II) .. N i i 0 i ... N . N 0 ,.. ... i 12 I .. ,.. " . Z M ... ~ III II) ,.. III N .. .. III ~ :1: ;; 0 ~ .. ri N I'i Ii ~ 'i vi ; ri Ii I'i .. .. . .. 1&1 (I) II) II) . . 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Volume 1 Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE) Includes the required components Volume 2 SRRE Appendices Background and technical information Volume 3 Solid Waste Generation Study (SWGS) Waste generation data Volume 4 Household Hazardpus Waste Element (HHWE) Required Household Hazardous Waste Plan Volume 5 Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) SRRE and HHWE environmental analysis The following is a brief summary of each section of the SRRE. Note: The waste diversion figures in the Solid Waste Generation Study have been adjusted based on revised statutory restrictions. F:\SW\90036\F\EXEC\ARROYO 07/14/94 4:19 am ES-l June 1994 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION The Introduction provides background infonnation on the California Integrated Waste Management Act and an overview of the SRRE. The general requirements of the SRRE are . described and the regional and local planning context of the approach is discussed. Regionalized programs include the fonnation of an Integrated Waste Management Authority to administer countywide programs for source reduction, public infonnation and education, and coordinate the planning and development of material recovery and composting facilities that are anticipated to meet the goals established by the legislation. Existing and proposed local programs are identified. The diversion goals are discussed and identified, and estimates of the program cost to the consumer is estimated. SECTION 2: EVALUATION PROCESS This section describes the process used to select the most feasible waste diversion alternatives. The detailed rankings are provided in each component section. The selection criteria include consideration of the following issues: . Waste diversion potential . Cost effectiveness . Operating experience . Enviromnental impacts . Capital cost . Confonnity with market conditions . Private-sector participation . Time requirements for implementation . Enviromnental acceptability . Confonnity with the state's waste management hierarchy F:\SW\90036\F\EXEC\AJUlOYO 07/14/94 4:19 am ES-2 June 1994 .. Ability to accommodate changing economic, technological, and social conditions . Changes in waste type, generation, or use . Expansion of an existing program or facility . . Market reliability . Technical feasibility . Economic feasibility SECTION 3: SOURCE REDUCTION The Source Reduction Component describes strategies and programs to accomplish quantifiable source reduction. Programs are divided into five categories: . Local government programs . Technical assistance, education and promotioI)a1 activities . Rate structure modifications . Economic incentives . Regulatory programs Projected diversion from Source Reduction activities is estimated at 1.8 percent for 1995, and 1.8 percent for the year 2000. Priority waste types selected for targeting include: . Miscellaneous materials (diapers, paper, whole wine bottles, reusable items) . Yard debris (backyard composting is considered under source reduction rather than composting because of CIWMB regulations) . Food waste (reduced disposal of food waste in regular trash) 1: The goals identified for Source Reduction include: F:\SW\90036\F\EXEC\ARROYO 07/14/94 4:19 am ES-3 June 1994 . To divert 24 tons of miscellaneous materials from the waste stream by January 1, 1995, and 33 by January 1, 2000. . To divert 190 tons of food waste from the waste stream by January 1, 1995 and 208 tons by January 1, 2000. * . To dive of ard debris from the waste stream b January 1, 1995, and 270 tons by January 1, 2000. ~ - The objectives for Source Reduction include: . Establish local government source reduction programs by June 1995. . Establish technical assistance, education and promotional programs by January 1995. . Develop regulatory program~ by December 1995. . Establish economic incentives programs by June 1996. . Establish rate structure modifications by January 1995. Existing source reduction activities are described and alternatives are evaluated. The implementation of the various selected programs is discussed. Table 3-5 summarizes the programs, presents a schedule, and shows estimated costs. SECTION 4: RECYCLING This section describes the recycling programs selected. Priority waste types for recycling diversion programs are defined as: . Paper - corrugated containers, mixed paper, newspaper, and other paper . Plastics - HDPE containers, PET containers . Glass - Refillable glass . Metals - Aluminum,bi-metal, ferrous/tin, nonferrous . Other Organics - Textiles -- . - - -- ~ Market development efforts are critical to the success of recycling programs. Local markets for recycled products need to be encouraged and supported. Business activities that utilize recycled feedstock in product manufacturing processes as well as those that produce products that are recyclable should be fostered and encouraged. The establishment of a local Market Development Zone is supported by all of the jurisdictions in the County. The following goals are established for the selected programs: . To reduce the total waste stream by 16.2 percent by January 1995. . To reduce the total waste stream by 24.7 percent by January 2000. The following objectives are to be implemented during the short tenn planning period (1991- 1995): . Establish site-targeted drop-off sites by January 1995. . Expand curbside programs. . Develop and implement multiunit, mobile home, and group quarter recycling programs by February 1995. . Expand commercial cardboard collection and recycling by September 1994. . Develop bar and restaurant glass program by July 1995. . Expand existing office paper recycling immediately. . Strengthen and expand local govenunent procurement of recycled products immediately. The proposed medium-tenn (1996-2000) activities are to consider the design and development of material recovery capacity for the Cold Canyon Wasteshed. Greater material quantities, more constrained landfill opportunities and higher costs will require a larger and more complete facility than is being evaluated in the North County. Combining recycled materials processing and organic composting facilities with a proposed MRF will create economies of scale. Also recommended is a collection systems study which will help design a system that will best serve this kind of facility and still support source reduction programs, produce marketable conunodities (hopefully for local businesses), maximize composing opportunities, reduce hazardous materials reaching the landfill, and maximize diversion. A sununary of Recycling Program Implementation is contained in Table 4-7. SECTION 5: COMPOSTING This section describes composting alternatives. Compostable organic materials comprise about 45.8 percent of the waste stream. Priority wastes are dermed as: . . Yard debris - grass, leaves, prunings . Other organics - wood debris, food debris The following goals are established for the composting program: . Short-tenn: reduce the waste stream by 7.6 percent by January 1995 by composting 1,921 tons per year of organic material. . Medium-tenn: reduce the waste stream by 20.0 percent by January 2000 by compo sting 5,515 tons per year of organic material. A Composting Marketing Program is needed to ensure markets for the compost produced. Local governments need to establish procurement policies to use the materials and private markets must also be developed to keep pace with production and ensure diversion from the landfill. The following objectives are established for the composting program: . Conduct a yard debris collection and composting system cost comparison study by June 1995. . Participate in the design, siting, pennitting, and implementation of a pilot program by September 1995. F:\SW\90036\F\EXEC\ARROYO 01/14/94 4:19 am ES-6 June 1994 .,. . Determine the site location and design criteria for the proposed facility by January 1996. . Begin operation of a permanent facility by September 1996. Table 5-8 contains the Summary of Composting Programs Implementation and describes the tasks, schedule, and costs. SECTION 6: SPECIAL WASTES The Special Waste Category includes a variety of hard-to-handle and specialized items. The selection programs target: . White goods . Construction and demolition debris . Tires Other materials evaluated in this section include: . Asbestos . Auto bodies . Sewage sludge . Ash . Shredder waste . Industrial sludge Diversion projected for Special Waste Programs for 1995 is 14.8 percent; for 2000, it is 17.2, percent. Inert materials in construction and demolition debris, which are currently diverted from landfills, are included in the diversion rate. Inerts account for 64 percent of the materials currently being e.\if'\I^N"V'n~C'\'CVJ:I""\"DDnVn ft'1LLl.LQd .....0.__ ,-,C" ,., 1.._.... t nnA - diverted from the waste stream. The regulations on how these inert materials ultimately will be counted are being reconsidered by the CIWMB at the time of this writing. Due to the uncertainty of future application of credits for inert materials, overall SRRE program development should not rely too heavily on this diversion to meet the 25 percent and 50 percent diversion goals. The Summary of Special Waste Program Implementation is shown in Table 6-7. SECTION 7: EDUCATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION Education and public infonnation will be critical to the ultimate success of all source reduction and recycling efforts. The program alternatives include an extensive list of activities to be pursued, including: . Newsletters . Internship programs . Public service announcements . Videos . Technical assistance . Recognition awards . K-12 curriculum programs . Block captain programs . . Speakers' bureau . Recycling mascot . Consumer infonnation . Utility bill inserts Table 7-1 Education and Public Infonnation Activities summarizes the objectives. tasks, and estimated costs of the various educational programs. s:.~<:w\QOMI\\J;\J:YJ:("\ARRnvo 07114/94 4,,\1\ Am J<CU~ June 1994 ------- SECTION 8: DISPOSAL FACILITY CAPACITY This Section evaluates and projects solid waste disposal facility needs for each jurisdiction over the 15 year period beginning in 1991. Existing facilities are described and evaluated. Additional capacity needs are identified for the Cold Canyon Wasteshed (an application for expansion of the Cold Canyon Facility is pending as of the writing of this document). SECTION 9: FUNDING This Section summarizes funding needs, analyzes funding sources, and estimates program costs. Facility and program costs have been calculated without assuming cost savings based upon the use of older equipment or use of existing rolling stock or structures. This ~as done to avoid creating financial expectations that may not be achievable. Alternative approaches could result in cost savings of up to 30 percent for some facilities should various creative means be employed by the operations or these systems. Estimated Local Program Costs and Revenues are shown in Table 9-1. SECTION 10: INTEGRATION This section describes the overall integration of the jurisdictions' plan. The component outlines the prioritization of programs promoting integrated waste management and describes the regionalized coordinated efforts. The Implementation Schedule is contained in Table 10-5. F:\SW\90036\F\EXEC\ARROYO 07/14/94 4:36 am ~<;:_a TII"I'> 11)1);1. - ATTACHMENT 10 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 1998 7.A. PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION OF. MODIFICATION TO EXISTING WATER NEUTRALIZATION POLICIES AND PROGRAMS City Manager Hunt said staff needed more time to research this issue. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. When no one came forward to speak, Mayor Dougall closed the hearing to the, floor. It was moved by Runels/Lady and the motion passed unanimously to continue this Agenda item to a date uncertain. \/.- 7.B. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF VARIABLE CAN 7\ RATE STRUCTURE Acting Community Development Director Elder said staff recommended Council select a variable can rate, adopt a Resolution setting a rate structure, and approve reporting/implementation measures. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly pUblished and all legal requirements met, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. . Tom Martin, Controller, South County Sanitation District, said the goal of the variable can rate would be to throwaway less and recycle more. . He showed three containers in different sizes that would be used in the program. He noted that if the Council selected one of the Variable Rates, the Franchise Fee will increase by 10 cents at each level. When no one further came forward to speak, Mayor Dougall closed the hearing to the floor. Council Member Fuller said it is crucial for Arroyo Grande to adopt a variable can rate to meet the requirements of AB 939. He said the financial incentive of Option 8 would motivate people. He said, with automation, many cities use only one person to pickup the trash. Council Member Tolley agreed with Council Member Fuller. Council Member Runels said he could support either Option A or B, but had concerns about possible increases in recycling costs to the City and the large institutions in the City that create more trash. Mayor Pro Tern Lady was concerned about Option B containing too s.evere a rate increase between one and two cans. <\. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 1998 Council Members discussed the need for greenwaste pickup every week and the number of exemptions that have been allowed. City Manager Hunt said 600 to 700 Greenwaste exemptions exist in the City. Mayor Dougall said he preferred Option A with a one-year review. It was moved by Tolley/Lady (5-0-0, with Tolley~ Lady, Runels, Fuller, and Dougall voting aye) to Amend the Waste Disposal Service Rate Structure to Require a Variable Can Rate of $6.90 for one can, $9.90 for two cans, and $12.90 for three cans, to review the program in six months after it is implemented on October 1, 1998, and direct South County Sanitary to implement a. public information campaign announcing the rate changes. 8. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Tony Ferrara of 759 Via Bandolero referred to a flyer regarding a Community Workshop on the General. Plan Update mailed by the City to all Arroyo Grande residents. He said, with regard to agriculture lands, the issue was how to preserve, not sell, agriculture lands. Lorraine Vaught of 532 East Branch Street presented a petition recommending the City install speed bumps and cross walks on East Branch Street in the 500 block. She said a child had been injured and animals injured or killed on the street. Otis Page of 606 Myrtle Street said he agreed with Mr. Ferrara' and the four points in the flyer were suggestions, not conclusions. 9. CONSENT AGENDA Council/Board Member Tolley said he had a potential conflict of interest on Consent Agenda Item 9.e. and would not be voting on it. It was moved by Council Member Runels and seconded by Council Member Tolley (Runels, Tolley, Lady, Fuller, and Dougall voting aye) to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a. through 9.e. (Tolley abstaining on 9.e.) and 9.g. through 9.L, with the recommended courses of action. It was moved by Agency Vice Chair Lady, seconded by Agency Board Member Tolley, and on a unanimous vote, Board Members approved Consent Agenda Item 9.f., with the recommended course of action. 9.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Approved. 9.b. Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Interfund Advance from Sewer Facility Fund. Approved. 9.c. Statement of Investment Deposits. Received and Filed. . San. Luis Obispo, Cou'nty Inte'grated Waste Management' Au~hor{ty :............. '0'........... ,.,..... '.'.................................................... . . . IWMA BOARD MEMBERS : ATTACHMENT 10 I..&urence I..&urent . President. : ~unty of :San Luis Obispo : . .. . - . . Dave Romero'. Vice President, : , Variable' Can .Rate' . qty of San. Luis Obispo : , . Mike fuller, : Overview City of Arroyo Gr.ande : . . George Luna. .: '. CI~ of Atascadero : . by Bob Reed, : . City of Grover Beach : . Cathy N~vak. : Bill Worrell City of Morro Bay : Jonn Brown. : . City of Plsmo Beach : . .' . Harry Ovitt. : San Luis Obispo <;Ounty ': Peg Pinard. : San Luis Obispo County : Ruth Brackett. : . San Luis Obispo County : . Mike Ryan. : San Luis Obispo County : . , . . Bill Worrell. Manager : Variable Cali Rate' Workshop' Carolyn Goodri~h. Secretary. : Raymond A. BI~ring. Counsel: 3220 South Higuera. Suite 210 : San LUis Obispo..CA 93401 : . ,Post O"fflce Box 8a7 : San J,.uis Obispo. CA 93406 : . March.'3!, 1998 805/782.8530 : fAX 805/782.8529 : E-mail: iwma@iwma.com: .. Recycling, Compost ~ Haz. : Waste Info. 800/400.0811 : School Programs Information : - .. 805/782.8424 : . .... . ~ ... ... ~ . ~ .0 cu . ~ s..' fI) .c l- . . :J :.... -0. O . 0 --. - \ . - >-. t).OO .. C(l) 'A .- . VI . U td <t. et Q. . . ,,-- >-- . ... u Rt ., -.- ft e_ C ....C~ : ~J: ~ ~ ~ ~. rIJ. . ~ .. .. . . ..... cJ ~ . ..... ;.. ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ .= = ~ =' 0 % .... . a ~ ~ .....- ~ = ~ ~ . .... ~ ~ .,- ~ ~. ~ ~ = . ..... cJ .u 0 . .... ~ ~ ~ "'d $.I ~ ,..... ~ ~ ~ rIJ. .~ ~ 'r ~ rIJ. .t: ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ . ..... ~ ~ . .... s ,t;1 .... ~ ,:= a rIJ. $.I ~ a ~ ~ 0 I rIJ. U =' .... 0 ;"'d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a..- ~ rIJ. =' = M ~ rIJ. ~ ;.. I ~ = = ~ o ~ ~ ~ u~ 0 . . . '- 0 --0 ~ \\@ -ocu '. .. ----' .. \ ";~- ." cu 1- "* . 1-CU C . \\@ Q).- .~ .- ~ . ~ . , .~ ' .~ ~ 0-- ~:s r-$ ~ . ~ 1-. '- Q) ~ Q) C ~ ~\ ~ .- .('4 u c: '. ~+' ~ .'0 .... ~ .- C. ~ ,.. O. .~ '- .- " C .,.,0 ~ '-; 0 ",0.. .~ \.0 ~~ · ~~ O~ 0.. G) ~c:. o c ~.- ." 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", _. :.;~..,t~.,~ ..-. ;~:.~'. --- - <':-_~'..~S. ;"<'H6m~ Largest Communities with ,:~;:~~~~;~~. '~~:_..v~-.-...,-~. =:{ Intr'dductiOI1:: Pay-As- You-Throw by Population ._,....::~ '''''"''''"-',-1' -.-,'"),>- : Comrnuniih~s}: .'.. ... - _......" 'i""}-.... <' :-r-..",...~, Tocils_,&~Ev(mt~~ ,.---...~..". ,..::-'... -,....., , - r,': "To~ffS-- ." ~:.:::; :,:~ ..)~.-~ 1.....:;-... ~ "; .?", Research:' ~ -.... , ...,. .. . .,...... .... ',,:'-<. ( d ' . --'FAQ; ~"':---. .,,-:"-~:.-'~.'" - ,,",.' - ~ _~ (.',..............0:.<"--,,"'-, ..!.....Vl... v - ~ Sour~e: Unit Based PriCIng in the United 5t.1te!.: A Tally o( Communities. M.L. Miranda. Du~ Unive~ty. 1997. Community Population 300,000 - 800,000 1. San Jose..CA 782,248 2. San Francisco. CA 723,959 3. Seattle. WA 516,259 4. Portland. OR 437,319 5. Albuaueraue. NM 384,736 .6. Oakland. CA 372,242 7. Minneapolis. MN 368,383 200,000 - 300,000 8. Colorado SDnnas. CO 281,140 9. St. Paul. MN . 272,235 10. Akron. OH 223,019 150,000 - 200,000 11. Grand RaDids. MI 189,126 12. Glendale. CA 180,038 13. SDokane. WA 177,196 14. Tacoma. WA 176,664 15. Fremont. CA 173,339 16. Worcester. MA 169,759 17. Modesto. CA 164,730 100,000 - 150,000 18. Hampton. VA 133,793 -----.----- PAYT~ Largest Communities with Pay-As-You-Thr... Page 2 of2 19. Pasadena, CA 131,591 20. Lansina. MI 127,321 21. Euaene. OR 112,669 22. Concord. CA 111 ,348 23. Salem. OR 107.786 24. Thousand Oaks. CA 104,352 25. Berkelev, CA 102,724 .. Click here for a summary of the data and methodology for the Tally of Communities report. . MAPS BY: fi# ~,~ (--... A .. ~ ," " '0': _--;'1 - "'.. - '""'\ ". .. \"""\, ~ .i"'. \~: State Contajn~r Caie Study SEARCH EPA I FEEDBACK : OSW HOME : EPA HOME . Managed b)': The OSW Web Site Manager URL: http://w,'..,v.epa.gov/pa~lIcomm-3 .htm Last Updated on December 19, 1997 -------..--,-----.------- (It E ~ fa ~ s.. t)JJ. U) c. 0 0 s.. .- .., a- u U) GJ U) ~ c = o 0 c. :;:, fa .- u ~ U) ~. ~ u t)O u C ~ c .=- c. Q) - o -e t)O CII . . E U c E t)O E . .- . .., cu.. Q) c .- U) ~ .- ~ 0 .-. c. u""c.~ E >-"'CE u ~ - CIJ mo:S 0 ~>-ua2 U . . . , "' . " "It . . '" . . . ~ :) :1 Q) o .s;. o +' +' en ., Q)' +' Q) ~ .~ Q) ~ :1 ~ 0 E &. ~ .s:;'" . <:: c.. > ~ .s:. ~. :1 Q) . ~ ~ '" '- .c\-. ~ en -C . I 00 +' C ~:s 0 f'oo. C ... . ~ en Q) l" . 0 Q.. -; -C f'oo. en 00 ~ Q) 0 .en E ~ f'oo. C I .s;.oo Q) t'S 0 8 .... ~ +' ~ ~ ~ v C . -0 ...... == ~ == 00 == ~ .... I ._..A.- 0 .-- . u ~ VI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~~ ~ Q..~..o 00. · · · ------ .- --" City of San Luis Obispo: Residential Solid Waste Services and Programs Current Residential Service Levels Service Level Rate V olunll.' Orange Bag $2.40 Base Charge 32 gallon $1.20/Bag I I I Standard $15.75 64 gallon I , I waste wheeler I Premium $21.45 up to 192 gallons I customer cans i I All service levels include weekly curbside collection of recyclables and green waste. Green waste is collected in a 96 gallon waste wheeler provided by San Luis Garbage Company. Proposed Residential Service Levels Service Le.vel Volume Orange Bag 32 gallons/Bag I I I Economy 32 gallon I waste wheeler I I I I Standard 64 gallon waste wheeler I I Premium 96 gallon I I waste wheeler I I All waste wheeler service will be collected by automated trucks and will include the current recycling and green waste collection services. --~-- - Public Invited WHAT: Variable Garbage Can Rate Workshop WHEN: 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 31, 1998 WHERE: Ramona Garden Park Center 993 Ramona Ave. Grover Beach, CA WHY: The Cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach and Pismo Beach are considering changing the method used to charge for garbage and recycling services. Currently residents pay a flat rate for up to 6 garbage cans. Under a variable can rate structure, residents would pay based on the number of cans actually used. For example the garbage rate would be lower for a resident that used only 1 can instead of 6 cans. . WHO: This workshop is being sponsored by the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach and Pismo Beach and the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority. AGENDA 1. Call to Order and Roll Call. 2. Introduction. Mike Fuso~ City Manager, Pismo Beach 3. Variable Can Rate Overview. Bill Worrell, Manager, San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority 4. City of San Luis Obispo Experience.. Ron Munds, Utilities Conservation Coordinator, Utilities Departmen~ City of San Luis Obispo 5. Local Options. Tom Martin, Controller, South County SaD.itation 6. Adjournment. Printed on 100% Recycled Paper (50% post consumer) ---_..__._-_...~---- . ATIACh18-rr 11 MEMORANDUM .TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: .. ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGE~ SUBJECT: ESTABLISHMENT OF A GREEN WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM, FEE FOR SERVICE, AND APPROVAL OF AN. AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT RECYCLING AGREEMENT DATE: MA Y 14, 1996 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1) approve RALCCO's revised proposal for green waste recycling services; 2) adopt a resolution establishing fees for recycling services; and 3) approve an amendment to the current Recycling Agreement. FUNDING: Under the approved contract with RALCCO, the ~ity is reimbursed for its administrative cost of collecting recycling fees. DISCUSSION: The City Council on March 6th approved an agreement with RALCCO Recycling for curbside collection services in the City' of Arroyo Grande. An element of. the program is the collection of green waste. The City Council conducted a public }learing on April 23rd on RALCCO's proposed green waste program and after closing the public hearing and confining the comments to Council, staff was directed to add composting to the three proposed exemptions to the green waste recycling program. Staff was also directed to add language to the resolution establishing fees and the first amendment to the curbside recycling agreement addressing the exemptions to the green waste program. Based on Council direction, staff has revised the resolution and first amendment to the recycling agreement to include language regarding exemptions to the green waste program. In addition, the exemption form has been modified to add a fourth exemption category, which reads as . follows: "Conducts composting with a commercially sold, or equivalent, composting unit (City reserves the right to inspect the unit)" . _.. "_.." -~~- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING RATES FOR RECYCLING COLLECTION SERVICES AND YARD REFUSE (GREEN WASTE) COLLECTION SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande may determine rates and charges for recycling collection services and yard refuse (green waste) collection services pursuant to Government Code Section 40059(a) and Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 6-4.19; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that the rates for recycling collection services and yard refuse (green waste) collection services are set forth on Exhibit" A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this _ day of , 1996. A.K. "Pete" Dougall, Mayor A TrEST: Nancy A. DaVis, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: fufJ-rL. fhUJ> Timothy J. Carmel, Assistant City Attorney Robert L. Hunt, City Manager I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis. Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the day of , 1996. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City' of Arroyo Grande affixed this _ day of , 1996. Nancy A. Davis, City Clerk ~ EXHIBIT "A" 1. . The monthly.fee for residential recycling collection service shall be Fifty Cents ($.50) per residential refuse account for single family dwellings. 2. The monthly fee for recycling collection services for multi-unit dwellings and commerciall industrial businesses shall be 4.8% of the monthly charge billed by South County Sanitary Services for refuse collection service. 3. The monthly fee for residential yard refuse (green waste) collection service shall be Seventy-Five Cents ($.75) per residential refuse account for single family homes and Seventy-Five Cents ($.75) per unit for multi-unit dwellings (e.g., condominiums, apartments and trailer parks). 4. The monthly fee for yard refuse (green waste) collection service for commercial structures shall be Seventy-Five Cents ($.75) per unit or per 2,000 sq~are feet, whichever is greater. 5. Property owners or their authorized representatives. may apply for the following exemptions to the yard refuse (green waste) collection service program: a. Residential or commercial parcels with no more than 500 square feet maintained as lawn, garden or other landscaping. b. Property owners who have a contract with a licensed landscaper, which provides for removal of yard refuse (green waste). c. Property owners who compost yard refuse (green waste) in a commercially sold or equivalent composting unit. FIRST Al\1ENDl\1ENT TO CURBSIDE COLLECTION RECYCLING PROGRAM' AGREEl\1ENT This FIRST AMENDMENT TO CURBSIDE COLLECTION RECYCLING PROGRAM AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _ day of , 1996, by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal' corporation of the State of California (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"), and RALCCO, a California Cozporation (hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR"). WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Curbside Collection Recycling Program Agreement dated , 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the "Recycling Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend certain portions of the Recycling Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises herein contained, it is agreed by and between the parties heret~ as follows: 1. Exhibit "B" to the Recycling Agreement is hereby deleted and repl3:ced with Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Except as modified herein, all terms and conditions of the Recycling Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. RALCCO By: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: A.K. "Pete" Dougall, Mayor A TIEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~/L.1i~ Tim~thy J. Carmel, Assistant City Attorney Robert L. Hunt, City Manager --,.- ---.._,- u~ EXHIBIT "B" A. 'Fees to be paid to CONTRACTOR: 1. The monthly fee for residential recycling collection service shall be Fifty Cents ($.50) per residential refuse account for single family dwellings. 2. The monthly fee for recycling collection services for multi-unit dwellings and cpmmercial/industrial businesses shall be 4.8% of the monthly charge billed by South County Sanitary Services for basic refuse collection service. 3. The monthly fee for residential yard refuse collection service shall be Seventy-Five Cents ($.75) per residential refuse account for single family homes and Seventy- Five Cents ($.75) per unit for multi-unit dwellings (e.g., condominiums, apartments and trailer parks). 4. The monthly fee for yard refuse collection service for commercial structures shall be Seventy-Five Cents ($.75) per unit or per 2,000 square feet, whichever is greater. The number of residential accounts shall be determined by the CITY Finance Department and shall include the number of residential accounts within the CITY which are presently collected by the private hauler within the CITY limits. The number of accounts upon which the CONTRACTOR's monthly collection fee shall be based shall be determined by the CITY's Finance Department as of June 30, 1995, for the first year of the Agreement. The number of accounts shall remain constant until June 30, 1996, when a review shall be conducted. The number of accounts and corresponding monthly fees for succeeding years shall be determined by the CITY's Finance Department based upon the number of residential refuse accounts on June 30 of each subsequent year of the Agreement. B. Property owners or their authorized representatives may apply for the following exemptions to the yard refuse (green waste) collection service program: a. Residential or commercial parcels with no more than 500 square feet maintained as lawn, garden or other landscaping. b. Property owners who have ~ contract with a licensed landscaper, which provides for removal of yard refuse. c. Property owners who compost yard refuse (green waste) in a commercially sold or equivalentcomposting unit. C. Invoice Procedure: Payment of collection fees shall be made once per month based on the billable charges as described above. _r"'__, . . EXEMPTION TO GREENW ASTE COLLECTION The property , located at , is exempt from. greenwaste collection based on the following: Check One or More ( ) Residential parcel of land covered by buildings to the extent that no more than 500 square feet of lot area remains maintained as lawn, garden, or other landscaping (e.g., front yard xeriscaped, back yard maintained with turf); . ( ) Commercial lot whereon an area of 500 square feet or less is maintained in lawn, garden, or other landscaping; ( ) Contract .with licensed landscaper, which provides for removal of green waste (attach contract or most current invoice); or I certify the above to be'ID;1e and correct~ Signature - Owner/Occupant Print Signatu~e Date Exemption is good for one (1) year from the above date. Extension of the exemption must be requested in writing by the owner/occupant - Keep a copy for your records. Return to: City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 --- - ~...,.~._--_..- . . MAIUNG ADDRESS: P.O. DRAWER 1170 NIPOMO, CAlIFORNIA 93444 . PLANTS: HIGHWAY 1 &: 801 RAlCOA WAY NIPOMO, CAlIFORNIA 93444 1291 MESA VIEW DRM ARROYO GRANDE. CAUFORNIA 93420 . PHONE: (80S) 343-2289 rURNING TO A RESOURCEFUL AMERICA . FAX: (80S) 343-5515 n 1: I{ . . Bob Hunt ~ 0 City Manager -0 -rt:;:::J :;::0 1>fT1 City of Arroyo Grande (..) :;co - ::;0 fT1 214 E. Branch St 0- -v~ Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 =: 00 ~ or:- :;:::J .. April 26 1996 N J> := . -.1 0 rn Dear Bob, Thank you for working so hard with us to craft a green wa~e program that answers the needs of the City. We look forward to implementing this program in Arroyo Grande, and seeing it succeed as it has done in other cities. We have a concern however over the matter of the exemptions that are available to the residents. As Mayor Dougall pointed out at the Council meeting of April 23, with reference to garbage service, there are certain fixed costs to operate a program, regardless of participation. As the number of exemptions granted under this program increases, so the fixed costs must be spread over fewer residents. We have estimated fixed costs for the program, and on those fixed costs, based our initial proposal to the City. While we certainly do not wish to burden the City with the accounting nightmare of fixed cotsts spread over only the participating. residents, and the variable rate structure that would ensue, we do feel that at some point, revenues from the program may fall below that neccessary to continue operation. Consequently we would like to reserve the right to re-examine the program on, at least, a semi-annual basis, and determine at that time whether a different rate structure is warranted. We trust that this is agreeable to the Council, and would like to move forward with the green waste program on that basis. Sincerely Stephen A. McGrath " '. ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING NOTICE ~ HEREBY GIVEN that a Public He3ring will be held by the City Council of Ie City of Arroyo Gnmde on the following. item: \.pplicanc: RALCCO Re::ycling ~ocation: CityWide )roposal: Establishment of a Greenwasre Recycling Program and Fee for Service ~epresentati'Ye: Robert L.. Hunty City Manager Any person affected or concerned by this item may submit written commems to the City :lerk before the City Council hearing or appear and be heard in suppOrt of or opposition co the ?roposal at the time of hearing. Any person interested in the item can. contaCt the City Manager's Office at 214. East Branch Streety Arroyo Grandey California during nonnal. business hours (8 a.m. [012 Noon and 1 [0 5 p.m.). . IF YOU CHALLENGE AN ITEM IN COURT, YOU MAYBE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE MJSED AT THE PUBUC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE OR IN WRITI'EN CORRESPONpENCE DELIVERED TO THE CITY COUNCIL AT, OR PRIOR TO, TIIE PUBLIC HEARING. FAll..URE OF ANY PERSON TO RECEIVE THE NOTICE SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE GROUNDS FOR ANY COURT TO INVALIDATE THE ACTION OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY FOR WInCH THE NOTICE WAS GIVEN. Date and Tune of Hearing: Tuesdayy April 23y 1996 at 7:30 p.m. Arroyo Grande City Council Chamber 215 East Branch Street Arroyo Grandey California 93420 7l~Cl. ~ CITY --""--"->-".-.- --..-.----- ," MEMORANDUM \ " " TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGE~ SUBJECT: ESTABLIS~ENT OF A GREEN WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM, FEE FOR SERVICE; AND APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT RECYCLING AGREEMENT DATE: APRIL 23, 1996 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City. Council at the close of the public hearing: 1) approve as presented or r,nodify as deemed appropriate RALCCO's proposal for green waste recycling services; 2) adopt a resolution establishing fees for recycling services; and 3) approve an amendment to the current Recycling Agreement. FUNDING; , Under the approved contract with RALCCO, the City is reimbursed for its administrative cost of collecting recycling fees. DISCUSSION: The City Council on March 6th approved an agreement with RALCCO Recycling for curbside .collection services in the City of Arroyo Grande. An element of the program is the collection of green waste. At the March 6th meeting, the Council modified the agreement in two areas. Item 0, Exhibit A, was changed to read, "Contractor shall prepare green waste program for the collection of residential yard waste and. shall submit it to the City Council for review and approval on or before July 1, 1996. Green waste shall be collected once a month commencing after Council approval of the program."; and Item C1 of the same Exhibit. was modified to read "A promotional campaign highlighting the addition of green waste collection shall occur for a period of 90 days after Council approval." Based on Council direction, RALCCO has prepared the attached Green Waste Recycling Program. As indicated, during the first full week of each month, commencing May 6, 1996, RALCCO will collect from residential and commercial customers compostable yard debris. Collection will occur on the customer's regular service day. Customers will be provided with i green waste stickers for attachment to their containers, which will then be placed on the curb .- CITY CQUNCIL ESTABLISHMENT OF A GREEN WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM FEE FOR SERVICE , , AND APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT RECYCLING AGREEMENT APRIL 23, 1996 PAGE 2 with the stickers visible from the street. Customers will be limited to six containers, each container weighing no more than 65 pounds. Acceptable material~ include clippings, plants and weeds, leaves, and branches (cut to 4'). Non-acceptable materials include dirt, rocks, and branches longer than 4'. RALCCO's promotional campaign will include direct solicitation of customers and advertising in the print media:. Per Council direction and after meeting with Council Member Fuller and staff, the program proposed by RALCCO includes an exemption to participation in the program wh~n: 1) a residential parcel of land is covered by buildings to the extent that no more than 500 square feet of the lot area is maintained as lawn, garden, or other landscaping; 2) a commercial lot where an area 500 square feet or less is maintained as lawn, garden, or other landscaping; or 3) there is a contract with a licensed landscaper that provides for the removal of green waste. The promotional material will advise customers that an exemption form is available from the City and the form must be returned to the City (central point of collection). Consistent with the terms of the Agreement for non-green waste recycling collection service, the City will be responsible for billing and the processing of exemption requests for residential customers and RALCCO will retain responsibility for all nonresidential customers. Based on observations by RALCCO 'during routine collection, should it be determined thai an exemption may not be warranted, it is the City's responsibility, per the recently adopted Refuse ordinance, to follow-up with a series of letters and/or other actions to ensure compliance with the program. The proposed collection fee for green waste recycling is 75 cents per household per month, condominiums/apartments/trailer parks based on the number of units, and commercial structures 75 cents per unit or per 2,000 square feet, whichever is grea~er. Because the proposed green waste program identifies fees in greater detail than the Recycling .Agreement, staff is recommending an amendment to the current agreement to ensure consistency between the two documents. The City agreed to implement a green waste program as pan of the City's Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE). Green waste makes up approximately 18% of the City's residential waste stream and 10.7% of the total waste stream. The City's SRRE estimates a green waste program would divert 7.6% of the City's waste from the landfill. Implementation of a green waste program would have a positive impact in the City's ability to attain the 50% diversion by the year 2000, pursuant to AB 939. The statewide average cost for green,waste recycli~g is $1 to $2 per month per household. ~ . CITY COUNCIL ESTABLISHMENT OF A GREEN WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM, FEE FOR SERVICE, AND APPROVAL OF AN AMENDME~ TO THE CURRENT RECYCLING AGREEMENT ( APRIL 23, 1996 .. PAGE 3 The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: A) Green W~e Recycling Program 1) Approve the Program as presented; 2) . Approve the Program with modifications; 3) Not approve the Program and direct RALCCO to provide other options. - B) Resolution Establishing Fees 1) Approve the resolution as presented; 2) Approve the resolution with modifications; 3) Not approve the resolution and retain the fees as identified in the current Recycling Agreement. C) Amendment to the Recycling Agreement 1) Approve the amendment as presented; 2) Approve the amendment with modifications; 3) Not approve the amendment. I.. It is recommended the City Council take public input and, at the close of the public hearing, approve as presented or modify as deeme~ appropriate RALCCO'S proposal for green waste recycling services; adopt a resolution establishing fees; and approve an amendment to the ourrent Recycling Agreement. KM/JV . . . \ '. . . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING RATES FOR RECYCiJNG COLLECTION SERVICES AND YARD REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande may detenninerates and charges for recycling collection services and yard refuse collection services pursuant to Government Code. Section 40059(a); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of .the City of Arroyo Grande that the rates for recycling collection seIVices and yard refuse collection services are set forth on Exhibit" A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was. passed and adopted this _ day of , 1996. A.K. "Pete" Dougall, Mayor A TIEST: Nancy A. Davis, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: tl1lw-l. ft lK~h --... Roger Lyon, City Attorney Robert L. Hunt, City Manager I, NANCY A. DAvIs, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the day of , 1996. WITNESS my hand ~d the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this _ da~ of , 1996. Nancy A. Davis, City Clerk ---"---'-'--"-- ---~-.- uy; ~ t 1.11'1 0. "-#"J'\MCL.. OU:J-:)".3-,JO:)( U4/ltH~Q 12:20 Job 779 Page 3 " EXHIBIT -A- ( , l. 1)1e monthly fee for residential'recycling collectiori service shall be Fifty Cents ($.50) per residential refuse account for single family dwelJings. . 2. The monthly fee for recycling collection services for multi-unit dwellings and commerciaJ! industrial businesses shaU be 4.8% of the monthly charge billed by South County Sanitary Services,for refuse collection service. . 3. The monthly fee for residential yard refuse (greenwaste) coJIection service shaH be Seventy-Five Cents ($.75) per residential refuse account for single family homes and Seventy-Five Cents ($.75) per unit for multi-unit dwellings (e.g.. condominiums, apartments and trailer parks). 4. The monthly fee for yard refuse (greenwaste) colleCtion service for commercial structures shall be Seventy-Five Cents ($.75) per unit or per 2,000 square feet, whichever is greater. ( ,- \ ------""..,'-- : LYON & CARMEL 805-543-3857 04/18/96 12:20 Job 779 Page 4/11 , FIRST AMENDML'IT TO CURBSIDE COLLECTION RECYCLING PROGRAM AGREEMENT This FIRST AMENDMENT TO CURBSIDE COLLECTION RECYCLING ?ROGRAM AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ~ day of , 1996, by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation of the' State of California (hereinafter referred to as "C;lTY"), and RALCCO, a California Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR"). WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Curbside Collection Recycling Program Agreement dated , 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the "Recycling Agreementj; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend certain portions of the Recycling Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises herein ~ontajned, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. Exhibit "B" to the Recycling Agreement is hereby d~leted and replaced with Exhibit liB" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Except as modified herein, alf tenns and conditions of the Recycling Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. RALCCO By: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: . A.K. .Pete" Dougall, Mayor . A TIEST: City Clerk . APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Kmu L./fu;;, ~ Timothy J. Carmel, Assistant City Attorney Robert L. Hunt, City Manager 'I . -' -.. - -. ,.....-- .........- ...,.,.'" "'...,...,. "-w" ,,,, ~\j 'c. . c. , -.lVU ,,;:, t"age 0111 I EXHIBIT -BOO ( \ A. Fees to be paid to CONTRACTOR: 1. The monthly fee for residential recycling collection service shaH be Fifty 'Cents ($.50) per residential refuse account for single family dwellings. . 2. The monthly fee for recycling collection services for multi-unit dweBings and commercial! industrial businesses shall be 4.8% of the monthly charge bi1led by South County Sanitary Services for basic refuse col1ection service. 3. The monthly fee for residential yard refuse collection service shall be Seventy-Five Cents ($.75) per residential refuse account for single family homes and Seventy- Five Cents ($.75) per unit for multi-unit dweHings (e.g.~ condominiums, apartments and trailer parks). 4. The monthly fee for yard refuse collection servic~ for commercial structures shall be Seventy-Five Cents ($.75) per unit or per 2,000 square feet, whichever is greater. . , The number of residential accounts shall be determined by the CITY Finance Department and shall include the number of residential accounts within the CITY which are presently { col1ected by the private hauler within the CITY limits. The number of accounts upon which the CONTRACTOR's monthly collection fee shall be based shall be detennined by the CITY's Finance Department as of June 30, 1995~ for the first year of the Agreement. The number of accopnts shall remain constant until June 30, 1996, when a review shall be conducted. The number of accounts and corresponding. monthly fees for succeeding YeMS shall be detennined by the CITY's Finance Department based upon the number of residential refuse accounts on June 30 of each subsequent YC3I of the Agreement. , . B. Invoice Procedure: : Payment of collection fees shall be made once per month based on the billable charges as described above. , 0 RALCCO RECYCLING - GREEN WASTE SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE \ APRIL 23 1996 -- - ....--..- -------.-.-.-..--.---- (- '. ~ACKGROUND As is every other city in California, Arroyo Grande is approaching the next A.B. .939 deadline, that requires 50% landfill diversion by the year 2QOO. To that end Arroyo Grande sought proposals for curbside collection of recyclables and green waste. The contract was aw~rded to RALCCQ, based on cost, programs and a history" of successful service to the City. A part of that co"ntract is the institution of a green waste collection program. Spring is the se'ason responsible for the majority of green waste generation. At this time of year, yards are being cleaned, fruit trees pruned: lawns mowed. To make the most of this opportunity for green waste diversion from the landfill, RALCCQ wishes to . implement the program as described below for the monthly collection of residential. green waste, as outlined in our proposal dated September 8 1995. THE PROGRAM ( During the first full week of each month, commencing May 6th 1996, RALCCO t will collect from residential and commercial customers compostable yard debris. Collection will occur on the customer's regular service day. Customers will be pr~vided with green waste stickers for attachment to their containers, which will then be placed on the curb, with the stickers visible from the street. Customers will be limited to six containers, weighing no more than 65 pounds each. Material may also be cut and bundled, no longer than four .feet. Acceptable materials include clippings, plants and weeds, leaves, branches (cut to 4'). Non acceptable materials include dirt, rocks, containers, branches longer than ~'. EQUIPMENT Material will be collected by a 30 cubic yard side loader, and transported to other composting and recycling facilities, until development of RALCCQ's composting facility on the Nipomo Mesa. ( -- "-----,,-------- pROMOTION RALCCO will institute a promotional campaign for the implementation of the program. This will include direct solicitation of ~ur existing customers and print advertising. Our experience in both Morro Bay and Cambria suggests that pUblic acceptance of the program will be fast and enthu5uaistic. Upon calling RALCCO at 489-CURB for the institution of service, customers will be mailed detailed . instructions and green waste stickers. Informational materials and stickers will be available on an ongoing basis at City Hall, or by calling RALCCO. COST The additional cost for the once monthly collection of residential green waste, as outlined in our initial proposal, is 75ft per household per month. Condominiums, apartments and trailer parks will be assessed 75~ per residential unit; commercial properties will be assesse9 75~ per unit or per 2,000 square feet whichever total is greater. . EXCEPTIONS It is understood that certain properties may not generate yard debris. To address that issue, the following exceptions to the mandatory pay program for yard debris collection shall apply: 1 Residential or commercial parcels with no more than 500 s.f. maintained as lawn, garden or other landscaping 2 Property owners having a contract with a licensed landscaper, which provides for removal of green waste (contract or recent invoice required). Exemptions to the green waste mandatory pay program must be applied for in writing to the CitY, and are good for one year. Extensions must be requested in writing, by the owner or occupant. Green waste will not be collected from properties with a valid exemption in place. . . .. COMING SOON TO THE CURB NEAR YOU: ( ARROYO GRANDE GREEN WASIE COLLECTION AND RECYCLING WHAT IS GREEN WASTE? ANYTHING COMPOSTABLE { _. THAT COMES OUT OF YOUR GARDEN: Lawn Clippings · Shrubs · Tree Branches · Plants · Weeds Call RALCCO at 489-CURB for complete instructions for Green Waste Recycling, including the Green Waste Stickers to apply to your can. PLEASE NOTE: . Six Containers Maximum, 65 Pounds Per Can · No Rocks, Dirt, Plant Containers, Or Other Inorganic Material . Branches Must Be Cut To A Maximum Of 4' Long \ ~ a .~ '" 0 z :c - ~ . -a u u u.J <. ~ >- '" ~ u U1%UI 'S U1u.J..O-;:) e~ <co , \J "'U1 ~~% :t- ~ t; <.-< :;) < c,..... = ~ " Us ~~~ ." % ~ <. a ~ ~ ~ c: ~ ~ c: 'i.6VJ VVtf6 V\N~~nVJ 'OV'tOdIN · ) S\nl u~s Ol t t "Ii3M'fflO '0"0 · ! ~tu.uad 0>>118 ,"d 1~~" 'Ilnca ~g~~~ ",_rn";;)F- ~-:\:I '" E - a ::s co .' 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'. . .. ... .....-.. .. .... _0 . . : .- EXEMPTION TO - GREENWASTE COLLEcnON ( The property, located at , is exempt from greenwa.ste collection based on the following: Check One or More ( ) Residential parcel of land covered by buildings to the extent that no more than 500 square feet of lot area remains maintained as lawn, garden, or other landscaping (e.g., front yard xeriscaped, back yard maintained with turf) ; ( ) Commercial lot whereon an area of 500 square feet or less is maintained in lawn, garden, or other landscaping; or ( ) Contract with licensed landscaper, which provides for remo~ of greenwaste (attach contract or most current ~voice). I certify the above to be tt:Ue and correct. (~. Signature - Owner/Occupant p.rim Signature Date Exemption is good for one (1) year from the above date. Extension of the exemption must be requested in writing by the owner/occupant - Keep a copy for your records. Retqm to: City of Arroyo Grande P. O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 . < AGREEMENT. - CURBSIDE COLLECTION RECYCLING PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT is made upon the date of execution, as set forth below, by and between RALCCO, with its principal place of business located in the County of San Luis Obispo (hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR"), and the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"). RECITALS WHEREAS, CITY is required to comply with various solid waste legislation aimed at reducing the amount of the CITY's waste stream; and WHEREAS, CITY has determined it is in the public interest to proceed with the work hereinafter described as "Project"; and WHEREAS, CITY has dete~ined the Project involves performance' of services of a temporary nature; and WHEREAS, CITY does not have available employees to perform the services for. the Project; and WHEREAS, CITY has requested CONTRACTOR to perform services for Project; and WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR is a California Division of Recycling Certified Processor for aluminum, glass and plastic and CONTRACTOR has met the requirements of obtaining CITY business license; and WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR's services are intended to assist the CITY in meeting the State requirements for waste reduction and recycling as mandated by the Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939); NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, in consideration hereof of the mutual covenants contained herein, hereby agree to the following terms and conditions: 1.00 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.01 GRANT OF FRANCHISE: TERM: AND ACCEPTANCE A. CITY does hereby give and grant to the said CONTRACTOR the exclusive right and franchise to provide a recycling program in the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE for a period of three (3) years, commencing April 1, 1996, plus one (1) two year extension based on performance, subject to Council approval, and subject to earlier termination as set forth herein. B. ,CONTRACTOR hereby accepts the franchise and agrees to provide a CityWide Curbside Recycling Program at the rates hereinafter provided, in accordance with this Agreement and all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of any governmen- tal agency, including CITY. -.,.... ---- --~- -.--. C. The CITY Manager, or his designated representative, shall be the representative of CITY for all purposes under this Agreement. Contract - Administrator shall be the representative of CONTRACTOR for all purposes under this Agreement; should circumstances arise requiring a substitute representative for CONTRACTOR hereunder, the substitute representative designee shall be subject to the prior written acceptance and approval of CITY. . 1.02 FRANCHISE FA YMENTS: DELINQUENCY: GUARANTEE: COLLEC- TION OF ACCOUNTS A. In consideration for the exclusive grant of franchise herein, CON- TRACTOR agrees to pay to CITY the sum of five percent (5 %) of annual curbside recycling collection revenues within the CITY, payable monthly on or before the last business day of the foHowing month, during the tenn of this Agreement. Curbside recycling collection revenues shall be calculated on an accrual basis. . Gross revenues shall be calculated on a cash basis for all residential accounts collected by CITY. Payment shall be made to CITY at City Hall, P.O. Box 550, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421. B. Payments made more than thirty (30) days after the date due shall be delinquent. CONTRACTOR or CITY shall pay a late charge of five percent (5%) per month, or any part thereof on the amount delinquent, to cover added administra- tive expenses on the part of CITY or CONTRACTOR by reason of such delinquen- cy. The parties agree that such sum represents a fair estimate of such added expens- es. C. CITY agrees to bill CONTRACTOR's residential cuStomers on said CITY's water billing when CITY water customers are identical to CONTRACTOR's customers, and CONTRACTOR requests CITY to do so in writing. CITY shall deduct a 5 % Administrative service fee from all customer collection received by CITY on behalf of CONTRACTOR. CITY shall remit to CONTRACTOR all customer collection, less the franchise fee of five percent (5 %) of the gross plus the administrative service fee, as referenced above, on or before the last busine~s day of the month following the month of collection. D. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all billing not done by CITY . pursuant to Paragraph C herei nabove and shaH make aH coHections for services rendered under this Franchise Agreement. 1.03 TIME FOR PERFORMANCE CONTRACTOR shaH continue uninterrupted a11 current curbside recycling services and shall perform other services within the time frames specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and in other sections of this agree- ment. CONTRACTOR shall not be responsible for performance delays beyond the CONTRACTOR's control, and such delays shall extend the times for performance of the work by the CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall immediately advise CITY in writing 2 --- -. - of any such delay and the specific reason therefor. - 1.04 SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR agrees to perform or provide the services specified in "CONTRACTOR - SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED" attached hereto as "Exhibit A". CONTRACTOR shall determine the method, details and means of performing the above-referenced services. CONTRACTOR may, at CONTRACTOR's own expense, employ such assistants as CONTRACTOR deems necessary to perform the services required of CON- TRACTOR by this agreement. CITY may not control, direct or superVise CONTRAC- TOR's assistants or employees in the performance of those services. 1.05 ANNUAL REVIEW No later than sixty (60) days prior to each anniversary date of this agreement, the CITY and the CONTRACTOR shall review the operations, procedures, and terms pf this agreement. 1.06 PAYMENT TERMS CITY agrees to pay CONTRACTOR in accordance with the payment terms Set forth in Exhibit liB" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2.00 OBLTGA TTONS OF CONTRACTOR 2.01. MINIMUM AMOUNT OF SERVICE BY CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR agrees to devote the hours necessary to perform the services set forth in this agreement in an efficient and effective nianner~ CONTRACTOR may represent, perform services for and be employed by additional individuals or entities, in CONTRACTOR's sole discretion, as long as the performance of these extra-contractual services do not interfere with or present a conflict with CONTRACTOR's duties and obligations as set forth herein. 2.02 TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTALITIES CONTRACTOR shaH provide an tools and instrumentalities necessary or helpful to perform the services under this agreement except those listed in "CITY - SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED" attached hereto as "Exhibit "C" and incorporated herein by this reference. 2.03 WORKERS' COMPENSA TTON AND OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CITY and CONTRACTOR intend and agree that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and agree that CONTRACTOR's employees and agents have no right to workers' compensation and other employee benefits. ~f any worker insurance protection is 3 __ _n_.._.___~_._ ~_._. desired, CONTRACTOR agrees to provide worker's compensation and other employee benefits, where required by law, for CONTRACTOR's employees and agents. - CONTRACTOR agrees to hold harmless and indemnify CITY for any and all ctalms for damages due to injury, disability or death of CONTRACTOR and/or CONTRACTOR's employees or agents. 2.04 INDEMNIFICATION CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to, and shaH, hold CITY, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees, harmless from any liability for damage or claims for .damage, or suits or actions at law or in equity which may be alleged to arise from CONTRACTOR's or any of CONTRACTOR's employees or agents' negligent actions or failures to act under this agreement, whether such actions or failures to act are the result of passive or active negligence or may give rise to legal responsibility under any other legal theory (including, but not limited to, strict liability), provided as follows: A. That the CITY does not, and shall not, waive any rights against CON- TRACTOR which it may have.by reason of the aforesaid hold-hannless agreement, because of the acceptance by CITY, or the deposit with CITY by CONTRACTOR, of any of the insurance policies hereinafter described. B. That the aforesaid hold-harmless agreement by CONTRACTOR shall apply to all damages and claims for damages of every kind suffered, or alleged to have been suffered, by reason of any.of the aforesaid operations of CON1'MCTOR or any agent or employee of CONTRACTOR regardless of whether or not such insurance policies shaH have been determined to be applicable to any of such damages or - claims for damages. 2.05 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against c1aims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the CONTRACTOR, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum SCQpe of Insurance Coverage shaH be at least as broad a~: 1. Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 covering Broad form Comprehensive General Liability; or Insurance Services Office Commercial .' General Liability coverage (occurrence fonn GC 0001). 2. Insurance Services Office fonn number CA 0001 (Ed. 1/78) covering Automobile Liability, Code 1 any auto and endorsement CA 0025. 3. Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. 4 _._--_..~_.__._-----_...._- B. Minimum Limits of Insurance - CONTRACTOR shall maintain limits no less than: l. General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately' to this program or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the occurrence limit. 2. Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3. Employer's Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. C. Deductible and Self-Insured Retentions Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the CITY. At the option of the CITY, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the CITY, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the CONTRACTOR shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, c1aims administration and defense expenses. D. Other Insurance Provisions The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain,or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1. The CITY, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR and completed operations of the CONTRACTOR, premises owned, occupied or used by the CONTRACTOR, or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the CONTRACTOR. The coverage shall maintain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 2. For any claims related to this program, the CONTRACTOR's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shaH be in excess of the CONTRACTOR's insurance' and shall not contribute with it. 3. Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 5 -'."~"'. 4. The CONTRACTOR's insurance shall apply separate~y to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought,. except with respect. to the - limits of the insurer's liability. . 5. Each insurance policy required. by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written nqtice by certified mail, return receipt requested, . has been given to the CITY. E. Acc~tability of Insurers . Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than- A: VII. F. Verification of Covera~e CONTRACTOR shall furnish the CITY with original endorsements effecting coverage required by thIs clause. The endorsement for each insurance policy is to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. All endorsements are to be received and approved before work commences. The CONTRACTOR's insurer shall provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements effecting the coverage required by these provisions. G. Subcontractors CONTRACTOR shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and. endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverage for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements as stated herein. 3.00 OBLIGATIONS OF CITY 3.01 COOPERATION '"CITY agrees to c9mply with all reasonable requests of CONTRACTOR necessary to the perfonnance of CONTRACTOR's duties under this agreement, specifically including those duties listed in Exhibit" A," hereby incorporated: . 4.00 TERMiNATION OF AGREEMENT 4.01 TERMINATION ON NOTICE Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, any party hereto may tenninate this agreement, at .any time, without cause by giving at least 90 days prior written notice to the other party to this agreement. , 6 4.02 TERMINATION ON OCCURRENCE OF STATED EVENTS - This agreement shall terminate automatically on the occurrence of any of the following events: 1. Bankruptcy or insolvency of any party; 2. Sale of the business of any party; 3. Dissolution of the corporation; 4. The end of the ninety (90) days as set forth in Section 4.01; 5. Assignment of this agreement by CONTRACTOR without thc,consent of the CITY. 6. Expiration of the term of this agreement as set forth in Section 1.01. 4.03 TERMINATION BY ANY PARTY FOR DEFAUL TOF 'CONTRACTOR Should any party default in the performance of this agreement or materially breach of any of its provisions, a non-breaching party, at their option, may tex:minate this agreement, immediately, by giving written notice of termination to the breaching party. 4.04 TERMINATION . . This Agreement shall terminate as specified in Section 4.02 unless extended as set forth in this Section. Otherwise, the CITY, with the agreement of CONTRACTOR, is authorized to extend the term of this three year Agreement beyond the termination date, as needed, under the same terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Any such extension shall be in writing and be an amendment to this Agreement. 5.00 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 5.01 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION During the performance of this agreement, CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant because of race, religion, creed, color, national origin, sex or age. CONTRACTOR shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants employed, are treated during employment, without regard to their race, religion, creed, color, national origin, sex or age. 5.02 EXCLUSIVITY All reports and other documents prepared by the CONTRACTOR pursuant to this agreement shan be the property of the CITY; CITY is entitled to fun and unrestricted use of such reports and other documents prepared by the CONTRACTOR pursuant to this agreement. 7 5.03 RECORDS - The CONTRACTOR shall maintain adequate records to permit inspection and audit of CONTRACTOR's services provided and charges imposed under this agreement. CONTRACTOR shall make such records available to CITY for inspection at any reasonable time. CONTRACTOR will ensure that its record keeping pennits the preparation of financial statements that are in confonnance with generally accepted accounting practices and standards. CITY, however, retains the absolute right to conduct its own audit at any time. CITY and its auditors will have the right to examine all records and accounts at any time during CONTRACTOR's office hours. Subject to the terms of Section 5.02 or unless otheIWise required by law, nothing herein shall convert such records into public records and they shall be available only to the CITY or CITY's authorized agents. Such records shall be maintained by CONTRACTOR for a minimum of three years from completion of the work under this agreement. New and unforeseen work shall be classed as extra work when detennined in writing by the City Manager for the CITY of Arroyo Grande that such work is not covered by the terms of this agreement. Agreed upon extra work shall be paid for on a time and material basis. 5.04 CONFIDENTIALITY CITY and CONTRACTOR agree that until final approval by CITY or unless otherwise required by law, all data, reports and other documents are confidential and shall not be released to third parties without the prior written consent of both parties. 6.00 MISCELLANEOUS 6.01 REMEDIES The remedies set forth in this agreement shall not be exclusive but shall be cumulative with, and in addition to, all remedies now or hereafter allowed by law or equity. 6.02 NO WAIVER The waiver of any breach by any party of any provision of. this agreement shall not constitute a continuing waiver or a waiver of any subsequent breach of this agreement. 6.03 ASSIGNMENT .This agreement is specifically not assignable by CONTRACTOR to any person or entity. Any assignment or attempt to assign by CONTRACTOR, whether it be voluntary or involuntary, by operation of law or otherwise, is void and is a material breach of this agreement giving rise to a right to terminate as set forth in Section 4.03. 6.04 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES CONTRACTOR and CITY agree that in case the work called for under the Contract and related documents is not completed within the stipulated due date, damages will be sustained by the CITY and that it is and will be impracticable and infeasible to detennine 8 the actual damage sustained by the CITY in the event of and by reason of such delay; it is therefore agreed that the CONTRACTOR shall pay to the CITY of Arroyo Grande) as - damages and not as a penalty) the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150) per day for each and every calendar day)s delay in fini~hing the work in excess of the stipulated due date. Imposition of liquidated damages shall be at the sole discretion of the City Manager. 6.05 A TIORNEY FEES In the event of any controversy) claim or dispute between the parties .hereto) arising out of or relating to this agreement, or the breach thereof) the prevailing party shall be entitled) in addition to such other relief as may be granted) to a r~onable sum as and for attorney fees and costs. 6.06 TIME FOR PERFORMANCE Time is expressly declared to be of the essence of this agreement. Except as . . otherwise expressly provided for in this agreement, should the performance of any act required by this agreement to be perfonned by either party be prevented or delayed by reason by any act of God, strike, lockout, labor trouble, inability to secure materials) or any other cause except financial inability not the fault of the party required to perform the act) the time for perfonnance of the act wiU be extended for a period of time equivalent to the period of delay and perfonnance of the act during the period of delay will be excused; provided, however, that nothing contained in this Section shall excuse the prompt payment by either party as required by this agreement) or the performance of any act rendered difficult or impossible solely because of the financial condition of the party required to perform the act. 6.07 NOTICES Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, any and all notices or other communications required or permitted by the agreement or by law to be served on or given to any party to this agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly served and given when personally delivered or in lieu of such personal service when deposited in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid to the following address for each respectiv~ party: PARTY ADDRESS A. RALCCO P.O. Box 1170 Contract Administrator Nipomo, CA 93444 B. City Manager P.O. Box 550 City of Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 6.08 GOVERNING LAW This agreement and all matters relating to this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California in force at the time any decision or holding concerning this agreement arises: 9 6.09 BINDING EFFECT - This agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto, but nothing in this Section shall be construed as a consent by CITY to any assignment of this agreement or any interest iri this agreement. 6.10 SEVERABILITY This agree~ent constitutes the sole and entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. This agreement correctly sets forth the obligations of the parties hereto to each other as of the date of this agreement. An agreements or representations respecting the subject matter of this agreement not expressly set forth or referred to in this agreement are null and void. 6.11 DUE AUTHORITY The parties hereby represent that the individuals executing this agreement are expressly authorized to do so on and hi. behalf of the parties. . 6.12 CONSTRUCTION The parties agree that each party and counsel have reviewed this agreement and that any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in the interpretation of this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits thereto. The captions of the Sections are for convenience and reference only, and are not ~ntended to be construed to define or limit the provisions to which they relate. 6.13 AMENDMENTS , Amendments to this agreement shall be made only with the mutual written . consent of all of the parties to this agreement. Executed on March 21 , 1996, at the CITY of Arroyo Grande. CONTRACTOR: ~.~~ RALCCO CITY: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 10 A TrEST: - ~ . ~a.~ Nancy Davi City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~LQTL ,-ffliNJ Robert L. Hunt, City Manager 11 -~-'-'-_._--~--'-~"_..__._-- " EXHffiIT "A" - CONTRACTOR - SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED The operation of residential curbside collection shall be in accordance with the following outline: A. TARGETED MATERIALS TO BE COLLECTED BY CONTRACTOR Materials to.be collected by the CONTRACTOR shall include, but not be limited to the following: - Styrofoam - Aluminum Cans - Bi-Metal Beverage Cans - Glass Beverage Cans and other Jars and Bottles - Plastic Contai ners (# 1-7) - Newspapers, Magazines, Junk Mail, Phone Books - Aluminum Foil, Pet Food Cans, T.V. Dinner Trays, Pie Plates and other Food Containers - HDPE Plastic Milk Jugs, Water Jugs and other Non-Food Containers - Textiles consisting of non-usable clothing and rags - Kraft Paper Grocery Bags - Cardboard, Office Paper, and Computer Printout Paper (Commercial Accounts, Schools, Churches, and Government Agencies) - Used Motor Oil . - Greenwaste ~ - Any and all other materials mutually agreed upon by CITY and CONTRACTOR or required unde~ Public Resources Code Section 40000 et seq. B. COLLECTION CONTAINERS All single family residences may be required to use designated curbside collection containers to be provided free of charge by CONTRACTOR. Only customers who specifically request containers shall receive them. CONTRACTOR shall advise customers of the availability of collection containers. Customers. shall receive as many containers as they require for curbside services. In the event any containers are damaged, they shaH be recycled as they are constructed of HDP~ plastic, for which CONTRACTOR has developed recycling markets. Stolen or damaged containers shall be replaced at no charge to residents or the CITY. The recycling containers shall have a highly visible label that provides CONTRACTOR's name and phone number, a space for the resident's address as wen as a large recycling logo for easy identification. A separate designated container for used motor oil shall be provided to customers upon request. Customers shall only use the containers provided by the - CONTRACTOR unless approved by the CITY. .c. CONTAINER DELIVERY Container delivery shall be accomplished in the following manner: 12 I I I .--- 1. A promotional campaign highlighting the addition of greenwaste coHection . shall occur for a period of 90 days after Council approval. - - 2. The customer's name, address, phone number, recycling service day, and the number of containers requested shall be entered into a computer data base and . shall be available to the CITY. This information shall be made available to ,the City no later than 120 days after approval of the contract and by June 30th of each subsequent year of the contract. 3. Residents who call in before the initial service start date shall receive their containers one week prior to that date. After initiation of the program, drivers shall be issued a "new service" list daily. Containers shall be delivered within one week of the customer's phone order aIJ.d service shall commence on the customer's next garbage/recycling day. Recycling instructions and educational information shall be provided with delivery of containers. D. COLLECTION . Collection shall take place once a week on each resident's garbage collection day. The CONTRACTOR shall establish records of driving route directions on a computer disk for the training of drivers or in case of an emergency driver replacement. All materials shall be collected, co-mingled, with no customer sorting required. Customers shall be required to have their containers set out by 6:30 a.m. on their trash day. Newspapers shall be required to be string tied or ~tacked flat in a paper grocery bag. Collectors shall be trained to place empty containers upside down to prevent wind from rolling or moving them to other locations. A recycling container, distinguishable from other recycling containers, shall be issued to all handicapped residents. Handicapped participants shall receive front door pickup service. E. BROKERAGE AND MARKETING OF COLLECTED MATERIALS CONTRACTOR shall assume the responsibility to broker and market all 'recyclable materials collected through the program. It shall be the prerogative of the CITY to direct the flow of the materials collected by the CONTRACTOR at any and all times. CONTRACTOR has the required infrastructure at its Nipomo Mesa facility to provide the CITY of Arroyo Grande with the collection, hauling, sortiIig, processing and marketing of recyclable solid waste materials. F. SERVICE AREA CONTRACTOR shall agree to service all.accounts within the incorporated CITY limits currently receiving refuse collection by private hauler. Service collection shall begin concurrently to all areas of the CITY. The CITY Finance Department shall' identify the service area as that area for which refuse collection services are provided by private hauler. 13 I G. MULTI-LIVING/COMMERCIAL UNITS - CONTRACTOR shall agree to service all multi-family housing units and commercial/industrial businesses. CONTRACTOR shall solicit multi-units, commercial and industrial establishments for appointments to review their service needs. CONTRACTOR shall provide, at no cost to the commercial/indusnial business and CITY, waste "audits" to determine if they can reduce a significant percentage of waste by recycling. Each quarter, beginning in June 1996, 25% of all non-participating multi-unit, commercial, and industrial businesses will be contacted directly by CONTRACTOR either by mail, phone, or personal visit. A minimum of 30% of the contact shall be by telephone or personal contact. Withi~ 20 days from the end of the quarter, CONTRACTOR shall provide a report certifying to the number of contacts, type of contacts (mail, telephone, visit), meeting the 30% requirement, and result of the contacts. H. ONGOING PUBLIC OUTREACH AND EDUCATION All materials associated with Public outreach and education may include the CITY logo of which an example shall be provided by the CITY. CON}'RACTOR's promotional and educational program shall contain the following and shall be subject to approval by the CITY: 1. Contractor shall pay for publishing a semiannual City newsletter, which will contain articles about the Curbside Recycling Prog~ and be printed on recycled paper. The City will prepare and write articles for the newsletter, with the assistance of the CONTRACTOR. The City will be responsible for mailing the newsletter to all City residents, businesses, and post office boxes. 2. Contact of the local print and broadcast media to obtain mass coverage of the continuing curbside recycling program. (Information shall include AB 939 education, behind the scenes program preparation, recycling and waste reduction facts, and local business and Chamber of Commerce involvement.) 3. Ongoing purchasing of media advertising. At a minimum, media advertising shall include :3 ten second and 1 thirty second spots on local radio and/or television stations and 6 1/8 page ads in local newspapers each calendar year. Media advertising shall be included in CONTRACTOR's annual report to the. CITY. 4. A semiannual newsletter, "The Curbside Communicator": shall be distributed to all participating residents. Other educational pieces shall include how to identify new materials that are recyclable and materials that shall not be accepted. All educational information shall be delivered free of charge via curbside containers. 14 ~- 5. Press releases shall be written and distributed to the local newspaper~. A minimum of five press releases per calendar year. Press release efforts shall - be included in CONTRACTOR's annual report to the CITY. 6. CONTRACTOR shall perform ongoing public speaking engagements and presentations for businesses, service groups, schools, churches and other interested organizations. Educational presentations to K-12 shall take place in cooperation with, and at the request of, individual teachers. Each sChool will be contacted and given promotional materials to distribute to individual teachers. CONTRACTOR will attempt to perfonn 20 classroom presentations in each school year. Service organizations, trade associations and other groups will be contacted individually. CONTRACTOR will attempt to perform eight presentations to such groups per year. . 7. Current residential sign-up exceeds 80%, and set-out is at over 50%. CONTRACTOR will attempt to increase the set-out rate by 5% annually during the term of the contract. Each existing client will be contacted directly, through flyers plaCed in the recycling bins, at least twice annually, in order to increase diverted tonnage. Such contacts wiU not occur during the winter holiday period (November 15 - January 2), or during the summer months (June 15 - August 30). 8. Vehicles shall be available for participation in 10cal parades and community festivals where a waste reduction display and ii1form~tion are provided. 9. CONTRACTOR shall also provide educational materials as part of CONTRACTOR's ongoing promotional and educational campaign pertaining to recycling. Such materials may include but shall not be limited to the following: - Children's coloring books - Recycling posters - Stickers - Pencils and note pads - ButtonslBalloons - Kit~hen Magnets. - Key chainslbottle openers - Video presentations Quantities of materials distributed and number of video presentations shall be included as part of CONTRACTOR's annual report to the City. 10. CONTRACTOR shall publish annually other recycling altemati.ve .listings for businesses free of charge to help divert waste from entering landfills. CONTRACTOR shall act as a referral service for customers who need to locate their nearest recycling center or disposal alternative. 15 ~,....._.__.__.....- "-'---'-'-- 11. CONTRACTOR shall distribute a survey once each year during th~ term of this agreement to 'all nonparticipating residents to encourage participation. The - survey will not be distributed during the winter holiday period or during the summer months. Results of the survey wiH be inc1uded in CONTRACTOR's annual report to the City. 12. CONTRACTOR shall provide participating merchants with a window sticker for their participation. 13. It shall continue to be CONTRACTOR's policy to continual~y create new. avenues for education. 14. CONTRACTOR to submit promotion program encompassing all of the above for review and approval by CITY within 180 days after approval of the contract and by June 30th of each subsequent year of the contract. Annual expenditures on promotions should not be .less than an average of $15,000 over the three (3) year period. Promotion cost for the two (2) year extension period will be subject to further negotiations between the City and Contractor. CONTRACTOR may involve other cities in any promotional program. 15. CONTRACTOR shall keep accurate records of the services and other duties required by this Section H, sufficient to enable CITY to determine if the terms . hereof have been satisfied and shall provide said records in the program reports required by Section I. below. 16. All information for Spanish speaking customers shall.be provided in .both English and Spanish. 17. CONTRACTOR shall provide, at least twice annually, a composting demonstration at special events. as specified by CITY. 1. PROGRAM REPORTS CONTRACTOR shall be required to submit to the CITY program reports necessary to comply' with any and all current and future requirements. Additionally, th~ . CONTRACTOR shall be required to provide a monthly report of activities to the City Manager. At the conclusion of each year of operation the contractor shall submit a comprehensive year-end report to the City Manager in conjunction with the annual review required by Paragraph LOS, of the Agreement. At a minimum, reports shall summarize: (1) Monthly: weight, by material, of all material collected; participation and sign up rates; dollar contribution to the City's recycling development program, (2) Quarterly: summary of the above; records required by Sections G and HIS, (3) Annual: summary of the above; evaluation of the success of the program; recommendations for changes in the program. All reports shall be in accordance with the participating agencies and in compliance with the Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan and AB 939. 16 Monthly reports shall be furnished to the City within twenty (20) days of ~e end of the calendar month. The year-end report shall be submitted to the City within thirty - (30) days from June 30th of each year beginning June 30, 1997. J. VEHICLES AND EMPLOYEES CONTRACTOR shall operate muIti-compartment collection vehicles on all residential routes. Vehicle shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition during all collections. CONTRACTOR shall also provide back up collection vehicles and pick up trucks to handle special service needs. The graphics on the collection vehicles shall be eye catching to stimulate a positive response from the community toward recycling subject to CITY approval. K. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES All collection vehicles shall be equipped with two-way radios to service customer complaints, missed containers or special calls. Any and all spills shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to promptly clean. Brooms and dust pans shall be aboard all. vehicles to clean up spills or breakage. Fire extinguisher, fl~ lights and first aid kits shall also be available to handle complaints or missed containers. A twenty-four hour answering service shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR for optimal customer service. All promotional and educational material shall designate the CONTRACTOR as the point of contact for the purposes of complaint. Copies of complaints shall be provided to the City on a quarterly basis (March-June-September-December). Complaint fonns shall ~nclude date of complaint, customer's name, nature of complaint, resolution of complai~lt, date of resolution. L. Upon collection of used motor oil, CONTRACTOR shall transport said used motor oil to an appropriate. disposal site approved by the CITY. M. A household recyclable hazardous waste disposal program in conformance with CITY household hazardous waste element shall be established. CONTRACTOR shall prepare a program for review and approval by the City Manager on or before April I, 1996. As requested by the CITY, on a date mutually. agreed upon by the parties and designated as "Residential Hazardous Waste Roundup Day," CONTRACTOR will conduct a collection event for recyclable household hazardous wastes, specifically oil and oil filters, latex paint, automobile batteries and anti freeze. Said event shall take place at a central location designated by the City. CONTRACTOR agrees to prepare all applications and manifests and to obtain all necessary approvals. One such event shall be held in the first year of the contract. If total material amount collected at the event is less than 50 % of total hazardous materials collected curbside during the previous twelve months (oil collection at the curb averages about 1800 gallons per year), then it shall be determined that there is no need for subsequent events, and promotion shall be aimed at increasing collection at the curb. All costs for this service shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. N. CONTRACTOR shall prepare a tire recycling program, in conformance with Public Resources Code Section 42870 et seq. and shall submit it to the City Manager for review and approval on or before May I, 1996. 17 O. CONTRACTOR shall prepare a greenwaste program for the collection of .residential yard wastes and shall submit it to the City Council for review and approval on or - before July 1, 1996. Greenwaste shall be collected once a month commencing after Council approval of the program. P. RECYCLING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM For every ton of recyclable material, exclusive of greenwaste, collected in Arroyo Grande, CONTRACTOR will deposit $10 into a fund established by CITY for a recycling development program. Payment into the program shall be remitted on a monthly basis. This program will act as an incentive to increase recycling in both residential and commercial programs. The use of program funds shall be at the sole discretion of the City. Based on a projection of 1995 residential and commercial tons of recyc1ables collected, $10 per ton for 1995 will be $18,593~ Q. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR COLLEGE STUDIES FOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR will award $1000 college scholarships each year to five (5) Arroyo Grande resident high school students. Totaling $5000 (each year), the awards will be made to students for college studies in resource management fields. CONTRACTOR will work with representatives of the Luci~ Mar Unified School District and Arroyo Grande High School to develop criteria for the awarding of scholarships. . The scholarship program shall be in place by June 1996. R. CONTRACTOR shall prepare other local programs necessary for City's compliance with the recycling provisions of AB 939 (Public Resources Code Section 40000 et seq the Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989). 1.8 ~ EXHIBIT "B" - I. Fees to be paid to. CONTRACTOR A. The monthly collection fee, per residential refuse account, shall be fifty (.50) cents for residential refuse recycling and seventy-five (.75) cents for' green waste recycling. The number of residenti~ accounts shall be determined by the CITY Finance Department and shall include the number of residential accounts within the CITY which are presently collected by the private hauler within the CITY limits. The number of accounts upon which the CONTRACTOR's monthly collection fee shan be based shaH be determined by the CITY Finance Department as of June 30, 1995, for the first year of the agreement. The number of accounts shall remain constant until June 30, 1996, when a review shall be conducted. . The number of accounts and corresponding monthly fees for succeeding years shall be determined by the CITY Finance Department based upon the number of residential refuse accounts on June 30, of each subsequent year of the agreement. B. The monthly collection fee for multi unit dwellings and commercial/industrial businesses shall be 4.8% of the monthly charge billed by South County Sanitary Services for refuse service. II. Invoice Procedure. A. Payment of collection fees shall be made once per month based on the billable charges as described in A & B above. . . 19 EXHIBIT "C" - CITY - SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED 1. Approval of the direct mail brochure sent to all residences with instructions on how to participate in the curbside program and encouraging participation in the program, as well as aIiy ongoing educational materials. Also pennission to use the CITY logo on any promotional material. 2. Use of the CITY's municipal bulk rate mailing permit number, for annual CITY/CONTRACTORdirect mail piece. CONTRACTOR, however, shall pay the cost involved. 3. Use of CITY maps containing street names and index. 4. Routing plans will be reviewed to ensure. coordination with refuse collection trucks. 5. Review and comment on CONTRACTOR's plan of collection. 6. Administration of contract. 7. Receive and review all programs required pursuant to this agreement, receive and review reports required by current and future solid waste legislation as wen as all infonnation, calculations, and proposals. 8. Process payments as submitted by the CONTRACTOR and. approved by the Contract Administrator. 9. Monitor and direct the flow, at CITY's option, of all. materials collected by the CONTRACTOR. 10. Prepare and mail newsletter for semiannual City newsletter. 20 ....""........ ...'-' J..JJO J.,..)....JJ. I-'.\()l ~ C. I i for n ,i a E n vir 0 n me.. n t a l.f...r n r e r t ; 0 nAg e n c y \;) N E _..e..M_ .... 1- - _. M . ._~ I n t e ATIAClHENT 12 , - . Attn: Environment Editor For Immediate Release Contact: John Frith December 15, 1998 Eric Lamoureux 98-149 (916) 255-2296 opa@ciwmb.ca.gov STATE ANNOUNCES FIVE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY CITIES EXCEEDED GARBAGE-CUTTING MANDATE TWO OTHER CENTRAL COAST CITIES RECOGNIZED FOR GOOD FAITH EFFORTS TOWARD MEETING MANDA TE SACRAMENTO- The California Integrated Waste Management Board - the state's primary recycling agency - announced today that the San Luis Obispo County cities of Grover Beach. Morro 8ay. Paso Robles. Pismo 8each, and San Luis Obispo have exceeded the state r~uirement to reduce the amount of garbage in landfills. and have helped the state keep 100 million tons of waste out of landfills since 1990. The Waste Board today formally determined the 1995 and 1996 recycling rates for the five San Luis Obispo County cities. Also at its meeting today. the Waste Board agreed to approve the recycting rates for the San Luis ~ . Obispo County city of Arroyo Grande. and the city of Solvang in Santa Barbara County, although their 1./ recycling rate$ fell below required rates in either 1995, 1996. or in both years. (See table on page 2 for complete list of citJes and recycling rates.) . The Board agreed that although these cities' 1995 rates were low. the cities had shown a good faith effort in implementation of programs necessary to keep waste out of landfills. It also directed its staff to monitor the cities' future progress, as well as wol1< with them to determine if there are additional reasons for the low recycling rate. If needed, the Board will provide technical assistance for the cities. .California is leading the nation today with a 32 percent recycling rate and our success IS, dut: III large part to the recycling efforts of communities like these we recognize tOday,- said Waste Board Chairman Daniel G. Pennington. Alt is with sincere gratitude that we thank these Central Coast cities for their efforts to help California reach its first recycling milestone. not to mention their contributions In helping the state keep 100 million tons of waste out of landfills since 1990. "As for those jurisdictions that have fallen short of the goal. we acknowledge the hard work you've put in thus far and remind you that this recognition should not signal an end to your hard work. In order for your cities to reach the ambitious 50 percent goal set for 2000, it will require an earnest and sustained effort: Pennington added. These Central Coast jurisdictions join 13 other cities and counties from San Luis Obispo to Ventura counties that have had their 1995 and 1996 recycling rates approved by the Board this year. The 1995 and 2000 recyding requirements were established in 1989 with the passage of the Integrated Waste Management Act. Cities and countIes are requrrea to Implement recycling programs to meet these requirements. Since the Act was implemented in 1990. state residents have recycled at an average rate of 1 ton every three s~onds. equaling the , 00 million tons of waste kept out of landfills - enough to fill 84 pyramids the size of the Great Pyramid at Giza. (more) DEC-16-1998 13:31 P.02 - . Central Coast Recycling 2-2-2-2-2 Today's announcement came as part of a Board Biennial Review of jurisdictions' implementation of recycling and other waste diversion programs and their recycling rates. Since May. when the reviews began. the Board has determined the 1995 and 1996 diversion rates for 247 cities and counties. Of those, 53 have already met or surpassed the 50 percent recycling mark for 2000. The Board expects to complete the reviews of nearly all 531 cities and counties statewide by early 1999. The Waste Board is required to conduct its review every two years as an evaluation of a jurisdiction's progress in implementing programs it had previously outlined to the Board. Because the annual recycling figures do not have to be reported until August of the following year, the Board's staff was unable to begin examining the combined 1995 and 1996 data until last fall. Once the Biennial Review is complete. the Board either finds the city or county in compliance, or puts it on a compliance schedule to assist it in meeting the goal. Fail!,,!re to meet the compliance schedule can mean the city or county could face fines of up to $10,000 per day. Many of the communities lauded today have found that a combination of waste prevention, . recycling, and composting programs are the most effective- means of reducing the amount of garbage going to landfills. Some of the recycling programs include purchasing recycled-c:ontent products: drop.off and buy-back centers and curbside programs for recyclables collection; and regional composting programs and community education events on how to compost yard wastes. In addition. many cities and counties have imj)lemc/'Ited waste reduction programs in the schools, as well as provided teaching materials and curricula to K - 12 teachers. Waste audits for businesses. . and brochures, public service announcements, and newsletters have also become popular methods of educating residents about waste reduction techniques and the importance of conserving landfill space and natural resources. The six-member Integrated Waste Management Board is responsible for protecting the public.s health and safety and the environment through management of the 52 million tons of solid waste generated in California each year. The Board's mandate is to work in partnership with local government, industry, and the public to achieve a 50 percent reduction in waste. disposed by the year 2000. whil. ensuring environmentally safe landfill disposal capacity. Currently, California's diversion rate is at an all. time high of 32 percent, exceeding the national average. The Waste Board is one of six boards and departments within the California Environmental Protection Agency (CaIlEPA). #### VISit tne Waste Board on the Internet at V'tWW.ClwmQ.cagov Jurisdiction 1995 Diversion Percentage 1996 Di.,ersion Percentaae Arroyo Grande 20 29 all Grover Beach 38 39 \ Morro Bay Z8 ~1 Paso Robles 30 .2 Pismo Beach 36 30 San Luis Obispo 32 35 Solvana 20 21 TOTj:!L P. 02 11... MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM UPDATE DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Council approve the City's Updated Pavement Management Program. FUNDING: The FY 1998/99 Capital Improvement Program includes $3,000 budgeted to update the City's Pavement Management System Plan. DISCUSSION: On October 14, 1997, the City Council approved the City's first Pavement Management System plan. The approved plan shows that the scheduling scenario which fixes the streets in the best condition first is the most effective in obtaining a higher City-wide average pavement condition rating. The average pavement condition rating of the City's streets worsens when the streets in the worst condition are fixed first. This conclusion has not changed and continues to be the basis for the update. The following are the items that have been updated from the October 1997, report: Listing of Streets The inventory of streets was revised to include parking lots and streets recently constructed in new subdivisions that are to be maintained by the City. Maintenance Projects Completed The pavement condition rating of the streets that have received some form of maintenance over the last year has been revised to reflect their current condition. Project Financing The annual roadway maintenance budget has been revised to reflect that which was approved by the City Council on October 14,1997. The $250,000 adopted annual budget has been segregated as follows: $220,000 for projects that are to be contracted out (i.e., slurry seals, overlays, and reconstruction), and $30,000 for administration and in-house maintenance (i.e., crack sealing, and spot repairs). _._-_.~--~-- __.._ _..___.._____u______ ----- - ---_..~. Five- Year Program of Projects The pavement management system report now includes a five-year listing of projects. Each year's listing includes maintenance projects that have been "grouped" together and can be accommodated within the adopted annual budget. It has been determined that it is more cost effective to have a Contractor work on projects that are in close proximity to each other rather than projects scattered around the City. Alphabetical Listing of Streets The pavement management program report now includes an alphabetical listing of all the City streets and parking lots, and their associated pavement condition rating and rehabilitation strategy. Once the Pavement Management Program update is approved, it will continue to be used by staff as a flexible planning tool in identifying the streets to be included in the City's Annual Street Maintenance Project contained in the City's Capital Improvement Program. jep:232.2613\citycounciI.2.9.99. wpd MEMORANDUM ; TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, FINANCIAL SERVICES DlRECTO~ SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENT AL INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM 11.B... FISCAL YEAR 1998/99 MID..YEAR BUDGET STATUS REPORT DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 The Redevelopment Agency Policy Item (U-1) was inadvertently feft out of the staff report for the Fiscal Year 1998/99 Mid-Year Budget and is being provided for the Council's information. In addition, Nan Fowler, Member of the Campaign Cabinet of the South County Performing Arts, requested that a copy of the attached resolution be faxed to the Performing Arts office. o:\lUpp.memo.agenda.020999 --------- -------.. ..-------- . POLICY ITEM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY , PRIORITY 1 ITEM: Contribution to the South County Performing Arts Center - $10,000 JUSTIFICATION: The City Council approved, at the November 25, 1997 City Council meeting, a $10,000 donation for the construction of a performing arts auditorium on the Arroyo Grande High School campus. In addition, a non-binding statement of intent to grant an additional $10,000 per year for the subsequent four years was also approved. The arts center would serve the needs of the 10,000 plus students of the Lucia Mar Unified School district, and the needs of the public at large throughout the southern portion of San Luis Obispo County. Since the proposed arts center would be built within the Redevelopment Project Area, it is recommended that the funding be from the Redevelopment Agency. BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: Redevelopment Agency - $10,000 Recurring Costs: Subject to appropriation by the Agency in the subsequent three fiscal years. U-1 ~._-------~-~-_.- . RESOLUTION NO. 3270 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SUPPORTING THE SOUTH COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER WHEREAS, there is a need for a community auditorium that accommodates the . area's growing interest in cultural activities including music, theatre, art, and dance; and, WHEREAS, the proposed South County Performing Arts Center (the "Center") will be Cil dynamic cultural resource that will bring live performanCes within easy reach of San Luis Obispo County and Northern Santa. Barbara .Coun~ citizens; and, WHEREAS, opening and operation of the Center will enhance, complement, and provide mutual and beneficial support to the citizens of the City of Arroyo Grande; and, WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande supports cooperative efforts to enhance cultural and recreational opportunities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE that all citizens ~re encouraged to support the efforts of the South. County Performing Arts Building Foundation (the "Foundation") through volunteer time, money, or other efforts to raise the funds necessary to build the Center on the Arroyo Grande High School Campus. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL recognizes it cannot legally bind the budgetary actions of future City COL!ncils; nevertheless, future City Councils are encouraged to consider during the annual budget process, beginning in FY 1998-99 and ending in FY 2001-2002, an annual contribution of $10,000 for the Foundation Construction Fund. On motion of Council Member Runels, seconded by Council Member Fuller, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Runels, Fuller, Lady, and Tolley NOES: Mayor Dougall ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 13th day of January 1998. . RESOLUTION NO. 3270 PAGE 2 ATTEST: ~...- a.~ NANC~VIS, CITY CLERK. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ORNEY APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: k~ll- L .MLLu J ' ROBERT L HUNT, CITY MANAGER I, NANCY A. DAVIS,. City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of pe~ury that the foregoing Resolution No. 3270 is a true, full, . and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 13th day of January, 1998. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the. City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 26th day of January, 1998. 'J1~ O. ~ 1 NANCY A. D IS, CITY CLERK '-"-""'"'"~'~~'-'"-'~-'''''......''' "~ tt.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICEsr:;;?' SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 1998/99 MID-YEAR BUDGET STATUS REPORT DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . Approve detailed budget adjustments and recommendations as shown on Schedule B. . Approve (Deny) requests for additional appropriations in the General Fund as detailed in the Funding Section below. . Approve addition of crossing guard at Harloe Elementary School. . Approve (Deny) funding of Community Requests and Policy Items as presented on Schedule F. . Approve Schedules A through F included in the Mid-Year Status Report. FUNDING: The requested actions will impact several fund budgets as outlined in the Mid-Year Budget Status Report and supporting schedules. General Fund Balance will be impacted by the approval of requests for additional appropriations as follows: Projected Fund Balance 6/30/99 $519,373 Annual Leave conversion costs $5,800 Overtime in Financial Services 1,500 Increased postage costs 8,000 Increase Police vehicle maintenance 8.000 Total Impact on General Fund Balance (23.300) Adjusted Fund Balance 6/30/99 $496.073 DISCUSSION: Each year, the City Council adopts a budget, which commits resources to the accomplishment of its policies. The Financial Services Department routinely prepares quarterly budget updates for the City Council. MID-YEAR REPORT November 9, 1999 PAGE 2 The purpose of the City's First Quarter budget review is to: . Conduct a review of all City funds to recommend budgetary changes to address known budget deficiencies. . Identify budget changes that materially impact fund balances. . Comment on the significant budget trends that will impact financial planning. SUMMARY OF KEY MID-YEAR POINTS: . The 1997-98 Fiscal Year audit has been completed and the Annual Financial Report was accepted on January 26, 1999 by the City Council. The total Citywide Fund Balance at June 30, 1998 is shown as $6,939,066. . The current projected available General Fund Balance for June 30, 1999 is $519,373. The projected General Fund balance is approximately $709,000 short of reaching the City Council goal of a fund balance of 15% of appropriations. The Fiscal Policy adopted by City Council anticipated that this goal could be achieved by FY 2000-2001. . Per City Council direction, Policy Items considered as part of the Fiscal Year 1998-99 Annual Budget process are presented for City Council consideration. In an effort to avoid confusion, all Policy Items have been included for City Council review; even those approved as part of the budget process in June. Where appropriate, the amount shown for each Policy Item reflects the cost for the remaining five (5) months of the fiscal year. Schedule F presents the impact on fund balances, if all Policy Items were adopted, in the General Fund, Sewer Fund, Water Fund, Streets Fund, and the Redevelopment Agency. . Ballot Measure J-98, the continuation of the Utility Users' Tax, was defeated in the November 3rd election. Even though the Fiscal Year 1998-99 Annual Budget included only six months of utility users' tax, a reduction of $57,000 is recommended to reflect the actual amount expected to be received. The defeat of this measure will affect future funding of capital projects from the General Fund. . The budget for General Fund revenue is being increased by $76,800 (which factors in the Utility Users' Tax reduction). The increase is primarily the result of a re-evaluation of the estimated revenues based on a comparison of Mid-Year revenues at December 31, 1997 and 1998. The detail of these adjustments may be found on Page 10 and Schedule B (Page 22) of the report. . It is recommended the General Fund appropriation budget be increased by $5,800 for Annual Leave Buy Back. Management employees have the opportunity to sell a portion of their Annual Leave balance each year. The new financial management system enables staff to tract this annual leave sale as a separate component of salary costs. In the past this cost was combined with other payroll costs, making it difficult to project each year. Because this cost was not included in the Fiscal Year 1998-99 Annual Budget, an additional appropriation is recommended. ~--- "----------..------------ --_.~-_._--- -- MID-YEAR REPORT November 9, 1999 PAGE 3 . The Financial Services Department has requested additional appropriations in the amount of $1,500 for overtime costs. Unanticipated overtime was incurred for the computer conversion of the business license program, utility billing programming, and an increased workload. . An $8,000 increase in the Non-Departmental postage account is recommended because of higher than expected usage and the January 1999 increase in postal rates. . The Automotive Shop provides routine maintenance of all City vehicles, including police vehicles. Because police vehicles are highly specialized, if problems occur outside of normal maintenance, the vehicle is taken to an authorized dealer for repairs. F or this fiscal year, for no particular reason, an unusually high number of repairs have occurred requiring outside work. The procedure of returning the vehicle to the dealer, on a case- by-case basis increases costs. The Police Department has requested an appropriation of $8,000 for the remainder of the fiscal year. The City will be issuing a request for proposal for the yearly maintenance costs for City vehicles as a method to reduce maintenance costs for all departments. . The Lucia Mar Unified School District proposal to add and share the cost of a crossing guard at Harloe Elementary School is presented for City Council consideration. If approved, the Police Department has agreed to absorb the approximately $1,000 of costs into the existing Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget. If City Council approves the permanent addition of the Harloe School auard. the City would be obliaated to provide $3.000 in Fiscal Year 1999-2000 for half of the $6.000 overall costs. . The American Red Cross has requested a $500 donation to be used for direct disaster aid to South San Luis Obispo County residents. During the past year this aid was provided as the result of home fires. The American Red Cross has specified that if needed, the entire $500 donation will be used to assist Arroyo Grande residents. Funds not provided to City residents would be used to provide Health Services training classes in South County. . The funding of $43,765 of Sewer capital improvements are being shifted to the Sewer Facility Fund from the Sewer Fund. This is in recognition that the Sewer Fund supports the normal and usual operations, while the Sewer Facility Fund is to be used for capital improvements or capital purchases. . The Management Reporting System focus on departmental accomplishments and key issues in progress is presented as a separate section at the rear of this report. Each department/division reports the work accomplished during the first half of the fiscal year toward an improved City government. Also reported is the progress toward those on- going projects/work efforts that will continue into the remaining quarters. - ---- MID- YEAR REPORT November 9, 1999 PAGE 4 . Approve the following Schedules A through F, included in Mid-year Budget Status report that summarizes budget adjustments. A. Unreserved Fund Balance-Control. B. Recommended Adjustments. C. Adjustments to Fund Balance. D. Unreserved Fund Balance Mid-Year Changes. E. Two Year Comparison of First Quarter Revenues and Expenses. F. Impact of Community Requests and Policy Items. --- ----- ----~---- ---- ~ 0 ta ~ cI)$ ';JCi) ~~ ~ ~ t;~ < ~ ~~ ;:~ ~~ D~ ~a ~U ~~ ~'; ~~ ~ <~ p ~ Ot ~ ';:) '~ a otn ~ t"ta ~ ~ ~ '% ~ ,-\ ~ c < ,S ~ ?: ~ ~ .,.. ~ u ~ .---------.... .-' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, '\ '\ '\ ~, .-0 .-; ~ <$' .' . . . . - "", .' 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Printed new stationery (business cards, etc.) for new Council and completed 216 job orders since July 1st. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Present to the Council an Implementation Plan for the Redevelopment Agency. . Work with Council Members for selection of new Board and Commission Members by February 1, 1999. . Finalize recruitment process (interview and selection) for Associate Engineer, Associate Planner, Fire Division Chief, Administrative Secretary (Community Development), and Office Assistant (City Manager/City Clerk). MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1,1998 - December 31. 1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK Mid-Year Accomplishments . Guided six candidates through the nomination process, campaign filings, and other activities leading to the swearing in of a new Mayor and two City Council Members. . Edited the November Citywide Newsletter, which included the Citizen Survey on the General Plan Update. Received the surveys back from the citizens and helped with tabulating the results. . Served as chair of the Computer Technology Committee. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Receiving and reviewing final campaign statements from Candidates who ran for office in November, 1998. . Continuing work with Computer Technology Committee on Citywide computer network completion and the initiation of the "paperless" City Council meeting agenda. . Updating and distributing the City's Commissioners' Handbook . Reviewing annual Statements of Economic Interests filed by all elected and appointed officials of the City, including members of the City Council, commissions, boards, committees, staff, and consultants. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 1998 - December 31 , 1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: . MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Mid-Year Accomplishments . Contracted for the completion of the Citywide Computer Network. . Sponsored a training session open to all City employees on how to use the "PowerPoint" program. Scheduled a January, 1999 session on the Financial Management System as part of the "No Sweat" Noontime computer classes for employees. . Arranged for the implementation of E-mail in all departments and access to the Internet by designated employees to begin after completion of the Citywide network in January, 1999. . Reviewed in detail all requests for computer-related hardware and software throughout the City before approving expenditures. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Developing a "Paperless Agenda" for City Council meetings, including training for Council and staff. . Creating and implementing a City Computer Master Plan. . Creating a "Web Team" to update meeting agendas and increase the information available on the City's Web Page. ----".- --.. ------.-.---- MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 1998 - December 31. 1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development consists of the Planning Commission, Architectural Advisory Committee, Code Enforcement, Economic Development, Current and Long Range Planning functions. Responsibilities include development review, environmental review, housing program and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) administration, and administration of recycling/solid waste programs. Mid-Year Accomplishments . Received a $35,000 State Economic Development CDBG award to prepare a home based business assistance plan. Applied Development Economics will commence work on this project as soon as contract details have been completed. . Public hearings were held on the Draft EIRs for the Rodeo Heights and Village Glen Annexation projects. . Provided staff support to the Long Range Planning Committee and General Plan Update Core Outreach Team during preparation and compilation of Citizens' Planning Survey. . Completed Processing of Rite-Aid Pharmacy project. . Processed more than 90 code enforcement actions. . Processed more than 100 permit applications. . Implemented a "Computerized Project Tracking System" to provide better- coordinated project administration. . Completion of Berry Gardens Specific Plan and Village Center project review. ~_.- __~n . Maintained adequate levels of public service with reduced staffing as a result of the loss of both Associate Planners. Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Proaress . Continue coordination of General Plan Update. . Continue processing of the Village Glen (James Way) Annexation, Environmental Impact Report, and Tentative Tract Map No. 2265. . Continue processing of Rodeo Heights General Plan Amendment, Planned Development, and Tentative Tract Map. Recent Planning Commission direction to the project Applicant will require substantial additional environmental work and revisions to the EIR. . Continue processing of Arroyo Linda Specific Plan and related environmental documents. Work continues on preparation of the DEIR, Fiscal Analysis, and Draft Specific Plan to enable circulation during the first quarter of 1999. . Continue processing of Conditional Use Permits for Quarterdeck Restaurant expansion, and First Assembly of God addition. . Continue processing applications on several projects including: Sheppel Office Project (10,000 square foot office building) and Kennedy Health Club and Fitness Center (19,000 square foot fitness center), both of which are located at the intersection of James Way and Oak Park Blvd. . Continue processing of numerous "Pre-application" requests, including proposals for demolition and reconstruction of Grand Avenue Chevron Station, and construction of a proposed 29,000 square foot office complex at the intersection of Camino Mercado and West Branch (Zaddie Bunker Trust). . In-house projects currently underway include; support for application cost recovery survey, preparation of Affordable Housing Ordinance, development of weekly greenwaste collection proposals, support to Lucia Mar School District "School-to-Career" program, preparation of Department Emergency Standard Operating Procedures. . Present report to Council regarding possible participation in San Luis Obispo County "Urban County" CDBG Program. . Recruitment for Department Secretary and Associate Planner positions is underway, with the expectation that these positions will be filled during the third quarter. - ---- MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 1998 - December 31.1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: POLICE Mid-Year Accomplishments . FBI Index crimes have fallen by 10.2% during the first 6 months of FY 1998-99. The resulting Index crime rate (24.5 crimes per 1,000 population) is 50.2% below the national average and 49.65 below the state I ndex crime rate. . Traffic accidents for the first half of FY 1998-99 have declined by 2.1 %. Alcohol related incidents have decreased by 50%. . The second traffic enforcement motorcycle became operational. . The Police Department received a traffic radar trailer for public awareness/education regarding speeding. The trailer was funded by a grant through the Office of Traffic Safety. . The Police Department received approximately 74 written commendations from the community over the last six (6) months and the Department's Quality Services Program continues to show a 98.8% citizen satisfaction rate with the Department's overall performance. . Given the Police Department's reputation for Community Oriented Policing, the Chief gave a presentation on the subject at the annual conference of the League of California Cities in October, 1998. Key Issues / Work Efforts In Progress . The Police Department is continuing its emphasis on increased traffic enforcement and education with a goal of reducing public thoroughfare traffic accidents by 10% by the end of this Fiscal Year. This will be done by enforcement efforts of patrol personnel, as well as traffic motorcycle officers, public awareness/education through the use of the traffic radar trailer, and the recently implemented Neighborhood Traffic Watch Program. --~_._---~-~----_.__._- . The Police Department is enhancing its Commercial Crime Prevention Program through the development of a Business Academy. The Business Academy is similar to the Citizens' Academy, but is geared to the specific needs of the business community. This program will be developed in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 1998 - December 31.1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: BUILDING & FIRE DIVISION: FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES Mid-Year Accomplishments . Public Education Programs Daily crews provided station tours, school presentations, and local business presentations to over 1,150 children and adults during this period. This included topics on fire safety, emergency preparedness, and fire extinguisher training. The Division has successfully coordinated two quarterly blood drives with the Tri-Counties Blood Bank. . Call Statistics During this period, the crews responded to the following number of incidents: Medical 364 Public Assist 68 Fires 30 Hazardous Materials 19 Automatic Aid 30 Vehicle Accidents 48 Mutual Aid 16 TOTAL CALLS 575 The Department goal of a 6 minute or less response time was achieved 72% of the time. _._--_._~_.._._...~-_.._-- . Administrative Report The Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) provided over 260 hours of assistance to fire administration during this period. A County Automatic Aid Agreement has been instituted operationally between the City of Arroyo Grande and CDF/SLO County Fire Department. Having an Automatic Aid Agreement in place provides each agency with additional fire personnel, equipment, materials and supplies to. suppress fires of a magnitude that has developed or appears likely to develop, beyond the control of a single agency. . Training Report On December 15t a new software program called Firehouse was implemented for the State-mandated California Fire Incident Reporting System (CFIRS). All pertinent information is inputted for each incident that fire personnel respond to, and then this information is electronically downloaded to a State- wide/national statistical and historical database. The Firehouse software also provides the Fire and Emergency Services Division with a number of other management tools that allow the tracking of personnel information, equipment inventories, technical information on the hydrant system, and maintain training system records. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Fire Sprinkler Ordinance Task Force The Task Force continues to meet to discuss recommendations for fire sprinkler requirements for residential and commercial buildings within the city. ~'._'- --- MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 1998 - December 31,1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: BUILDING & FIRE DIVISION: BUILDING AND LIFE SAFETY Mid-Year Accomplishments . Coordinated and implemented the Lucia Mar Unified School District fee payment form. This has provided the public with a simple, easy to use and understand, payment system common to all jurisdictions in the Lucia Mar Unified School District. . Staff prepared a fire sprinkler survey of neighboring cities providing valuable information to the City's sprinkler ordinance task force. . Staff attended the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) 1997 Uniform Building Code update seminars to enhance knowledge of the Code and inspection skills. . Building permits totaling 277 have been issued during this period. This is a 37% increase in permits over the same time period in FY 1997 -98. Projections for FY 1998-99 are as follows: PROJECTED FY 1998-99 INDICATORS Projected number of building permits 550 Projected number of field inspections and plan reviews 3,350 Valuation Actual valuation 7/98 - 12/98 $24,397,805 Projected residential valuation 1/99 - 6/99 $12,000,000 Projected commercial $4,000,000 Total Projected Valuation FY 1998-99 $40,397,805 Key Issues J Work Efforts In Progress . Approval has been obtained, and staff is coordinating the customizing of new building permit software. This software will be a great asset to the Building Department as it will provide fee calculations and improve report and tracking capabilities. . Staff will begin implementation of the City's Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.) transition plan by soliciting bids for the Council Chambers compliance. ~- .~._~~.-"-- ----..-.-" ...-------- - MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1, 1998 - December 31. 1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: BUILDING & FIRE DIVISION: GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Mid-Year Accomplishments . Daily Maintenance/Consistency of Service Staff continues to maintain a clean and safe environment for employees even though the full time Maintenance Worker position has been vacant. A temporary employee provides custodial services for all government buildings while recruitment to fill the vacancy is being conducted. . Project Completions The following projects were completed during this period: 1. Professionally cleaned carpets in offices with high traffic areas. 2. Coordinated the stripping and waxing of floors throughout the City. 3. Professionally cleaned the drapes and liners at the Women's Club. Key Issues / Work Efforts In Progress . Painting of Civic Center Complex Bids are currently being sought for interior and exterior painting of buildings in the Civic Center Complex. . Fumigation of Fire Station Bids have been received for the fumigation of the Fire Station. Decisions are being made on how to temporarily relocate personnel and equipment to allow for continued 24-hour emergency response capability. _._--_.._._------_.__.._----~_. .-. . Elm Street Center Carpets Staff is seeking bids to replace carpet with a vinyl flooring at the Elm Street Recreation Center. There are two areas in particular that are high traffic areas, the main entrance and the pre-schooler's craft area. The existing carpet is not of the best quality and is not withstanding the daily wear. ---..----.-.-... MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR Julv 1. 1998 - December 31. 1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION: PARKS Mid-Year Accomplishments . To comply with ADA regulations, completed installation of sidewalks at Olohan Alley and Bridge Street behind Ira's Bike Shop. . Completed annual inspection and repairs to the City's 70-75 back-flow devices. . Staff assisted with the set-up for community special events including the Strawberry Festival, Harvest Festival, and Halloween Carnival and Haunted Maze. . Staff attended annual classes to maintain chemical applicator licensing and Pest Control Advisor licenses. . Staff installed eight plots for the new Community Garden adjacent to the Theis/Keisler Tennis Courts. . Installation of new shelving and lighting at the City of Arroyo Grande and Woman's Club Community Center basement area for supplies used for special events which will extend the life of the oversized and bulky supplies used for these events and installed new shelving at the Elm Street Community Center. . Assisted the City Clerk with setting up and returning voting booths throughout the City for Election Day. . California Men's Colony, California Conservation Corps, and Main Street Youth Corp assisted staff with landscaping projects at Newport Avenue, Don Roberts Field, James Way, Strother Park, and the Soto Sports Complex. Staff has also supervised over 800 hours provided by youth performing community service or through the Police Department's Diversion Program. In addition, two students from the Private Industry Council assisted the Parks Division during the summer months. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1, 1998 - December 31, 1998 PARKS AND RECREATION - PARKS (Continued) Kev Issues I Work Efforts In Proaress . Initiate winter turf renovation at Strother and Terra De Oro Parks and City Hall. . On-going Citywide tree trimming and weed abatement. . ADA required improvements to swing structures at playgrounds to include replacement of swing seats, chains, and S-hooks. c:\Budget\MidYear9899-ParksJan.98 MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR Julv 1. 1998 - December 31. 1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION: RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Mid-Year Accomplishments . Successfully negotiated lease agreement for Santa Manuela School project with the South County Historical Society. . Completed amenities and park layout plan for Rancho Grande Park. . Completed trailhead project at Lots 39 and 40 in the Rancho Grande Development (near Via Las Aguilas and Rancho Parkway) including irrigation, landscaping, and steps. . Completed resurfacing of KeislerlTheis Tennis Courts at the Soto Sports Complex. . Installation of a monorail-type play structure to complete new playground project at Strother Park. . Completed repairs to fence behind Oak Park Leisure Gardens. Kev Issuesl Work Efforts In Proaress . Installation of new play equipment at Elm Street Park which includes a ship-themed play structure, slides, and climbing apparatus. . Purchase and installation of new computer program for faster registration of individuals, families, groups, and teams for recreation classes/activities; generation of appropriate mailing lists; customized reports for attendance sheets, analysis.of participation levels, rosters, and teacher contracts. . Installation of new signage for Don Roberts Field. . Organize grand opening ceremonies for Don Roberts Field. c:\Budget\MidYear9899-RecAdminJan.99 MAN~GEMENT f\EPORTlNq SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1.1998 - December 31,19" FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION: GENERAL RECREATION Mld-vear AccomPlishments . Conducted the Summer Playground Programs at Strother Park and Elm Street Park with an average of 52 children participating daily at Elm Street Park and 12 children participating daily at Strother Park. . Conducted 15 mini-trips to local businesses during the summer program. . Received a new counter with cabinets at the Elm Street Community Center, which aided in a more efficient registration process for the Summer Playground Program. . Conducted the Winter Playground Program at the Elm Street Park site with an average of 22 children participating daily. Kev IssuesJWork Efforts In-Proaress . Organizing files to combine summer and winter participants for state licensing requirements regarding maximum age limit so that information is up-to-date and consistent between programs. c:\Budget\MldYear9899-GenRecJan.99 --.----- MANAGE;~ENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1, 1998 - pecember 3'. 1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION: RECREATION PROGRAMS ,..Id-vear AccomDlishments . Organized and completed special events including Summer Carnival, Pine Wood Derby, three Sports Card Shows, Punt Pass & Kick contest, two sports camps, the South County Tennis Tournament, two fun runs, the Chili Fest, Harvest Festival Barbecue, Diaper Derby, Holiday Decorating Contest, Country Craft Holiday Jamboree, the Hospice Light up a Life Ceremony, and New Year's Eve Overnighter. . Completed the summer softball league and playoffs with 46 teams participating. . All summer and fall recreation classes have been completed, including Aerobics, Art, Pre-school, Self Defense, Cheer and Pom, Tae Kwon Do, Hand Tinting Black and White Photos, Puppy Play School, Dog Obedience, Jazzercise, Youth and Adult Tennis, Pine Needle Basket Weaving, Super Sitter Baby Sitting, Natural Healing with Herbs and Food, Recreation Basketball, Cooking and Eating Healthy, and Bridge. . Started the noontime sports program at Harloe Elementary School. . Worked with the Lions Club of Arroyo Grande and Cal Poly Students to complete the 21st Annual Turkey Trot Fun Run. . Completed the Winter HOliday Playground and Child Care Programs. . Completed and distributed the Fall and Winter-Spring Activity Guides. . Registration and schedules for the Men's Basketball B-League have been completed. Games began January 10th. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1, 1998 - December 31, 1998 PARKS AND RECREATION - RECREATION PROGRAMS (Continued) PAGE 2 Kev Issue.IWork r;ffo~ In-Proaress . Registration for the 1999 Adult Basketball C and D Leagues will begin in January. Games will start in mid-February. . Staff will be meeting with youth sports organizations in January to coordinate Soto Sports Complex field uses for the baseball and softball seasons. . Youth wrestling registration will be taken in January. . Staff has begun organizing the 20th Annual Talent Show, "Nhich is scheduled for SatLfrday, February 27th. . Planning initiated for the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Banquet, "Nhich recognizes individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations that donate their time, goods, or services to recreation special events and/or programs. c:\8udget\M1dVear9899-RecPrgrrnsJan.913 --.-.-------....- MANAGEMENTREPORTINQSYS~ MID-YEAR July 1.19'8 - December 31.1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION: CHILDREN IN MOTION (AM/PM) Mid-Year Accomolishments . Conducted the Summer Children In Motion Program with an average of 120 children participating daily. . Conducted an Open House/10 Year Anniversary Potluck during the summer for past participants and staff members. . Conducted 17 mini-trips to local businesses during the Summer Program. . The Fall Program had four child care sites operating with an average of 190 children participating daily. . Hired and trained new staff members to work at the Harloe and Ocean View child care sites. Promoted staff to fill vacant Assistant Teacher and Assistant I positions at the Harloe and Ocean View sites. . The Fall Program located at the Elm Street Center conducted a mini-trip to the Elm Street Community Garden's pumpkin patch. . Hired a new Child Care Coordinator in October. . Four staff members attended a workshop in October that offered school-age child care issues, team building, parenting essentials, building communities, and delinquent teen issues. . Received an Certificate of Honorable Mention in the category of Community Service from the League of California Cities' Helen putnum Award of Excellence. . Conducted a Winter Children In Motion Program with an average of 40 children participating daily. c:\Budget\MldYear98Q9.CIMJan.99 --.....----.-.- MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1, 1998 - December 31, 1998 PARKS AND RECREATION - CHILDREN IN MOTION (AM/PM) PAGE 2 Key IssueslWork Efforts In-Proaress . Staff will be receiving child abuse training from the Arroyo Grande Police Department. . The Child Care Coordinator will be updating participant files for state licensing requirements regarding maximum age limit so that information is up-to-date and consistent between programs. . Staff will be attending training workshops for advancement in child care education. c:\Buc:lget\MidYear98S9-CIMJan.99 ---..---- MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 1998 - December 31. 1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION: PRE-5CHOOL Mid- Year Accomplishments . Completed the Summer Pre-School Program with 11 children participating. . Conducted an open house and orientation for new fall students and parents. . The Fall Pre-School Program is operating with 53 students participating. . Conducted a mini-trip to the Elm Street Community Garden's pumpkin patch. . Conducted a mini-trip to Holloway's Tree Farm with 48 students, 18 parent chaperones, and four staff members. . Closed the program during the holiday break from December 21 to January 1. Kev IssueslWork Efforts In-Proaress . Updating the Pre-school Staff Handbook to bring it into compliance with changes in Department policies and procedures. c;\Budget\MidYear9699-PreschooIJan.99 MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 1998 - December 31. 1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION I ENGINEERING Mid-Year Accomplishments . Secured $422,136 of Urban State Highway Account funds; $321,400 of Regional State Highway Account funds; $375,000 of High Priority Federal funds; $250,000 in Transportation Enhancement Activities monies; and $1,148,000 of 1998 STI P Amendment funds for various projects within the City. . Prepared 72 agenda items to City Council and Traffic Commission for action. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Project review, processing, and inspection for Five Cities Center, Rancho Grande tracts, and Ellsworth/Pace Tract. . Completion of the following studies: Grand Avenue/East Branch Street (Route 227) Corridor Study; Pavement Management System Plan Update; Drainage Master Plan/Financing Alternatives; Water/Sewer Rate Study; and Water Master Plan. . Reviewing the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting procedures which the City can adopt to allow an increase in the amount the City can expend on in-house construction projects. . In cooperation with PG&E, complete undergrounding of utility polesllines on Grand Avenue from Highway 101 to Halcyon Road. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 1998 - December 31. 1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: AUTOMOTIVE SHOP Mid.Year AccomDlishments . The Automotive Shop has the overall responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the City vehicle fleet, exclusive of the Fire Department vehicles. The Automotive Shop also maintains the mechanical equipment by providing limited in-house repairs and maintenance. Most extensive repairs are contracted out to private shops and staff monitors these services to be assured of the best service in both price and workmanship. . During the second quarter, the Automotive Shop has carried out the following services: Services (lube, oil change, safety inspection) 88 Tune Up 4 General Repairs (to radiator, water pump, door handles, etc.) 65 Electric 30 Brakes 6 Warranty Repair 7 Transmission Service and Repair 5 Tire Services 12 Tire Repair 9 Pre Trip (safety inspection, auto wash, and fill with fuel) 42 Key Issues / Work Efforts In Progress . Preparation of seasonal equipment (e.g., crack sealer, chipper) for the next cycle. . Pump out 1 ,337 gallons from Underground Storage Tank (UST) in preparation of tank removal. --.-.-..- ...1 MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 1998 - December 31.1998 FUND: STREET FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: STREETS Mid-Year AccomDlishments . Completed the annual cleaning of underground storm drain lines. . Completed the annual cleaning and repairs of sidewalk drains. . Completed the annual clearing of debris and brush in Meadow, Tally Ho, and Arroyo Grande creeks. . Completed repairs to streets, such as asphalt patches, concrete replacement, and crack sealing for slurry seal project. . Cleaning of the Equestrian Way drainage pipes was 60% completed. . Asphalt skin patching of City streets using 150 tons of asphalt. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Completion of Equestrian Way drainage pipe. . Completion of debris in Arroyo Grande creek. . Completion of Annual Traffic Sign Program - replacement of traffic signs that are deficient due to damage, stickers, bent poles, or insufficient reflectivity at night. -------.--....------- MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 1998 - December 31. 1998 FUND: SEWER FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: UTILITIES I SEWER MAINTENANCE Mid-Year AccomDlishments . Installed new 5 h.p. sump pump and discharge piping/control system for basin NO.3 at the Soto Sports Complex. . Constructed a 160-foot dirt road in the 10-foot utility easement at 580 Cerro Vista to provide access to sewer manholes along Arroyo Grande Creek. . Completed cleaning of all six sewer lift station wet wells. . Completed quarterly cleaning of all lift stations. . Completed the Manhole Repair Project in Meadow Creek with funds from FEMA. . Completed SCADA System upgrade for control of sewer lift stations 1-6. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Review/design of plans for new sewer mains and laterals on the Grand Avenue, Elm Street to Halycon Road capital improvement project. -..---------- MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 1998 - December 31.1998 FUND: WATER FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: UTILITIES / WATER DISTRIBUTION Mid-Year Accomplishments . Completed annual Compound Meter Testing Program - testing of all the City's 2-inch water meter to ensure they are working properly and accurately. . Completed Water Meter Box Cleaning Program. A total of 2,000 meter boxes were cleaned out. . Completed annual Fire Hydrant Preventive Maintenance Program. A total of 6 fire hydrants was replaced, and a total of 250 hydrants was cleaned, lubricated, and painted. . Completed the annual Valve Exercise Program - turning of all the City's water valves to ensure that they do not freeze into their current position and to verify that those that are suppose to be closed or open are in the correct position. . Completed 1-1/2-inch Meter Testing Program - a once in every four years test of all the City's 1-1/2-inch water meter to ensure they are working properly and accurately. . Completed AirNacuum Valve Maintenance Program - annual flushing, cleaning, and lubricating to ensure proper operation of all air/vacuum valves. . Responded to 160 service calls which is up from 120 calls last year during this period (Le., follow-up visits to customers who call in regards to water quality, water pressure, leaks, or plumbing problems) . Installed 132 new water meters. . Completed all required water quality testing on the water distribution system and all new housing developments. . Completed installation of new 6-inch water main and 12 services on the Bedloe Lane Maintenance project. . Completed an 8-inch water main extension on Branch Mill Road. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Complete the installation of the SCADA System upgrade. . Ensure the completion of painting repairs to Reservoir NO.2. . Complete any necessary improvements or repairs to water mains and/or laterals in streets in the upcoming Slurry Seal capital improvement project to ensure against cutting into newly repaired pavement. . Review/design of plans for new water main and laterals on the Grand Avenue, Elm Street to Halcyon Road capital improvement project. . Review/design of plans for new water main for the Fair Oaks Water Main Replacement FEMA project. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR Julv 1. 1998 - December 31. 1998 FUND: WATER FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: UTILITIES I WATER PRODUCTION Mid-Year Accomplishments . Pumped a total of 191 acre feet of well water into the distribution system. . Installed new 2-inch air/vacuum valve on Well No.3. . Completed all required water quality testing requirements on Wells 1-8. . Cleaned all well houses and compounds. . Completed bi-annual Well Motor Preventative Maintenance Program. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Installation of new chlorination pump and control system in March 1999 at Wells 7 and 8 to interface electronically with new SCADA system. -_.._._--~--- MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1.1998 - December 31.1998 FUND: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Mid-Year Accomplishments . Completed aerial photography of the City. . Construction projects completed: Tennis Court Resurfacing. . Construction projects initiated: Don Roberts Field-Soto Sports Complex; Fall Street Maintenance Projects; and Bedloe Lane Maintenance Project. . Construction contracts awarded: City Corporation Yard Fuel Facility Replacement Plan. . Studies initiated: Pavement Management System Plan Update; Brisco Road- Halcyon Road/Route 101 PSR; and EI Campo Road/Route 101 PSR; and Water/Sewer Rate Study. . Studies let out to bid: Grand Avenue/East Branch Street Corridor Study. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Current design efforts: Bikeway Project One (Paulding Middle School) Bicycle Lanes; Montego Street (South Side) Sidewalks; Parking Lot Behind City Hall, Fair Oaks Water Line Relocation, Grand Avenue, Elm Street to Halcyon Road; and Reservoir NO.1 Replacement. . Current construction projects: Fall Street Slurry Seal Maintenance Project and Bedloe Lane Maintenance Project. . Begin construction of City Corporation Yard Fuel Facility Replacement Plan project in February 1999. . Rebid The Scenic Creekside Walk through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase I project in Spring 1999. ----"----------~._- - MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR Julv 1. 1998 - December 31. 1998 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION: SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX Mid-Year Accomplishments . Roof replacement and restroom door installations were completed at the Jaycee restroom/concession building. . Provided staff support for youth sports activities - AYSO, 1600 children, CYSA, 100 children, Youth Football, 125 children, and numerous adult teams. . Hydroseed was applied (100,000 square feet) on Volunteer and Ikeda Fields repairing the damage done due to extensive use in the summer and fall months. . Cops and Kids Day was held on November 1 st on Volunteer and Ikeda Fields. . Eight softball and baseball tournaments were hosted at the Soto Sports Complex including the Babe Ruth 14-year old All-Star District Championships and the Central Coast Sober Softball Tournament, which featured 65 teams from throughout California. . Three major soccer tournaments were held at the Soto Sports Complex including the Condor Classic, which hosted 56 teams, and the A YSO Tournament, which hosted 85 teams. Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Proaress: . Field renovations for Porter, Pilg, and Campbell Fields will be performed in January and February 1999. . Baseball and softball programs are scheduled to begin March 1, 1999. c:\Budget\MidYear9699-SotoJan.99 City of Arroyo Grande /l1'1't1y" t:fr4hJ4 Where Quality Counts COMMUNITY REQUESTS MID- YEAR BUDGET STATUS REPORT FEBRUARY 9, 1999 -._~ ,-_.. ------_.~-,-_..- ~~o/ P.O. Box SSG 114 East Branch Street ~ ~~ Arroyo Grande, CA '3411 Phone: (80S) 473-5430 FInance Phone: (80S) 473-5434. Business License FINANCIAL SERVICES Phone: (80S) 473-5438 Water BUllnl FAX: (80S) 473-0_ E-MaU: alcity@ftx.net July 30, 1998 . Jeannie Nix Executive Director American Red Cross San Luis Obispo County Chapter San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Dear~ ~~ Your letter of July 21, 1998 was received and read with interest. The City of Arroyo Grande is well aware of the fine work done by the American Red Cross both in San Luis Obispo and worldwide. Providing direct financial aid to victims of disaster, providing training classes, and assisting families of military personnel benefits the community as well as the individuals receiving direct help. Normally your request for a $500 donation would be considered as part of the Fiscal Year 1998- 99 Annual Budget process. Unfortunately, your request came after the budget was adopted on June 3, 1998. The next opportunity to obtain funding will be in February 1999, when the City's Mid-Year Budget Report will be considered by the City Council. Your request will be made part of that Mid-Year Budget Report. If you would like further information on the budgeting process or the Mid-Year Budget Report, please feel free to call me at 473-5432. . Sincerely, Sf~ Director of Financial Services C City Council City Manager Financiallssues: American Red Cross Itr.doc "~-_..-._... ..~._._-- -. + American Red Cross I.c'~[ i\'c,)" . .. San Luis Obispo County Chapter ~'r'( c>" /\~::;"J\I.J ti;;'\}\t.~, 225 Prado Rd., #A San Luis Obispo, California 93401 c;; II~! ~. ,;. L L: CJ (805) 543-0696 FAX (805) 544-1921 __'''''; >",) ,__ ~_ i.- L- i I.. . Board of Directors Officers _Grande July 21, 1998 Dr. Allen Haile, . ..... ."'~"~~".. /' Chairman " , '. :: i, " ' ,-' "-", "--, '.- . .::.;...-"'''"._,;,_,~,,_. ".-,.:.':.:1./f.:', P.O. Box 550 Tanya Kiani, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421-0550 1st Vice Chair Arnold Parker, RE: Letter of Request for 1998-99 Funding :zoo Vice Chair Wendy Scalise, Dear Mayor Dougall and Honorable Councilmembers: Secretary Janet Fitzpatrick, Funding Request: $500 Treasurer Dr. Greg Thomas, The American Red Cross was founded in 1881 and the San Luis Obispo Strategic Plan Chapter was chartered in 1917. The chapter serves the entire San Luis Obispo County. The mission of the Red Cross is to help people prepare for, avoid Dr. Lark Carter, and cope with emergencies. The chapter provides programs and services Past Chair related to our mission. Our primary programs include Disaster Services, Members Armed Forces Emergency Services and Health Services. (Attached is a copy Courtney Cable of the 501 c 3 verifying non-profit status of American Red Cross.) Alison Cone John Fricks Ben Hall The chapter is led by a volunteer board of directors who set policy, raise Robert Hallock Dave King funds and monitor programs and service delivery. The chapter has 5 paid Claryce Knupper staff and over 400 volunteers to deliver services. The chapter operates under John Mascarenas standardized policies and procedures and annually evaluates service delivery Paulla McConaghy Ed Naretto and accomplishments. Marco Rizzo Tom Sullivan The annual goals of the chapter support the accomplishment of our mission: Staff Disaster Services: Jeannie Nix, e Provide emergency relief services 24 hour a day, 365 days a year. Executive Director . Replace essential personal and household items lost due to disaster. Eileen Spears, For example: Food, clothing, housing, toiletries, linens, essential Emergency SelVices furnishings, medical treatment and prescription drugs. Mikaele Foley, . Provide assistance directly to disaster victims through Disbursing Health Services Orders payable to merchants of the victim's choice. Elizabeth Fleming, . Support the five Disaster Action Teams (DAT) countywide. Recruit, Health Services train and retain volunteer team members. Carolee Fisher, . Participate in / organize exercises, drills and training opportunities for Secretary volunteers to practice emergency service delivery skills. . . Provide disaster preparedness materials and training opportunities to the American Red Cross Page 2 of 3 Health and Safety: . Provide training in CPR, First Aid, Water Safety, Lifeguarding and Emergency Response. . Promote on-the-job safety through workplace training programs. . Increase the number of classes and course options. . Acquire equipment and materials to support curriculum of new courses. . Recruit and train qualified volunteer instructors. . Military Families Assistance: . Provide emergency aid 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. . Provide communications, counseling, and financial aid according to standardized guidelines. . Recruit, train and retain volunteers to assist with casework. Budget 1998/99 Funds: Direct Financial Aid to victims of disaster $500 Contingency Budget 1998/99 Funds: (if disaster relief is less than budget) Direct fmancial aid to victims of disaster $400 Equipment, Supplies & materials for training classes 100 Communications for families of military personnel residual $ $500 Use of funds in order of priority: (for Arroyo Grande / South County residents) 1. Provide direct financial aid to victims of disaster 2. Deliver Health Services training classes 3. Assist families of military personnel For the 1997/98 fiscal year, the chapter spent $9,746.73 was spent on direct disaster aid for South County families who lost their homes to fire. Those South County families were provided with food, clothing, temporary and rental housing and essential household items. If similar needs arise, the entire $500 requested for 1998/99 would be used to assist victims of disaster in Arroyo Grande. If disasters are less prevalent in 1998/99, the portion of the $500 not used for disaster relief would be used for equipment, supplies and materials needed to conduct Health Services training classes in South County. For example, manikins used in CPR training; manikin lungs; face shields to protect students; and video tapes used by instructors in CPR and First Aid classes. (In 1997/98,260 classes were taught in South County.) Any residual would be used to facilitate emergency communications between families here at home with an immediate family member in the military. American Red Cross Page 3 of 3 Program Benefits: Disaster Services: Red Cross provides a safety net of emergency assistance to families who suffer losses due to disasters such as residential fires, flooding, earthquake, wild fires, etc. Food, shelter, clothing, medications, essential household utensils. and supplies may be 'replaced to assist the family with recovery toward normal living. In 1997/98, the chapter responded to 42 families affected by flooding; 2 Hazardous Materials evacuations; 1 evacuation due to. a hostage situation; and 39 families displaced by residential fires. Of those, 9 South Countyfamilies.were assisted and $9,746.73 in direct financial.aid was provided.to thosefamilies.,,;Services:.are.available 24 hour a day, 7 days a week year around. Disaster aid is available whether the. disaster strikes one . family residence or destroys an entire neighborhood. When families in Arr.oy:o:Grande experience lasses due to disasters, the Red Cross pr.ovides immediate emergencyreliefHn the form needed by the family. Health Services: Lives have been saved by people who learned the emergency resp.onse techniques taught in Red Cross First Aid, CPR and Water Safety classes. During 1997/98, 1,041 c.ourses were offered with 8,602 enrolled. Ofth.ose 260 classes with.2,150students were held in South County. The chapter offers regular classes in South County..'ResidentsofArr.oyo Grande benefit because they may attend training at a convenientlocati.on and learn skills-that can make the vital difference in recovery if a family member.sustainsaninjury,rchokes orst.opsbreathing. Armed Forces Emer~encv Services: When a family member serveshislhercountry in the armed forces, the sp.ouse, parents, siblings or other close family members living in Arroyo Grande may face a crisis that needs immediate action. The Red Cross provides ,a'c.ommunications link far . !'f. the family members to exchange information; gathers verificationssatisfact.ory to the military; and provides emergency financial aid in the form of loans or grants. During 1997/98, the chapter assisted 214 families. Ofthose, 18 South County families were served. $3,031 in l.oans were given c.ounty wide. Arroyo Grande families benefit by reaching their relative in the military quickly and when the presence .of the military person is necessary, the Red Crass helps pave the way for the military pers.on's speedy release fr.om duty. Our Chapter must raise its own funds and contributi.ons are used locally. Support fr.om Arroy.o Grande will help Red Cross deliver services t.o Arroyo Grande residents and also provide moral ,support to volunteers and others who join Arroyo Grande iJ;J. support of Red Grass services. Your consideration of our funding request is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, J annie Nix xecutive Director ------ City of Arroyo Grande ,,4'-NY" q,-tl/AJ4 Where Quality Counts POLICY ITEMS MID- YEAR BUDGET STATUS REPORT FEBRUARY 9, 1999 - _.^___.... ____._...______-.-u_n_ POLICY ITEM CITY MANAGER/FINANCIAL SERVICES PRIORITY 1 ITEM: Establish a permanent, full-time Management Analyst position to be shared by the City Manager and Financial Services Department at an estimated total cost of $23,200 (5 months ). JUSTIFICATION: Risk management has become an important area to City governments, especially those that are self-insured like Arroyo Grande. Minimizing liability risks through education; safety inspection, and workplace monitoring can reduce claims and expenses. A risk management specialist deals with liability issues, workers' compensation claims, workplace safety, property insurance, and other insurances. Several employees currently share this role. financial Services employees are responsible for representation at the Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Fund meetings, property insurance, workers' compensation claims, and safety issues. The delegation of these duties among several employees is necessary because of the workload; however, this practice does not allow the City to take an aggressive role in reducing risks and ultimately costs. Personnel issues are demanding more and more time of the City Manager's Office. During the last two years, there have been approximately twenty-five recruitments for vacant City positions. Each job recruitment requires approximately sixty (60) hours of staff time to arrange advertising for the position, selection of interviewees, recruitment of oral board participants, compiling results of interviews, notification of interview results, reference checks, and finally job offers. In addition, the paper trail of classification and compensation changes for every employee takes an inordinate amount of time. It is proposed the City employ a management analyst to be responsible for risk management and personnel issues. The employee would be under the general direction of Financial Services and City Manager's Office. Some of the areas of responsibility, other than those listed above, are job analysis and class specification, employee relations, participation in labor negotiations, liability claim investigation, representation in small claims court, property insurance valuation, and evaluation of workers' compensation claims. The salary and benefit costs are estimates based on an analysis of similar positions in surrounding cities. If approved, staff will consult with Ralph Andersen and Associates to ensure consistency with the recently adopted Compensation/Classification study. Recommendations from Ralph Andersen that are significantly more than the estimates presented here will be brought back to City Council for further consideration. M-1 POLICY ITEM CITY MANAGER/FINANCIAL SERVICES PRIORITY --L PAGE 2 BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: 5 months - Salary and benefits for management employee at $2,970/month plus office equipment: General Fund $19,700 Water Fund 2,400 Sewer Fund 850 Redevelopment Agency 250 TOTAL $23.200* * Salary = $14,900 Benefits = 4,800 Desk = 700 Chair = 300 Computer = 2.500 $23,200 Recurring Costs: Annual costs are $47,200 (salary and benefits) plus any change in management salary/benefit package approved by City Council. M-2 >.~'....",,-_. - __,___m__ POLICY ITEM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM PRIORITY 1 ITEM: Computer Support Technician - $8,000 (5 months) J USTIFICA TION: This position shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of digital information systems and related communications for the City of Arroyo Grande, working independently with little or no supervision. The position must be able to prioritize all Department-wide needs and projects and will report directly to the City Manager or his/her designee. This position will establish and maintain project schedules, act as advisor and member of City Computer Technology Committee, and be assigned other tasks as directed by the City Manager. Responsibilities shall consist of and not be limited to the following: . Providing equipment recommendations for new systems . Trouble-shooting and minor maintenance of all computer systems . Contracting or scheduling major repairs as necessary . Set up an administration of all City networking software and hardware . Systems back-ups . In-house training on computer systems and software . Recommendation and procurement of software systems . Writing minor multi-user databases for the City . Maintenance of systems security. The salary and benefit costs are estimates based on an analysis of similar positions in surrounding cities. If approved, staff will consult with Ralph Andersen and Associates to ensure consistency with the recently adopted Compensation/Classification study. Recommendations from Ralph Andersen that are significantly more than the estimates presented here will be brought back to City Council for further consideration. N-1 POLICY ITEM: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM PRIORITY 1 PAGE 2 BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: 5 Months - Annual Salary: $ 16,700 Less Water Fund (25%) ( 4,200) Less Sewer Fund (15%) ( 2,500) Redevelopment (5%) ( 800) Total General Fund Salary: 9,200 Annual Benefits: 6,700 Less Water Fund (25%) ( 1,700) Less Sewer Fund (15%) ( 1,000) Redevelopment (5%) ( 300) Total General Fund Benefits: 3,700 Cost of New Computer 1 ,800 Total General Fund Expense 14,700 Less Part-Time Computer Technician Salary ( 6,700) NET GENERAL FUND EXPENSE: $ 8,000 Recurring Cost: $56,000 plus any change in salaryl Benefit package N-2 ---.--- THE PURGING OF OUTDATED MATERIAL IN CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE POLICY ITEM AND CITY CLERK'S OFFICE RELIEVED IMMEDIATE CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT NEED FOR ADDITIONAL STORAGE SPACE - NO PRIORITY 1 PURCHASE NEEDED FOR FY 1998-99 ITEM: Purchase of three (3) file cabinets for the City Clerk/Administration Office to hold records currently located on shelves in the Financial Services vault - $2,300. JUSTIFICATION: In order to achieve more space for filing City documents and records, establish greater efficiency in filing and retrieving those records, and relieve overcrowding in the Financial Services Department, it is recommended the Council authorize the purchase of three five-drawer, 42-inch wide lateral file cabinets for placement in the City Clerk/Administration Office. The file cabinets would hold records currently filed in the Financial Services vault. The files reflect actions taken by the City Council and contain contracts; insurance documents; franchises; bids; transportation, water, and sewer systems files; improvement and development files; annexations; appeals; subdivisions; tracts; zoning; planning, redevelopment files, and more. Space in the vault has been exhausted and file folders are being damaged by the overcrowding. Because the files are located in the vault with financial records, supplies, and petty cash, security is a factor and access is limited. The City Clerk cannot make use of volunteers to work on these files. While it is essential that the City Clerk's file cabinets be locked for security, it is not necessary to keep them in a vault. The City vault is not fire proof. With regard to the cost of the filing cabinets, the lateral side-to-side filing system, as opposed to vertical front-to-back, allows for more filing and space efficiency. According to the office furniture experts, frequency of use, volume, and ease of filing are features that make lateral files more cost efficient in the long run. BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: .6001 OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT The file cabinet cost allocation would be as follows: General Fund $1,900 Water Fund 200 Sewer Fund 100 RDA 100 TOTAL $2,300 Recurring Cost: Minimal, if any. 0.1 ---.---..--..---- POLICY ITEM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 1 ITEM: Code Enforcement Officer (Contract) - $18,000 JUSTIFICATION: Voluntary compliance with City ordinances and codes is generally high in Arroyo Grande. Citizens seem particularly willing to comply with reasonable requirements. The Community depends on the effective enforcement of these requirements to preserve the quality of life within neighborhoods, protect property values, and ensure that the community is an attractive and safe place to live and work. However, there are those who chose not to voluntarily comply. Individuals, who are law-abiding citizens by nature, may cease to comply with regulations if others violate them without penalty. As part of the 1998/99-budget approval for the Community Development Department, the Council approved a Policy Item to fund a contract Code Enforcement position from June 30, 1998 until October 30, 1998. The contract Code Enforcement Officer operated approximately 32 hours per week. During the time the contract position was on board, the backlog of Code enforcement complaints was significantly reduced. As an example, during the period August 1 , 1998 - September 15, 1998, the Code Enforcement Officer resolved 25 of 63 (40%) outstanding complaints. The Department received many positive comments from the community concerning this important effort. The Community Development Department is currently utilizin'g the Public Works Inspector to act as the Code Enforcement Officer (13 hours per week has been allocated for Code enforcement). Since December 1997, the City has been averaging 20 code enforcement complaints per month. In many cases, the complaints can be handled with a letter and subsequent follow- up; however, there are a number of cases that have required a substantial amount of time, which has overtaxed the Code Enforcement position's 13 hours allotted per week. Given the continued high level of construction activity, more time is necessary for the Public Works Inspector's primary area of responsibility (construction inspection), thus leaving less time for code-enforcement functions (although code enforcement activity remains a high priority). P-1 POLICY ITEM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRIORITY 1 PAGE 2 It is staff's recommendation that the Council allocate funds to support the Code Enforcement position for an additional six-month period (through June 30, 1999). The additional time will continue to reduce the backlog of enforcement complaints, provide adequate follow-up on active enforcement cases, and ensure that code enforcement activities receive the appropriate attention. In addition, staff will explore the possibility of directing a portion of the Code Enforcement Officer's time to the monitoring of environmental mitigation measures associated with ongoing construction projects. Because of the current level of construction activity, and the long-term on-going nature of many environmental mitigation measures, the need for effective monitoring has significantly increased. Should the workload at any time during this period not warrant the contract position, staff will return to the single, part-time Code Enforcement Officer. BUDGET IMPACT: FIRST YEAR: 5 MONTHS - $18,000 ($25.00 per hour/32.5 hours per week/22 weeks) RECURRING COST: $31,000 P-2 --------------- AN APPROPRIATION OF $5000 FROM THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WAS APPROVED AS PART OF THE FY 1998-99 BUDGET PROCESS POLICY ITEM NON-DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY -L ITEM: Contribution to the Economic Vitality Corporation - $10,000. JUSTIFICATION: During the December 9, 1997 City Council meeting, Council Member Fuller requested the Council consider the City becoming a sponsor of the EVC. With the Council's consensus, staff was directed to prepare a staff report regarding the EVC sponsorship. As means of history, the City Council conducted a workshop on April 3, 1997 to discuss the operations of EVC and the importance of establishing a revolving loan fund for the City of Arroyo Grande. During that meeting, the EVC solicited the City to become a member (for the same $10,000); however, the Council took no action at that time. The Council did appoint Council Member Fuller to serve on the EVC Board of Directors on April 8, 1997. The Council also approved an application for a CDBG grant (in the amount of $250,000) to establish a Community Economic Enterprise (revolving loan) Fund. The EVC would have administered the revolving loan fund. Unfortunately, the City was notified on November 18,1997 that the CDBG fund would not be forthcoming for Fiscal Year 1997-98. The mission of the EVC is to stimulate the economic vitality of San Luis Obispo County, generate jobs, and increase financial investment within the County by promoting the retention, expansion, and attraction of business and industry to the area. The EVC is engaged in the following activities that would be a benefit to the City of Arroyo Grande: 1. Business expansion retention; 2. Business attraction and recruitment; and 3. Regional planning and coordination. The EVC is attempting to unify all seven Cities and the County in a cooperative effort aimed at sustainable and thoughtful economic development. At the Council meeting of January 13, 1998, the Council agreed to consider the EVC's request for funding in FY 1998-99 as a Policy Item. Q-1 ---~..- POLICY ITEM NON-DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY -L PAGE 2 BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: General Fund - $5,000 Redevelopment Agency - $5,000 Recurring Costs: Subject to appropriation by the Council/Agency in subsequent fiscal year. Q-2 APPROVED AS PART OF FY 1998-99 BUDGET PROCESS - AUTHORIZED TO FILL POSITION EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1999 POLICY ITEM DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND FIRE DIVISION OF FIRE PRIORITY 1 ITEM: Division ChieflTraining Officerl Administrative Officer - $78,900 JUSTIFICATION: The current firefighter training program is being conducted by volunteer fire officers. The demands of training have far exceed the time these dedicated volunteers have available. The administrative demands of the Fire Chief are at a . level that his administration of the training program is not feasible. The addition of a full time Division Chief will result in the Department maintaining a quality training program that is able to be compliant with all regulator mandates. The position of Division Chief will handle many of the administrative details that are now maintained by the Fire Chief. The salary and benefit costs are estimates based on an analysis of similar positions in surrounding cities. If approved, staff will consult with Ralph Andersen and Associates to ensure consistency with the recently adopted Compensation/Classification study. Recommendations from Ralph Andersen that are significantly more than the estimates presented here, will be brought back to City Council for further consideration. BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: Annual Salary: $55,500 Benefits: 23.400 TOTAL: $78,900 Recurring Cost: $78,900 plus any change in salary/benefit package. R-1 -- ------. .--.-..-.-...,..----..---.--.....--- ----.--.--.--.....--- POLICY ITEM DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND FIRE DIVISION OF FIRE PRIORITY 2 ITEM: Implement full-time staffing consisting of one Captain per shift. Total of 3 shifts equals 3 Captains. First Year: 5 Months - $65,700 JUSTIFICATION: The City of Arroyo Grande's Emergency Service demands are exceeding 1,100 calls per year. This call volume combined with our aggressive public education, training, and maintenance programs has resulted in demanding expectations being placed on our volunteers. A recent comparison of communities in California with our call volume and assessed valuation indicated that the average number of paid personnel is 26, volunteer 19 and in 1993-1994 the average budget for the Departments sampled was $1,773,926. FULL-TIME STAFFING TO COVER THREE SHIFTS The City is at a critical point in the evolution of its fire protection delivery system. The 1998 record increase in calls (1,152) and the Fire Department's daily demand to provide the level of staffing and services is becoming increasingly difficult. Implementing a full-time, three person engine company would provide support to the volunteer forces and help to mitigate and minimize the fire threat in this community. As stated in the City of Arroyo Grande's Master Plan for Fire and Life Safety Services, dated December, 1992 (Hunt Research Corporation): "The Fire Department is barely able to respond adequately to the current incident demand, is being strained by the increasing incident load, and will not be able to keep up with community growth without commensurate department growth. ...The ability to recruit and obtain qualified volunteers is becoming more difficult, as well as maintaining an adequate number of available responders during daytime hours." In 1992, the call load was projected at 850 calls for the year 2002. The 1998 call load has already exceeded this projection at over 1,150 calls. The salary and benefit costs are estimates based on an analysis of similar positions in surrounding cities. If approved, staff will consult with Ralph Andersen and Associates to ensure consistency with the recently adopted Compensation/Classification study. Recommendations from Ralph Andersen R-2 -------- __'_'_n"_""'_' _"__ that are significantly more than the estimates presented here, will be brought back to City Council for further consideration. AL TERNA TIVES TO STAFFING Due to the impact of the budget, alternativ.es to implementing 3 full-time Captains would be to phase in recommended staffing. Under a phased-in approach (the addition of 1 or 2 Captain positions immediately), the budget impact would be as follows: BUDGET IMPACT: A) One Full-Time Captain First Year: 5 Months Salary: $ 20,000 Benefits: S; 9.400 TOTAL: $ 29,400 Less cost savings resulting from elimination of daily staffing and adjustment to total number of volunteers to reflect full time personnel: Daily Staffing Savings $ 6,100 J- Volunteer Reduction $ 1 ,400 <$ 7,500> NET COST: $ 21,900 Recurring Costs: Salary: $ 48,000 Benefits: S; 22.500 TOTAL: $ 70,500 Less cost savings resulting from elimination of daily staffing and adjustment to total number of volunteers to reflect full time personnel: Daily Staffing Savings $14,600 J- Volunteer Reduction $ 3,300 <$ 17,900> NET COST: $ 52,600 B) Two Full-Time Captains First Year: 5 Months Salary: $ 40,000 Benefits: S; 18.800 TOTAL: $ 58,800 Less cost savings resulting from elimination of daily staffing and adjustment to total number of volunteers to reflect full time personnel: Daily Staffing Savings $12,200 J- Volunteer Reduction $ 2,800 <$ 15,000> NET COST: $ 43,800 R-3 -------------- Recurring Costs: Salary: $ 96,000 Benefits: $ 45.000 TOTAL: $141,000 Less cost savings resulting from elimination of daily staffing and adjustment to total number of volunteers to reflect full time personnel: Daily Staffing Savings $29,200 J--. Volunteer Reduction $ 6,700 <$ 35,900> NET COST: $105,100 C) Three Full-Time Captains First Year: 5 Months Salary: $ 60,000 Benefits: $ 28.100 TOTAL: $ 88,100 Less cost savings resulting from elimination of daily staffing and adjustment to total number of volunteers to reflect full time personnel: Daily Staffing Savings $18,200 J--. Volunteer Reduction $ 4,200 <$ 22,400> NET COST: $ 65,700 Recurring Costs: Salary: $144,000 Benefits: $ 67.500 TOTAL: $211 ,500 Less cost savings resulting from elimination of daily staffing and adjustment to total number of volunteers to reflect full time personnel: Daily Staffing Savings $43,800 J--. Volunteer Reduction $10,000 <$ 53,800> NET COST: $ 157,700 R-4 ----- - POLICY ITEM DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND FIRE DIVISION OF FIRE PRIORITY 3 ITEM: Vehicle Intercom System for Fire Apparatus - $4,000 JUSTIFICATION: Improves communications between staff on apparatus while respoinding to calls. Noisy engines and sirens cause poor communication. This provides hearing protection per NFPA Guidelines and OSHA standards. BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: .6201 Vehicle Intercom System $4.000.00 TOTAL $4,000.00 Recurring: .6201 Maintenance $ 200.00 TOTAL $ 200.00 R-5 POLICY ITEM DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND FIRE DIVISION OF FIRE PRIORITY 4 ITEM: Breathing Apparatus, Spare Bottles - $2,500 JUSTIFICATION: To increase the Department's reserve of air bottles to one for each air pack. (4 bottles at $600 each). BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: .6201 Breathing Apparatus Spare Bottles (4 ea.) $2.500.00 TOTAL $2,500.00 R-6 ---- ~------._...,_...- ._.._'--~. - - POLICY ITEM DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND FIRE DIVISION OF FIRE PRIORITY 5 ITEM: Hose replacements (2 %", 4", 1 %" Forestry) - $5,700 JUSTIFICATION: Per NFPA replacement guidelines BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: .6201 Hose Replacements (various sizes) $5.700.00 TOTAL $5,700.00 Recurring: .6201 Annual replacement R-7 POLICY ITEM DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND FIRE DIVISION OF FIRE PRIORITY 6 ITEM: Update of Master Plan - $7,000 JUSTIFICATION: In December of 1992, a Master Plan for Fire and Life Safety Services was completed to assist the City in its future Fire and Life Safety planning efforts. This study was done by an independent consultant specializing in fire protection and emergency management nationwide. Though this report was expected to guide the City over the ten years following its completion, predictions relative to population, future growth trends, and community composition have differed greatly from the predictions of that time. Call volume of the Fire Department, as well as the types of incidents responded to are greatly different than the prediction. To allow the leaders of the City and the management of the Fire Department to have goals on which we can set our direction for fire and life safety in the community, it is necessary to update this Master Plan. BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: .5303 Update of Plan $7 .000 TOTAL $7,000 Recurring: .5303 None R-8 -- APPROVED AS PART OF FY 1998-99 BUDGET PROCESS POLICY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 1 ITEM: Engineering Office Remodel - $4,500 JUSTIFICATION: A complete analysis of Public Works Department personnel and office furniture and equipment has been completed as part of the FY 1998/99 budget preparation. The analysis revealed that the Department's current engineering office layout does not provide work areas for staff in a manner that promotes maximum customer service. A comprehensive, space efficient floor plan has been prepared for the engineering office. Five office furniture and equipment items identified in the overall plan are replacement items (two desks, one work center, and two chairs) and are presented in the Administration/Engineering operating budget. The remaining new items (listed below) will complete the overall plan to provide for two (2) new work stations and one (1) new work area adjacent to the public counter. The Department's office remodel is independent of the Policy Items for Department staffing as these positions are currently filled by contract staff and will continue to be filled by either City staff or contract staff. BUDGET IMPACT: General Fund First Year: Two (2) Desks $ 1 ,400 One (1) Chair $ 300 Five (5) Divider Panels to delineate $ 1 ,000 one existing and two new work stations Three (3) Telephones, Lines, and Jacks $ 700 Three (3) Monitor Arms for Computers $ 300 Install Half Door at front counter $ 400 Service to install electrical outlets $ 400 TOTAL: $ 4,500 Recurring Costs: Annual maintenance is estimated to be $500 and will be covered in the Department's Maintenance-Office Equipment account. S-1 Q ~4- ENGINEERING OFFICE M_ xGJ REMODEL ..c "'o~ ~III 48' x72" FILE REDUCED SCALE desk 04-21-98 Q 0 0 0 30' X 60' PUBLIC WORKS 0 - < desk DIRECTOR / :;j - 0 CITY ENGINEER? ..... ;0 0 Q (] w D 3D" X 96' n~ counter. lc..o~\'1 C4 CONST. 0 'i" 3 x INSP. -t) (] G' D -I. I I Q 0 U~~ tt ft. .. Q a' x 60 desk .. ... "- 30' X 60' ~ 30' X 60' 0 _. <[>desk __ <[>desk \0 ,,< 8 ~ -- 8 ~ x x -. 0 " Q'\ Q. t. . 0 ~~ 0 0 ("') custOM W MGde I' Uft. divider I 60" x 66' I ro l l 0 ~ ~Q. ~gj CD -. ..< OJME~ [ZJ x -. Q. .. WOMEN G'Q. ~x G'f1) III t: ..) ^G' D 8 'fa ~w we! 0 -- PO .. ~ '"< .. I ro II I ox [IT] VI c D ("'hD .. Q'\ C\J.,Y .. (] r---VI ~Q. XQJ B CD -. .. ..< "ft. I x -. (") D G'Q. ? G'f1) ..) divider DEPUTY P/W 60' x 66' DIRECTOR t8 ft. I 12' x60' I SINK 24" x 48' f1 xerox 5-2 ENGINEERING OFFICE I 36'x96' I iJ~ . EXISTING table ~~ . ~III FILE REDUCED SCALE ~. 04-21-98 ~~ 48' x72' 0 V ~ 30' x 60' desk < d k "; es M ~ '0 0 PUBLI C IIORKS ~ I I <{ 36' x 96' D I RECTOR / ~ counter CONST. D CITY ENGINEER INSP. 30'x60' ~ cOMputer 30' x 36 fiche 24' x 48' COMputer ~ 12l' X+t48' lL.J 48' x 84' 0" er ru V cadd ~ ~ fOX - 26' x 60' O-t)~ desk - o c ~~ (] pro WOME.N CD ~I DO ~ i MEN . J ~ D n I /l r ---., CD t::=j L-J w: i 36' x48' I I I I --------- rrf1 ....... 48" x84'. ro II ~.. D L... l~yout! -"fiTe-- cu ~_____J .:x. --------- (] ~ VI tab l e ~ .. ~ c w ~ ~ D --------- ~ ; ~ ~.~ { J ru , DEPUTY P/W - <+ - DIRECTOR m I 12' x60' I tilllREFI SINK 2~;;~~' fl 8-3 APPROVED AS PART OF FY 1998-99 BUDGET PROCESS POLICY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 2 ITEM: Addition of two permanent, full-time Associate Engineer positions in the Public Works Administration/Engineering Office. These positions would be Associate Engineer-Land DevelopmentiTraffic and Associate Engineer-Capital Improvement Program - Savings of $4,000 JUSTIFICATION: The Administrative/Engineering division of the Department of Public Works has been staffed by a consulting firm which has provided support for the day to day activities of both capital improvement program and land development review. These activities have required a substantial amount of time due to the increase in both the number of capital projects which have been initiated and the number of planning applications which have been submitted. The Associate Engineer assigned to land development will be responsible for reviewing all development application and processing of the Public Works conditions, attending meetings including Planning Commission, reviewing each project with the applicants, checking final maps and improvement plans, and coordinating with the City Attorney concerning legal issues. This position will also be responsible for traffic issues relative to the Circulation Element of the General Plan and maintaining the traffic model for the City. The Associate Engineer assigned to the capital projects will be responsible for providing coordination and planning of each project, including preparation of proposals to solicit professional design, reviewing plans, preparing reports, and coordinating the construction activities. An important initial task for the Director has been to review and analyze the overall operational efficiencies of the Department and to make recommendations in those areas needing improvement. Based on a five-month review, the initial analysis indicates that providing these positions (Policy Items 2 and 3) is a good first step to improve operational efficiencies regardless of the ultimate reorganization that may result from a more comprehensive analysis. The more comprehensive review of improving operational efficiencies will be presented at Mid-Year. This will permit time to evaluate the improved levels of customer service provided by the aforementioned positions and what, if any, additional modifications are necessary to improve the delivery of services to the community. S-4 POLICY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 2 PAGE 2 These positions will provide better customer service since they will be consistently available to the public. A cost savings will be realized in comparison to utilizing consultant services on an hourly basis as well as better cost control due to any increase in consultant rates. . The salary and benefit costs are estimates based on an analysis of similar positions in surrounding cities. If approved, staff will consult with Ralph Andersen and Associates to ensure consistency with the recently adopted Compensation/Classification study. Recommendations from Ralph Andersen that are significantly more than. the estimates presented here will be brought back to City Council for further consideration S-5 POLICY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 2 PAGE 3 BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: Streets Water Sewer Gen Fund Total CI P Engineer Salary: $ 18,000 $ 18,000 $ 9,000 - $ 45,000 CIP Engineer Benefits: 6,200 6,200 3,100 - $ 15,500 TOTAL: $ 24,200 $ 24,200 $ 12,100 - $ 60,500 Land Use Eng Salary: $ 9,000 $ 6,750 $ 6,750 $ 22,500 $ 45,000 Land Use Eng Benefits: 3,100 2,325 2,325 7,750 $ 15,500 TOTAL: $ 12,100 $ 9,075 $ 9,075 $ 30,250 $ 60,500 Streets Water Sewer Gen Fund Total Increase: $ 36,300 $ 33,275 $ 21,175 $ 30,250 $121,000 Reduction in Contract Serv:( 0) ( 0) ( 0) (125,000) ( 125,000) Net Increase/Reduction: $ 36,300 $ 33,275 $21,175 ($94,750) ($ 4,000) Recurring Costs: Streets Water Sewer Gen Fund Total CIP Engineer Salary: $ 18,000 $ 18,000 $ 9,000 - $ 45,000 CIP Engineer Benefits: 6,200 6,200 3,100 - $ 15,500 TOTAL: $ 24,200 $ 24,200 $12,100 - $ 60,500 Land Use Eng Salary: $ 9,000 $ 6,750 $ 6,750 $ 22,500 $ 45,000 Land Use Eng Benefits: 3,100 2,325 2,325 7,750 $ 15,500 TOTAL: $ 12,100 $ 9,075 $ 9,075 $ 30,250 $ 60,500 S-6 POLICY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 3 ITEM: Addition of a permanent, full-time Senior Engineer position in the Public Works Administration/Engineering Office - $26,000 (5 Months) JUSTIFICATION: The Administrative/Engineering division of the Department of Public Works has been staffed by a cOnsulting firm which has provided support in managing activities of the capital improvement program and land development review, and inspection services. These activities have required a substantial amount of time due to the increase in both the number of capital improvement projects which have been initiated and the number of planning applications which have been submitted. To adequately provide the management of both the capital projects processing, land development review, and the inspection services, a senior level engineer is recommended. This position will plan, direct, and coordinate the work plan for the engineering staff including both associate engineers (Policy Item 2), engineering technician, inspectors, and engineering intern. The responsibilities include assigning work activities, reviewing and evaluating work products, and coordinating with other departments and local forces. This position will also serve as the department representative to the Traffic Commission as well as prepare all reports and Commission exhibits. An important initial task for the Director has been to review and analyze the overall operational efficiencies of the Department and to make recommendations in those areas needing improvement. Based on a five-month review, the initial analysis indicates that providing these positions (Policy Items 2 and 3) is a good first step to improve operational efficiencies regardless of the ultimate reorganization that may result from a more comprehensive analysis. The more comprehensive review of improving operational efficiencies will be presented at Mid-Year. This will permit time to evaluate the improved levels of customer service provided by the aforementioned positions and what, if any, additional modifications are necessary to improve the delivery of services to the community. This position will provide better customer service by being more accessible to the public. The salary and benefit costs are estimates based on an analysis of similar positions in surrounding cities. If approved, staff will consult with Ralph Andersen and Associates to ensure consistency with the recently adopted Compensation/Classification study. Recommendations from Ralph Andersen that are significantly more than the estimates presented here will be brought back to City Council for further consideration S-7 ..---,..""^'..,....- .. .._>-_."~." POLICY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 3 PAGE 2 BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: 5 Months- Streets Water Sewer Gen Fund Total Salary: $ 4,170 $ 4,170 $ 4,170 $ 8,290 $ 20,800 Benefits: 1,380 1,380 1,380 2,760 6,900 TOTAL: $ 5,550 $ 5,550 $ 5,550 $ 11 ,050 $ 27,700 Streets Water Sewer Gen Fund Total Increase: $ 5,550 $ 5,550 $ 5,550 $ 11,050 $ 27,700 Reduction: ( 0) ( 0) ( 0) ( 1,700) ( 1,700)* Net Increase: $ 5,550 $ 5,550 $ 5,550 $ 9,350 $ 26,000 * Based on the assumption that the Policy Item for two (2) associate engineers is approved which has a cost savings of $4,000. Recurring Costs: Streets Water Sewer Gen Fund Total Salary: $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 20,000 $ 50,000 Benefits: 3,300 3,300 3,300 6,600 16,500 TOTAL: $ 13,300 $ 13,300 $ 13,300 $ 26,600 $ 66,500 S-8 POLICY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 4 ITEM: Addition of a Permanent Full-Time Office Assistant I - $13,300 (5 Months) JUSTIFICATION: Prior to FY 1993-94, the Corporation Yard staff included a Senior Clerk Typist. Budget reductions resulted in the Senior Clerk Typist relocating to the Engineering Division to operate the telephone switchboard. In FY 1995-96 that Senior Clerk Typistwas transferred to the Community Development Department because a new phone system was installed. To offset the loss in office support personnel, the City hired a contract employee to fill this position. From 1994, when the Senior Clerk Typist transferred, through June 1996, four (4) different contract employees held this position. In July of 1996, a Permanent Part-Time Clerk Typist was hired to work at the Corporation Yard. Training and becoming familiar with job duties takes time and is a considerable expense to the City. The secretarial demands at the Corporation Yard have increased due to the number of items being prepared for the City Council and Traffic Commission, along with an increased number of written responses to the general public. The Corporation Yard now handles all the street sweeping complaints and preparation of monthly street sweeping reports to the City Council. In addition to the every day clerical duties, clerical support is needed for Capital Improvement Projects, special in-house projects, and overflow work from the Engineering Department. Other duties include filling in for the Public Works Engineering Administrative Secretary when she is on vacation and/or sick day usage which causes a loss of office support at the Corporation Yard. The annual updating of the twenty-eight (28) maintenance programs (which range from 50 to 200 pages each) from the Water, Sewer, and Street Divisions need to be kept current. These programs are an essential tool used by the City to defend itself in accident and/or injury claims. With all of the abovementioned demands, it has become difficult to get work out in a timely fashion without full-time office support at the Corporation Yard. S-9 ~_.'. ... ~ ~..,--- POLICY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 4 PAGE 2 BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: 5 Months - Water Sewer Gen Fund Total Salary: $ 3,100 $ 3,100 $ 3,100 $ 9,300 Benefits: 1,330 1,330 1,340 4,000 TOTAL: $ 4,430 $ 4,430 $ 4,440 $ 13,300 Recurring Costs: Water Sewer Gen Fund Total Salary: $ 7,400 $ 7,400 $ 7,400 $ 22,200 Benefits: 3,200 3,200 3,200 9,600 TOTAL $10,600 $10,600 $10,600 $ 31,800* * plus increase for cost of living adjustment through contract with S.E.I.U. in July 1999. S-10 POLICY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 5 ITEM: Substitution of a Permanent Full-Time Maintenance Worker for an existing Contract Worker in the Street Division - $3,400 (5 Months) JUSTIFICATION: In 1991, three (3) Permanent Full-Time Street Division Maintenance Worker positions were eliminated due to layoffs. A Full-Time contract employee was hired through a local personnel agency to offset a portion of the loss in the Street Division personnel. This position has been filled since then on a contract basis. The City of Arroyo Grande enjoys a low turnover rate for Permanent Full-Time employees. The least seniority in Public Works Street Division is eight (8) years. The contract employee that was hired was with the City for over four (4) years. While employed on a contract basis, he achieved a Journeyman's rating in the Maintenance Worker II Category, but with no permanent positions open in the near future, this contract employee moved on to a better employment opportunity with more stability and benefits. With this turnover, the City's training investment was lost. A large investment is made in contract and Full-Time employees. Initial and yearly mandated safety training, which is provided to both contract and Full-Time employees, represents a large investment for the City. Equipment and job task developments are additional costs incurred by turnover of this contract position. The current labor market (both temporary and permanent) has shown to be extremely talented and will provide a highly skilled employee committed to the Department's goals. However, the $8,100 annual budget increase should be considered an investment for the future of the Public Works Department. This request meets the requirements discussed in the FY 1998-99 Budget Development Guidelines adopted by Council on February 11, 1997, in that the programs supported by Council require this level of staff to be accomplished. S-11 POLICY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 5 PAGE 2 BUDGET IMPACT: Streets! Gasoline Taxi General Fund First Year: 5 Months - Salary: $ 10,000 Benefits: 4,700 TOTAL: $ 14,700 Increase: $ 14,700 Reduction in Contract Services: ($ 11,300) Net Increase: $ 3,400 Recurring Costs: Salary: $ 24,000 Benefits: 11 ,200 TOTAL $ 35,200 * * plus increase for cost of living adjustment through contract with S.E.I.U. in July 1999. S-12 POLICY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 6 ITEM: Addition of Permanent Full-Time Maintenance Worker in the Street Division - $14,700 (5 Months) JUSTIFICATION: Over the past several years, staffing levels within the Public Works Street Division have proven to be minimally acceptable to meet the Division's needs for service. Layoffs in 1991 resulted in a loss offour (4) field positions: three (3) Permanent Full-Time employees and a Leadperson. Preventative maintenance programs became, and continue to be, the Division's main priority. Residents, City Council, Traffic Commission, special in-house projects and increased development throughout the City are rising beyond the point of existing staffs ability to take care of work that needs to be done to keep maintenance programs on schedule. The flooding in 1995, 1997, and 1998 (State/Federally declared disasters), and 1997 EI Nino storm preparation projects stretched the Division's resources to the limit. In addition, mandated employee training programs have increased dramatically. The Public Works Department has, and will continue to, follow fiscal policy guidelines, first adopted by City Council in September of 1995. In doing so, the Department came up with ideas to increase production levels with existing staff, such as working at night and utilizing crews from the California Men's Colony. Even with implementing these solutions, key programs (Concrete Replacement, Sidewalk Grinding, Sidewalk Drain Repairs) have had some work done, but not enough to continue to keep the programs on schedule. The additional staff being requested will be used for the abovementioned programs. With the work that can be accomplished in these programs, the City's liability exposure will be reduced and have a tangible cost savings in reducing awards for claims in the future. In addition, an increase in preventative maintenance programs that clearly extend the useful life of the City's infrastructure will continue to be able to stay on schedule. Responses to resident's requests will also improve and the Street Division would be able to refocus on "Preventative Maintenance" instead of only high priority projects. S-13 POLICY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 6 PAGE 2 BUDGET IMPACT: Streets! Gasoline Taxi General Fund First Year: 5 Months - Salary: $10,000 Benefits: 4,700 TOTAL: $14,700 Recurring Costs: Salary: $24,000 Benefits: 11 ,200 TOTAL: $35,200 * * plus increase for cost of living adjustment through contract with S.E.I.U. in July 1999. S-14 POLICY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 7 ITEM: Purchase of a Tilt-Trailer with the capacity to haul equipment up to 7,000 Ibs - $8,000 JUSTIFICATION: he Department is requesting the purchase of a new Tilt-Trailer to haul its small equipment to job sites or to areas where the equipment is to be serviced. The trailer will eliminate the driving of these pieces of equipment on the road. The trailer can also be most useful to the Department to haul its non-driveable equipment which now has to be lifted onto a pick- up truck to be transported. The cost of a Tilt-Trailer is approximately $8,000. The Department does not have a trailer with this smaller weight capacity. BUDGET IMPACT: General Fund Sewer Water First Year: Tilt-Trailer Purchase $ 2,700 $ 2,650 $ 2,650 Recurring Costs: Annual maintenance is estimated to be $100 and can be covered in the Department's Maintenance-Machinery & Equipment account. S-15 APPROVED AS PART OF FY 1998-99 BUDGET. POLICY ITEM PROCESS. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PRIORITY 1 ITEM: Reclassify permanent part-time Recreation Building Supervisor to full-time Facility Coordinator - $4,200. JUSTIFICATION: The part-time Building Supervisor position was created in 1994 to relieve the Recreation Supervisor of the day-to-day responsibilities ,associated with scheduling and set-up of the City of Arroyo Grande and Woman's Club Community Center. Since that time, additional responsibilities have been assigned toJhe Building Supervisor. Those responsibilities include: (1) scheduling uses and staff for the Elm Street Community Center. and (2) assisting the Recreation Supervisors with the adult softball league, special events, volunteer recruitment, and volunteer scheduling. Additional responsibilities that would be assigned to the Facility Coordinator include scheduling all fields/tennis courts at the Soto Sports Complex and scheduling. uses of the City's parks and group barbecue areas. Duties associated with these assignments include keeping reservation calendars, assuring completion of the proper facility use requests, accepting payments, scheduling necessary staff, issuing keys for the barbecue areas, coordinating the refund. of deposits . collected, and coordinating. uses by the many groups requesting use of the Sports Complex. These responsibilities are now being performed by the Department's Administrative Secretary and a Recreation Supervisor, which routinely requires the use of overtime to maintain current or other job responsibilities. These two staff members spend approximately 150 total hours annually, at a value of $3,200 to complete these tasks. Reassigning duties associated with facility scheduling will increase Department efficiency and.reduces overtime. Over the past eleven years the Recreation Division has added to its operations the Children In Motion Program, the Coed Volleyball and 3 on 3 Basketball leagues, two new rental facilities, including the Elm Street Community Center and . the Old Fire Station barbecue area, plus eleven special events, including the Chili Festival, two fun runs, three sports camps, four sports card shows, and the NFL Gatorade Punt, Pass & Kick Contest. However, no new full-time staff has been added since 1987. Instead, staff works overtime to provide these programs for the community. The work production of the Building Supervisor is essential to the Recreation Divisions continued delivery of these services. The salary and benefit costs are estimates based on an analysis of similar positions in surrounding cities. If approved, staff will consult with Ralph Andersen and Associates to ensure consistency with the recently adopted Compensation/Classification study. Recommendations from Ralph Andersen that are significantly more than the estimates presented here, will be brought back to City Council for further consideration. T-1 ~--"-----_._..---' -- ---'~-'-._,.,- .-......---.-- .--..-......- POLICY ITEM PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 1 PAGE 2 BUDGET IMPACT: General Fund First year: Salary (Range 13, Step 1): $21,800.00 Benefits: J 7.200.00 TOTAL: $29,000.00 Current budget: Salary: $18,500.00 Benefits: .J 3.100.00 TOTAL: $21,600.00 Increase: $ 7,400.00 Reduction in Overtime: ($ 3,200.00) Net Increase: $ 4,200.00 Recurring Cost: TOTAL: $29,000.00 . .. T-2 c:\Budget\PoIlcylternBIdgSupv9699.401 April 231996 -~-~.-._-_.._-- ~ POLICY ITEM PARKS AND RECREATjQN DI;PAf{]MENT PRlQ~TY 2 ITEM: Addition of a full-time Maintenance Worker in the Parks Division - $10,700. JUSTIFICATION: In 1991, the City maintained approximately 78 acres of developed and open space. Since 1991, the Parks Division has maintained the following additional areas: (a) Elm Street Community Center, (b) James Way Oak Habitat, (c) Nelson Street Open Space, (d) Health Fitness Course, (e) Planters at Parkview Estates and Grand Avenue (in front of the 7-11 store), (f) Rancho Grande Pathways, and (g) Foremaster Greenbelt located in Tract 1158 along the east side of Oak Park Road near the intersection of Meadow Lark Drive. This represents an increase in responsibility of over 80 acres of open spacellandscaped areas, and one community building with public restrooms for a total of approximately 160 acres. This total does not include the numerous planters, alley ways throughout the downtown village area (e.g., Olohan Alley from the Gazebo to Bridge Street), and irrigated trees staff must also maintain City-wide but for Yklich figures for total acreage are not calculated. Although areas of responsibility have increased for the Division, one maintenance 'NOrker was laid off in 1991 due to budgetary reasons; bringing staff levels from one supervisor, one lead'NOrker, and !Us maintenance 'NOrkers to its current level of one supervisor, one leadworker, and five maintenance 'NOrkers. With the increased areas of responsibility and reduction in staff, the ratio of maintenance 'NOrker to acreage of City-maintained property therefore increased from 13.05 acres per maintenance worker in 1991 to 31.69 acres per maintenance worker in 1998. As stated previously, areas of responsibility represented by this ratio do not include the planters, alley ways, or irrigated trees maintained City- wide for which total acreage figures are not calculated. From 1991 through 1997, the population of Arroyo Grande has increased 5.76%. The surrounding communities have also continued to expand. Population increases in the Five Cities Area results in an increased number of users of park services. A negative example of the increased number of users of City parks is reflected in the number of incidences of damage to public property in City parks (this includes reports of vandalism and graffiti) recorded by the Arroyo Grande Police Department. In 1991, the Police Department recorded three (3) incidences of public property damage in City parks. In 1997, the Police Department recorded 41 incidences of public property damage in City Parks; and 11 incidences in the first 4 months of 1998. There is an average of 46 trees planted annually throughout the City. These new plantings require a weekly watering maintenance schedule for an average of the first T-3 POUCY ITEM: PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 2 PAGE 2 five years to ensure the trees will remain viable (depending if the plantings are in residential or commercial sites). Existing Itrees have grown in size and take an increasing amount of time to prune and maintain. A formal inventory of City trees has not been maintained due to current vvorkload demands. The addition of one (1) maintenance vvorker vvould allow staff to meet current vvorkload demands and begin more accurate record keeping of new tree plantings, the City's landmark tree program, and begin an accurate inventory of thousands of trees which are within the City's jurisdiction. It would also allow the Division to begin preventative tree pruning measures to ensure public safety. The Village Improvement Association has taken over responsibility for color planting flowerpots in the Village. However, the new plantings selected by the Association are high maintenance annuals that require watering a minimum of three (3) times per week (rather than twice per week as previously performed). There have been an increasing number of activities assigned to the Parks Division that have added to its vvorkload. The Children In Motion programs continue to grow in participation level at each of the various sites. Heavy equipment and an increasing number of supplies must be moved by Parks Division staff each time the program relocates due to Winter, Spring, or Summer school breaks. The Halloween Carnival was previously held at the former Parks and Recreation Office on Mason Street. With that facility now being used by the Historical Society, the Carnival requires two (2) Parks Division members a minimum of two days' labor to set up and break down the maze and carnival games at the Nelson Greenspace. Special events now held at the Elm Street Community Center and Elm Street Park, and co-sponsored by the Department, also require labor from Parks Division personnel (e.g., Summer Carnival). The downtown village area now has six (6) different sets of banners that must be installed and removed throughout the year. In 1991, only two (2) sets of banners were installed and removed during the entire year. Each set of banners requires three full- time staff members, a forklift, and a truck for a minimum of eight (8) hours. Each of the special events in the Village (the Strawberry Festival, the Fourth of July Peddler's Faire and Chili Fest, and Harvest Festivals) continue to grow in attendance and therefore require additional attention in terms of litter removal from parking lots and trash cans as well as increased clean up of the public restrooms. Additional staffing will reduce the City's liability exposure, which has tangible cost savings in reducing awards for claims; preventative maintenance of the City's parks, open space, tree trimming and pruning, and planters will be kept on schedule; and response to residents' requests for service will improve. Each City Council meeting held at the City of Arroyo Grande and Woman's Club Community Center instead of the Council Chambers requires an additional vvork load for Parks Division personnel. T-4 ~-_.._- POUCY ITEM: PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PRIORITY 2 PAGE 3 BUDGET IMPACT: First Year: 5 Months - Salary: $ 9,800.00 Benefits: J 900.00 TOTAL: $10,100.00 Recurring Costs: Salary: $23,436.00 Benefits: J 2.1,4.00 TOTAL: $25,560.00 T-5 c:\budget\PoIIcyItem-PerksEmpt0yeee899.325 AprH 23, 1993 ___~__.__u -_._--~_.._.-.__._----- '. POLICY ITEM DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PRIORITY 3 ITEM: New fax machine model Panasonic PAN",KFXP200.with broadcast capabilities - $700 JUSTIFICATION: In an effort to increase program participation. and increase revenues, staff has expanded the number of press releases to include public service announcements to numerous television and radio outlets as well as I locaL newspapers. Currently, the Department fax machine at the Elm Street,Community;Genter'does not have broadcast capabilities. This requires. staff to send out'announcements.individually to over 16 television and radio stations. This is not the most productive use of staff time since it requires a staff person to monitor each individual release, then input new numbers to resubmit to a different station. With broadcast capabilities, once the unit has been programmed, staff would only have to key in.'one button>todothe same amount of work. Additionally, the Woman's Club Community.Centercurrentlydoes not have a fax unit. This creates a situation whereby staff atthe.Woman'sClub.Community Center must drive to .the Elm Street Community Center to fax information or pick up forms for reservations that could easily be sent by having a unit on site. If a new unit is approved for the Elm Street Community Center, staff proposes relocating the existing unit to the Women's Club Community Center. BUDGET IMPACT: General Fund First year: Unit Cost: $400 Additional Phone Line at Community Center: $100 Annual Cost For Additional Phone Line: J200 TOTAL: $700 Recurring Cost: TOTAL: $200 c:\Budget\PolicyltemFaxMachine9699.401 T-6 -....---.-.----...- POLICY ITEM DEPARTMENT Of PARKS ANI:) RECREATION PRIORITY 4 ITEM: Funding for department interns during the academic year of 1998-99 from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo JUSTIFICATION: Recreation Administration majors from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo are required to perform a 4oo-hour internship with a parks and recreation department or other leisure service provider. In past years, internships were performed without financial compensation. Recantly, most internship sites are providing a stipend for students for their 10 weeks of service. Intern programs expose students to the 'NOrking environment and provide needed exposure to operational and customer service components of the field. In addition to providing first-hand experience to Recreation Administration majors, such positions are of value to the Department in such areas as grant research, developing assessment surveys, increasing program publicity, increasing flexibility for staffing various recreation service locations for special assignments, data input, and office assistance. BUDGET IMPACT: General Fund First year: 3 interns @ $500 each stipend (9/1/98 - 6/15/99): $1,500* TOTAL: $1,500 Recurring Cost: TOTAL: $1,500 Note: Internship stipend is based on information provided by Cynthia Moyer of the Recreation Administration Department at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Typically, agencies in this area provide stipends in the area of $500 - $1,000 per quarter. *Next available intern recruitment 'NOuld not occur until the Fall of 1999. This item will be resubmitted as part of the FY 1999-00 Budget Policy Item requests. T-7 c:\budget\PollcyitemlnternsFY9899.414 -. ..-----.--- City of Arroyo Grande ATTACHMENTS MID-YEAR BUDGET STATUS REPORT FEBRUARY 9, 1999 -- ~-----_...__._--- MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL fff/; FROM: RICK TerBORCH, CHIEF OF POLlC SUBJECT: ADDITION OF ONE SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD FOR THE INTERSECTION OF FARROLL A VENUE AND ALDER STREET DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the addition of a school crossing guard for the intersection of Farroll Avenue and Alder Street adjacent to Harloe Elementary School. FUNDING: The cost for the remainder of the school year for one crossing guard is approximately $2,040. This cost can be absorbed within the existing Police Department budget. Additionally, the Lucia Mar Unified School District will reimburse the City for one half the cost of the crossing guard ($1,020). DISCUSSION: On November 19, 1998, the Police Department received a request from Ms. Nancy L. DePue, Interim Superintendent, Lucia Mar Unified School District, to add one (1) crossing guard at the intersection of Farroll Avenue and Alder Street. This intersection is adjacent to Harloe Elementary School and is controlled by four-way boulevard stop signs and yellow school crosswalk markings. Ms. DePue's letter is a follow-up request to a letter written on November 12, 1998 by Juan Olivarria, Harloe Elementary School Principal, making the same request. At issue is an increasing number of students crossing at the intersection. Police Department staff have reviewed the situation and are in concurrence with the School District that an additional crossing guard is needed. The Police Department currently provides three (3) crossing guards at two elementary schools within the City, two (2) crossing guards at Harloe Elementary School and one (1) at Ocean View Elementary School. The current crossing guards at Harloe Elementary School are at the intersections of Fair Oaks Avenue and Halcyon Road, and Fair Oaks Avenue and Alder Street. The crossing guard at Ocean View is at the intersection of Brisco Road and Linda Drive. The School District reimburses the City one half the cost for crossing guard services. Annual cost for the crossing guard program is approximately $18,000 (3 crossing guards at $6,000 each); with the ADDITION OF ONE SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD FOR THE INTERSECTION OF FARROLL AVENUE AND ALDER STREET FEBRUARY 9, 1999 PAGE 2 School District reimbursing the City one half of the cost. The cost to add one crossing guard as requested for the remainder of the school year is approximately $2,040 (15 weeks x 20 hours per week (average) x $6.70/hr). Of this total, $1,020 will be reimbursed to the City. The cost can be accommodated within the existing Police Department budget and will require no new appropriation this fiscal year. However, the costs for the crossing guard will need to be included in the FY 1999-2000 Department budget. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendation; - Provide direction to staff; - Do not approve staffs recommendation. Attachments --.- . . .~ . ofucia mal' Unified Sclwol2Jitltrict ..i02 ORCHARD ST., ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 (805) 473-4300 FAX (805) 481-1398 ARROYO GRANDE NIPOMO GROVER BEACH OCEANO PISMO BEACH OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT /D)~~~O"IE :; November 18, 1998 i. .1 :. .:; ~'n'J 19 1998 L ... I~U . '. . .. Rick TerBorch U ill ~ Chief of Police . Arroyo Grande Police Department 200 North Halcyon Road Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Dear Rick, I appreciate your consideration of the request for additional crossing guard services at Harloe Elementary Sch()ol. Juan Olivarria has given me an update on the recent increased student traffic at the crosswalk at Alder Street and FaIToll A venue which has prompted safety concerns.. Your department has always been supportive and responsive to our schools and our students. We hope that you will be able to accommodate this request and we would like to extend an offer to share the additional cost. Please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions or if I can be of any assistance. Sinc~rely, ~nr Nancy L. DePue . InteriI!l Superintendent .. - ND/jw '. . . . ...... . ~ . . ... . ,- ". . . . '. . .. . ..... .-. . . . . . .. .. . .... .. . . ..... ..------ HARLOEELEMENTARYSCHOOL U A Califoniia Distinguished School" 901 Fair Oaks Avenue An-oyo Grande, Ca. 93420 (805)473-4113 November 12. 1998 Chief Rick TerBorch Arroyo Grande Police Department 200 North Halcyon Road Arroyo Grande. CA 93420 Dear Chief TerBorch: Before I make the request for an additional crossing guard, I want to take this opportunity thank you for the excellent selVice your department provides to the families of Arroyo Grande. At Harloe School I have become acquainted with several of your officers. Detective Allen. Officer Williams. Officer Hulgan. Officer Heath. as well as others who respond to calls. In all cases. your . staff is extrem~ly professional and the many programs they provide are always very beneficial to students. The reason for this letter is to request the selVices of an additional crossing guard. During the past few weeks I have noticed an increasing number of students crossing at Alder Street and Farroll A venue at dismissal. The problem of student safety has been created as a result of the students using this crosswalk, combined with the many drivers transporting students. I have observed drivers not stopping for the children trying to cross the street. During my principal.s coffee on November 6. the main topic expressed by parents was the concern for the safety of students at the Alder Street and Farroll A venue intersection. Please contact me so that we can explore options available. - ~ -~-_._'- ---_..~-~_...- ~ CLARK CENTER (80S) 489-4114 A Cultural and Educational Performing Arts Facility BOARD OF DIRE<;:TORS Clifford H. Clark PRESIDENT Gene D. Mintz. VICE PRESIDENT '.n James W. Stegall, Sr. CJ " CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER November 3, 1998 - 0 Judy Hearn -" SECRETARY .- :.:~. ~.~-.~ Timothy Baird. Ed.D. ! ." ,_,' ~_ J C,- ::'.~ ;-i"1 Dal)'l L. Flood s-< Margie G. Godfrey -.-' -I'~, Robert Hollingsead -,' ',- Co -.'"-. J. Erik Howell ;'.,) "';" Scott R. Lathrop :;;:;) :.:~;,.. Peggy Miller I ... ~ Carol Rust Ii- .,,) ASSOCIATES City of Arroyo Grande. &.w. '--1 .-- .' David P, Cantrell, C.PA '~Manager . . <.i.D - ACCOUNTANT . Stephen N. Cool, Attorney 214 E. Branch Street COUNSEL ~(L' CAMPAIGN CABINET Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Bernie Kautz ~ C~R Gracia Bello Shirley Buescher Dear Mr. Hunt: Clifford Clark Doris Fissori I I hereby request removal of the South County Perfonning Arts Building Jerry Fissori Nan Fowler Foundation's presentation from the November 10, 1998 agenda. Michael Greenelsh I Frank Jarratt Trudy Jarratt We will make our presentation at a later date. Brian Johnson Peter Keith Robert Hollingsead Nonna Newdoll Howard Mankins James Stegall, Sr. i GUILD BOARD Helen Summerfield I PRESIDENT Shirley Buescher I VP . MEMBERSHIP Randall Voss vp. WAYS" MEANS Stella Star SECRETARY Pat Stegall CORRESPONDING SECRETARY T eel Beasley TREASURER ~ Walter Funk Ann Hampson I James Harris Lois Hughes Jana Liepa'll I Nonna J..Newdoll Richard Roberts Jerry Tuft Mal)'-Lee Clark i GUILD ADVISOR, I Judy Hearn FOUNDATION LIAISON Georgie O'Connor SCHOOL BOARD REP. ~ OFFICE MANAGER ~ I! Jackie Horg I I"' Cd;;3 South County Performing Am Building Foundation . 580 ammo Mercado. Arroyo Grande, California 93420-1816. (80S) 489--4114 FAX: (805) 489--4287 .. Michael G. Titus 404 Lierly Lane Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 . . " "cT<~ i~: ii~ t'(EJJ ~ n^. " "\ ': "_'j ~ i ~., '.'\lil.U t U L.:~~, ~.l[ik J c' . \I ...., f'. "--, ....... . 'k~_ 1 I ';;,0 '-' i. 'V '.1 November 5, 1 998 City Council City of Arroyo Grande Gentlemen: I understand that on the November 10th Council agenda will be a revisit to the city's contribution to the Clark Center. With the defeat of the bed tax and utility tax measures, it would appear that the Council needs to take a careful look at all expenditures outside the approved budget. Additionally, it would appear that Arroyo Grande's contribution to the center in services over the short and long haul will far exceed any cash contributions by our sister cities. It is my further understanding that the bids for the construction are almost one million dollars over funds (cash and pledges) received to date. This puts into question whether any funds should be disbursed prior to the complete funding of the existing or a redesigned project. Let's keep the cash earning interest in our account. I suggest the Council take the following actions: 1. Convert the city's cash contribution to a "in kind" contribution. . . . .police protection and services, fire protection, infrastructure wear and tear maintenance, traffic mitigating asset investment. These "in kind" services will go on indeterminately. None of these costs to the Arroyo Grande residents will be met by the adjoining cities or the Lucia Mar School District. 2. Any cash disbursement, if still the decision of the Council, should not be made until there is clear evidence that the true and full funding of the Center's construction has been raised. Titu~ ~\ ~('-7~ (\ '" (" -.--- ~- .~ tLc. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAG~ SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 1999-00 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES AND CALENDAR DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1999 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Approve the Budget Development Guidelines for the preparation of the Fiscal Year 1999-00 Preliminary Base Budget; and, 2. Approve the attached calendar for the development and review of the Fiscal Year 1999-00 Preliminary Base Budget. DISCUSSION: As in previous fiscal years, it is requested the City Council provide staff with overall direction for the development of the Preliminary Base Budget. Additionally, it is requested the Council review and approve the Proposed Budget Development Calendar. Before detailing the recommended guidelines, staff is requesting the Council confirm the overall policy parameters that act as a framework for the Budget process. Policy Framework It is recommended the Council reaffirm the City's Fiscal Policy by which the City's budgetary/fiscal functions are administered. The Policy parameters are as follows: * The City will adopt and maintain a balanced Budget by ensuring that all annual operating revenues meet or exceed operating expenses. * The City will maintain a prudent General Fund reserve of 15% of budgeted expenditures. The target of 15% is to be achieved by FY 1996-97 through FY 2000- 2001. * Contribute ten percent of annual appropriations to the improvement of infrastructure. --" '~..__.n --....- - -- CITY COUNCIL FY 1999-00 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FEBRUARY 9, 1999 PAGE 2 * The City will maintain and contribute annually to the Equipment Replacement Fund. * One-time revenues shall not be used to fund ongoing operating program expenses. Any such revenues shall be used to pay for one-time capital expenditures (if budgeted and authorized by the City Council) or placed in the appropriate fund reserve balance. * One-time expenditures that result in long-term cost savings and/or efficiencies will be considered money well invested. Fiscal Year 1999-00 Budget Development Guidelines Most economists believe the State is in a period of moderate to strong growth. The City's revenues in FY 1998-99 generally reflect this economic condition. Total FY 1998-99 General Fund revenues are projected to be above actual revenues received in the prior Fiscal Year. Despite the positive economy, FY 1999-00 will to be another challenging year for the City of Arroyo Grande because of reductions in revenues (i. e., Utility Users Tax) and local revenue increases not matching national or State growth trends. I Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that expenditures are at least held to present levels and are reduced where possible to maintain fund balances at prudent levels. It is recommended that the City Council continue to provide conservative guidelines for the Fiscal Year 1999-00 Budget process. To direct staff in the preparation of the Preliminary Base Budget document, the following FY 1999-00 Budget guidelines are proposed for the Council's consideration: 1. Line items in the Base Budget will not be any greater than the current year's Budget unless written justification is provided. A general inflation factor will not be appropriate justification for any across-the-board increase; 2. "Policy Items" are to be submitted only for budgetary needs that have previously received support from the Council or have a significant potential for expenditure savings or revenue enhancement; 3. Requests for the replacement of existing capital items are to be included in the Base Budget. All replacement requests must be in conformance with the City's Equipment Replacement Policies; CITY COUNCIL FY 1999-00 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FEBRUARY 9, 1999 PAGE 3 4. Citizen participation is to be encouraged by continuing to conduct the Citizens Participation meeting prior to Council action on the Preliminary Budget. Budget Development and Review Calendar Staff has prepared a calendar for the development and review of the FY 1999-00 Preliminary Base Budget. The calendar is designed to provide for a considerable amount of review of department requests by the City Manager's Office and the City Council. Consistent with recent past practices, Planning Commission review of the Preliminary Capital Improvement Program is also proposed as part of the FY 1999-00 Budget process. Additionally, a Citizens Participation Meeting will be conducted to provide the public an opportunity for review and comment prior to the Budget hearings before the Council. Summary During the current Fiscal Year, City departments have continued to follow a conservative fiscal posture by limiting and closely monitoring expenditures in all program areas. The economic outlook indicates moderate growth in California. Nevertheless, Fiscal Year 1999- 00 will require the continued financial diligence of all City departments. It is recommended the City Council adopt the proposed Budgetary/Fiscal Policy Statements, Budget Development Guidelines, and Budget Development Schedule for the City's Fiscal Year 1999-00 Preliminary Base Budget. CITY COUNCIL FY 1999..Q0 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FEBRUARY 9, 1999 PAGE 4 FISCAL YEAR 1999-00 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW SCHEDULE Departments' Preliminary Budget Requests are submitted to the City Manager's Office April 2, 1999 City Manager's Office and Departments review and finalize Preliminary Budget Requests April 5 - 9, 1999 Departments submit Revised Budgets to City Manager's Office for inclusion in the Preliminary Base Budget Document April 19 - 23, 1999 Preliminary Base Budget distributed May 12,1999 Planning Commission Review of Capital I mprovement Projects May 18,1999 Citizens Participation Meeting, 6:30 p.m. May 26, 1999 Budget Session June 1999 (TBD) Budget Session - Adoption of Budget June 1999 (TBD) Budget Session - Adoption of Budget/Back-up June 22, 1999 ~---_..- ~ ~ .~ ''2, 0 ~ Q.. -- ~ $ - 0 ~ - V _ ~ % ~~ ~~ ~ .,; l\ ';"'p " ~ t! ...... V 1!.. ""- ~ " .t: ~ ~ " 't 0 .. "-"~ ~ " ~...~ - !l" 'l ...".....,.. - :I p"ei!. '1\" 0 .." 1, .!' 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