Agenda Packet 2011-11-08City Coiuicil Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair Caren Ray, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Joe Costello, Council/Board Member Jim Guthrie, Council/Board Member Tim Brown, Council/Board Member Ageiicla Steven Adams, City Manager Timothy J. Carmel , City Attorney Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2011 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE: 4. 5. 6. 6.a. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 7:00 P.M. CC/RDA ARROYO GRANDE LIONS CLUB INVOCATION: PASTOR RANDY OUIMETTE ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH; CHAPLAIN, FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None. AGENDA REVIEW: Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY — NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period October 16, 2011 through October 31, 2011. 8.b. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting of October 25, 2011, as submitted. 8.c. Consideration of Cancellation of December 27, 2011 Citv Council Meetinq (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Cancel the regularly scheduled Council meeting of December 27, 2011 due to the holiday and furloughs. 8.d. Consideration of Policv Reqardinq the Deleqation of Claims Handlinq Responsibilities to the California Joint Powers Insurance Authoritv (ADAMS/CARMEL) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution establishing a policy that delegates tort liability claims handling responsibilities to the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority, as authorized by Government Code Sections 910, et seq. AGENDA SUMMARY — NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd): 8.e. Consideration of Temporarv Use Permit Case No. 11-021 Authorizinq the Closure of Citv Streets for the Annual Arrovo Grande Villaqe Improvement Association Christmas Parade, November 27, 2011 (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution approving Temporary Use Permit 11- 021 for the annual Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association Christmas Parade. 8.f. Consideration of an Award of Contract to Brouqh Construction, Inc. for Construction of the Citvwide Concrete Repair Proiect, PW 2011-08 (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Award a contract for the Citywide Concrete Repair Project to Brough Construction, Inc. in the amount of $69,126; and 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the contract amount, $6,913, for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. 8.g. Consideration of a Second Amendment with Water Svstems Consultinq, Inc. for Updates to the Water and Sewer Master Plans (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Approve a Second Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Water Systems Consulting, Inc., in the amount of $9,146 for updates to the Water and Sewer Master Plans; 2) Authorize the Mayor to sign the Second Amendment with Water Systems Consulting Inc.; and 3) Appropriate $4,573 from the Water Fund and $4,573 from the Sewer Fund into the Water and Sewer Master Plan project. 8.h. Consideration of Month to Month Aqreement for Contractor Street Services with SP Maintenance (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Approve a temporary month to month agreement with SP Maintenance Services for street sweeping services. 8.i. Consideration of Adoption of an Ordinance Amendinq Chapter 10.16 of the Arrovo Grande Municipal Code Reqardinq Parkinq (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt an Ordinance amending portions of Chapter 10.16 of Title 10 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code regarding parking. 8.j. Adoption of an Ordinance Amendinq Chapter 8.12 of the Arrovo Grande Municipal Code Reqardinq the Emerqencv Services Orqanization (HUBERT) Recommended Action: Adopt an Ordinance amending Chapter 8.12 of Title 8 (Health and Safety) of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code regarding the Emergency Services Organization. AGENDA SUMMARY — NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 4 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of a Resolution Amendinq the Desiqn Guidelines and Standards for Mixed Use Districts and Amendinq the Public Art Guidelines and an Ordinance Amendinq Chapter 16.08 of the Arrovo Grande Municipal Code to Incorporate the Guidelines bv Reference (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt a Resolution amending the Design Guidelines and Standards for Mixed Use Districts and modifying the Public Art Guidelines and the Public Art Donation Program; and 2) Introduce an Ordinance amending Chapter 16.08 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to incorporate the Guidelines by reference. 9.b. Consideration of Staff Proiect 11-003; Location — Citvwide; Applicant — Citv of Arroyo Grande; Introduction of an Ordinance Addinq Chapter 9.32 to Title 9 of the Arrovo Grande Municipal Code Reqardinq Mobile Vendinq (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: Introduce an Ordinance adding Chapter 9.32 to Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code regarding regulations of mobile vending within the City. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2011-12 First Quarter Budqet Status Report (KRAETSCH) [CC/RDA] Recommended Action: Approve Carryover Appropriations as shown on Schedule A and approve budget adjustments and recommendations as listed in the Quarterly Financial Report and shown on Schedule A. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. None. 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. None. AGENDA SUMMARY — NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 5 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT ************************* All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office, 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************* This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at wwwearr�v��rand�e�rq ************************** City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at wwwesl�-s�ane�r�. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK / PRROyo� � c'A � INCORPORATEO 9Z �% T � JULY 10. t9t1 * C4��FORN�P TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: DATE: CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE TRICIA MEYERS, SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK�i✓I CONSIDERATION OF CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION NOVEMBER 8, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period Oct 16 through Oct 31, 2011. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is a$1,244,847.88 fiscal impact that includes the following items: Accounts Payable Checks 151720-151961 $ Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks $ No or minimal future staff time is projected. 771,650.63 473,197.25 BACKGROUND: Cash disbursements are made weekly based on the submission of all required documents supporting the invoices submitted for payment. Prior to payment, Administrative Services staff reviews all disbursement documents to ensure that they meet the approval requirements adopted in the Municipal Code and the City's Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual of February 2000. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations during the period. The disbursements are accounted for in the FY 2011-12 budget. Agenda Item 8.a. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve stafFs recommendation; • Do not approve stafFs recommendation; • Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: • The Administrative Services Department monitors payment of invoices for accountability, accuracy and completeness using standards approved by the Council. • Invoices are paid in a timely manner to establish goodwill with merchants. • Discounts are taken where applicable. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identiFed as long as City Council conFrms all expenditures are appropriate. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NO'fIFICA'fION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, November 3, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, November 4, 2011. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. Oct 16- Oct 31, 2011 — Accounts Payable Check Register 2. Oct 21, 2011 — Payroll Check 8 Benefit Checks Register Agenda Item 8.a. 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Page 52 O N d � R a N � C1 lC a � W C � _ Z N� J C9 L- � � N� 2 � Q Y �L V 0 d ` � F V U � 0�1 M O� rr r N O = N Y � M ao �� O H Y V d t U O O N h O �O �O CD 00 M � O C C O � � � 00 1A 1A � h M � <O <O � N � 1` 1` � � � O O �� c'7 M N N O O I I O O O O N N h h O O a (p (p Op 00 c'7 M � � O O .+ O O �� � � �� 00 00 C � � h h M M � � � � � N N � � A Y Q � � o V � � � � � a � d O � Och ON Och OM Oc'7 � 0 N O N O N O N O N O N M � � O � O � � � > �� O�? c'7� c'7� O� c - °� ° i o° po °� h � h M � � � � � � I O O � O M � O CD O N W W W W W y M u � •� N � O c °O _ O .d+ C v 0 Z � �v m U NI w � N U O � � Q (� Z LL � H � � W H Z � � � O � � � C CD > °o � O .d+ � 0 N O A � O a � � � y � rn � � � v U � Y c m � O 0 � � v � 0 � � � W J W � � z � N � W i � M � N 0 0 � O N � N O � GD � � � � � M O � � W H � � � Q' W Q � � � � � 0 0 � O N � N O � � � � � � 0 � � O U � H U W J W Z O � J > W W J � � CD O 0 0 � O N � N O � O CD � � � � v � U Z (� Z H J � � Z O U w �> > � J M � N � 0 0 � O N � N O � CD � � � � O a � W L .r C W Y U N L U CD N N Agenda Item 8.a. Page 53 N � C1 lC a CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 9/30/2011 -10/13/2011 10/21/11 FUND 010 309,857.35 FUND 216 - FUND 217 - FUND 219 - FUND 220 17,736.00 FUND 226 - FUND 284 57.70 FUND 285 1,163.18 FUND 290 114,511.24 FUND 612 6,863.79 FUND 640 23,007.99 473,19725 OVERTIME BY DEPARTMENT: Admin. Support Services - Community Development - Police 7,854.45 Fire � 8,133.38 Govrnment Bldg Maint. Engineering Fleet Maintenance Parks Recreation - Admn Rec - Special Events - Children In Motion - Soto Sport Complex Public Works Maintenance 1,181.31 17,169.14 5101 5102 5103 5105 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5121 5122 5123 5126 5127 5131 5132 5133 5134 5135 5143 5144 5146 5147 5148 5149 5150 5151 Salaries Full time Salaries Part-Time - PPT Salaries Part-Time - TPT Salaries OverTime Salaries Standby Holiday Pay Sick Pay Annual Leave Buyback Vacation Buyback Sick Leave Buyback Vacation Pay Comp Pay Annual Leave Pay PERS Retirement Social Securiry PARS Retirement State Disability Ins. Deferred Compensation Health Insurance Dental Insurance Vision Insurance Life Insurance Long Term Disability Uniform Allowance Car Allowance Council Expense Employee Assistance Boot Allowance Motor Pay Bi-Lingual Pay Cell Phone Allowance ATTACHMENT 2 222, 799.90 17, 386.43 28,861.91 17,169.14 352.50 2,644.91 5,261.01 10, 736.97 5, 972.64 5, 352.68 77,938.38 21,357.48 595.97 1, 532.67 633.21 46,024.47 4,724.72 1,078.62 465.52 867.65 675.00 219.83 90.64 125.00 330.00 473,197.25 Agenda Item 8.a. Page 54 ACTION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2011 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Regular Ciry Council meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Ciry Council: Council Member Joe Costello, Council Member Tim Brown, Council Member Guthrie, Mayor Pro Tem Caren Ray, and Mayor Tony Ferrara were present. Ciry Staff Present: Ciry Manager Steven Adams, Ciry Attorney Timothy Carmel, Ciry Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services Angela Kraetsch, Director of Recreation and Maintenance Services Doug Perrin, Five Cities Fire Authoriry Fire Chief Mike Hubert, Five Cities Fire Authoriry Administrative Officer David Mathe, and Communiry Development Director Teresa McClish. 3. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Ferrara led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Robert Banker, Open Door Church, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Ordinances Read in Title Only. Council Member Brown moved, Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read by title only and all further readings be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited public comment on the Consent Agenda. There were no comments received, and the public comment period was closed. In response to a request for clarification by Mayor Ferrara regarding Item 8.d. as it relates to the Landmark Tree designation process, staff explained that historically, the Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed and made recommendations to the City Council even though the Ordinance allows either the Planning Commission or Parks and Recreation Commission to make recommendations. Mayor Ferrara suggested that at some future time the Ordinance be modified to have only the Parks and Recreation Commission review issues regarding trees. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 1 Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Page 2 Action: Council Member Costello moved, and Council Member Brown seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.f„ with the recommended courses of action. The motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Brown, Guthrie, Ray, Ferrara NOES: None � ABSENT: None 8.a. 8.b. 8.c. 8.d. 8.e 8.f. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period October 1, 2011 through October 15, 2011. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report listing the current investment deposits of the Ciry, as of September 30, 2011, as required by Government Code Section 53646(b). Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular Ciry Council Meeting of October 11, 2011, as submitted. Consideration of Resolutions Designating Landmark Trees. Action: 1) Adopted Resolution No. 4404 entitled: "A RESOLUT/ON OF THE CITY COUNC/L OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DES/GNAT/NG A COASTAL L/VE OAK LOCATED AT 202 AVEN/DA DE D/AMANTE AS LANDMARK TREE #11-66"; and 2) Adopted Resolution No. 4405 entitled: "A RESOLUT/ON OF THE CITY COUNC/L OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DES/GNAT/NG A JACARANDA LOCATED AT 404 EAST BRANCH STREET AS LANDMARK TREE #11-67". Consideration of a Resolution Accepting Easements and Public Improvements Located at 263 Spruce Street; S8S Homes of the Central Coast. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4406 entitled: "A RESOLUT/ON OF THE CITY COUNC/L OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPT/NG EASEMENTS AND IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP AG 05-0198 AND PLANNED UN/T DEVELOPMENT 11-003; LOCATED AT 263 SPRUCE STREET". Consideration of an Award of Contract to Brough Construction, Inc. for Construction of the Castillo Del Mar Bike Path Project, PW 2011-05. Action: 1) Awarded a contract for the Castillo Del Mar Bike Path Project to Brough Construction, Inc. in the amount of $110,378; and 2) Authorized the Ciry Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the construction phase of the project. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS 10.a. Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance Amending the California Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) Contract for the Local Miscellaneous Members and Local Police Members. Director of Administrative Services Kraetsch presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt an Ordinance authorizing an amendment to the contract between the Ciry and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement Systern for local police members. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 2 Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 3 Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Mayor Ferrara opened the public comment period. There were no comments received, and the public comment period was closed. Action: Council Member Costello moved to adopt an Ordinance entitled: "AN ORD/NANCE OF THE C/TY COUNCIL OF THE C/TY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHOR/Z/NG AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE C/TY AND THE BOARD OF ADM/N/STRAT/ON OF THE CALIFORN/A PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RET/REMENT SYSTEM FOR LOCAL POLICE MEMBERS". Mayor Pro Tem Ray seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Ray, Guthrie, Brown, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Consideration of a Proposed Ordinance Amending Chapter 8.12 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Regarding the Emergency Services Organization and Resolution Approving the Emergency Operations Plan. Chief Hubert and Administrative Officer David Mathe presented the staff report and recommended the Council: 1) Introduce an Ordinance Amending Chapter 8.12 of Title 8(Health and Safety) of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Regarding the Emergency Services Organization; and 2) Adopt a Resolution Approving the Emergency Operations Plan. Staff responded to questions from Council. Council Member Costello clarified a conflicting provision in Section 8.12.080 of the Ordinance regarding positions responsible for preparing Emergency Plans. Mayor Ferrara opened the public comment period. There were no comments received, and the public comment period was closed. Action: Council Member Costello moved to adopt a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUT/ON OF THE C/TY COUNCIL OF THE C/TY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPT/NG THE C/TY OF ARROYO GRANDE EMERGENCY OPERAT/ONS PLAN". Mayor Pro Tem Ray seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Ray, Guthrie, Brown, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None Action: Mayor Pro Tem Ray moved to introduce an Ordinance entitled: "AN ORD/NANCE OF THE C/TY COUNCIL OF THE C/TY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMEND/NG CHAPTER 8.12 OF T/TLE 8(HEALTH AND SAFETI� OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUN/C/PAL CODE REGARD/NG THE EMERGENCY SERVICES ORGAN/ZAT/ON". Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Ray, Guthrie, Costello, Brown, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None Agenda Item 8.b. Page 3 Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Page 4 11.b. Consideration to Maintain Restricted Parking in the Village for Two-Hour Parking on West and East Branch Street Between Traffic Way and Mason Street and on Bridge Street Between West Branch Street and the Bridge Street Bridge and Amending Chapter 10.16 of the Municipal Code Regardir�g Parking. Community Development Director McClish presented the staff report and recommended the Council: 1) Adopt a Resolution to maintain restricted parking in the Village for two-hour parking on West and East Branch Street between Traffic Way and Mason Street and on Bridge Street between West Branch Street and the Bridge Street Bridge and eliminate all other existing restricted two-hour and 30-minute parking in the Village; and 2) Introduce an Ordinance amending portions of Chapter 10.16 of the Municipal Code to address limited parking in municipal parking lots and clean up language referring to a previously repealed code section. Staff responded to questions from Council. Mayor Ferrara opened the public comment period. Speaking from the public were Robert McGuire, Village business owner, in support of the proposals; and Vickie Wambolt, Village business owner, in support of the proposals. There were no other comments received, and the public comment period was closed. Action: Council Member Costello moved to adopt a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUT/ON OF THE C/TY COUNC/L OF THE C/TY OF ARROYO GRANDE MA/NTA/N/NG RESTR/CTED PARK/NG /N THE VILLAGE FOR TWO-HOUR PARK/NG ON WEST AND EAST BRANCH STREET BETWEEN TRAFF/C WAY AND MASON STREET AND ON BR/DGE STREET BETWEEN WEST BRANCH STREET AND THE BR/DGE STREET BR/DGE". Mayor Pro Tem Ray seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Ray, Guthrie, Brown, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None Action: Council Member Costello moved to introduce an Ordinance entitled: "AN ORD/NANCE OF THE C/TY COUNC/L OF THE C/TY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMEND/NG PORT/ONS OF CHAPTER 10.16 OF T/TLE 10 (VEH/CLES AND TRAFF/C) OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUN/C/PAL CODE REGARD/NG PARK/NG". Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Guthrie, Brown, Ray, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS The Mayor and Council Members provided brief reports from the following committee, commission, board, or other subcommittee meetings that they have attended as the City's appointed representative. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 4 Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Page 5 (a) Mayor Ferrara: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). (2) South San Luis Obispo Counry Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Brisco/Halcyon/Hwy 101 Interchange Project Subcommittee (4) 5 Cities Diversity Coalition (b) Mayor Pro Tem Ray: (1) Economic Vitaliry Corporation (EVC) (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authoriry (CJPIA) (3) Tourism Committee (4) South County Library Donor Recognition Committee (c) Council Member Costello: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) Five Cities Fire Authoriry (FCFA) (d) Council Member Guthrie: (1) South Counry Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Communiry Action Partnership (CAPSLO) (3) Homeless Services Coordinatir�g Council (HSOC) (e) Council Member Brown: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) (2) Counry Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Brown announced that the benefit fundraiser for Ira Hughes was a success and was well attended. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Ciry Manager Adams acknowledged that there have been some video problems on Channel 20 and that a meetir�g is being scheduled with the operator (AGP Video) and Charter Communications to discuss the matter. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 17. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferra�a adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 5 Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg ) Page 6 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 6 �PRR� �O � cp � INCORPORATEO �Z � ° MEMORANDUM � JU�Y ��. ,B „ * c4��FORN�P To: cinr couNCi� FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER j SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CANCELLAI'ION OF DECEMBER 27, 2011 CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 201'f RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council cancel the regularly scheduled Council meeting of December 27, 2011 due to the holiday and furloughs. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is no fiscal impact and a workload reduction impact on staffing resources. BACKGROUND: Traditionally, the City Council has cancelled the second regularly scheduled December meetir�g due to scheduling conflicts surrounding the holidays. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The City Council meets twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays. The second meeting in December generally falls during the week of Christmas and historically the Council has cancelled the meeting. This year the regular meeting is sched�uled for Tuesday, December 27�'. It is especially necessary this year to cancel the meeting because non-paid furloughs are going to be implemented that week and City Hall will be closed. According to Fair Labor Standards Act regulations, if management employees work during furloughs, they lose their exempt status and would have to be paid for those hours. ALTERNATIVES: "fhe following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Cancel the December 27�' meeting; - Do not cancel the December 27�' meeting and appropriate additional funds for work hours for staff to attend; - Reschedule the December 27�' meeting; - Provide direction to staff. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 1 CITY COI,INCIL CONSIDERATION OF CANCELLATION OF DECEMBER 27, 2011 CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 2 ADVANTAGES: By canceling the December 27�' meeting, this would allow City employees, as well as the Council, an opportunity to enjoy the holidays with their families. It will also avoid costs associated with working during a furlough week. DISADVANTAGES: Cancellation of the following meetings. meeting normally results in heavier agendas at the prior and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, November 3, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, November 4, 2011. No public comments were received. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 2 � � PPapYO GRqNDE ��::,��.�� ' .,:;hii /� a��ssra TO: CITY COIJNCIL MEMORANDUM FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER � TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY'C� DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2011 SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF POLICY REGARDING THE DELEGATION OF CLAIMS HANDI_ING RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY RECOMMENDAI'ION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution establishing a policy that delegates tort liability claims handling responsibilities to the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority, as authorized by Government Code Sections 910, et seq. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is no financial impact for establishing the policy. Delegating all aspects of claims handlir�g responsibilities to CJPIA will further streamline the process and reduce staff time spent on preparing various response letters and other administrative tasks. BACKGROUND: The City of Arroyo Grande is a member of the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) with coverage for general liability and workers' compensation through its membership. The City pools its claims and losses with other CJPIA merribers under a Memorandum of Coverage. Pursuant to Government Code Sections 910, et seq., the Joint Powers Agreement that created the California JPIA also authorizes it to exercise certain powers that are common to all members and that are appropriate to defend and indemnify members from claims under the Memorandum of Coverage. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Since the time that the City contracted with CJPIA, claims against the City have been handled administratively by staff in conjunction with Carl Warren & Company, the third party agency contracted by CJPIA to investigate and defend liability claims against the City. When directed by Carl Warren & Company, staff prepares and sends denial letters to the claimants following appropriate Council action. If the claim is to be returned as insufficient or untimely, staff is directed to prepare the lette� and return the claim to the Agenda Item 8.d. Page 1 cirr couNCi� CONSIDERATION OF POLICY REGARDING THE DELEGAI'ION OF CLAIMS HANDLING RESPONSIBILITIES NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 2 claimant accordingly. In a risk management audit conducted by CJPIA, it was discovered that when the City first joined the Authority, the Memorandum of Coverage was executed; however, the City did not officially adopt a Resolution which delegates all tort liability claims handling responsibilities to CJPIA. Under the proposed Resolution, the CJPIA will administer all liability claims handling responsibility for the City, including settling, accepting, rejecting, returning as insufficient, or returning as untimely, any claims against it, and providing any notices authorized under those statues on behalf of the City. Therefore, this action does not change the process for handling claims. It is simply cleanup action to implement the requirements when the City first joined the CJPIA. It should be noted that the City Manager, in conjunction with the City Attorney, retains the authority to direct CJPIA to settle a claim for property damage in an amount up to $2,000. In these instances, the City would incur a minimal administrative handling cost related to obtaining a settlement release of liability on behalf of the City, and the settlement would not be applied to the insurance pool. ADVANTAGES: The policy for claims handling will be formally established in compliance with the terms of the Memorandum of Coverage. The claims handling procedure will be further streamlined and eliminate unnecessary time delays in processing claims. � DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review was required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, November 3, 2011, 2011. The Agenda and staff report were posted on the City's website on Friday, November 4, 2011. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A POLICY THAT DELEGATES TORT I_IABILITY CLAIMS HANDLING RESPONSIBILII'IES TO THE CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY AS AUTHORIZED BY GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 910, ET SEQ. WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande is a member of the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (California JPIA), and pursuant to Government Code Sections 990.4, et seq. and 65�0 et seq., pools its self-insi�red liability claims and losses with other California JPIA members under a Memorandum of Coverage; and WHEREAS, the Joint Powers Agreement creating the California JPIA authorizes it to exercise powers common to members and appropriate to defend and indemnify members from liability claims under the Memorandum of Coverage. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. The City of Arroyo Grande delegates to California JPIA authority to act on its behalf pursuant to Government Code sections 910, et seq. to accept, reject, return as insufficient, or return as untimely any claims against it, and to provide any notices authorized under those statues on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande. 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. 3. The City of Arroyo Grande City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of , 2011. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.d. Page 4 �PRROro �°` �� � INCORPORATED 92 " " MEMORANDIIM # �u�r ,o. �e„ ,� P C4�/FORN� TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA MCCLISH DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BY: RYAN FOSTER, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERAI'ION OF TEMPORARY USE PERMIT CASE NO. 11-021 AUTHORIZING THE CLOSURE OF CITY STREETS FOR THE ANNUAL ARROYO GRANDE VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION CHRISTMAS PARADE, NOVEMBER 27, 2011 DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution approving Temporary Use Permit 11-021 for the Annual Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association Christmas Parade. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: Total cost of the parade is estimated to be $1,294. Parade cost estimates include overtime for staff to place and remove no parking signs; renting, placing and removing water barricades, and the provision of up to two police officers to direct traffic and ensure safety. Beginning last year, the City split these costs evenly with the applicant. "fhis amounts to an estimated cost of $647 to the City. BACKGROUND: The Village Improvement Association's Christmas parade has been held annually for seven consecutive years on the Sunday immediately after Thanksgiving. This year's parade is scheduled for November 27, 2011 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Other events occur in the Village before and after the Parade including a choir perFormance, tree lighting, nativity scene, a visit from Santa Claus and the screening of a movie in Heritage Square Park. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The parade stages in the Bank of America parking lot and proceeds onto Wesley Street and immediately turns east on West Branch Street and continues until turning south onto Short Street where it terminates and disbands in Olohan Alley. The parade route requires the closure and "No Parking" restrictions on Wesley Street from Larchmont to West Branch Street and West and East Branch Street from Wesley Street to Mason Street from 4:30 PM until 7:00 PM. In the past, streets were opened at 6:30 PM; Agenda Item 8.e. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERA'fION OF CHRISTMAS PARADE STREET CLOSURE NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAG E 2 however, the applicant has requested an additional half-hour closure this year to minimize conflicts befinreen parade participants and those participating in other events. ADVANTAGES: "fhe Christmas Parade serves as a community event that allows citizens and visitors to celebrate the holiday season with organized activities in the Village. The parade route is well established and City staff involvement is minimal. DISADVANTAGES: "No Parking" restrictions and the closure of sections of West and East Branch Streets will have an impact on traffic congestion. Motorists not familiar with the parade route will have to use detours to get to their destinations which may increase travel time. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt the attached Resolution approving Temporary Use Permit 11-021 for the Annual Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association Christmas Parade. - Modify and adopt the attached Resolution. - Do not adopt the attached Resolution. - Provide direction to staff. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This event is categorically exempt per Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, November 3, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, November 4, 2011. No public comments have been received as of this date. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 11-021 AND AUTHORIZING THE CLOSURE OF CITY STREETS FOR THE ANNUAL ARROYO GRANDE VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION CHRISTMAS PARADE, NOVEMBER 27, 2011 WHEREAS, the Arroyo G�ande Village Improvement Association (AGVIA) applied for a Temporary Use Permit to utilize City streets and property for a Christmas Parade; and WHEREAS, the temporary closure of portions of Wesley Street and West and East Branch St�eets will help to facilitate the parade for all people participating in the event; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby approve Temporary Use Permit 11-021 authorizing the following actions subject to compliance with the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: Wesley Street from Larchmont to West Branch Street and West and East Branch Street from Wesley Street to Mason Street will be closed from approximately 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM on November 27, 2011. 2. A"No Parking�Tow Away Zone" will be established on both sides of Wesley Street from Larchmont to West Branch Street and West and East Branch Street from Wesley Street to Mason Street from 4:30 PM until 7:OC1 PM on November 27, 2011. 3. "fhe applicant shall be refunded the Temporary Use Permit application fee. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 8th day of November 2011. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. PAG E 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.e. Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 11-021 GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. "fhe applicant shall ascertain and comply with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The event shall occur in substantial conformance with the application and plans on file in the Community Development Department. 3. The applicant shall comply with all of the Conditions of Approval for Temporary Use Permit 11-021. 4. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. 5. "fhe applicant shall notify all affected businesses and residents of street closures and parking restrictions at least 48 hours prior to the event. 6. The applicant shall abide by all road closure and parade regulations as established by the Police Department. 7. The applicant shall pay for half of the true City cost to ensure public safety, establish no parking zones, close streets and to provide for two police officers. Applicant costs are estimated to be $624. 8. The applicant shall comply with the Health Department regulations for all food products provided or sold during the event. 9. Post "No Parking" signs 24 hours in advance. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.e. Page 6 /PRROro� �°� c � INCORPOAATE Z V r�n � �u�r ,o. ,e „ ,� c4��FORN�P TO: FROM: BY: MEMORANDUM CITY COUNCIL DOUG PERRIN, DIRECTOR OF RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES iJ• � MIKE I_INN, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERA'fION OF AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO BROUGH CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIR PROJECT, PW 2011-08 DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2011 RECOMMENDAI"ION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Award a contract for the Citywide Concrete Repair Project to Brough Construction, Inc. in the amount of $69,126; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the contract amount, $6,913, for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project (total construction costs = $69,126 + $6,913 = $76,039). IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The Capital Improvement Program budget includes $12,500 from the Annual Concrete Replacement Program and $91,426 from Miscellaneous Striping, Crosswalks, Sidewalks, and ADA Ramps. These combined accounts will be depleted by approximately $76,000. "fhere will be additional asphalt material and personnel costs associated with the asphalt "pave backs". However, this project will reduce impacts on streets staff resources by contracting sidewalk repair work. The project is also a component of the Critical Needs Action Plan. BACKGROUND: The City has established a goal of eliminating all trip and fall hazards over a three-year period. The project scope of work involves the replacement of sidewalk, curb and gutter, and driveway app�oach segments for twenty-eight separate locations throughout the City that have experienced damage from adjacent trees. Each site is unique, but the general scope of work involves selective demolition of concrete and asphalt, inspection of the tree roots by the City Arborist, root pruning, and the replacement of Agenda Item 8.f. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO BROUGH CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIR PROJECT PW 2011-08 NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 2 concrete sidewalk, driveway approaches, and curb and gutter to return the area to its original condition. The work requires coordination to ensure that disruptions to the streets are minimized. The final asphalt "pave backs" will be performed by City crews. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: On September 27, 2011, three bids were opened for the Citywide Concrete Repair Project. The lowest bid, from Kirk Construction, was in the amount of $44,562. Upon review of the bid information, staff discovered an inconsistency in the cost proposal which rendered their bid nonresponsive. Staff has determined the second low bid from Brough Construction, Inc., in the amount of $69,126, to be responsive and recommends the award of a contract accordingly. The contract time is 45 calendar days. Work is expected to begin in early January 2012. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve staff's recommendation to award a contract to Brough Construction; 2. Do not award a contract for the p�oject at this time; or 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The project will reduce the number of trip and fall hazards within the City. DISADVANTAGES: Performance of the project will deplete a large portion of the designated funding to repair concrete throughout the City. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Guidelines Section 15301(c). PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted on Thursday, November 3, 2011. The agenda and staff report was posted on the City's website on Friday, November 4, 2011. No public comments were received as of the time of preparation of this report. Attachment: 1. Bid Tabulations Agenda Item 8.f. Page 2 /pRROy\ �°E c c'�� � INCORPQRATED �Z u�° � # ,AAr lo, �9�� � c4��FORN�P SUBMITTED BY: D-Kal Engineerir�g, Inc. San Luis Obispo, CA BID OPENING LOG SHEET CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEADLINE: September 27, 2011, 2:00 p.m. CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIR PROJECT B�ough Construction, Inc. Arroyo Grande, CA Kirk Construct'ion Atascadero, CA n Kitty No , Deputy City Clerk c: TOTAL $76,984.00 $69,126.25 $44, 562.00 Director of Community Development Assistant City Engineer City Manager Agenda Item 8.f. Page 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.f. Page 4 �PRROr� � �� � INCORPOqATE 9.l �% T � JULV 10, 19�1 * c'���FOa��P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL � FROM: TERESA McCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: MIKE LINN, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A SECOND AMENDMENT WITH WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING, INC. FOR UPDATES TO THE WATER AND SEWER MASTER PLANS DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 2 3. Approve a Second Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Water Systems Consulting, Inc. ("Second Amendment") in the amount of $9,146 for updates to the Water and Sewer Master Plans; Authorize the Mayor to sign the Second Amendment with Water Systems Consulting Inc.; and Appropriate $4,573 from the Water Fund and $4,573 from the Sewer Fund into the Water and Sewer Master Plan project. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The Capital Improvement Budget includes a total of $98,730 to perform the updates ($52,750 budgeted for the Water Master Plan Update and $45,980 budgeted $5,484 for the Sewer Master Plan Update). A total transfer of $9,146 to the CIP is requested; comprised of $4,573 from the Water Fund and $4,573 from the Sewer Fi�nd. Engineering staff will assist the consultant to provide mapping information for incorporation into the project. BACKGROUND: On April 8, 2011, t Consulting, Inc. in th Sewer Master Plans. to the agreement to (UWMP) to coincide Update project. ie City Council approved an agreement with Water Systems � amount of $99,465 to perform updates to the City's Water and On May 24, 2011, the City Council approved a First Amendment incorporate an update to the Urban Water Management Plan with the scope of work for the Water and Sewer Master Plan Agenda Item 8.g. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A SECOND AMENDMENT WITH WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING, INC. FOR UPDATES TO THE WATER AND SEWER MASTER PLANS NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAG E 2 ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The original consultant scope of work included updating the water and sewer system network within the City's Geographic Information System (GIS). "fhis will create a complete and reliable GIS system that will enable accurate information for all components of the water and sewer systems. However, the task has proven to be much more involved than originally anticipated. Although the requirements for the system mapping have not changed, the number of labor hours required to locate the various documents, categorize the information and incorporate them into the GIS system is much more than originally anticipated. Staff negotiated a Second Amendment price with Water Systems Consulting, Inc. in the amount of $9,146. All payments shall be verified on a monthly progress basis and the pricing shall be based on pre-established terms and hourly rates. � ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve a Second Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Water Systems Consulting, Inc.; - Do not approve Second Amendment; or . - Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Approval of the Second Amendment will enable the consultant to complete the mapping of the sewer and water system network within the City's Geographic Information System. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: An environmental review is not required at this time. Staff will prepare an initial study in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements for Council's consideration during a given milestone of the project (such as the consultanYs 50% completion submittal) when the particular components and its potential impacts, if any can be better identified. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted on Thursday, November 3, 2011. "fhe agenda and staff reports were posted on the City's website on Friday, November 4, 2011. No public comments were received as of the time of preparation of this report. Attachment: 1. Second Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement Agenda Item 8.g. Page 2 CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 2 This Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to Consultant Services Agreement ("CSA") by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING, INC. (WSC) is made and entered into this day of November 2011. WHEREAS, the parties entered into a CSA dated April 12, 2011 for preparation of the Water and Sewer Master Plan Updates; and . WHEREAS, the parties entered into a First Amendment to CSA dated May 24, 2011 for preparation of the 2010 Urban Water Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the CSA as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Section 1("TERM") of the Agreement, shall be modified in its entirety to read as follows: This Agreement shall be extended and remain and continue in effect until June 30, 2012, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. To include the additional services at �the increased cost as specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this Second Amendment the day and year first above written. WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING, INC. By: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: Tony Ferrara Mayor Agenda Item 8.g. Page 3 11�� � WATCR SYSTEMS CONSULTING, INC. 10/18/2011 Mrs. Teresa McClish 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Exhibit "A" SUBJECT: CONTRACT AMENDMENT - MAPPING SERVICES REQUIRED FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE WATER AND SEWER MASTER PLAN UPDATES Dear Teresa, This letter is intended to serve as an amendment to our Agreement for Consultant Services executed by City of Arroyo Grande (City) on April 12, 2011 for preparation of the Water and Sewer Master Plan Update. Water Systems Consulting, Inc. (WSC) has incurred additional costs associated with the following scope additions requested by the City: 1. Updating water system GIS mapping to represent the current configuration of the City's water distribution system. WSC's original budget for this task included 10 staff hours. To date WSC has spent 29 hours of staff time updating the water system mapping. The total additional cost for this scope revision is $2,594.00. 2. Updating sewer system GIS mapping to represent the current configuration of the City's sewer collection system. WSC's original budget for this task included 10 staff hours. To date WSC has spent 58 hours of staff time updating the sewer system mapping. The total additional cost for this scope revision is $6,552.00. The total budget amendment is a not-to-exceed expenditure limit of $9,146.00. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Water Systems Consulting, Inc. Jeffery M. Szytel, PE, MBA Principal Approved and Accepted by: City of Arroyo Grande Approved by: Teresa McClish Title: Director of Community Development Date: PO Box 4255 � San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 I Phone: (805) 457-8833 I Fax: (8os) 888-z764�l�7d���.�d�1n Page 4 /pRRO�\ �� �� o ,� INCORPORA7E0 92 V T � JULY 10. 1811 * C4� � F ORN�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF MONTH TO MONTH AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACTOR STREET SERVICES WITH SP MAINTENANCE SERVICES, INC. DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve a temporary month to month agreement with SP Maintenance Services for street sweeping services. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: Currently, $85,000 is budgeted for this service, which will be sufficient to maintain the costs of the agreement. There will be an impact on staff resources to implement the RFP process. However, there is no alternative at this time since there are no available extensions remaining in the existing agreement. Since the Public Works Department was eliminated, the majority of this work has been perFormed by the City Manager. Assistance from the City Attomey will also be necessary for preparation of the new agreement. BACKGROUND: On April 25, 2006, the Council approved a two-year agreement for street sweeping services with SP Maintenance Services, Inc. with a provision for three one-year extensions. The agreement was converted to a month to month basis on May 1, 2008, in order to prepare an analysis on providing in-house street sweeping services. On September 9, 2008, the City Council approved reviving the agreement and extending it for a year. The second extension was approved in 2009 and the third in October 2010. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The Agreement has expired and the City needs to now issue a new Request for Proposals (RFP). It is recommended that a month to month agreement with SP Agenda Item 8.h. Page 1 cinr couNCi� CONSIDERATION OF MONTH TO MONTH AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACTOR STREET SERVICES WITH SP MAINTENANCE SERVICES, INC. NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 2 Maintenance Services, Inc. be approved to provide time for staff to solicit new proposals. The services provided by SP Maintenance Services, Inc. under this agreement have been satisfactory. They have agreed to extend the agreement under the same terms, conditions and costs. The existing agreement with SP Maintenance Services, Inc. involved a reduction in cost by contracting in cor�junction with a City of Grover Beach contract. Therefore, the month to month agreement will also provide staff time to coordinate the request for bids with the City of Grover Beach. In response to staff inquiries, the City of Grover Beach has indicated a willingness to coordinate our bidding processes to determine if economies of scale can again result in cost savings. Staff is not recommending another proposal to provide the service in-house be prepared given the impact on available staffing since the last time this issue was studied. However, staff may request the option be revisited if costs increase when proposals are received. ALTERNAI'IVES: � The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the month to month agreement; - Approve the month to month agreement and request staff proposal to provide the services in-house; - Provide other direction to staff. to prepare a ADVANTAGES: The month to month extension of the agreement will enable the continuation of street sweeping services that meet the needs of the community at no increase in cost to the City, while providing time for staff to solicit new proposals for this service. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, November 3, 2011 and on the City's website on Friday, November 4, 2011. No cornments were received. Agenda Item 8.h. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF MONTH TO MONTH AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACTOR STREET SERVICES WITH SP MAINTENANCE SERVICES, INC. NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAG E 3 Attachment(s): 1. Contractor Services Agreement Agenda Item 8.h. Page 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.h. Page 4 /pRRO Y� ��,� � c � INCORPORATEO � V ^ T � JULY 10. IB11 � C4��FORN�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL ^�� ,�d_ - FROM: TERESA MCCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10.16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PARKING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt an ordinance amending portions of Chapter 10.16 of Title. 10 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code regarding parking. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is no irnpact on fnancial and personnel resources identified with this ordinance. BACKGROUND: On October 18, 2011, the Downtown Parking Advisory Board voted 3-0 to: 1) to eliminate restricted parking in the Village except on West and East Branch Street between Traffic Way and Mason Street and on Bridge Street between W. Branch Street and the Bridge Street Bridge; and 2) to make all the restricted parking 2-hour pa�lcing and thus eliminate the 30-minute parking area on one section of E. Branch Street adjacent to�the Car Corral. The City Council adopted a resolution approving this proposal and introduced the ordinance on October 25, 2011, as presented. � ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: ' Removing 2-hour parking signage in the Car Corral and Olohan Alley parking lots may increase an existing problem of people parking cars in �municipal parking lots overnight or over consecutive nights. The ordinance amends Section 10.16.100 of the Municipal Code that prohibits vehicles, mobile liomes, boats and trailers in the �public right-of-way for more than 72-hours to include municipal parking lots. Additionally, the ordinance includes a correction to Section 10.16.050 to cite the correct code reference to Section 10.16.055 instead of a previously repealed section, 10.16.160. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Adopt the ordinance regarding limited parking in municipal parking iats; 2. Modify and re-introduce the ordinance; or 3. Provide direction to staff. Agenda Item 8.i. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF LIMI'fED PARKING IN PARKING LOTS NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 2 ADVANTAGES: "fhe ordinance will address the issue of extended overnight parking of vehicles in municipal parking lots that may be exacerbated by the removal of two-hour parking signage. DISADVANTAGES: Staff has not identified any disadvantages with the ordinance. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, staff has determined that this project is categorically exempt per Section 15301 of CEQA Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: An ordinance summary was published in The Tribune on Wednesday, November 2, 2011 pursuant to State Law. The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, November 3, 2011 and posted on the City's website on Friday, November 4, 2011. Agenda Item 8.i. Page 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'fHE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING PORTIONS OF CHAP'fER 10.16 OF TI'fLE 10 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) OF 'fHE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PARKING WHEREAS, Chapter 10.16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code has been established to regulate parking of vehicles on City streets and municipal parking lots; and WHEREAS, there is a need to ens��re that the City's parking laws are enforceable by the City's Police Department; and WHEREAS, the Downtown Parking Advisory Board has reviewed parking issues and has made recommendations to the City Council regarding limited parking in and around the Village Core Downtown District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: SECTION 1: The above recitals and findings are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 2: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 10.16.050 is hereby amended as follows: 10.16.050 Limited parking — Determination by resolution. The council may, from time to time, limit or restrict the length of time for which vehicles may be parked upon any street and municipal parking lot, incli�ding those streets and parking lots set forth in Section 10.16.055 of this chapter, within the city. Such limitations or restrictions may be effectuated by resolution of the council specifying the streets and/or parking lots and the limitations and restrictions on parking thereon. SECTION 3: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 10.16.100 is hereby amended as follows: 10.16.100 Parking vehicles, mobilehomes, boats and trailers in public rights-of- way or municipal parking lots for more than seventy-two (72) hours prohibited. No vehicle, mobilehome, boat, or pole or utility trailer may be parked within a public right-of-way or municipal parking lot of the city for any continuoi�s period exceeding seventy-two (72) hours, except as otherwise provided in Section 10.16.110 of this chapter. SECTION 4: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. Agenda Item 8.i. Page 3 ORDINANCE NO. PAG E 2 The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause be declared i�nconstitutional. SECTION 5: Upon adoption of this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall �File a Notice of Exemption. SECTION 6: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in �the office of the City Clerk. Wi�thin fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days from the date of adoption. On motion of Council Merriber , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 8�' day of November, 2011. Agenda Item 8.i. Page 4 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.i. Page 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.i. Page 6 �PRRO YO\ ° �� � INCORPORATEO 9Z V T � JUIY 10, 1811 * c���FORN�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL �w �� �e�' FROM: MICHAEL E. HUBERT, FIRE CHIEF, FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY BY: DAVID L. MATHE, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP'fER 8.12 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING THE EMERGENCY SERVICES ORGANIZATION DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2011 RECOMMENDA'fION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt an Ordinance amending Chapter 8.12 of Title 8(Health and Safety) of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code regarding the Emergency Services Organization ("ESO"). IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: None. BACKGROUND: The City Council introduced the proposed Ordinance at its meeting of October 25, 2011. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Over the last several years, the City has made significant modifications to its Emergency Operations Plan ("EOP"), including the implementation of the State's Standardized Emergency Management System ("SEMS") and the National Incident Management System ("NIMS"). The EOP serves as the City's guiding document for responding to large scale emergencies. The purpose of this Ordinance is to update the City's Municipal Code to make the City's ESO consistent with the City's EOP. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Adopt the attached Ordinance to amend Municipal Code Chapter 8.12 of Title 8(Health & Safety) regarding the Emergency Services Organization ("ESO"); 2. Do not adopt the attached Ordinance; or 3. Provide direction to staff. � Agenda Item 8.j. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8.12 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING THE EMERGENCY SERVICES ORGANIZATION NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 2 ADVANTAGES: Adoption of the Ordinance will update the City's Municipal current provisions of the EOP, and to ensure. the City's disaster assistance funds and Federal disaster grant funding DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified regarding this item. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. Code consistent with the eligibility to receive State in the event of a disaster. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENT: An Ordinance Summary was published in The Tribune on Wednesday, November 2, 2011, pursuant to State law. The Agenda was posted in firont of City Hall on Thursday, November 3, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, November 4, 2011. � Agenda Item 8.j. Page 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 8.12 OF TITLE 8 (HEALTH AND SAFETY) OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING THE EMERGENCY SERVICES ORGANIZATION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIN OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECI'ION 1. Chapter 8.12 of Title 8(Health and Safety) of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is hereby amended in its entirety as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. SECI'ION 2. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect �the validity of the remainir�g portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 3. A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this day of 2011. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 3 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.j. Page 4 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 EXHIBIT A Chapter 8.12 - EMERGENCY SERVICES ORGANIZATION 8.12.010 - Purposes. "fhe declared purposes of this chapter are to provide for the preparation and carrying out of plans for�the protection of persons and property within the city in the event of an emergency; the direction of �the emergency organization; and �the coordination of the emergency functions of the city with all other public agencies, corporations, organizations, and affected private persons. 8.12.020 - Emergency defined. For the purposes of this chapter, "emergency" means the actual or threatened existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the city caused by such conditions as air pollution, fire, �flood, storm, epidemic, riot or earthquake, acts of terrorism, or other conditions, including conditions resulting from war or the imminent threat of war, but other than conditions resulting from a labor controversy, which conditions are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment and facilities of the city, requiring the combined forces of other political subdivisions to combat, or with respect to regulated energy utilities, a sudden and severe energy shortage which requires extraordinary measures beyond the authority vested in the California Public Utilities Commission. 8.12.025 - Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and National Incident Management System (NIMS). The city shall use SEMS and NIMS for coordinating all local emergencies. The basic framework of SEMS/NIMS incorporates the use of the Incident Command System, multi-agency or interagency coordination, the State's master mutual aid agreement, the operational area concept, and the Operational Area Satellite Information System. 8.12.030 - Disaster council - Membership. "fhe Arroyo Grande disaster council is created and shall consist of the following: A. The city manager is the director of emergency services, who shall be the chairperson; B. One member of the city council; C. The assistant director of emergency services, as appointed by the city manager, who shall be the vice-chairperson; Agenda Item 8.j. Page 5 ORDINANCE NO. PAG E 4 D. Such chiefs of emergency services as are provided for in the current emergency plan of the city adopted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter; E. Such representatives of civic, business, labor, veteran, professional, or other organizations having an official emergency responsibility as may be appointed by the director of emergency services with the advice and consent of the city council; and F. The coordinator of emergency services, as appointed by the director of emergency services. 8.12.040 - Disaster council - Powers and duties. It shall be the duty of the Arroyo Grande disaster council, and it is so empowered, to develop and recorrimend for adoption by the city council emergency and mutual aid plans and agreements and such ordinances and resolutions and rules and regulations as are necessary to implement such plans and agreements. The disaster council shall meet upon the call of the chairman or, in his or her absence from the city or inability to call such meeting, upon the call of the vice-chairperson. 8.12.050 - Dicector, assistant director, and coordinator of emergency services. A. There is created the office of director of emergency services. The city manager shall be the director of emergency services. B. There is created the office of assistant director of emergency services, who shall be appointed by the director of emergency services. C. There is created the office of coordinator of emergency services, who shall be appointed by the director of emergency services. 8.12.060 - Powers and duties of the director, assistant director, and coordinator of emergency services. The director of emergency services is empowered to: A. Request the city council to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency if the city council is in session, or to issue such proclamation if the city council is not in session. Whenever a local emergency is proclaimed by the director, the city council shall take action to ratify the proclamation within seven days thereafter or the proclamation shall have no further force or effect; Agenda Item 8.j. Page 6 ORDINANCE NO. PAG E 5 B. Request the Governor to proclaim a state of emergency when, in the opinion of the director of emergency services, the locally available resources are inadequate to cope with the emergency; C. Control and direct the effort of the emergency organization of the city for the accomplishment of the purposes of this chapter; D. Direct cooperation between and the coordination of services and staff of the emergency organization of the city and resolve questions of authority and responsibility that may arise between them; E. Represent the city in all dealings with public or private agencies on matters pertaining to emergencies as defined in Section 8.12.020 of this chapter; F. In the event of the proclamation of a local emergency, as provided in subsection (A)(1) of this section, the proclamation of a state of emergency by the Governor or the Director of the State Office of Emergency Services, or the existence of a state of war emergency, the director is empowered: i. To make and issue rules and regulations on matters reasonably related to the protec�tion of life and property as affected by such emergency; provided, however, such rules and regulations shall be con�rmed at the earliest practicable time by the city council, ii. To obtain vital supplies, equipment, and such other properties found lacking and needed for the protection of life and property, and to bind the city for the fair value thereof, and, if required immediately, to commandeer the same for public use, iii. To require the emergency services of any city officer or employee and, in the event of the proclamation of a state of emergency in the county or the existence of a state of war emergency, to command the aid of as many citizens of the community as he or she deems necessary in the execution of his or her duties; such persons shall be entitled to all privileges, benefits and immunities as are provided by state laws for registered disaster service workers, iv. To requisition the necessary personnel or materials of any city department or agency, and v. To execute all of his or her ordinary powers as city manager, all of the special powers conferred upon him or her by this chapter or by resolution or emergency plan adopted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter adopted by the city council, and all powers conferred upon him or her by any statute, by any agreement approved by the city council, and by any other lawful authority. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 7 ORDINANCE NO. PAG E 6 G. In addition to the powers granted herein, the director of emergency services shall have such powers incidental to the perFormance of duties as said director as shall be necessary to allow the director to carry out the emergency operations plan of the city, it being the intent of this chapter that the enumerated powers herein are not limitations upon the director; H. The director of emergency services shall designate the order of succession to that office to take effect in the event the director is unavailable to attend meetir�gs and otherwise perform his or her duties during an emergency. Such order of succession shall be approved by the city council; I. "fhe assistant director of emergency services shall, under the supervision of the director and with the assistance of coordinator of emergency services and chiefs of emergency services, develop emergency plans and manage the emergency programs of the city and shall have such other powers and duties as may be assigned by the director; J. The coordinator of emergency services shall, under the supervision of the director, manage the day-to-day operations of the Arroyo Grande civil defense/emergency services program. In time of an actual emergency, the coordinator of emergency services shall report directly to the director; and, K. The foregoing specific authority vested in the director of emergency services and other such authority as deemed necessary during such emergencies are declared to be imminently necessary for the protection of life and property during such period. 8.12.065 - City Council - Powers and duties. The city council is empowered by this chapter to: A. Proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency. B. Ratify the existence of a local emergency within seven (7) days of a declaration of local emergency made by the director of emergency services while the city council was not in session. C. Review the need for a continuing emergency declaration at regularly scheduled meetings at least every twenty one (21) days until the emergency is terminated. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 8 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 7 D. Issue a declaration terminating the local emergency once the situation resulting from the emergency conditions is within the control of the normal protective services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of the city. 8.12.070 - Emergency organization. All officers and employees of the city, and all groups, organizations, and persons who may by agreement or operation of law, including persons impressed into service pursuant to the provisions of subsection (A) (6) (iii) of Section 8.12.060, be charged with duties incident to the protection of life and property in the city during such emergency shall constitute the emergency organization of the city. 8.12.080 - Emergency plan. "fhe assistant director of emergency services, at the direction of the city disaster council, shall be responsible for the development and continual updating of the City of Arroyo Grande emergency operations plan. "fhe plan shall provide for the effective mobiliza�ion of all of the resources of �the city, both public and private, to meet any condition constituting a local emergency, state of emergency, or state of war emergency, and shall provide for the organization, powers and duties, services, and staff of the emergency organization. Such plan shall take effect upon adoption by resolution of the city council. 8.12.090 - Expenditures. Any expenditure made in connection with emergency activities, including mutual aid activities, shall be conclusively deemed to be for the direct protection and benefit of the inhabitants and property of the city. 8.12.100 - Violation It shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both, for any person, during an emergency, to: A. Willfully obstruct, hinder or delay any member of the emergency organization in the enforcement of any lawful rule or regulation issued pursuant to this chapter, or in the performan�e of any duty imposed by virtue of this chapter. B. Do any act forbidden by any lawful rule or regulation issued pursuant to this chapter, if such act is of such a nature as to give or be likely to give assistance to the enemy or to imperil the lives or property of inhabitants of the city, or to prevent, hinder or delay defense or protection thereof. C. Wear, carry or display, wi�thout authority, any means of identification specified by the emergency agency of the city or State. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.j. Page 10 /pRRO Y0 �O� �' INCOHPOAATE � V T i� NLY 10, 1011 � c4��FOR��P MEMORANDUM To: cinr couNCi� � n¢� FROM: TERESA MCCLISH, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT �JrJ` SUBJECT: CONSIDERAI'ION OF A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS FOR MIXED USE DISTRICTS AND AMENDING THE PUBLIC ART GUIDELINES AND AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 16.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCORPORATE THE GUIDELINES BY REFERENCE DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1) adopt a Resolution amending the Design Guidelines and Standards for Mixed Use Districts and modifying the Public Art Guidelines and the Public Art Donation Program; and, 2) Introduce an Ordinance amending Chapter 16.08 of the Municipal Code to incorporate the Public Art Guidelines by reference. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is no fiscal impact projected from the proposed amendments as any public art would be funded exclusively from donations or privately sponsored projects. The proposal may reduce future staff time by simplifying the process for any projects on public property. The item is not related to implementation of the Critical Needs Action Plan priorities. BACKGROUND: In 2002, the City Council approved an Art in Public Places Program and Process. In 2004, Public Art Guidelines were adopted as part of the Design Guidelines and Standards for Mixed Use Districts. "fhe recommendations were prepared with the assistance of the San Luis Obispo County Arts Council. It was largely in response to a community controversy that was generated by public art that was displayed by a private developer in the Village. The goals of the program were as follows: • Develop measures to promote art in the community; • Establish a uniform process for review and selection of public art on private and public property that would be reflective of the community, but limit City govemment involvement; and Agenda Item 9.a. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 11-005 NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAG E 2 • Identify general guidelines and selection criteria that would promote creativity and freedom of expression, but also compatibility with the character, design and environment of the surrounding area. Initially, the program was not incorporated in the Municipal Code directly, however, it was included in the Design Guidelines for Mixed Use Districts and incorporated by reference into the Municipal Code as part of that document. It was also included in an Art Donation Program approved by the City Council in 2006. "fhe program has never been used since that time. "fhere is currently an Eagle Scout project proposed to upgrade the Hart-Collett Firefighters' Memorial Park. The project concept includes a potential sculpture. The process in place is relatively curnbersome and labor intensive. As a result, at #he August 9, 2011 meeting, Mayor Pro Tem Ray requested, and the City Council concurred, to direct staff to prepare modifications to the process. Recommendations were presented at the August 23, 2011 meeting. At that time, the Council delayed the item to obtain additional pi�blic input and information on examples from other cities. Results were presented to the Council on September 27, 2011. All cities in San Luis Obispo County were contacted. The cities of San Luis Obispo, Atascadero and Morro Bay have existing programs. Information on each program is attached. The programs in Atascadero and Morro Bay are primarily limited to donations of art to the City to be displayed in public areas. The City also has adopted an art donation program. This program is included with modifications consistent with proposed changes to the Guidelines. The City of San Luis Obispo has a very comprehensive program, which addresses all areas of public art. Provisions regarding art on private property follow a process similar to Arroyo Grande, with the exception that proposals are reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee. After discussion, the Council directed staff to prepare the proposed resolution and ordinance in order to implement the recommended changes. The Planning Commission considered the proposed resolution and ordinance at a public hearing on October 18, 2011. By a 5-0 vote, the Commission recommended approval of the proposal with modifications that are discussed below. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: "fhe dilemma #he City experienced when the program was developed was how to ensure public art pieces are viewed by the community as an enhancement, while avoiding govemment censorship of public art and expression. A number of alternatives were reviewed and it was decided to form a review panel when any public art is proposed. Panel Representatives Below is the existing makeup of the panel, along with the recommended changes: Agenda Item 9.a. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 11-005 NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 3 • 2 representatives from the property owner • 2 representatives designated by the County Arts Council 6e�ee • 1 representative from the Architectural Review Committee • 1 representative from the Chamber of Commerce or 1 representative from the Village Improvement Association if the project is within the Village District • 1 representative from the Historical Society •�°�;� The recommended changes are based upon the suggestion of a representative from the County Arts Council. Since their Art in Public Places Committee is limited, expanding the representation will enable them to identify designees from Arroyo Grande. � Selection Process An art project can be either proposed on an existir�g property or part of a new project. There are also finro primary options in which art projects can be developed: • First, an applicant can submit a single proposed project. The application is submitted to the panel for review and approval. • The second option is to require the applicant to submit a number of alternative art proposals and the panel would make the final selection. Under the current process, the art project decision is made by the panel after a City Council public hearing. It is proposed that the process be modified to only apply to private projects. In this respect, "public art" on private property is defined to be art that is displayed in an open area that is freely available to the general public or public accessibility is provided based upon the characteristics of the artwork or its placement on the site. Projects on public property would be considered by the City Council, with the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission if on a park property. It is still proposed to involve the County Arts Council in the process for art on public property in an advisory role. Since there are significant Constitutional issues associated with restricting or regulating art on private property, it is recommended that the Guidelines expressly provide that the purpose is to encourage and facilitate the placement of public art on private property. In this respect, the Guidelines will state that the City recognizes that art and artistic expression is a protected activity and that the Guidelines are not intended to unduly restrict creative expression or limit the types of public art possible. Rather, they are intended to facilitate and encourage the best possible combination Agenda Item 9.a. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 11-005 NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 4 of sites and artwork, and help to guide what is essentially a form of communication between the artist and the community. Since the intent of establishing the process was to ensure that public art projects were sensitive to community concerns, but to avoid government censorship of art, the primary focus was on private projects in public view. After further review, staff does not believe concerns over government censorship of art will apply to projects on City property. Therefore, the process can accomplish its goals and be more cost effective by limiting it to private property. Guidelines and Criteria General guidelines and criteria were also developed by the County Arts Council. The following change to the guidelines is recommended: • Public art shall be e�i�d of high artistic quality. • Public art shall reflect the character of the area. • Public art shall be compatible with the immediate site and neighborhood in terms of social and cultural characteristics, architectural scale, materials, land use and geographical and environmental context. • Public art shall include lighting, interpretive information and other amenities where appropriate. • Public art shall not impede pedestrian or vehicle traffic or conflict with public or private easements. • Consideration shall be given to any public safety or public health concerns related to or created by the artwork. • Public art shall be constructed of durable, high-quality materials and require minimal or no maintenance. • Public art shall be securely installed. • A wide variety of artistic expression is encouraged. However, expressions of profanity or vulgarity are inappropriate. The change is recommended because it was determined that a pre-made or manufactured art piece may be identified as desirable for a given location or purpose, particularly given funding constraints. The following are criteria to be used for public art, which were also developed by the County Arts Council: , • , ; • Evaluation of artistic excellence; • Appropriateness of scale, form, material, content and design relative to the immediate and general neighborhood; • Relationship to the social, cultural and historical identity of the area; Agenda Item 9.a. Page 4 CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 11-005 NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 5 • Appropriateness of proposed materials as regards to structural and su�Face integrity, protection against vandalism, public safety and weathering; • Ease of maintenance; • Appropriateness of proposed method of installation of artwork and safety and structural factors involved in installation; • Artist's experience in working on comparable projects. The change to the criteria was recommended by Mayor Pro Tem Ray to remove duplicative language within the first bullet point. The City Council should note that Arroyo Grande's Public Art program does not address having a mandatory requirement that public art be included in private development projects. "fhis type of program has been adopted by many cities in California and typically requires an expenditi�re of a percentage of a project's construction budget or value (1 % is found in many ordinances) on publically accessible art and usually applies to projects over a set valuation. Such programs also include an option for the developer to pay an in-lieu fee instead of including artwork in the project. The in-lieu fees are then used by the city to fund other public art projects. This type of in-lieu fee has been upheld by the California Supreme Court. If the City Council wants to explore such a Development Code amendment, staff would be able to provide additional information at a subsequent meeting. The proposed Resolution also includes minor modifications to the Public Art Donation Program for consistency with the Guidelines and adds the Program criteria to the Guideline document. Additionally, the proposed Resolution includes amendments to the Public Art Guidelines as a separate document from the Design Guidelines and Standards for Mixed Use districts; and removes them from that document. The proposed Ordinance will incorporate them in the Municipal Code as a separate document by reference. Finally, below is a list of additional amendments recommended by the Planning Commission and additional comments regarding inclusion of the recommendations into the proposed Resolution: ❖ Add an appeal process for decisions made by the Public Arts panel to the City Council - Part of the objective for the proposed art policy is to ensure that it is both expeditious and depoliticized. As stated above, due to concerns with protections granted under the first amendment, and since the Guidelines are not regulatory in nature, but rather are designed to facilitate and encourage public art on private property, staff does not recommend such an appeal process. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 5 cirY couNCi� DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 11-005 NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 6 ❖ Add a Definition of Public Art into the Guidelines — A definition was added as recommended. ❖ Under Guidelines No. 2 of the Public Art Guidelines, and under the Guidelines for Review of the Proposal of the Public Art Donation Program, remove "Public Art shall be reflective of the Area" as it is too general and duplicative of similar language in other parts of the Guidelines - This statement was omitted from each section as recommended. ❖ Add a provision for recommended manner of installation and estimated maintenance cost under the Proqosal Section of the Public Art Donation Program — These provisions were included as recommended as subsections #10 and 11 under the Proposal Section. ❖ Insert a Section heading for Process into the Public Art Guidelines — This Section has been added as recommended. ❖ Add that the City will consult with the County Arts Council for public art on public property under the Process Section of the Gi.�idelines - This Section has been added as recommended. ❖ Fix typos and clarify language in the following sections: Guidelines No. 8; Definition in Public Art Donation Program; Displav of Public Art; and in the controlling recital of the Resolution — Completed as recommended. ALTERNATIVES: "fhe following alternatives have beeri identified: 1. Adopt Resolution and introduce Ordinance; 2. Request further modifications to the process; 3. Do not make any changes to the program and process; 4. Provide staff other direction. ADVANTAGES: The proposed changes will accomplish the original goals of the program, but streamline it to reduce staff work and better facilitate potential art projects on public property. Changing the process to the Municipal Code will be more appropriate in order to apply it universally to all public art projects. DISADVANTAGES: Projects on public property would not receive the benefit of input from a diverse public art review panel. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, staff has determined that the Resolution and Ordinance is categorically exempt per Section 15061(b)(3) and 15378(a) of the Guidelines (in that it is not a project that has the potential to cause a significant effect on the environment.) Agenda Item 9.a. Page 6 CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 11-005 NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 7 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: A notice of Public Hearing was published in The Tribune on October 28, 2011, pursuant to State Law. The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, October 13, 2011 and on the City's website on Friday, October 14, 2011. No comments were received. Attachments 1. Proposed modifications to Public Art Guidelines and Public Art Donation Program Agenda Item 9.a. Page 7 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS FOR MIXED USE DISTRICTS AND MODIFYING THE PUBLIC ART GUIDELINES AND PUBLIC ART DONATION PROGRAM (DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 11-005) WHEREAS, In 2002 the City Council approved measures to promote art in the community, establish a uniform process for the review and selection of public art on public and private property that would be rellective of the community but limit City Govemment involvement, and identify general guidelines and selection criteria to promote creativity and freedom of expression, but also compatibility with the character design and environment of the surrounding area; and WHEREAS, In 2004, the City Council adopted a Resolution and an Ordinance approving Public Art Guidelines and incorporating them by reference that incorporated �the approved criteria and process as part of the Design Guidelines and Standards for Mixed Use Districts; and WHEREAS, Section 16.08.010 of the Municipal Code specifies documents that are incorporated by reference into Title 16 of the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City's Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande considered and recommended approval of the amended Public Art Guidelines at a duly noticed public hearing on October 18, 2011 in accordance with the Development Code of the City of Arroyo Grande at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that this project is consistent with the City's General Plan, Development Code and the environmental documents associated therewith, and has the project is exempt under per Sections 15061(b)(3) and 15378 of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande considered the amended Public Art Guidelines at a duly noticed public hearir�g on November 8, 2011, in accordance with the Development Code of the City of Amoyo Grande at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that the Design Guidelines and Standards for Mixed Use Districts are amended to delete therefrom the Public Art Guidelines. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby amends the Public Art Guidelines and Public Art Donation Program in its entirety as shown in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 8 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 8"' day of November 2011. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 9 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 9.a. Page 10 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PUBLIC ART EXHIBIT "A" Public Art Guidelines And Public Art Donation Program Adopted by City Council Resolution No. 557 October 26, 2004 Amended by City Council Resolution No. November 8, 2011 O 2004, 2011 City of Arroyo Grande All Rights Reserved Agenda Item 9.a. Page 11 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PUBLIC ART GUIDELINES PUBLIC ART Purpose The purpose of these Guidelines is to create a framework to facilitate and encourage property owners to provide outdoor public art on their property, or, if approved by the Director of Community Development, in the adjacent public right-of-way. For purposes of these Guidelines "Public Art" shall mean art located on private property that is displayed in an open azea that is freely available to the general public or public accessibility is provided based upon the chazacteristics of the artwork or its placement on the site. Artwork may include free-standing pieces (e.g. a sculpture or water fountain) or may be integrated into its surroundings as an azchitectural element (e.g. relief sculpture embedded in pavement or a wall, a mosaic or mural on a wall, decorarive railings or lighting. These Guidelines aze intended to assist artists, citizens and city officials and staff to understand the City's goals regazding art that is displayed in a manner that is available and accessible to the general public. The City recognizes that art and artistic expression is a protected activity and these Guidelines aze not intended to unduly restrict creative expression or limit the types of public art possible. Rather, they aze intended to facilitate and encourage the best possible combination of sites and artwork, and help to guide what is essentially a form of communication between the artist and the community. Process These Guidelines aze applicable to public art projects proposed to be located on private property or by a private owner in the adjacent public right of way. The guidelines and criteria contained herein shall also apply to public art projects on City property, which shall be considered and approved by the City Council, in consultarion with the San Luis Obispo County Arts Council, and with the recommendation of the Pazks and Recreation Commission if art is proposed to be placed on pazk property, and aze subject to the Public Art Donation Program to the extent applicable. Public Art Panel In order to solicit community input and involvement for the consideration and promotion of public art on private property in the City, a Public Art Panel has been established to review all public art. The 7 member panel is made up of the following representarives to be convened as needed (a minimum of 6 members shall be residents or business owners in Arroyo Grande): .�. .�. .�. .�. .;. 2 representatives from the property owner. 2 representatives designated by the County Arts Council 1 representative from the Architectural Review Committee. 1 representative from the Chamber of Commerce or 1 representative from the Village Improvement Association if the project is within the Village Districts. 1 representative from the Historical Society. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 12 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PUBLIC ART The Public Art Panel will convene to approve public art by a majority vote after the piece or plans are presented at a public hearing held by the City Council for the purpose of obtaining community input. The San Luis Obispo County Arts Council shall act in an advisory capacity to the Public Art Panel. Guidelines The following guidelines developed by the San Luis Obispo County Arts Council are intended to facilitate and encourage Public Art that is proposed to be placed on private property or by a property owner on adjacent public right of way within the City: 1. Public art shall be of high artistic quality. 2. Public art shall be compatible with the immediate site and neighborhood in terms of social and cultural characteristics, architectural scale, materials, land use and geographical and environmental context. 3. Public art shall not impede pedestrian or vehicle traffic or conflict with public or private easements. � � 4. Consideration shall be given to any public safety or public health concerns related to, or created by, the artwork. 5. Public art shall be constructed of durable, high-quality materials and require minimal or no maintenance. - 6. Public art shall be securely installed. 7. A wide variety of artistic expression is encouraged. However, expressions of profanity or wlgarity are inappropriate. Selection Criteria The following are considerations for the selection of public art l. Relarionship to the social, cultural and historical identity of the area 2. Evaluation of artistic excellence; 3. Appropriateness of scale, form, material, content and design relative to the immediate neighborhood; 4. Appropriateness of proposed materials as regards to structural and surface integrity, protection against vandalism, public safety and weathering; 5. Ease of maintenance; Agenda Item 9.a. Page 13 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 6. Appropriateness of proposed method of installation and artwork and safety and structural factors involved in installation; 7. Artist's experience in working on comparable projects. PUBLIC ART The City or Public Art Panel may consider a revolving art program for a proposed location on an ongoing basis. Location Public art is allowed in any district and is strongly encouraged in the Village Downtown, Village Mixed Use, Gateway Mixed Use, Fair Oaks Mixed Use and Public Facility Districts. Promotion of public art visible from intersections within these districts as well as proximate to public gathering areas, plazas and public parking areas is highly recommended. PUBLIC ART DONATION PROGRAM Purpose Public art can provide aesthetic, cultural and economic benefits to the community. The City of Arroyo Grande Public Art Donation Program is a means by which an artist, or an individual or group commissioning an artist, may donate, gift or bequeath public art to the City of Arroyo Grande for location in a city owned public place. Definition Public art can be defined as "The engagement of an artist with public place involving original, creative work by an individual or a group." This includes functional and original works of art that also serve as capital improvements, such as, but not limited to seating, fountains, lighting, and free standing art forms. Pre-fabricated manufactured items such as benches, fountains etc. are not considered public art. Proposal Proposals should include: A donor application form (See Attachment 1) 2. The artist or donor's name, 3. Title of the work and artist statement 4. Description of the work (such as a photograph, artist's rendering or computer generated image) 5. The materials and size of the work 6. A preferred public location 7. A statement from the donor and artist that the art is free of encumbrance�genda Item 9.a. Page 14 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 8. The artist's resume if available 9. Estimated value of donated work 10. Recommended manner of installation 11. Estimated maintenance cost Process The following steps will result in the review and decision regazding a proposal: PUBLIC ART 1. The proposal would be submitted to the Community Development Department to review it to: a. Determine ongoing and General Plan consistency, accwacy and appropriateness. b. Insure it would not create an undue risk or a safety problem. c. Consider maintenance requirements d. Determine dwability e. Identify any engineering concerns 2. The proposal will be reviewed by the Pazks and Recreation Commission if proposed to be placed on a pazk property. 3. Recommendations will be forwazded to the City Council for review and action during a public hearing. The Council would have final approval of the donation. Guidelines for Review of the Proposal The following guidelines would be used for review of art donations: 1. Public art shall be of high artistic quality. . 2. Public art shall be compatible with the immediate site and neighborhood in terms of social and culturaUhistorical characteristics, architectural scale, materials, land use and geographical and environmental context. 3. Public art shall not impede pedestrian or vehicle traffic or conflict with public or private easements. 4. Consideration shall be given to any public safety or public health concerns related to or created by the artwork. 5. Public art shall be constructed of dwable, high-quality materials and require minimal or no maintenance. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 15 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 6. Public art shall be securely installed. PUBLIC ART A wide variety of artistic expression is encouraged. However, expressions of profanity or vulgarity are inappropriate. Display of Public Art l. A contract shall be executed between the artist and the City establishing the terms of the proposed installation. 2. Artwork shall be displayed to include the artwork title, artist's name, patron's name if applicable and date of completion. The materials used and a short explanation of the work could be included as an oprion. Plaques will not be used for advertising purposes. 3. Prior to accepting the project, the Community Development Departrnent shall receive from the artist or donor a set of plans, specifications, and a copy of a maintenance record, which identifies maintenance, installation and removal instructions. The transportation, installation and adjunct costs (such as engineering, a base for the artwork or other installation elements) related to artwork are the responsibility of the donor. 4. Once the art piece is installed (by the donor under the supervision of City staff with the artist's installation d'uection and donor installation funding), it will require inspection and sign offby a City Building Inspector. 5. Following inspection, the artwork shall become the property of the City. A publicized dedication ceremony shall be held to present the art piece to the community. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 16 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 16.08 OF TITLE 16 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCORPORATE THE PUBLIC ART GUIDELINES BY REFERENCE WHEREAS, Section 16.08.010 of the Municipal Code specifiies documents that are incorporated by reference into Title 16 of the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that this project is consistent with the City's General Plan, Development Code and the environmental documents associated therewith, and that the project is exempt under per Sections 15061(b)(3) and 15378 of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande considered and recommended approval of the proposed amendments to the Public Art Guidelines at a duly noticed public hearing on October 18, 2011, in accordance with the Development Code of the City of Arroyo Grande at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after consideration of all testimony and all relevant evidence, the City Council has determined that the following Development Code Amendment findings can be made in an affirmative manner: A. The proposed revisions to Title 16 are required to ensure consistency with the objectives, policies and implementation measures of the General Plan, particularly the Land Use Element, and is therefore desirable to implement the provisions of the General Plan. B. The proposed revisions to Title 16 will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern. C. The proposed revisions are consistent with the purpose and intent of Title 16 and satisfy the intent of Chapter 16.08 of the Municipal Code and provide for internal consistency. D. "fhe proposed revisions to Title 16 are exempt under per Sections 15061(b)(3) and 15378 of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS FOLLOWS: SECI'ION 1: The above recitals and findings are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 17 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 SECTION 2: Arroyo Grande Muriicipal Code ("AGMC") Section 16.08.010 ("Incorporation by Reference") is hereby amended to add Subsection (S) as follows: S. Public Art Guidelines. SECTION 4: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk. Witr�in fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. SECTION 6: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase not declared invalid or unconstitutional without regard to whether any portion of the ordinance would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional. On motion of , seconded by AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this , and on the following roll call vote to wit: day of 2011. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 18 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 9.a. Page 19 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PUBLIC ART ATTACHMENT 1 EXHIBIT "A" Public Art Guidelines � � � Public Art Donation Program Adopted by City Council Resolution No. 557 October 26, 2004 Amended by Ciry Council Resolution No. November 8. 2011 O 2004, 2011 Ciry of Arroyo Grande All Rights Reserved Agenda Item 9.a. Page 20 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PUBLIC ART GUIDELINES PUBLIC ART Purpose The pur�ose of these Guidelines is to create a framework to facilitate and encoura�e u�roperty owners to provide outdoor public art on their property, or, if approved by the Director of D„'�':� �"��,-° Comnumity Denelopment, in the adjacent public right-of-way. For purposes of these Guidelines "Public Art" shall mean art located on private propertv that is displayed in an open area that is freelv available to the eg neral public or public accessibili is provided based upon the characteristics of the artwork or its placement on the site. Artwork may include free-standing pieces (e.g. a sculpture or water fountain) or may be integrated into its surroundings as an architectura] element (e.g. relief sculpture embedded in pavement or a wall, a mosaic or mural on a wall, decorative railings or lighting. These Guidelines are intended to assist artists, citizens and city officials and staff to understand the Ci 's oals re ardin art that is dis ]a ed in a manner that is available and accessible to the eg neral public. The Ci reco�nizes that art and artistic expression is a protected activitv and these Guidelines are not intended to undulv restrict creative expression or limit the types of public art possible. Rather, they are intended to facilitate and encoura�e the best nossible combination of sites and artwork, and help to guide what is essentially a form of communication between the artist and the communitv. Process RVe�These Guidelines are applicable to public art projects proposed to be located on nrivate propertv or by a private owner in the adiacent public ri�ht of way. The Quidelines and criteria contained herein shall also applv to gpublic art projects n City property, which shall be considered and approved by the City Council, in consultation with the San Luis Obispo County Arts Council, and with the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission if art is proposed to be placed on park property, and are subject to the Public Art Donation Program to the extent applicablea. ' � :_. '�l'_) In order to solicit community input and involvement for the consideration and promotion of public art on private p�-ope��tv in the City, a Public Art Panel has been established to review all public art ' .. . The 7 member panel is made up of the following representatives to be convened as needed (a minimum of 6 members shall be residents or business owners in Arroyo Grande): � ❖ 2 representatives from the property owner. •'• 2 representatives designated by the County Arts Council ^�* �� D.,�.,;� D,°^°° . CA�F� i�+ � �.,,.,:..o�� .,ai,... ...e..t,, o ,.t„�o ....:+.. +,. *t,o � �Se�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 21 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PUBLIC ART ❖ 1 representative from the Architectural Review Committee. ❖ 1 representative from the Chamber of Commerce or 1 representative from the Village Improvement Association if the project is within the Village Districts. ❖ 1 representative from the Historical Society. The Public Art Panel will convene to approve public art by a majority vote after the piece or plans are presented at a public hearing held by the City Council for the purpose of obtaining community input. The San Luis Obispo Countv Arts Council shall act in an advisorv capacitv to the Public Art Panel. Guidelines The following guidelines developed by the San Luis Obispo County Arts Council are intended to facilitate and encoura�e °'�°"'�° .,�°a � r+'�° '°�.:°... ��public Art that is �eproposed to be placed on private property or bv a property owner on adjacent perblic right of wa� within the City: 1. Public art shall be � of high artistic quality. � � �2. Public art shall be compatible with the immediate site and neighborhood in terms of social and cultural characteristics, architectural scale, materials, land use and geographical and environmental context. 4.3. Public art shall not impede pedestrian or vehicle traffic or conflict with public or private � easements. �4. Consideration shall be given to any public safety or public health concerns related to, or created by, the artwork. 6:5. Public art shall be constructed of durable, high-quality materials and require minimal or � no maintenance. �6. Public art shall be securely installed. �7. A wide variety of artistic expression �-is encouraged. However, expressions of profanity or wlgarity are inappropriate. Selection Criteria The following are Econsiderations for the selection of public art . 1. Relationship to the social, cultural and historical identity of the area.�€ , ; Agenda Item 9.a. Page 22 2 3 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Evaluation of artistic excellence; Appropriateness of scale, form, material, content and design relative to the immediate neighborhood; 4. Appropriateness of proposed materials as regards to structural and surface integrity, protection against vandalism, public safety and weathering; 5. � 7 Ease of maintenance; Appropriateness of proposed method of installation and artwork and safety and structural factors involved in installation; Artist's experience in working on comparable projects. PUBLIC ART The Ci or Public Art Panel may consider a revolving art program for a proposed location on an ongoing basis. Location ��re�e�—�Public art is allowed in any m�°°a �•�° �� s�e�e�s�a� district and is strongly encouraged in the Village Downtown, Village Mixed Use, Gateway Mixed Use, a�-Fair Oaks Mixed Use and Pziblic Facilitv Districts. Promotion of public art visible from intersections within these districts as well as proximate to public gathering areas, plazas and public parking areas is highly recommended. PUBLIC ART DONATION PROGRAM � Purpose Public art can provide aesthetic, cultural and economic benefits to the community. The City of Arroyo Grande Public Art Donation Program is a means by which an artist, or an individual or group commissioning an artist, may donate, gift or bequeath public art to the City of Arroyo Grande for location in a city owned public place. Definition Public art can be defined as "The engagement of an artist with public place involving original, creative work by an individual or a group." This includes functional and original works of art that also serve as capital improvements, such as, but not limited to seating, fountains, lighting �ie, and free standing art forms. Pre-fabricated manufactured items such as benches, fountains etc. are not considered public art. � Proposal Proposals should include: 1. A donor application form (See Attachment 1) Agenda Item 9.a. Page 23 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 2. The artist or donor's name, Title of the work and artist statement PUBLIC ART 4. Description of the work (such as a photograph, artist's rendering or computer generated image) 5. The materials and size of the work 6. A preferred public location 7. A statement from the donor and artist that the art is free of encumbrances 8. The artist's resume if available 9. Estimated value of donated work 10. Recommended manner of installation � 11. Estimated maintenance cost Process The following steps will result in the review and decision regarding a proposal: The proposal would be submitted to the Community Development Department �ig a:..;�:,,., .,.�.o�o :� ..:�i �.o „wo,.i.oa �.. to ret�ieu� it to: a. Determine ongoing and General Plan consistency, accuracy and appropriateness. Y. � � b. Insure it would not create an undue risk or a safety problem. c. Consider maintenance requirements d. Determine durability e. Identify any engineering concerns � � Y. � � T...., ..+„+:.,o� .ae�:.....,*s.7 1... N,o !'`.,,,.,+., A.�t� !'...,....:1 D„L.1:.. Dl....e� �e � � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 24 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PUBLIC ART � � - :�� - - _ � - � ��7:T�!S!*; " - - ... 3. The proposal will be �-eviewed by the Pa�-ks and Recreation Commission if p�-oposed to be placed on a park property. 4. �� ..:«o.-,m---a�t�f�e��eAC�a�e..� +,�.� n„�.,:,. � �-�r°�esc��ne�r °�T Recommendations will be forwarded to the City Council for review and action during a public hearing. The Council would have final approval of the donation. � Guidelines for Review of the Proposal The following guidelines would be used for review of art donations: 1. Public art shall be e� of high artistic quality. . , I�2. Public art shall be compatible with the immediate site and neighborhood in terms of social and cultural/historical characteristics, architectural scale, materials, land use and geographical and environmental context. � 4.3. Public art shall not impede pedestrian or vehicle traffic or conflict with public or private easements. I�-4. Consideration shall be given to any public safety or public health concerns related to or created by the artwork. 6:5. Public art shall be constructed of durable, high-quality materials and require minimal or no maintenance. ��6. Public art shall be securely installed. �-7. A wide variety of artistic expression is encouraged. However, expressions of profanity or vulgarity are inappropriate. Displav of Public Art 1. A contract shall be executed between the artist and the City establishing the terms of the proposed installation. 2. Artwork shall be displayed to include the artwork title, artist's name, patron's name if applicable and date of completion. The materials used and a short explanation of the work could be included as an option. Plaques will not be used for advertising purposes. 3. Prior to accepting the project, the ��V�e�1ES Communiry De��elopment Department shall receive from the artist or donor a set of plans, specifications, and a copy of a Agenda Item 9.a. Page 25 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PUBLIC ART maintenance record, which identifies maintenance, installation and removal instructions. T'he transportation, installation and adjunct costs (such as engineering, a base for the artwork or other installation elements) related to artwork are the responsibility of the donor. 4. Once the art piece is installed (by the donor under the supervision of City staff with the artist's installation direction and donor installation funding), it will require inspection and sign off by a City Building Inspector. 5. Following inspection, the artwork shall become the property of the City. A publicized dedication ceremony shall be held to present the art piece to the community. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 26 �PRRO r� ° �p � INCORPOaATED 9Z v rn � JULV 10, 1011 * `P/c4��FORN/ TO: FROM: BY: CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM �v TERESA MCCLISH, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MATTHEW DOWNING, PLANNING INTERN SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF STAFF PROJECT 11-003; LOCATION — CITYWIDE; APPI_ICANT — CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; INTRODUCTION OF AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 9.32 TO TITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING MOBILE VENDING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by City staff and the Planning Commission that the City Council introduce an Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande adding Chapter 9.32 to Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code regarding mobile vending within the City. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: An impact upon required Police Department resources is expected to be slightly increased if the proposed Ordinance is adopted as a result of processing mobile vending permits and enforcement of the City's regulations. BACKGROUND: This year, City staff has received a number of inquiries from the public regarding permit requirements for mobile vendors in the City. The Arroyo Grande Municipal Code currently does not address this type of activity and, as a result, City staff was i�nable to directly regulate mobile vendors to ensure that potential impacts to public health and safety are addressed and mitigated. In May of 2011, City staff was contacted by a resident of Arroyo Grande who owns and operates a mobile food vending truck regarding her desire to operate within the City. Staff discussed the type of use and determined that a Temporary Use Permit was appropriate under current Municipal Code provisions on a trial basis while staff developed comprehensive regulations specifically addressing this use. Community Development staff worked with the Police Department and other City departments to develop the proposed mobile vending regulations and Agenda Item 9.b. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL STAFF 11-003 NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 2 permitting requirements. To this date, no significant issues regarding the mobile vending operation have been noted by City staff. PlanninQ Commission: The Planning Commission reviewed the draft Ordinance at a regularly scheduled meeting on October 18, 2011. During the meeting, a number of the Commissioners raised the issue of permitting mobile vendors to be located on public park and Arroyo Grande High School property without similar background check provisions that are required of in-class volunteers at the high school. The Planning Commission adopted a Resolution recommending the City Council adopt the Ordinance. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Proiect Description: . The proposed Ordinance will add Chapter 9.32 to Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code, establishing mobile vending regulations and permitting requirements. The City's Police Department will be responsible for processing the mobile vending permits and enforcing the City's mobile vending regulations. Mobile Vendina: Mobile vending, particularly mobile food vending, has become increasingly popular in cities throughout the United States over the last several years. Due to this increase in popularity, more individuals have inquired about the use within the City. The increased popularity has also led to an increase of discussions regarding regulating mobile vending among municipalities (Attachment 1). Vehicle Code § 22455 (a) authorizes mobile vending on public streets in all residential districts provided they are stopped and legally parked. Vehicle Code § 22455 (b) authorizes local authorities to adopt additional regulations regarding the type of vending and to establish reasonable time, place and manner regulations for the purpose of public safety. Mobile Vendinq Permit: If the proposed Ordinance is adopted, individuals desiring to operate a mobile vending vehicle within the City, and their employees, will be required to obtain a mobile vending permit from the Chief of Police. Applicants will be required to submit various information, including, but not limited to, a current Government issued form of identification, a City business license, San Luis Obispo County health permit(s), four (4) color photographs of the vending vehicle and proof of general liability and automobile insurance. It is proposed that applicants and operators wishing to vend on sites zoned Public Facilities (PF) shall submit to fingerprinting and background checks due to their close proximity to and interaction with children. The City will also require payment of an application fee to cover the costs associated with processing such a permit. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL STAFF 11-003 NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 3 LiveScan: In order to better protect the public health, safety, and welfare, it is proposed that applicants, operators, and employees wishing to vend within the City shall submit a LiveScan background check conducted by the California Department of Justice within the previous six (6) months of application for a mobile vending permit. Location of Vendinq: Mobile vending is proposed to be permitted only in residential districts and on privately owned developed sites zoned Gateway Mixed-Use, Fair Oaks Mixed- Use, Highway Mixed-Use, Industrial Mixed-Use, Office Mixed-Use, or Public Facility. Mobile vendors are also restricted from vendir�g within: 1) Ten feet (10') from a fire hydrant, fire escape, building entrance, bus stop, loading zone, handicapped parking space or access ramp, fire station driveway or police station driveway; 2) "fhree hundred feet (300') from an elementary or junior high school; or 3) Five hundred feet (500') from a freeway entrance or exit. In addition to the City's proposed regulations, mobile vending in residential districts is governed by Vehicle Code § 22455 (a), which requires mobile vendors to bring the vehicle to a complete stop and lawfully park adjacent to the curb prior to vending on a public street in a residential district. Hours of Operation: In an attempt to protect the health, safety, and welfare of residents of the City, staff proposes to limit the hours of operation to 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. These time periods are intended to alleviate any traffic conditions which might arise from schoolchildren travelir�g to school in the momir�g and protecting the peace and welfare of residents during the nighttime hours. It should be noted that no matter the time of day, all vending operations must comply with the City's noise standards set forth in Chapter 9.16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. At the meeting of the Planning Commission on October 18, 2011, the Commission recommended the addition of an exception to time limits and hours of operation for special events. These exceptions would be approved by the Chief of Police on an individual basis. These changes are reflected in Section 9.32.100 (B) 7 of the proposed Ordinance. Permit Processinq Fee: Upon consideration of adoption of the proposed Ordinance, City staff will be bringing forward a Resolution establishing appropriate permit processing fees. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL STAFF 11-003 NOVEMBER 8, 2011 PAGE 4 ALTERNATIVES: • Introduce the Ordinance as recommended; or • Modify and introduce the Ordinance; or • Do not introduce the Ordinance; or • Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The proposed Ordinance will establish comprehensive regulations regarding mobile vending consistent with State law; and The Ordinance will help address public safety concerns by limiting time, place and manner of operation and ensuring that mobile vendors are appropriately licensed and insured. DISADVANTAGES: • Increased permitting and enforcement responsibilities by the City. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENT: A notice of Public Hearing was published in The Tribune on October 28, 2011 and the agenda was posted at City Hall on November 3, 2011. Staff has submitted copies of the draft Ordinance to the mobile vendor currently approved through a Temporary Use Permit, the mobile kettle corn vendor previously in operation at the Soto Sports Complex approved by the Recreation and Maintenance Services Department, as well as the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce for their review and input. A positive response regarding the regulations has been received from both mobile vendors. City staff has not yet received comments from the Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, both the Chamber of Commerce and the mobile vendor currently approved through a Temporary Use Permit were individually notified of the meeting. ATTACHMENT: 1. Listserve data regarding mobile vendors 2. DRAFT Planning Commission Minutes — October 18, 2011 Agenda Item 9.b. Page 4 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COIINCIL OF 'fHE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADDING CHAPTER 9.32 TO TITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING MOBILE VENDING WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") currently does not regulate mobile vendors; and WHEREAS, California Vehicle Code § 22455 and Health and Safety Code § 114315 authorize the City, in the interest of public safety, to adopt riales and requirements regulating the type and the time, place and manner of mobile vending; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that, unless properly regulated, mobile vendors pose a unique risk to the health, safety and welfare of the public�due to the inherent risks associated with mobile vending, including, but not limited to, impacts to traffic/ pedestrian safety, zoning concerns, mobility, unsanitary conditions involving food preparation, risks to children and consumer protection; and WHEREAS, the inherent nature of mobile vending and the ability of such vendors to be located on private property and public streets and move quickly from place to place in the community, including near parks, schools and other places frequented by children, warrants imposing certain regulatory measures, including reqiairing background checks, to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community; and WHEREAS, it is the purpose of this Ordinance to protect the public safety within the City by establishing riales and requirements for mobile vending. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: SECTION 1: The above recitals and findings are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 2: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Chapter 9.32 is hereby added to the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code in its entirety as follows: CHAP"fER 9.32 — MOBILE VENDING 9.32.010 Purpose and intent. The city finds that the vending of produce, prepared or prepackaged foods, goods, and/or wares at semi-permanent locations on public streets, sidewalks, or alleys and on private property may pose unsafe conditions and special dangers to the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city. It is the piarpose of this chapter to provide clear and concise regulations governing these types of vending operations to prevent safety, t�affic and health hazards, and to preserve the peace, safety and welfare of the city and its residents. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 5 ORDIiVAiVCE iVO. PAGE 2 9.32.020 Applicability. � Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it is unlawful for any person or entity to act as a vendor or employee of a mobile vendor, within the city without having first obtained a mobile vending or mobile vending employee permit issued pursuant to this chapter. A. Number of permits: A mobile vending permit shall be required for the operation of each vending vehicle regardless of ownership or management. B. Term of permit; renewal: Any mobile vending permit or mobile vending employee permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall automatically expire one (1) year from the date of issuance, unless an earlier expiration date is noted on the permit. The permit may be renewed by the chief of police subject to compliance with the standards established in this chapter and payment of all applicable fees. C. Transferability: A mobile vending or mobile vending employee permit is not transferable to any other entity or person and is valid only as to the original applicant. D. Exerriptions: A mobile vending permit is not required for the following activities: 1. The sale of agricultural products on the site where the product is grown; 2. Catering for private parties held exclusively on private property and not open to the general public; 3. Permitted community events such as, but not limited to, farmers markets, crafts fairs, street fairs, and other special events approved and designated by the city; and 4. Delivery activities of any establishment with a fixed place of business, which only delivers its products, services, or goods to a specified address in response to a customer request, order, or invoice previously placed throUgh that fixed place of business. 9.32.030 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: A. "Developed site" means a site that has gravel, paved concrete or asphalt parking surface and paved ingress and egress that meets city standards. B. "Vending" means sellir�g, offering for sale, or displaying or dispensing any food, beverages, goods, wares, or merchandise from any device used for carrying goods, wares, or merchandise. C. "Vending vehicle" means a mobile food facility, temporary food facility, catering truck, wagon, pushcart, or other motorized or non-motorized conveyance upon which food, beverages, goods, wares, or merchandise is sold, offered for sale, or distributed. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 6 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 D. "Vendor" means any individual or entity who sells and makes immediate delivery, or offers for sale and immediate delivery, any food, beverages, goods, wares, or merchandise from a vending vehicle, including employees of mobile vendors. 9.32.040 Review Authority. Mobile vending and mobile vending employee permits shall be approved or denied by the chief of police, in compliance with this chapter. 9.32.050 Application filing and processing. Applicants for a mobile vending permit under this chapter, and persons working as an employee of a mobile vendor shall file with the chief of police an application in writing on a form to be furnished by the city, which shall give the following information: A. A copy of the applicanYs and/or operator's, or erriployee's Government issued form of identification; B. Name, address(es), and telephone number(s) of the applicant; C. A statement of the type of food, beverages, or merchandise to be sold; D. A copy of a current registration of vending vehicle; E. Intended locations, days and hours of operation; F. For vending on private property: 1. Letter of consent signed by the property owner or authorized representative; 2. A site plan, drawn to scale and with dimensions, indicating the location of all existing buildings, structures, driveways, parking spaces, traffic � controls, and improvements and the location where the proposed vending activity will be located on site, and demonstrating that there will be adequate ingress and egress to the site and that the mobile vending activity will have adequate parking and not utilize parking otherwise required for any business located at the site; G. A copy of current San Luis Obispo County health permit(s); H. Proof of a current Arroyo Grande business license or application for business license; I. Evidence of general liability and automobile liability insurance; and J. Four color photographs showing different exterior views of the vending vehicle. 9.32.060 LiveScan. Prior to the issuance of a mobile vending permit or mobile vending employee permit, the applicant shall cause to be filed with the city police department a LiveScan background check conducted by the California Department of Justice within the previous six (6) months of application for a mobile vending permit. The city police department shall furnish each applicant with a LiveScan Request form for use at any LiveScan vendor location. 9.32.070 Permit processing fee. At the time the application or renewal of a mobile vending or mobile vending employee permit is filed with the chief of police, the applicant shall pay a fee sufficient to cover the Agenda Item 9.b. Page 7 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 4 cost to the city of processing the application. The amount of the fee shall be set by resolution of the city council. 9.32.080 Permit review and decision. A. Upon acceptance of a properly filed mobile vending or mobile vending employee permit application and receipt of an acceptable LiveScan report issued by the Department of Justice, the chief of police shall conduct a prelirr�inary investigation to determine compliance with this chapter and shall make such determination within no more than thirty (30) days of acceptance to approve or deny the application. The chief of police shall provide the applicant with written notice of his or her decision to the address indicated in the application. B. The chief of police may deny an application for a mobile vending or mobile vending employee permit if he or she makes any of the following findings: 1. The applicant has failed to pay the application permit fee. 2. The applicant has made one or more material misstatements in the application for a permit. � 3. The applicant does not have a valid California driver's license, a City business license, c��rrent vehicle registration and/ or general liability and/ or automobile liability insurance. 4. The applicant's vending operation is inconsistent with the standards, conditions and requirements of this chapter. 5. The applicant has been found in violation of this chapter at any time during the previous three (3) year period. . 6. The applicant is required to register under the provisions of California Penal Code section 290. 7. Within three (3) years of the date of the application, the applicant has been convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction or pled nolo contendere to any misdemeanor or felony offense which relates directly to the operation of mobile vending or any felony offense involving the sale of a controlled substance specified in California Health and Safety Code sections 11054, 11055, 11056, 11057 or 11058, or at the time of application is on probation or parole for any offenses set forth in this section for an offense that was committed within three years of the date of the application. C. If the application is denied, the reasons for disapproval shall be noted on the application, and the applicant shall be notified that his or her application is denied and that no permit will be issued. Notice shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application form. D. If the chief of police approves the applicant's mobile vending or mobile vending employee permit, he or she shall endorse his or her approval on the application and shall, upon payment of the prescribed fee, deliver the mobile vending or mobile vending employee permit to the applicant. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 8 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 5 9.32.090 Indemnification. As a condition of issuance of a mobile vending permit, the vendor shall agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the city and its officials, employees and agents from and against any and all liability, damage and/or loss arising from activities by the vendor, its employees and agents. 9.32.100 Standards, conditions, requirements. All vendors shall comply with the following standards, conditions and requirements: A. Location: 1. Vending shall occur only on a private developed site zoned Gateway Mixed-Use, Fair Oaks Mixed-Use, Highway Mixed-Use, Industrial Mixed- Use, Office Mixed-Use, Public Facility, or locations consistent with Vehicle Code § 22455; 2. No vending shall occur within ten feet (10') of a fire hydrant, fire escape, building entrance, bus stop, loading zone, handicapped parking space or access ramp, fire station driveway or police station driveway. A greater distance or separation from other uses may be required, under the permit, in order to preserve line-of-sight, or for other safety reasons; 3. No vending shall occur within three hundred feet (300') of the grounds of any elementary or junior high school; 4. No vending shall occur within five hundred feet (500') of a freeway entrance or exit; 5. Vendors shall not stop in any single location for more than one and one half hours in any twenty-four hour period. 6. Vending at the Soto sports complex or any other city park, recreational facility, or sports complex is permitted only upon the prior written authorization from the Arroyo Grande Recreation and Maintenance Services Division. B. Design and operating standards: 1. Condition/appearance of site: a. The vendor shall maintain the area within which vending activities occur in a clean, safe and sanitary condition; b. No tables, chairs, fences, shade structures, other site furniture, or any freestanding signs shall be permitted in conjunction with the vendors vending activities; c. Should any site improvements be needed for ongoing vending operations, the vendor shall be required to apply for appropriate permits to ensure building and public safety and consistency with applicable building and zoning regulations; d. The vendor shall not attach or use any water lines, electrical lines or gas lines during vending operation; and Agenda Item 9.b. Page 9 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 6 e. Exterior storage or display of refuse, equipment, materials, goods, wares, or merchandise associated with the vendor is prohibited. 2. Condition/appearance of vending vehicle: a. The vendor shall display, in plain view and at all times, current � permits and licenses in or on their vending vehicle; b. Any vending vehicle shall be clean and in good repair; c. The vendor shall not discharge items from any vending vehicle onto the sidewalk, gutter, storm inlets, or streets; and d. The width, length, and height of all vending vehicles and devices shall be subject to review as part of consideration of the mobile vending permit. 3. Hours of operation: Vending shall be conducted within the hours of 9:00 am and not later than 9:00 pm. All activities shall comply with the city's noise ordinance. 4. Lighting: The vendor shall provide adequate lighting to ensure customer safety. Lighting shall be directed downwards and away from public streets and adjacent properties. 5. Obstructions, hazards: No vendor shall obstruct vehicular traffic, bicycle traffic, sidewalk pedestrian traffic, or accessibility to vehicles parked adjacent to a curb, and shall not create public health or safety hazards. 6. Parking: Prior to issuance of the mobile vending permit, the city shall confirm that an acceptable area for customer parking exists, or shall specifically exempt the vendor from this requirement due to the nature and/or location of the use. If the vending will occur on private property the city shall determine that there will be adequate ingress and egress to the site, and that the mobile vending activity will have adequate parking and not utilize parking otherwise required for any business located on the site. Parking for the vendor shall be specified in compliance with the mobile vending permit. The vendor shall not indicate exclusive roadway parking or reserve any public parking area for the vendor's customer parking. 7. Exceptions: Exceptions to increase length of time for vending in a single location or daytime hours for special events are to be filed with the chief of police and considered on an individual basis. 8. Other applicable regulations: Each vendor shall comply at all times with all applicable Federal, State, county, city and any other governmental requirements. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 10 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 7 9.32.110 Denials, suspension, revocation, requests for additional information. A. A mobile vending or mobile vending employee permit issued under this chapter may be suspended or revoked by the chief of police for any of the following causes: 1. Fraud or misrepresentation in the course of vending; 2. Fraud or misrepresentation in the application for the mobile vending permit; 3. Vending in violation of this chapter; or 4. Vending in a manner that creates a public nuisance or constitutes a danger to the public. . 9.32.120 Appeals to City Manager. In the event that any applicant or permittee desires to appeal from any order, revocation or other ruling of the chief of police or any other official of the city, made under the provisions of this chapter, such applicant or any other person aggrieved shall have the right to appeal such action or decision to the city manager within fifteen (15) days after the notice of the action or decision has been mailed to the person's address as shown on the permit application. An appeal shall be taken by filing with the police department a written appeal statement setting forth the grounds for the appeal. The chief of police shall transmit the written statement to the city manager within ten (10) days of its filing and the city manager shall set a time and place for a hearing on appeal. A hearing shall be set not later than sixty (60) days from the date of filing of the applicant's written appeal statement with the police department. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given to the appellant in the same manner as provided for the mailing of notice of suspension or revocation. The decision of the city manager, or his or her designee, on the appeal shall be final and binding on all parties concerned. 9.32.130 Violations. Any person who violates a provision each day or part of a day during permitted. Any person who violates misdemeanor. of this chapter is guilty of a separate offense for which the violation is committed, continued or any provision in tl-iis chapter shall be guilty of a SECTION 3: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause be declared unconstitutional. SECI'ION 4: Upon adoption of this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall file a Notice of Exemption pursuant to 14 CCR § 15062. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 11 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 8 SECTION 5: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Merribers voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days from the date of adoption. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of November, 2011. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 12 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 9 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 9.b. Page 13 ATTACHMENT 1 Oriqinal post How does your city regulate street vendors, such as ice cream trucks, pushcarts, and the like, or do you allow them at all? Montclair curreritly has regulations regarding these activities, but we are considering some changes. Any liriks to ordinances, insight, experiences, etc. would be appreciated. • .. Fortuna Stephen Avis We are about to take a draft" mobile food vendor ordinance to our savis(o�ci.fortuna.ca us planning commission for preliminary discussions. I would be very interested in getting a copy of what you receive from other cities. It is . a challenging topic that varies in popularity by region and.degree of . urbanization. I recently made.a copy of the draft available to local restaurant owners for review and comment. Here is a copy of that document: 4 . ' . Orah ONruoe � Revew for F�Drien � A couple of articles in'the local paper address one local community � and mobile vendors This information may be of interest, as well. Here are the links: . ' ' http://www.times-stantlard.com/localnews/ci 17181657 htl ://www.times-standard.com/localnews/ci 17948048 Galt Curt Campion The only regulations are that they have a business license and are not cam ion a. alt.ca.us stationary in the conduct of business. Gilroy Melissa Durkin Gilroy's Police Department regulates street vendors. These vendors melissa.durkin(a)c+.pilrov ca.us are required to be mobile, so they can't sit in any spot for more than 10 minutes. Gilroy allows vendors to stay in a faed location only 'rf they are on a private sidewalk, such as you would find in front of a shopping center. Below is the link to our ordinance - it's Section 16A.13 http://www codepublishinq.comka/qilrovRGilrovl6A.html Glendora Jeff Kugel We +ssue about five of these permits every year, most of which are ikuqel a(�ci.qlendora.ca.us renewals A link to our code follows: httQ://qcode.us/codes/alendora/view. php?topic=l0- 10 76&showAll=lBframes=off Hermosa Beach Ken Robe�lson We are struggling with this same issue with the new popularity of krobertson(a�hermosabch.ora "gourtnet" food trucks. Our codes currently only allow street vendors/food trudcs to park on a public street only 'at the request of bona fide purchaser for a period of time no to exceed ten minutes at any one place"...we focus on the 10-minute rule and don't really pay any ariention to requirement that be "requested.' We do allow a designated standing location as an exception to this rule by approval of a permit by City Council...so far we have only issued such permits in conjundion with special temporary events. The relevant code sections are Sedions 10.32.170-200 in the Muni Code: htto://www. hermosabch.orq/departments/citvclerk/code/1032. hUnf#170 As you are probably finding, these codes have become di�cult to enforce; fortunately our Police Department has been taking this on. We have also had to deal with some of these trucks parking on private parking lots during hours the business that uses that parking is closed. We don't allow that either, and would require a Conditional Use Pertnit for that, basing that on our determination that iPs -an outdoor . restaurant or food use that requires•a CUP, and parking. We are getting some informal challenges by the CA food truck ' association (you can find their web site, it may be CA food vendor association, can't remember, that seems to have some good information on it)...anyway, their attorney claims our laws are not legal and a�ti-compet�tive. In any event we are also studying this issue, and given the link with our special events (which we do have a lot o� our Parks and Recreation Commission is studying the issue and will be making some recommendations for Council consideration in the near future....l'm guessing we might consider relaxing some of our regulations, or finding appropnate designated areas for vendor parking (which ma onl be allowed durin desi nated time eriods). Agenda Item 9.b. Page 14 . .. Lodi Jamie Aldred We regulate them a great deal Not only do they need to get ialdred(a�pd.lodr.vov fingerprinted and have backgrounds done based on their prints by the DepaRment of Justice, they are issued Lodi Police DepaRment Identification Cards for Peddlers/Solicitors. After the individuals obtain the identification cards a vendor permit to operate needs to be obtained by making a formal application which inGudes permission from the property owner (as we do not allow vendors in the pubfic right-of-way), proof of access to a restroom, proof of a resale license with the state, photographs of every side of anyvehicles used for • vending, vehicle registration and insurance. We limit the number of mobile food vendors here in Lodi to a total of 22. We do not limit the number of ice cream trucks and/or carts Here are the code sections that cover vendors. � LMC Chapter 9.16 . � � LMC Cha ter 9�18 Moorpark Joseph Fiss Below is our code section regarding street vendors. It applies to ice � jFiss ci.moorparfc.ca.us cream, magazine, and other similar vendors. htt :// code.us/codesJmoor ark/view. h?to ic=5-5 648frames=on . Pittsburg � Kristin Vah1 Below is Seclion 18.08.160 oi our code regulatmg mobile food kvahl(�ci pittsburq.ca.us vendors: . G. Mobile Food Vendor. Sale of food or beverage items from a truck, . � ' push cart, wagon or similar vehicle.that is self-contained for potable water, wastewater and power, but that is not�on a permanent foundation..This classification includes only those vendors whose • vehicles have obtained all appropr�ate permits from the county health depaRment and that remain on a site for no more than 30 minutes in a ' 24-hour period. This Gassification excludes those vendors that impede vehicular or pedestrian circulation and excludes food sales occurrin on ublic streets as overned b Cha er 10.16 PMC. Santa Fe Springs Paul Ashworth Santa Fe Springs' pushcart vendor ordinance can be found in the paulashworth(�santafesarinqs on7 following code section: Title XIII Cha ter 130 Section 130.09 WasCO Dennis MCNam8r8 The City of Wasco allows Food Vending Vehicles under Title 5, demcnamara(a�c�.wasco.ca.us Sedion 5.16 of the Municipal Code. AdditionallyTitle 5, Section 5.16.220 prohibits sales from human powered devices. htt ://www.code ublishin .comlca/Wasco/?Wasco05/Wasco0516.html Watsonville Bradley 01in ,. 1'm embedding a link to our online murn code, with most recently .bol�n(a�ci watsonville ca.us updated ordinance dealing with this. The Community Development Department researched and wrote the text amendments to update an • ordinance previously titled °Solicitation" and it is now called "Travelinq Merchants", enforced by the Police Department. Please let me know if ou have further uestions. ' Agenda Item 9.b. Page 15 Food Truck Survey City Response from HCED List Serv Downe Interested in the surve Permit required for itinerant vendors, conditions include: not operabVe in one location fo rmore than one hour in a 2�4 hour period, vending not to happen after dark unless lighting Citrus Hei hts provided, one sign allowed, no tables. Wildomar Interested in the surve Woodland Requires mobile vendor ermit, with a 30 minute limitation in one area. Sausalito Interested in sunie results Mobile Food Preparation Vehicle permitted in C-1, C-3 amd M-1 zones in conjunction with San Gabriel existin commercial or manufacturin o eration - 30 minute stationa limit . Cerritos Interested in survey results. Requires TUP with the following conditions: �business license requirement, not within a 300' radius of a public school, not adjacent to residential districts between the hours of 9pm and . 9am, and a time limit of 2 hours per location before having to move to a new location 500' Arro o Grande awa or. greater. , � Selma Interested in surve results. � Ross Not ermitted. � � San Marino Interested in surve results. Permit required from Police Department, conditions include: operations between 6:00 am and 12:00 am daily, not within a 300' radius of a school, not within 500' of freeway entrance/exit, not within 200' of brick and mortor food store, not within 200' of other vendor, Eme ille within 200' of restroom/ handwashin facili , not within RM zone Permit required, conditions include: wtihin 200' of restroom facilry, 7:00 AM to iO:OG PNi, Lemore not within 1000' of another food vendor. � New ort Beach Not ermitted, interested in surve results. - Foster Ci Interested in surve results. Millbrae Not ermitted. � Malibu Interested in surve results. Considers vendors "mobile caterers", and require a business licenses for the vendors who Lakeport can sta in one location u to an hour. Requires permit when in ROW, no restrictions on location regarding other food services, but in districts that have quotas on food services establishments the quota limits apply, hours of operation 7:00 AM to 12:00 AM,�received complaints that there was competition Berkle with brick ar.nd mortar. Villa Park Interested in surve results. Oxnard Interested in su!vey results. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 16 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 18, 2011 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLU'I'ION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSI OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING HAT THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND THE PUBLIC A GUIDELINES AND INCORPORATE 'fHEM INTO THE D LOPMENT CODE AS A SEPARATE DOCUMENT BY ERENCE (DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 11-005) The motion was approved by AYES: Commiss NOES: None ABSENT: N lowing roll call vote: Ruth, Sperow, Barneich, Keen, and Martin the foreg� Resolution was adopted this 18�h day of October 2011. "fFj�'Commission took a break at 7:25 pm and reconvened at 7:32 pm. ATTACHMENT 2 III. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: A. REVIEW STAFF PROJECT 11-003; LOCATION — CITYWIDE; APPLICANT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; ADDITION OF REGULA'I'IONS TO 'I'ITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING MOBILE VENDING Planning Intern Matt Downing presented the staff report to review a draft Ordinance regulating mobile vending and approved by the Chief of Police. Planning Intern Downing brought to the Commission's attention alterations to the Ordinance, including: • Removal of the word "food" in every occurrence on page 1 of the Ordinance; and • Inclusion of language similar to "locations consistent with Vehicle Code § 22455" in Section 9.32.090.A.1 of the Ordinance. In answer to the Commissions' questions, Planning�lntern Downing stated mobile vending would not be allowed in the Village Core, Village Mixed-Use, and Traffic Way Mixed-Use zoning districts; there is an exemption for longer hours of operation for certain events; explained the process for vending at Soto Sports Complex and the ordinance would apply at said location; staff will check on how close vendors can be to each other; language can be added on waivers to allow the Police Chief to make exceptions for time and place to coincide with community events; the Attorney eliminated text regarding the number of vendors per year; possibly language can be added that at properties zoned Public Facilities, where children are more common, the operator shall be finger printed; any mobile vendor needs to be registered with the Police Chief under Section 9.32.0120; Title 9 is considered an appropriate title for insertion of the Ordinance; and Section 9.32.050 E. covers locations, days and hours of operation. Commissioners expressed the following concerns: the vendors applicant/operator should provide a government issued identification, be finger printed and have a background check; under Section 9.32.010 strike "services"; would like the finger printing added to the locations where children are more common; vendors that will be at school and park properties should be required to have a background check. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 17 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 18, 2011 PAG E 4 Commissioner Sperow made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Barneich to adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance adding Chapter 9.32 to Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code; regulating mobile vending within the City of Arroyo Grande to ensure protection of the health, safety, and welfare of public; Citywide, with the following modifications: • Language to include a waiver for hours and length of operation for special events to be extended at the Chief of Police's discretion; • When application is filed, a form of government issued identification will be required for applicant/operator; fingerprinting, and background check for operators vending at parcels designated Public Facilities; • Alterations of language as identified by staff; • Strike the word "services" under Purposes and Intent; • Alterations to the Ordinance as identified by staff, including: • Removal of the word "food" in every occurrence on page 1 of the Ordinance; • Inclusion of language similar to "locations consistent with Vehicle Code § 22455 in Section 9.32.090.A.1 of the Ordinance. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 9.32 TO TITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE; REGULATING MOBILE VENDING WITHIN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO ENSIIRE PROTECTION OF THE HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELFARE OF THE PUBLIC; CITYWIDE "fhe motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Sperow, Barneich, Keen, Martin, and Ruth NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 18`h day of October 2011. IV. REFERRAL ITEMS DECISIONS SINCE OC Case No. ; COMMISS ER 4. 2011: Address on Action i"' I� Planner - TUP 11-019 St. Patrick School 900 W. Branch Christmas tree lo nd lunchtime tri tip barbecue Approved Matt Street December 2, 11 through December 4, 2011 Downing Additional ro'ects ma be added � su lemental A enda memorandums. Commissioner Barneich inquired if the trees oved at St. Patrick School when the classroom was build were replaced. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS: None VI. PLANNING COI Commissioner Keen F Review Committee m color and texture tre� 6d comments on observation from the October 3, 2011 Architectural � regarding new architectural accents on Chase Bank and the face for retaining wall on EI Camino Real at Oak Park Boulevard. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 18 �p,RRO Y0\ ° �� � INCORPOAATEO �Z U m i� su�r �o. �e>> ,F C4��FORN`P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTOR FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE � SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET STATUS REPORT DATE: NOVEMBER 08, 2011 RECOMMENDAI'ION: It is recommended the City Council/Agency Board approve Carryover Appropriations as shown on Schedule A and approve budget adjustments and recommendations as listed in the Quarterly Financial Report and shown on Schedule A. IMPACT ON FINAiVCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The General Fund ending balance will be impacted by the approval of the recommended revenue and appropriation adjustments as follows: Estimated Fund Balance 6/30/2011: Net Carryover Appropriations Available Fund Balance 7/1/2011 Net budgeted use of reserves Net Proposed Adjiastments Total Decrease to General Fi�nd Balance Adjusted Fund Balance 6/30/2012 $3,116,689 88 545 3, 028,144 (346,888) ( 20,527) 367 415 2 660 729 Because some projects, operations, and orders are not complete by the June 30 year-end close, it is common for the projected fund balance to be reduced by expenses (carryovers) to be paid in the current fiscal year. None of the recommended budget adjustments are anticipated to have an impact on staff workload. BACKGROUND: Each year, the City Council/RDA Board of Directors adopts a budget, which commits resources to the accomplishment of its policies. The Administrative Services Department routinely prepares quarterly budget updates for the City CounciURDA Board. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL/RDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONSIDERATION OF FIRST QUARTER BUDGET STATUS REPORT NOVEMBER 08, 2011 PAGE 2 The purpose of the City's First Quarter budget review is to: • Provide a reconciliation of the expected and actual year-end General Fund Balance for Fiscal Year 2011-12. • Recommend the re-appropriation (carryovers) of prior year budgets for services/products that were begun, but not completed as of June 30, 2011. • Conduct a review of City funds to recommend budgetary changes to address known budget deficiencies. • Identify budget changes that materially impact fund balances. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: • The estimated General Fund Fiscal Year 2010-11 Fund Balance is $3,116,689. • The projected available General Fund Balance for the current fiscal year is approximately $2,660,729. "fhe projected General Fund balance is approximately 20% of appropriations. • Carryover appropriations from FY 2010-11 are reported on Schedule A. Carryover budget amounts are unused appropriations in the 2010-11 Fiscal Year added to the 2011- 12 Fiscal Year. The carryover appropriations are for items or projects that began the purchase process, but were ��ncompleted by June 30, 2011. • The proposed budget adjustments include a net of $88,545 for carryover appropriations in the General Fund. •"fhe proposed budget also includes carryover appropriations of $8,480,958 for various Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) in the CIP fund, $892,877 carryover in the RDA Set Aside Fund for the Courtland Affordable Rental Housing project, $11,232 carryover in In- Lieu Affordable Housing funds for the Housir�g Element study, $15,721 carryover in the Water Fund for ongoing consultant services agreements and $88,457 carryover of COPS funds for ongoing communication upgrades. • Staff is requesting the following adjustments, which are explained in more detail in the attached Budget report: 1. General Fund — a net decrease in revenues of $94,547 and a decrease of $74,020 in expenditures; 2. Local Sales Tax Fund — a net decrease of $46,526 in expenditures; 3. Water Fund -$25,000 increase in expenditures; 4. Transportation Fund -$70,526 increase in reveniaes and expenditures. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 2 CITY COUNCIURDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONSIDERATION OF FIRST QUARTER BUDGET STATUS REPORT NOVEMBER 08, 2011 PAGE 3 ADVANTAGES: Staff conducted a review of City funds and is recommending minimal budgetary changes to the adopted budget. Reserves will be above the General Fund 15% policy minimum at 20%. DISADVANTAGES: Departmental budgets continue to be constrained. ENVIROMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item PUBLIC NOTIFICAI'ION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in firont of City Hall on Th�ursday, November 3, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, November 4, 2011. No p�ablic comments were received. Attachment(s): • Qiaarterly Financial Report • General Fund — Fund Summary • Schedule A— Fund Balance - Control Agenda Item 11.a. Page 3 • � PaRpVO GRqNOF � �. �v' �►.Y`l.``�ra_�u ►.i:�� �� � . f.. • � �./ i f�Ji � �j� C. Quarterly Financial Report First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2011-12 OVERVIEW This report summarizes the City's overall financial position for the fiscal year through September 2011. Except as noted below, revenues and operating expenditures are generally on target based on the updated budget for the first quarter. Adjusted Budgets: "fhe revenue projections and budgets include the adjustments for encumbrances, carryovers, and expenditures that are included in this report. Mid-Year Review: The City's overall revenue and expenditure picture will be discussed in greater detail during the Mid-Year Budget Review scheduled for Council consideration in February of 2012. GENERAL FUND With 25% of the year complete, General Fund revenues are relatively the same as the prior year at 11% and expenditures are at 27%. The projected General Fund balance will be approximately 20% of appropriations if year end expenditures finish at 100% and revenues are received as budgeted. General Fund Balance Budget YTD % Actual Revenues $12,987,263 $1,388,544 11% Ex enditures 13,443,223 3,645,441 27% Beginning Fund Balance $3,116,689 _ Endin Fund Balance $2,660,729 20% Top Ten Revenues: The top ten revenues account for 72% of the General Fund revenue. Highlighting these provides a better understanding of the City's revenue position. Although there are fluctuations among revenue line items, the overall percentage is at 6%, which is same as the prior year. Any significant variances are noted on the next page. By comparing the YTD prior year revenue to the current YTD revenue we can see an overal I increase of l% as shown on the table on the following page: Agenda Item 11.a. Page 4 Quarterlv Financial Report First Ouarter of Fiscal Year 2011-12 Comparison of lst Qtr Current Year Budget to Prior Year Property tax - The City receives the majority of its properly tax revenue in December and April. Staff received the 2011-12estimated property tax numbers from the County on September l, 2011. Based on the County's estimate it is recommended that property tax be decreased by $50,000. The above budget of $3,534,000 reflects the recommended adjustment. This line item is showing a 50% increase in revenue when compared to the prior year due to timing differences. Triple flip — Sales tax: This revenue is received in February and May. The FY 2011-12 budget for this line item was $737,000. Staff was notified by the County of the actual amount to be received of $756,041. Staff is requesting an increase in this line item of $19,041. Triple flip — VLF: This revenue is received in February and May. Staff is requesting a decrease in this line item of $21,068 based on the actual amount to be received per the County of San Luis Obispo. Sales Tax - Sales tax is lower than the prior year due to a lower clean-up payment received in September for the period of May — August. The Board of Equalization (BOE) computes the monthly advances using a formula based on prior year receipts and estimated growth. 'fhe BOE then reconciles the actual receipts against the advances and this results in the clean-up payment that the City receives. Sales tax is lower than 25% due to only receiving one month of revenue at first quarter. Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) — The majority of the increase in this revenue source is due to the opening of Hampton Inn. 'Che TOT revenue is only for July and August, as September's TOT is received in October. As of this report this line item is at 25%. Staff will continue to monitor this revenue source and determine if an increase in projected revenue should be made. Building Permits — Building fees are showing a decrease at 1 S' Quarter when compared to the prior year. This is due to a decrease in development this fiscal year. However, staff had anticipated a decrease in this revenue source and had lowered the budget accordingly. Staff will continue to monitor this revenue and update Council at Mid Year. Franchise Tax — This revenue is below 25°/a due to the fact that the City receives franchise payments from Waste Connections on a monthly basis, Charter Communications quarterly, and PG&E, The Gas Company and Conoco Phillips on an annual basis. This report only includes two months of revenue received from Waste Connections. Telecommunication site leases - This revenue includes $9,645 of prepayments for the month of October. This line item is at 27% due to the prepayments. Actual July thru September revenue is at 25%. 2 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 5 Quarterlv Financial Report First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2U11-12 Expenditures: Operating costs are on target for the first quarter as summarized below: The key variances "by type" are supplies, services and other operating costs 1. Supplies are down due to the diligence of all departments to contain their expenditures. 2. Services are up due to the Lanspeed Contract for IT services and two quarters of Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) payments. 3. Other operating costs (Non-departmental shown below) are higher due to the annual payment for the City's Liability insurance of $427,554 made in July 2011. Departmental operating expenditures are also on target as summarized by the following: The main variances in departmental expenditures are in the Retiree Healthcare, IT, and Non-Departmental budgets. The Retiree Healthcare variance is due to four months of health care costs. The IT variance is due to the Lanspeed pre-paid contract. The Non-Departmental variance is due to the annual payment for liability insurance of $427,554 made in July 20l 1. 3 FIRST QUARTER ADJUSTMENTS Requested Budget Adjustmeats: Staff is making the following recommendations: l. Property tax revenue to be decreased by $50,000. 2. Increase Triple Flip Sales tax revenue by $19,041. 3. Decrease Triple Flip VLF tax revenue by $21,068. 4. Increase in Transfers in from the Local Sales Tax Fund of $24,000 to pay for the Narcotics Task Force. Since this is a new public safety expenditure, it is recommended to be eligible for Local Sales Tax funds. 5. Decrease of $66,520 in revenues and expenditures in the OTS Avoid the 14, DUI Grant. Actual amount expended in FY 2010-11 was greater than originally budgeted. 6. Decrease City Council Public Relations expense by $7,500. This was budgeted for the Centennial Celebration and is no longer needed. 7. lncrease in expenditures for Carryovers in the amount of $88,545 for ongoing projects. a. Planning -$1,488 for Housing Element Update b. Police -$55,477 for Firearms range improvements, complete narrow banding project, upgrade Laser Fiche system, replace network power supply, and complete video surveillance project. c. Rec & Maint Svcs -$19,580 for equipment trailer and vehicle replacement. d. City Clerk -$2,000 for Records Retention Schedule update. e. Non-Departmental -$1�U,000 for City Hall project. Overtime Summary: First Quarter FY 2011-12 Depar Police Fire $ 25,276 $ 27,929 c & Maint Svcs 4,203 Total $ 57,409 $ Aug Sept 16,370 $ 24,590 11,457 20,340 2,908 2,713 30,735 S 47,644 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 6 $ $ Total G6,237 59,727 9,824 135,787 Quarterlv Financial Renort First Ouarter of Fiscal Year 2U11-12 2010-11 PRELIMINAR Y GENERAL FUND ANNUAL UPDA TE This summarizes the General Fund's overall financial position for the fiscal year 21)] 0-11. This is a preliminary update due to the fact that the auditors are still reviewing the City's records. The final numbers will be presented to the Council in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). OVERYIEW: General Fund Year-End Balance Budget Actuals D�}�' Beginning Fund Balance $ 3,234,884 Revenues $ 13,803,485 13,764,898 $ 38,587 Expenditures 14,694,200 13,883,094 811,106 Ending Fund Balance $ 3,116,689 The estimated General Fund balance is approximately 22% of expenditures. EXPENDITURES: Expenditures by Type Budget YTD Actual % Salaries and Benefits $ 8,884,473 $ 8,486,398 96% Supplies 247,572 181,703 73% Services 2,391,553 2,357,174 99% Other operating costs 2,184,209 2,715,069 124% Capital purchases 986,393 142,750 14% Total $ 14,694,200 $ 13,883,094 94% The key� variances "by type" are Other Operating Costs and Capital Purchases. This is due to the budget for the new Fire Engine being in the incorrect category. It is budgeted in Capital purchases and should have been in Other Operating Costs where the actual lease payment was made. The $774,844 lease payment was offset by grant revenue. With 100% of the year complete, expenditures are at 94% or approximately $8] 1,000 less than budgeted. "Che majority of this savings is due to un�lled positions within the Police Department, lower utility costs than budgeted, and the delay of the fleet lease for Maintenance staff. In addition, of the $811,000 saved, $88,545 is being carried over into FY 2011- 12 for ongoing projects (see page 3 of this report for details). REVENUES: Revenues by Type Budget YTD Actual % Tax Revenues $ 8,964,293 $ 8,961,182 100% Licenses and Permits 191,420 194,743 102% Fines 111,500 66,724 60% Use of Money 264,090 313,262 I 19% Intergovernmental Income I, I34,782 I, I29,597 100% Community Development Charges for Services 140,400 105,287 75% Recreation and Maintenance Charges for Services 504,600 512,481 102% Misc Charges for Services 79,300 99,442 125% Other Revenues 73,300 56,616 77°/a Transfers in 2,339,800 2,325,564 99% Total $ 13,803,485 $ 13,764,898 100% Total year-end revenues are at 100% but came in approximately $39,000 less than budgeted. Staff is currently working on the City's CAFR and it is anticipated that it will be presented to the Council the first meeting in December or the first meeting in January. Overtime Summary: Fourth Quarter FY 10-11 Department Apr Police $ 22, I 56 g Fire 9,564 Rec & Maint Svcs 2,170 Total $ 20, I 20 $ I 3,747 1,974 $ 35,841 $ June Total I 6,866 $ 59, I 42 I 3,391 36,702 I ,688 5,832 31,945 $ 101,677 4 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 7 Quarterlv Financial Report First Ouarter of Fiscal Year 2011-12 LOCAL SALES TAX FUND Local Sales Tax Fund: The Sales Tax Fund had a beginning fund balance of $2,101,765. On August 23, 20l 1 the Council approved an appropriation of $140,000 for Pavement Management projects. Staff is requesting an additional appropriation of $24,000 to fund the Narcotics Task Force. Staff received notification from the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) that the amount of TDA funds to be received was $70,526 higher than budgeted. Staff is recommending reducing the amount transferred to the Streets department by the increase in TDA revenue. The projected ending fund balance is $644,577 or 21 % of appropriations. OTHER FUNDS Sewer Fund: The Sewer Fund ended the 2010-11 Fiscal Year with a fund balance of $419,783. The estimated ending fund balance for the Sewer Fund is $118,077. This does not yet meet the Ciry Council's goal of 60 days of operating expenses plus $500,000. There also may be a need for an additional expenditure due to the damage to the Vactor Truck. The exact amount needed will be included in a separate staff report or in the Mid Year Report. Water Fuod: The Water Fund reports a fund balance of $2,396,719 at the end of fiscal year 2010-11. Staff is requesting an increase of $25,000 for a temporary maintenance worker to replace an existing employee off of work due to an injury. The estimated ending fund balance in this fund is $1,480,576. This meets the City Council's goal of 60 days of operating expenses plus $500,000. However, due to water conservation efforts and an increase in foreclosures, the revenue in this Fund has dropped dramatically. Staff will continue to closely monitor this fund. Transportation Fund: In June of 21�11, the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) approved the Transportation Development Act (TDA) funds. The amount that the City will receive is $178,891. "fhis is $70,526 higher than estimated in the FY 2011-12 budget. Staff is requesting that the amount transferred to fund the Streets department be increased by $70,526. Water Neutralization Fund (Water Conservation): The Water Neutralization Fund has a beginning fund balance of $421,764. The projected ending fund balance for Fiscal Year 2011-] 2 is $233,264. Water Facility Fund: The Water Facility Fund has a beginning fund balance of $721,359. Currently, there is $200,000 budgeted for capital improvement projects and $71,389 in carryovers for ongoing projects. The projected ending fund balance for Fiscal Year 201 ]-12 is $474,970. Redevelopment Agency Fund: The Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Fund has a beginning fund balance of $225,477. Due to ongoing litigation concerning, the RDA, staff is unable to make additional appropriations above and beyond what the Council approved in the R.DA's Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule (EOPS). Staff will update Council in the Mid Year Report to any changes that need to be made to the RDA budget once a decision has been made in the current Court case. The projected ending fund balance for this fund is $191,627. Redevelopment Agency Set Aside Fund: The Redevelopment Set Aside Fund has a beginning fund balance of $1,872,061. The projected ending fund balance in this fund is $],078,873. This fund inclucles a carryover of $892,877 for the Courtland Affordable Housing project. Lopez Fund: The Lopez Fund reported a beginning fund balance of $3,569,054. "Che Water and Wastewater Study that was approved by Council on June 23, 2009 calls for this balance to be slowly drawn down over the next five years in order to reduce Lopez fee increases. The estimated ending fund balance in this fund is $2,991,449. Downtown Parking Fund: This Fund has a beginning fund balance of $213,428. There is currently $82,302 budgeted for the Car Corral project and $134,851 budgeted for the Le Point Street parking lot. The estimated ending fund balance in this fund is $975. State COPS Block Grant: Staff is requesting an increase of $] 00,000 in revenue and expenditures in this Fund. At the time that the budget was prepared the COPS funding was slated to be eliminated. This funding has now been approved by the State. CIP: Council approved an increase of $140,000 for the Pavement Management Program. Agenda Item 11.a. 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P ge 11 � THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 11.a. Page 12 /pRROy�� /p'� G' � INCORPOAATE Z V T � JULY 10, 1911 * c4� � f O RN�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRAI'IVE SERVICE SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 11.a. — NOVEMBER 8, 2011 CITY COUNCIL MEETING FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET STATUS REPORT DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2011 When preparing the City's 2011-12 Local Sales Tax Report, staff discovered that the entire Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) payment of $1,590,500 had been budgeted in the General Fund. A portion of this payment should have been budgeted in the Local Sales Tax Fund. Staff will include this correction in the Local Sales Tax report that will be presented to the Council at the November 22"d meeting and adjusted in the Mid-Year Budget Status Report. Staff has also determined that costs for cablecasting meetings will need to be transferred to the General Fund to be compliant with Federal regulations �egarding use of these funds, which will also be adjusted in the Mid-Year Report. With these two changes, City Council should anticipate a recommended increase in the projected year-end General Fund balance of approximately $50,000 to $75,000. Please let us know if yoi� have any questions. /PaROro\ /°� �� � INCORPOAATED �Z V T � JULY /0, 1811 � P c4��FORN� MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER� SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION — AGENDA ITEM 8.h. MONTH TO MONTH AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACTOR STREET SERVICES WITH SP MAINTENANCE SERVICES, INC. DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2011 Attached is the Month to Month Agreement for Street Sweeping Services between the City of Arroyo Grande and SP Maintenance Services, Inc. (Attachment 1 to staff report), which was inadvertently left out of the Agenda packet. c: Director of Recreation and Maintenance Services City Attorney City Clerk MONTH TO MONTH AGREEMENT FOR STREET SWEEPING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND SP MAINTENANCE SERVICES, INC. This Month-to-Month Agreement for Street Sweeping Services (the "Month to Month Agreement") is entered into this day of November, 2011, by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal co�poration of the State of California (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and SP MAINTENANCE SERVICES, INC., a California Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR"). WHEREAS, on May 1, 2006, CITY and CONTRACTOR entered into a Service Agreement for Street Sweeping Services (the "2006 Agreement"); and WHEREAS, by duly authorized amendment, the parties have three times extended the term of the 2006 Agreement (the "One Year Extensions"); and WHEREAS, the One Year Extensions expired at midnight on September 8, 2011; and WHEREAS, on September 9, 2011, CONTRACTOR agreed to continue to perform street sweeping services for CITY on a month to month basis subject to all other terms and conditions of the 2006 Agreement; and WHEREAS, the parties hereby desire to ratify the Month-to-Month Agreement and set forth the terms and conditions thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is he�eby acknowledged, it is agreed by and between the pa�ties as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. CONTRACTOR and CITY hereby ratify the Month-to-Month Agreement commencing on September 9, 2011 and continuing on a month—to-month basis, subject to all other terms and conditions set forth in the 2006 Agreement which is incorporated herein by this �eference. 3. This Month to Month Agreement is terminable by either party upon thirty (30) days prior written notice. MONTH-TO-MONTH AGREEMENT SP MAINTENANCE SERVICES, INC. PAGE 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Month to Month Agreement on the day and year first set forth above. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE: ------------------------------- TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL SP MAINTENANCE SERVICES, INC.: By: SEAN D. ST. DENIS Its: PRESIDENT /pRRO�\ �OINCORPORA�EO�\ v m � ru�r ,o. �e>> ,� cQ<<FO�N�P TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM CITY COUNCIL �� TERESA McCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SIIBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION — ITEM 8.g.- CONSIDERATION OF A SECOND AMENDMENT WITH WATER SYSTEMS CONSLILTING, INC. FOR UPDA'fES TO THE WATER AND SEWER MASTER PLANS DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2011 REV/SED RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended�the City Council: 1. Approve a Second Amendment to the Consultant Services Water Systems Consulting, Inc. ("Second Amendment") in the for updates to the Water and Sewer Master Plans; and 2. Authorize the Mayor to sign the Second Amendment with Consulting Inc. Agreement with amount of $9,146 Water Systems REV/SED IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The Capital Improvement Budget includes a total of $130,000 to perForm the updates ($70,000 budgeted �From �the Water Master Plan Update and $60,000 budgeted for �the Sewer Master Plan Update). The Council approved a contract with Water Systems Consulting, Inc., for $99,495. There is $31,270 remaining in the budget. An increase of $9,146 is requested to the contract amount. Appropriation of funds is not needed. �