Minutes 2012-05-22 ACTION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUCITY AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE DISSOLVED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Regular City Council/City as Successor Agency to the Dissolved Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Member Joe Costello, Council Member Jim Guthrie, Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brown, and Mayor Tony Ferrara were present. Council Member Caren Ray was absent. City Staff Present: City Manager Steven Adams, City Attorney Timothy Carmel, Director of Legislative and Information Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services Angela Kraetsch, Community Development Director Teresa McClish, and Chief of Police Steven Annibali. 3. FLAG SALUTE Representatives from Sea Scout Ship 413 led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Randy Ouimette, Saint John's Lutheran Church and Chaplain of the Five Cities Fire Authority, delivered the invocation. 5. AGENDA REVIEW 5.a. Closed Session Announcements. Mayor Ferrara announced that on Tuesday, May 8, 2012, after meeting in Closed Session regarding: Conference with Labor Negotiator, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: Agency Negotiator: Steven Adams, City Manager Represented Employees: Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 620 the City Council reconvened into open session and announced there was no reportable action taken. 5.b. Ordinances Read in Title Only. Mayor Pro Tern Brown moved, Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read by title only and all further readings be waived. 6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS None. Minutes: City Council/City As Successor Agency Page 2 Tuesday, May 22, 2012 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited public comment on the Consent Agenda. There were no comments received and the public comment period was closed. Action: Council Member Costello moved, and Council Member Guthrie seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.g., with the recommended courses of action. The motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Guthrie, Brown, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Ray 8.a. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period May 1, 2012 through May 15, 2012. 8.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report listing the current investment deposits of the City, as of April 30, 2012, as required by Government Code Section 53646(b). 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting of May 8, 2012, as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of CaIPERS Golden Handshake Program. Action: Approved the cost and use of the CaIPERS "Golden Handshake" program for individuals in the Lead Worker classification. 8.e. Consideration of an Agreement with Quincy Engineering Inc. for the Bridge Street Bridge Project. Action: 1) Approved a budget amendment to include an additional $456,400 of Local Highway Bridge Program funds in the FY 2011-12 Capital Improvement Program budget for Preliminary Engineering work on the Bridge Street Bridge project; 2) Approved a consultant services agreement with Quincy Engineering Inc., in the amount of $467,000 for Phase 1 — Preliminary Engineering & Environmental Clearance and $390,000 for Phase 2 — Final Design PS&E and Permitting for the Bridge Street Bridge project; and 3) Authorized the Mayor to sign the agreement with Quincy Engineering, Inc. 8.f. Consideration of a First Amendment to the Architectural Services Agreement with BFGC — IBI Group Architecture Planning for the Police Building Project and an Agreement with the Successor Agency for Use of Tax Increment Funds. Action: 1) Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute an amendment extending the architectural services agreement with BFGC Architects for the police building project; and 2) Approved an Agreement with the Successor Agency in a form acceptable to the City Attorney for continued use of tax increment funds budgeted for the project. 8.g. Consideration of an Agreement Between the Successor Agency and City for Use of Tax Increment Funds for Police Building Architectural Services. [CITY AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY] Action: Acting as the Successor Agency, approved an agreement with the City in a form acceptable to the City Attorney for continued use of tax increment funds budgeted for architectural services for the police building project. Minutes: City Council/City As Successor Agency Page 3 Tuesday, May 22, 2012 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Presentation of the 2011 Northern Cities Management Area Annual Report. Community Development Director McClish presented the staff report and recommended that the Council receive a presentation of the 2011 Northern Cities Management Area (NCMA) Annual Report. Dan Hymel, Staff Engineer with Water Systems Consulting, gave a presentation which provided an overview of the 2011 NCMA Annual Monitoring Report concerning the management and condition of the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin. Council Member Ray arrived to the meeting at 6:25 p.m. and took her place at the dais. Staff and Mr Hymel responded to questions from Council. Mayor Ferrara opened the public comment period. There were no comments received, and the public comment period was closed. Mayor Ferrara noted no formal action was required on this item and the Annual Report was considered received and filed. 11.b. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2011-12 3rd Quarter Budget Report. Administrative Services Director Kraetsch presented the staff report and recommended that the Council: 1) Approve detailed budget adjustments listed in the Third Quarter budget report; 2) Approve schedule A; and 3)Approve requests for additional adjustments in the General Fund. Staff responded to questions from Council. Mayor Ferrara opened the public comment period. There were no comments received, and the public comment period was closed. Action: Council Member Ray moved to approve staff's recommendations to: 1) Approve detailed budget adjustments listed in the Third Quarter budget report; 2) Approve schedule A; and 3) Approve requests for additional adjustments in the General Fund. Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Ray, Guthrie, Costello, Brown, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None Minutes: City Council/City As Successor Agency Page 4 Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS The Mayor and Council Members provided brief reports from the following committee, commission, board, or other subcommittee meetings that they have attended as the City's appointed representative. (a) Mayor Ferrara: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Economic Development Element Update Committee (b) Mayor Pro Tern Brown: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). (c) Council Member Costello: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) Air Pollution Control District(APCD) (3) Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) (d) Council Member Guthrie: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Homeless Services Coordinating Council (HSOC) (3) Economic Development Element Update Committee (4) EVC (Alternate] (e) Council Member Ray: (1) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority(CJPIA) (3) Tourism Committee (4) Zone 3 (Attended as Alternate) 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS In response to an inquiry by Mayor Pro Tern Brown, City Manager Adams provided an update on the St. Barnabas Church pilot safe parking program. Mayor Ferrara reported that the Strawberry Festival is this weekend and that there will be a Memorial Day service on Monday at the Arroyo Grande Cemetery. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Adams reported that the City of Grover Beach rejected the City's police consolidation proposal. Minutes: City Council/City As Successor Agency Page 5 Tuesday, May 22, 2012 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS John Keen, N. Elm Street, spoke about economic development efforts in the City. 18. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION 19. CLOSED SESSION At 7:10 p.m., the City Council met in Closed Session to discuss the following items: a. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: Agency Negotiator: Steven Adams, City Manager Represented Employees: Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 620 b. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: Agency Negotiator: Steven Adams, City Manager Unrepresented Employees: Management Employees Local 620 21. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION The City Council reconvened to open session and Mayor Ferrara announced that there was no reportable action. 22. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Tony Ferrer or ATTEST: / / Kelly W:tm•f>, City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg (v- i i-(Z- )