08.b. FY 2012-13 Appropriation LimitMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF ADMINIS'TRA'TIVE SERVICES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 201 2-1 3 APPROPRIATION LIMIT DATE: JUNE 12,2012 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Resolution establishirlg the appropriation limit from tax proceeds for Fiscal Year 2012-1 3. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There are no fiscal or personnel impacts. BACKGROUND: Annually, the City is required to calculate the expenditure appropriation limit from tax proceeds to determine compliance with Propositions 4 (Gann Initiative) and 11 1 (Spending Limitation Act of 1990). This calculation is based on the previous year's appropriation limit ($17,089,162) multiplied by the per capita personal income percentage increase (1.0377%) and multiplied again by the population percentage change (.99913%). The State Department of Finance provides both the population change and the per capita personal income change for the previous fiscal year. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The City is responsible for dividing citywide revenues between tax and non-tax revenue and applying the formula to the cumulative appropriation limit. For Fiscal Year 2012-13, the appropriation limit has been calculated to be $1 7,717,995. 'This calculation means that the City cannot receive more than $17,717,995 in tax-based revenues in Fiscal Year 2012-13. The estimated tax-based revenues for Fiscal Year 2012-1 3 have been calculated to be $1 1,550,043, approximately $6.2 million less than the appropriation limit. Therefore, the City is in compliance with Article XlllB of the California Constitution. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 201 2-1 3 APPROPRIATION LIMIT JUNE 12,2012 PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Adopt the Resolution to establish the appropriation limit for Fiscal Year 201 2-1 3; - Do not adopt the Resolution; - Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: By adopting the Resolution to establish the appropriation limit for Fiscal Year 2012-13, the City will be in compliance with Propositions 4 and 11 1. DISADVANTAGES: There is no disadvantage identified in relation to this recommendation. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, June 7, 2012. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, June 8, 2012. No public comments were received. Attachment: 1. Categorization of Estimated Revenue Agenda Item 8.b. Page 2 Attachment 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CA TEGORIZA TlON OF ESTIUL1 TED REVENUE Proceeds Revenue Sources From Taxes Taxes Property Tax Sales Tax Sales Tax-Safety Transient Occupancy Tax Business License Tax Other Taxes Licenses and Permits Building Dept. Permits Other Licenses and Permits Fines M.V. Code Fines Local Ordinanceparking Use of Property Rent NSF Fees/Cr.Bur.Coll. Aid From Other Gov't Agencies M.V. License Fees Homeowners Prop.Tax Relief P.O.S.T. Reimb. Mandated Cost Recovery P.D.Officer GrantISharing Other Grants Gas Tax Streets Revenues Charges For Current Services Community Development Fees Safety Impact Fees Recreation Program Fees Public Access Fees Sewer Utility Billings Park Development Fees District Assessments Traffic Signal Assessment Transportation Facility Impact Water Neutralization Impact Fees Other Current Services Non Proceeds From Taxes Agenda Item 8.b. Page 3 Attachment 1 Revenue Sources CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CA TEGORlZA TlON OF ESTIM TED RE VENUE Proceeds Non Proceeds Charges For Current Services Sewer Facility Charges Hydrant Water Water Utility Billings Meter Installations Water Avail.Charges Lopez Utility Billings Water DistribIMain Charges Assessments-Parking District Other Revenue Sales of Property Expenditure Recovery Miscellaneous Other Revenue Total Revenue, Not Including Interest Interest Percentage Interest % Applied Total Revenue, Including Interest Grand Total Budget City Revenue From Taxes From Taxes Agenda Item 8.b. Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COLlNClL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A TAX PROCEEDS EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 201 2-1 3 WHEREAS, Sections 7900 et seq. of the Government Code provide for the effective and efficient implementation of Article XlllB of the California Constitution; and WHEREAS, Government Code Sections 7901 through 7914 provide that each year, the governing body of each local jurisdiction shall, by resolution adopted at a regularly scheduled meeting, establish the annual adjustment factors to be used and the tax proceeds expenditure appropriation limit. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. The California per capita income and the population of San Luis Obispo County, California are recognized as the annual adjustment factors for Fiscal Year 2012-1 3. 2. The appropriation limit for Fiscal Year 201 2-1 3 is hereby set at seventeen million, seven hundred and seventeen thousand, and nine hundred and ninety-five dollars ($17,717,995). 3. Documentation used in the determination of the tax proceeds expenditure appropriation limit is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. 4. This Resolution is effective on its date of adoption. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,201 2. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 5 RESOLU'TION NO. PAGE 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, ClTY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, ClTY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, ClTY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.b. Page 6 Exhibit A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CALCULATION OF APPROPRIATION LIMIT FROM TAX PROCEEDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20 12- 1 3 Appropriation limit for 20 1 1 - 12 Multiplied by the appropriation limit change factors: Per Capita Personal Income Change: Conversion to ratio: - - 100 Population Change: 201 1 17,306 2012 17,29 1 -0.0868% Change (15) Conversion to ratio: (15) -.0868 + 100 0.99913 - - - - APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 !! 17,717,995 ESTIMATED 2012-13 PROCEEDS OF TAXES SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATION LIMIT Ag e n d a I t e m 8 . b . Pa g e 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIO NALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.b. Page 8 OT e p * P Q IIIIi_....., Z w n o Py * DEPARTMENT OF EDMUND G. BROWN JR. • GOVERNOR Cq&IFDIU F I N ANC E 915 L STREET• SACRAMENTO CA• 95514-3706 ■WWW.DDF.CA.GDV May 2012 Dear Fiscal Officer: Subject: Price and Population Information Appropriations Limit The California Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 2227, mandates the Department of Finance(Finance) to transmit an estimate of the percentage change in population to local governments. Each local jurisdiction must use their percentage change in population factor for January 1, 2012, in conjunction with a change in the cost of living, or price factor, to calculate their appropriations limit for fiscal year 2012-2013. Enclosure I provides the change in California's per capita personal income and an example for utilizing the price factor and population percentage change factor to calculate the 2012-2013 appropriations limit. Enclosure II provides city and unincorporated county population percentage changes, and Enclosure IIA provides county and incorporated areas'summed population percentage change. The population percentage change data excludes federal and state institutionalized populations and military populations. Population Percent Change for Special Districts Some special districts must establish an annual appropriations limit. Consult the Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 2228 for further information regarding the appropriations limit. You can access the Code from the following website: "http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html" check box: "Revenue and Taxation Code"and enter 2228 for the search term to learn more about the various population change factors available to special districts to calculate their appropriations limit. Article XIII B, Section 9(C), of the State Constitution exempts certain special districts from the appropriations limit calculation mandate. Consult the following website: "http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/.const/.article 13B"for additional information. Special districts required by law to calculate their appropriations limit must present the calculation as part of their annual audit. Any questions special districts have on this issue should be referred to their respective county for clarification, or to their legal representation, or to the law itself. No State agency reviews the local appropriations limits. Population Certification The population certification program applies only to cities and counties. Revenue and Taxation Code Section 11005.6 mandates Finance to automatically certify any population estimate that exceeds the current certified population with the State Controller's Office. Finance will certify the higher estimate to the State Controller by June 1,2012. Please Note: Prior year's city population estimates may be revised. If you have any questions regarding this data, please contact the Demographic Research Unit at (916)323-4086. ANA J. MATOSANTOS Director By: V.V\AA.J2—e CeZ------- MICHAEL COHEN Chief Deputy Director Enclosures Fiscal Year 2012-2013 May 2012 Enclosure I A. Price Factor: Article XIII B specifies that local jurisdictions select their cost-of-living factor to compute their appropriation limit by a vote of their governing body. The cost-of-living factor provided here is per capita personal income. If the percentage change in per capita personal income is selected, the percentage change to be used in setting the 2012-2013 appropriation limit is: Per Capita Personal Income Fiscal Year Percentage change (FY) over prior year 2012-2013 3.77 B. Following is an example using sample population change and the change in California per capita personal income as growth factors in computing a 2012-2013 appropriation limit. 2012-2013: Per Capita Cost of Living Change= 3.77 percent Population Change = 0.68 percent Per Capita Cost of Living converted to a ratio: 3.77+ 100 = 1.0377 100 Population converted to a ratio: 0.68 + 100 = 1.0068 100 Calculation of factor for FY 2012-2013: 1.0377 x 1.0068 = 1.0448 Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Enclosure II Annual Percent Change in Population Minus Exclusions January 1,2011 to January 1,2012 and Total Population,January 1,2012 Total County Percent Change --- Population Minus Exclusions --- Population City 2011-2012 1-1-11 1-1-12 1-1-2012 San Luis Obispo Arroyo Grande -0.09 17,306 17,291 17,291 Atascadero 0 00 27,390 27,391 28,477 El Paso De Robles 1.03 29,918 30,225 30,225 Grover Beach -0.28 13,199 13,162 13,162 Morro Bay -0.19 10,294 10,274 10,274 Pismo Beach -0.09 7,682 7,675 7,675 San Luis Obispo 0.09 45,269 45,308 45,308 Unincorporated 0.86 112,247 113,212 119,071 County Total 0.47 263,305 264,538 271,483 (•)Exclusions include residents on federal military installations and group quarters residents in state mental institutions,state and federal correctional institutions and veteran homes. 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