R 3156 , ' . RESOLUTION NO. 3156 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS REGARDING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACTS OF THE GRANDE PLAZA, AN APPROXIMATELY 45 ACRE r~ COMMERCIAL CENTER LOCATED AT WEST BRANCH . t STREET AND RANCHO P ARKW A Y Ai\fD ADOPTING A I STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS. \ WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as lead agency has prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Grande Plaza; and WHEREAS, a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) has been prepared and circulated for public review in accordance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines, and the City's Rules and Procedures for Implementation ofCEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, a Final Environmental Impact Report relating to the Grande Plaza and responding to the concerns raised during the review period and at the public hearings, has been prepared which incorporates written responses to comments received on the Draft EIR in accordance with CEQA and the City's CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande held duly noticed puhlic hearings on April 16, May 24, June 4, and June 20, 1996 and the City Council held a duly noti'.:tx! public hearing on July 9, 1996, to consider the DEIR and the FEIR, at which all interested persons were giv~n the opportunity to be heard; and \VtiEIU(AS. the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande adopted Resolution No. 96-, certifying that ~(1id tinal EIR was completed in compliance with CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines, and the City's Rules and Procedures; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Grande Plaza. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: l. The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande certifies that the information r contained in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Grande Plaza has been reviewed and considered by the members of the City Council. , I I , The City Council hereby finds and determines that the implementation of the - 2. Grande Plaza may have a significant effect on the environment. RESOLUTION NO. 3156 PAGE TWO 3. The City Council hereby finds with respect to the adverse environmental impacts detailed in the EIR: a. that, based on information set forth in the EIR and in the Statement of Significant Environmental Effects and Mitigation Measures, attached to this Resolution as Attachment "An and incorporated herein by reference, mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project which will avoid or substantially lessen the adverse environmental effects identified in the EIR for: soils and geotechnic issues; hydrology and drainage; traffic; air quality; noise; public services; and cultural resources. b. that, based on information set forth in the EIR and in the Statement of Significant Environmental Effects and Mitigation Measures, the adverse environmental effects related to: air quality; traffic impacts; and noise are significant environmental effects which cannot be entirely mitigated or avoided if the project is approved and implemented; c. that no additional adverse impacts will have a significant effect or result in a substantial or potentially substantial adverse change in the environment as a result of the Grande Plaza. d. that all significant environmental effects identified in the EIR have been reduced to an acceptable level in that: a. all significant environmental effects that can feasibly be avoided have been eliminated or substantially lessened as detennined through the findings set forth in paragraph 3.a. of this Resolution; b. based upon the EIR and the Statement of Significant Environmental Effects and Mitigation Measures and other documents in the record, specific economic, social and other considerations make infeasible other projectaltematives identified in the DEIR; c. based upon the EIR and the Statement of Significant Environmental Effects and Mitigation Measures, and other documents in the record, all remaining, unavoidable significant environmental effects of the Grande Plaza are overridden by the benefits of the project as described in the Statement of Overriding Consideration, attached to this Resolution as Attachment coB" and incorporated herein by reference, which Statement of Ovemding Considerations is hereby approved and adopted by the City Council. RESOLUTION NO. 3156 P AGE THREE 4. The City Council authorizes and directs that a Notice of Determination with respect to the EIR pertaining to the approval of the Grande Plaza and all other actions in furtherance thereof be filed. r" 0 I On motion by Council Member Souza , seconded by Council I Member Brandy , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: I AYES: Council Members Souza, Brandy, Lady, Fuller, and Mayor Dougall NOES: None ABSENT: None a R~solution was passed and adopted this 9th day of July, 1996. A '-f)~a. ~ A TIEST: NANCY A. A VIS, CITY CLERK EY APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: kL-(Jy L, ttl..tw ~ ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. . 3 156 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted r this 9th day of July, 1996. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande, affixed this 23rd day of ! I July: 1996. \~. , ;1.. tZ.~ NANC~ VIS, CITY CLERK ATTACHMENT "A" STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES BACKGROUND - The California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and the State CEQA Guidelines promulgated pursuant thereto provide: ''No public agency shall approve or carry out a project for which an Environmental Impact Report has been completed and which identifies one or more significant environmental effects of the project unless the public agency makes one or more written findings for each of those significant effects, accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for each finding." (Section 15091) The Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande recommends to the City Council that the City Council approve the Grande Plaza project. Because the proposed action constitutes a project under CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines, the City has prepared an Environmental Impact Report ("EIR"). The EIR identified certain significant effects that may occur as a result of this project. Further, the City Council has determined that the EIR is complete' and has been prepared in accordance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines. Therefore, the following findings are set forth herein pursuant to Section 15091 of the CEQA Guidelines. SOIL AND GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS Effect: The project site will likely by subject to severe ground shaking in the event of a major earthquake. The degree of potential property damage would vary with the magnitude and duration of the seismic event. Mitigation: 1. Incorporate all recommendations concerning site preparation and foundation design criteria included in the Soil and Foundation Investigation prepared for the project by E2C, Inc. (Report # 7600101) in grading plans, construction drawings and in construction. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Plan Check Field Inspection . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Building and Fire Department for foundation design 1 City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department for site preparation Effect: Project construction could result in some erosion and result in sedimentation in cut and fill area, exposing thick topsoil and colluvium. Mitigation: r 2. Submit an erosion control plan, consistent with the policies of the Arroyo Grande- Development Code and Grading Ordinance, to the Public Works Department for review and i approval. { .. Respo nsibiJity: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of grading pennit Subject to field review . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Mitigation: 3. Submit a grading plan to the Public Works Department for review and approval. For necessary grading operations, the smallest practical area of land will be exposed at anyone time during development and the length of exposure will be kept to the shortest practicable amount of time. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Plan Check Subject to field review . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department SURFACE HYDROLOGY AND DRAINAGE Effect: Development of the proposed commercial center and parking lots will result in increased runoff and alteration of existing onsite drainage patterns by increasing storm water flows and by directing these flows to the existing detention pond northwest of the site and the 24-inch RCP east of the site. Both the existing detention pond and the 24-inch RCP are of sufficient size to accommodate project runoff. However, the existing detention pond located onsite is unscreened from public views and requires regular maintenance to retain its design capacity. ( I Mitigation: , i 4. The applicant shall submit a landscaping plan to the Parks and Recreation Department for review and approval. The plan shall include the design of landscaping to screen the detention -. basin from views from the commercial center and West Branch Street The landscaping plan 2 shall promote the use of vegetation appropriate to its location adjacent to a seasonal body of water, and its potential for visual year-round screening. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Plan Check Implementation prior to occupancy ~ . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Parks and Recreation Effect: Construction activities on the site would result in the disturbance of more than five acres of land. Storm water discharges associated with construction activities when clearing, grading, and excavation of land occurs would have the potential for polluting downstream waters. lVIitigation: 5. The Project Sponsor shall submit evidence of a General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit obtained from the R WQCB. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of Grading Pennits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Effect: Surface runoff from the parking areas within the project site would carry elevated levels of contaminants. If allowed to enter the drainage basin and/or the 24-inch RCP, these contaminants would eventually enter downstream drainage areas and wetlands and potentially lead to degradation of aquatic and upland habitat. Mitigation: 6. Submit a drainage plan which includes the proper design and placement of sediment/grease traps to prevent the discharge of pollutants into the downstream drainage channel. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Plan Check Subject to field review . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Mitigation: 7. Prepare CC&R' s which include requirements for the type and frequency of parking lot cleaning. Vacuum or regenerative air sweepers are more effective at removing the fmer 3 sediments which often bind a higher proportion of heavy metals. Increase the sweeping frequency just before the wet season to remove sediments accumulated during the summer and fall. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor/Property Owner . r . Timing: Review, approve and record CC&R's prior to recordation of the final t I map. Periodic field review . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department for CC&R's Project Sponsor/Property Owner for field revi,ew Mitigation: 8. Prepare CC&R's which include requirements for the type and frequency of catch basin, sediment/grease trap and stonn water inlet cleaning arid maintenance. Maintain catch basin/grease traps on a regular basis to remove pollutants, reduce high pollutant concentrations during the first flush of stonns, prevent clogging of the downstream conveyance system, and maintain the catch basins sediment trapping capacity. Follow at least an annual inspection regiment and immediately repair or clean the system. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor/Property Owner . Timing: Review, approve and record CC&R's prior to recordation of the final map. Periodic field review . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Project Sponsor/Property Owner TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION Effect: Traffic vol\Jmes generated under the "baseline + project" condition will reduce the level of service of local vicinity roadways and intersections to unacceptable levels without improvements proposed by the applicant in place prior to occupancy of the commercial center. Mitigation: 9. Project sponsor shall implement the following circulation improvements prior to occupancy of r the commercial center: I I I W est Branch Street. Widen the segment of West Branch Street between the U.S. Highway .- 101 northbound ramps-Camino Mercado intersection and Brisco Road. Essentially, a five- lane segment would be constructed across the project frontage, with two eastbound and two 4 westbound lanes, a center left-turn lane and bike lanes. This five-lane section would taper to the intersection configurations east and west of the site. Camino Mercado-U.S. 101 NB RarnpsIW. Branch St. Modify the U.S. Highway 101 off- ramp approach to provide a free right-turn lane to the widened section of West Branch Street. (This improvement will require an encroachment permit from Caltrans.) Rancho Parkway. Widen Rancho Parkway to a four-lane section north of West Branch Street, with turn lanes at the project driveways on Rancho Parkway. This section would taper to a three-lane section north of the Rancho Parkway entrance and a two-lane section north of via Vaquero. Rancho ParkwayIW. Branch St. Modify this location to provide the following: - Eastbound - 1 left and 2 thru lanes - Westbound - I thru and I thru + right-turn lane - Southbound - 1 left and 1 right-turn lane - Traffic Signal Control . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to occupancy . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Effect: Traffic volumes generated by the project plus existing and approved, but not yet occupied, development will reduce the level of service at the Highway 101 southbound ramp/EI Camino Real intersection to LOS D. Mitigation: 10. The project sponsor shall pay to the City a pro-rata share toward the cost of signalization of the Highway 101 southbound ramps/EI Camino Real intersection (Halcyon exit): . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Building and Fire Departments Effect: Traffic volumes generated by the project plus existing and approved, but not yet occupied, development will reduce the level of service at the Brisco Road/Highway 101 northbound - ramps/W est Branch Street intersection. This closely coupled all-way stop location is forecast to 5 degrade to LOS F with the baseline plus project traffic, primarily due to traffic generated by the proposed project. Mitigation: 11. Project sponsor shall install the following traffic operational improvements: - r Brisco road/West Branch Street. Eastbound Approach: The length of the existing right-turn lane for eastbound West Branch Street to Brisco road is about 50 feet. As part of the West Branch Street widening provided by the project, this leg of the intersection will contain 4 lanes (two eastbound and two westbound). The #2 eastbound lane (the curb-adjacent lane) would become a dedicated right- turn lane. Thus, the widened section would provide adequate right-turn capacity. Intersection Control: Signalized and coordinate with the adjacent northbound ramps intersection and EJ Camino Real intersection due to the close spacing. Brisco RdIU.S. Hwy 101 NB Ramps Northbound Off-Ramp: Widen to provide one shared left + thru lane and a separate right-turn lane. This improvement would require minor roadway widening. Intersection Control: Signalize and coordinate with the adjacent West Branch Street intersection and EI Camino Real intersection due to the close spacing. Brisco Rd/EI Camino Real Intersection Control: Signalize and coordinate with the adjacent northbound ramp intersection due to the .close spacing. Alternatively to the above-listed projects, the applicant shall implement the long tenn solution for the Brisco Road interchange approved by the City in its long range circulation plan and/or Circulation Element . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to occupancy. The timing of this mitigation may be adjusted by the City Council if delays arise related to obtaining Caltrans pennits. . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Effect: Traffic volumes generated by the proposed project plus existing and approved, but not yet .,.~~ occupied, development will reduce the level of service at the Brisco Road/Grand A venue and Grand A venue/W est Branch Street intersections. The following improvements are recommended 6 to provide for acceptable service levels at the locations forecast to operate below the City's LOS C standard with ubaseline + project" conditions. Mitigation: 12. The project sponsor shall Contribute to the following offsite improvements through payment to the City's traffic mitigation fee program (AB 1600 fees) under study as of March 1996 by Omni-Means Inc. for the City. ~ : Brisco Rd/Grand Ave. The close proximity of the intersection with the Grand AvenuelElm Street intersection makes signalization and/or channelization improvements infeasible. Either Brisco Road would have to be realigned to the west and connect with Elm Street north of Grand A venue or the acceptance of a lower service level for the side street movements at the existing intersection will be required. Grand Ave/W. Branch S1. The close proximity of the intersection with the Grand Ave/U.S. 101 NB Ramps intersection and the E. BranchJTraffic Way intersections make signalization and/or channelization improvements infeasible. In order to provide an acceptable level of service for side street movements, West Branch Street would have to be realigned to the north and become the 4th leg of the E. Branch/Traffic Way intersection or the Route 227 bypass or other improvements identified in the long range plan would be required. Improvements for this location are being considered as part of the circulation element work now underway. . Respo nsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of Grading Pennits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works and Community Development Departments Effect: Delays could be experienced for outbound left-turns from the main driveway on West Branch Street. Mitigation: 13. The project sponsor shall implement a traffic control signal at the intersection of the project Driveway and West Branch Stree~ subject to the review and approval of the City Public Works Department. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to occupancy . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department 7 Effect: Project traffic will increase the potential for conflicts between pedestrian, bicycle and automobile traffic on West Branch Street between Brisco Road and Camino Mercado and Rancho Parkway between West Branch Street and Camino Mercado. Mitigation: r 14. The project sponsor, after consultation with St. !.'atrick's School administration, shall submit a plan to install warning signs to alert drivers to the presence of schooi children, subject to the review and approval of the City of Arroyo Grande Public Works. Department. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Plan prior to the issuance of building permits Signs installed prior to occupancy . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Mitigation: 15. The Project Sponsor, after consultation with St. Patrick's School administration, shall submit a plan to install safe, convenient pedestrian access from the end of the proposed sidewalk on the north side of West Branch Street to the school property, subject to the review and approval of the City of Arroyo Grande PubHc works Department. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Submit plan prior to issuance of building permits Pedestrian access installed prior to occupancy . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Mitigation: 16. Submit plans to install sidewalks in accordance with the regulations of the City of Arroyo Grande along the portions of West Branch Street, Rancho Parkway and Camino Mercado fronting the project site. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Submit plan prior to issuance ofbuiIding permits Installation prior to occupancy r Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department I . l .- Mitigation: 17. Submit plans to install crosswalks in accordance with the regulations of the City of 8 Arroyo Grande in locations subject to the approval of the City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department. Where traffic signals are required, pedestrian signal phasing shall be included. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . . Timing: Submit plan prior to issuance of building permits Installation prior to occupancy . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Effect: Several of the study-area intersections, including the Brisco RoadlHighway 101 interchange, are forecast to operate at LOS D or worse under "buiIdout" or "buildout + project" conditions. In some cases significant modifications to the intersections, and/or additional roadway links, will be required to accommodate these future traffic volumes. Mitigation: 18. Project Sponsor shall agree to pay traffic impact fees adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande City Council based on the results of the citywide traffic study currently being prepared by Omni-Means, Inc. In addition, the Project Sponsor shall enter into an agreement waiving protest to formation of an assessment district to include the project site if needed in order to fund additional future circulation improvements. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for each building . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department AIR QUALITY Effect: Construction of the 'proposed development would result in the emission of air pollutants that exceed recommended significance thresholds, and this project-specific impact is considered a significant impact. Emissions associated with project construction also add to the cumulatively significant effect that results in basin-wide exceedance of air quality standards. Mitigation: 19. The following measures shall be noted in the grading plans and implemented during construction: - Water trucks shall be used during construction to keep all areas of vehicle movement damp enough to prevent dust from leaving the site. Increased watering is required whenever wind speed exceeds 15 mph. Reclaimed water should be used whenever 9 possible. - Amount of disturbed area shall be minimized and onsite vehicle speeds should be reduced to 15 mph or less. - If stockpiling of fill material is required, soil stockpiled for more than two days shall be f" covered, kept moist, or treated with soil binders to prevent dust generation. f f - Trucks transporting material to or from the site shan be tarped from the point of origin I or shall maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer in accordance with California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 23114). - After clearing, grading, earthmoving or excavation is completed, the disturbed soil shall be treated by watering, or revegetation, or by spreading soil binders until the area is paved or otherwise dev~loped. - The contractor shall designate a monitor for the dust control program. The monitor's duties would include holiday and weekend periods when work may not be in progress. - Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site. - Diesel equipment shall be tuned with an ignition retard of22 and the installation of high pressure injectors along with the use of refonnulated diesel fuel (the only type now available). . Responsibility: Project Sponsor Construction Contractor . Timing: Notes prior to issuance of Grading Pennits During Construction . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Effect: Future mobile and stationary emissions associated with the proposed commercial land use would result in exceedance of APCD significance thresholds. Mitigation: r I 20a.The project sponsor shall submit a Transportation Demand management program to be included in CC&R's to the City. l. '- . Responsibility: Project Sponsor 10 . Timing: Review, approve and record CC&R's prior to recordation of the final map. . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department - 20b.The Project Sponsor shall submit a site plan which includes the following features in the design of the proposed project: - Provide safe and convenient transit turnout(s) and shelter(s) to serve the project site in consultation with the South County Area Transit System (SCAT) and SLO RTA. - Bicycle racks shall be installed at the equivalent of three (3) percent of the total amount of parking spaces. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Submit plan prior to the issuance of grading pennits Improvements installed prior to occupancy . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department NOISE Effect: The average sound levels during construction would exceed the threshold criteria when equipment is operating near residences and the school. Mitigation: 21. Note on grading plans that grading and exterior construction operations shall be limited to the hours between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm on non-holiday weekdays and on Saturdays between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm. No work shall be pennitted on Sundays. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor Construction Contractor . Timing: Prior to issuance of grading permits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Mitigation: 22. Note on construction plans that all construction equipment shall be required to be equipped with factory-standard mufflers and other silencing features. 11 . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Construction Contractor . Timing: Prior to issuance of grading permits During Construction - r . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public' Works Department Mitigation: 23. Note on construction plans that no more than two pieces of major earth moving equipment should be allowed to operate simultaneously within 300 feet of adjacent residences or the school. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor Construction Contractor . Timing: Prior to issuance of grading permits During Construction . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Mitigation: 24. Submit CC&R's that state that deliveries and idling truck engines shall be prohibited between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am to the retail centers located along Camino Mercado and loading and unloading should be restricted to the north side of the retail stores or to within enclosed loading docks. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Review, approve and record CC&R's prior to recordation of the fInal map. . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department Mitigation: 25. Submit CC&R's that prohibit mechanical lot sweepers or mechanical leaf blowers with internal combustion engines from operating on the site between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am. ..#- r I Responsibility: Project Sponsor , . , I \ Revie~, approve and record CC&R's prior to recordation of the final --. . Timing: map. 12 . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department PUBLIC SERVICES Effect: The project will result in an increase in water consumption on the site. Historical onsite water use is virtually nonexistent. Estimated average annual net demand based o~ thE? proposed uses is 48.49 acre-feet. This represents about 21 % of the City's unused allotment (inCluding the Lopez Reservoir surplus and 9% of the unused aUotment excluding the Lopez Reservoir surplus. Mitigation: 26.. The Project Sponsor shall submit a water conservation plan to ensure the efficient use of water through incorporation of water conservation measures recommended and/or required by the UBC and City of Arroyo Grande standards and policies. Specific water conservation measures initiated to further reduce water demand shall include, but not be limited to: - Installation oflow flow devices, Le., toilets, shower heads (if applicable), hot water recirculation systems, etc. - The landscape plan shall emphasize low-water use/drought resistant species. The irrigation system shall minimize water use and shaH be submitted for City review and approval. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of building pennits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Building and Fire Departments Mitigation: 27; The Project Sponsor shall submit a water conservation plan to reduce water uses to realize a water savings equal to the projected water demand of the proposed project (48.49 acre-feet). This total may be recalculated after precise uses and actual water conserving featiIres are known. Said plan shall be submitted for approval of the Public Works Director. The approved plan shall be implemented by the applicant. The obligation for offsetting water demand shaH be limited to the amount actually needed for this project, as approved by the Public Works Director. Alternatively, the applicant shall comply with a City approved water conservation program. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of building pennits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works and Building Department 13 Effect: The proposed project will generate an estimated peak sewer flow of 0.091 million gallons per day (mgd) based on a peak sewage flow rate of2,000 gallons per day per acre of commercial development. The effect of this project upon the SCSD wastewater treatment plant is insignificant. However, improvements may be necessary to the City's sewer lines in the vicinity of r the project site. Mitigation: 28. The project sponsor shall submit a plan to identify and fund necessary improvements to downstream sewer lines and lift stations to accommodate projected sewer flows generated by the proposed project. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of building permits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Effect: The development of the proposed commercial center would result in additional calls to the Fire Department each year, predominantly for emergency medical service. The proposed buildings will be constructed in compliance with the applicable unifonn building and safety codes, and will be sprinklered. Mitigation: 29. All site and building plans shall be reviewed by the Fire Chief for adequacy of streets, access, fire suppression and water delivery systems. Implement recommendations as necessary to reduce the frequency and severity of fire calls to the shopping center. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of building permits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Building and Fire Departments Effect: The development of the proposed project will generate an increase in the number of incidents requiring police assistance. Mitigation: ( 30. Submit a plan which includes architectural features to decrease wlnerability to crime, i such as adequate and appropriate security lighting, locks, landscaping, alarm systems, and I I video surveillance cameras. For example, access to all roofs should be secured to prevent I , --- unauthorized entry. Interior lighting oflarge retail businesses should be left on or dimmed when businesses are closed and exterior lighting should be off or dimmed (lighting to be 14 consistent with mitigation measure #40). Architectural plans shall be reviewed by the Police Chief prior to issuance of building pellT1its. . Respo nsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of building permits - . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Police Department Effect: The project would generate a total of730 tons of solid waste per year (after recycling), which would contribute to the City's waste stream. Mitigation: 31. Submit a waste management plan which implements City mandated waste reduction measures that help reduce the City's solid waste output per the requirements of AB 939. This includes providing adequate space for source separation of recyclable materials in conjunction with disposal service. Contact the city contract recycler to determine the appropriate location and amount of area needed for recycling dumpsters and bins. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of building permits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department CULTURAL RESOURCES Effect: There is no known paleontological resource on the site or in the project vicinity. However, the area is known to have been used by Native Americans and the potential for encountering such resources, while low, is a possibility. Mitigation: 32. Note on grading plan that if archaeological resources or human remains are discovered during construction, work shall be halted within 150 feet of the fmd until it can be evaluated by a qualified professional archaeologist. If the find is determined to be significant, appropriate mitigation measures shall be developed and implemented according to Appendix K of CEQA Guidelines. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor Construction Contractor . Timing: Prior to issuance of grading permits 15 --'._-'~-''-''- . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Qualified Archaeologist VIEWSHED AND AESTHETICS Effect: Development of the project will result in a change in views to and from the project site, r particularly from public vantage points on Highway 101 and West Branch Street and vantage points from private residences to the north and northeast. While the developmenfwilI alter the undeveloped character of the site,. the project site is designed for commercial development of the type proposed in this plan. However, the intensity of development will differ from what exists in the immediate vicinity. Mitigation: 33. Submit a landscaping plan which includes landscape screening, appropriate to the surrounding climate and terrain (drought resistant, native vegetation) to integrate the project with the visual setting and screen parking lots trom public viewpoints. However, landscape materials should not block all views across the site and should be selected to have corridors to maintain the long range views of the ocean from residences on Rancho Parkway. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of building permits . Verification: Planning Conunission City of Arroyo Grande Parks and Recreation Department City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Dep:1r'::\~.:11 Mitigation: 34. Submit design guidelines which include, at a minimum, the following fealures: all buildings shall have articulated rooflines and fully dimensional roofs creating shadowing effects, physical offsets, and design features such as interesting angles, projections, roof overhangs integrated into the building in a hannonious manner. All exterior wall elevations shall have architectural features such as articulation and recesses which create shadow patterns and texture and provide a variety to the building plans or surfaces. At ground level, expanses of blank wall shall be minimized through creative use of materials, texture, color and building form. Adherence to the approved design guidelines shall become a condition in the CC&R's. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor ( I i . Timing: Prior to issuance of building pennits i i t .......# . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department 16 Mitigation: 35. Submit design guidelines and landscaping plan which identify that parking areas shall be screened from public and private vantage points through combinations of mounding, landscaping, low profile walls and grade separations. . . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of building permits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department Mitigation: 36. Submit a site plan which provides that onsite utilities, including heating and cooling systems located on building roofs, shall be located in inconspicuous areas and screened with material or combination of materials which best suit the overall design theme. The design of roof utility systems shall be subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director. . Resp.onsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of building pennits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Building and Fire Department City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department Mitigation: 37. Submit design guidelines that provide that building roofs shall be of materials and colors that minimize visual disruption and glare, and give the illusion of smaller horizontal surfaces, particularly of the large retail buildings. , . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance ofbuiIding pennits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Building and Fire Department City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department Mitigation: 38. Submit design guidelines that provide that onsite advertising signs, fences, walls and entry gates shall be consistent with applicable Arroyo Grande Codes and standards, except as otherwise approved, and the scale, color, and shape of the project 17 . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of building pennits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Building and Fire Department City of Arroyo Grande Community Developm~t :Qepartment r ~ t Mitigation: . ! t 39. Submit design guidelines that provide that non-reflective materials, subdued colors, and downward directed lighting that does not create off-site glare shall be implemented subject to the approval of the Arroyo Grande Community Development Director. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of building pennits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Building and Fire Department City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department Mitigation: 40. Submit a lighting plan subject to the review and approval of the Arroyo Grande Community Development Director. The type, height, and spacing of security lighting, parking lot lighting, and advertising lighting shall confonn to City standards. In particular, parking lot and advertising lights shall be directed downward and be of minimum intensity necessary for proper safety lighting, and not overly bright. . Responsibility: Project Sponsor . Timing: Prior to issuance of building pennits . Verification: City of Arroyo Grande Police Department City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department ,- i I I \,-- 18 ATIACHMENT"B" STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS BACKGROUND - The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State EIR Guidelines promulgated pursuant thereto provide: U(a) CEQA requires the decision maker to balance the benefits of a proposed project against its unavoidable environmental risks in determining whether to approve the project. If the benefits of the proposed project outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental effects, the adverse environmental effects, may be considered 'acceptable. ' (b) Where the decision of the public agency allows the occurrence of significant effects which are identified in the final EIR but are not at least substantially mitigated, the agency shall state in writing the specific reasons to support its action based on the final EIR and/or other informatio,n in the record. This statement may be necessarY if the agency also makes the finding under Section 15091 (a)(2) or (a)(3). (c) If an agency makes a statement of overriding considerations, the statement should be included in the record of the project approval and should be mentioned in the Notice of Determination (Section 15093 of the Guidelines)." The Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande recommends to the City Council that the City Council approve the Grande Plaza project. Because the proposed actions constitute a project under CEQA and the State Guidelines, the City has prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Several environmental impacts have been identified that will result ftomthe project that cannot feasibly be mitigated to a level of insignificance. Adverse unavoidable environmental impacts will effect: . Air Quality. The Grande Plaza project will result in pollution exceeding the established air quality thresholds for San Luis Obispo County, even with the implementation of all feasible mitigation measures. . Traffic. Although the applicant will be installing project specific road improvements and paying fees for their share of future road improvements to address long tenn traffic circulation issues, it is possible that there may be an interim period prior to the installation of said facilities when this project will contribute to the cumulative increase in traffic resulting in intersections and/or street sections with traffic volumes above usual City standards. Furthennore, the EIR found that impacts for side street turn movements at the Grand A venueIW est Branch Street and Grand A venue/Brisco Road intersections will be significant and that there are no feasible mitigation measures that can be incorporated into the subject project to reduce these impacts to less than significant levels. r . The EIR and staff analysis suggested that the required changes to the street system would be expensive and disruptive, and not commensurate with the impacts : , expected. Impact fees win be required which may help provide long tenn solutions, but reduction of impacts to less than significant levels is not foreseeably ensured. . Noise. The construction of this project will cause short-tenn noise impacts on nearby residents and possibly, the school. All feasible mitigation measures to reduce construction noise have been incorporated to reduce short-tenn construction noise, however, construction noise impacts wiU still result from this project and may be significant Noise from truck deliveries and from parking lot sweepers may impact nearby residents. The EIR includes mitigations to prohibit these activities between 10 pm and 7 am. Despite these mitigations, noise impacts may still occur, and could be considered significant by residents. The following overriding considerations are provided against which these unavoidable adverse impacts are balanced in reaching a decision on this project. These remaining unavoidable adverse impacts are found acceptable given the mitigations, conditions and overriding considerations contained in this Resolution. Overriding Considerations: Although the Grande Plaza will result in unavoidable adverse environmental impacts, the following substantial benefits are expected to be realized, overriding the City's concern about unavoidable and significant environmental impacts and warranting approval of the project. - 1) The new center wiIl afford new local shopping opportunities for citizens of Arroyo Grande and the Five Cities area; not only will this increase convenience but may reduce commuting and travel for shopping. ( I I 2) The proposed project is likely to generate a large number of jobs. Using multipliers referenced in a City of Napa "General Plan Update, Concept Report" (1994), we would expect between about 1,000 and 1030 jobs from a 350,000 square foot retail center. Using infonnation on the the Gottshalks in San Luis Obispo and the WalMart in Paso Robles, slightly more modest multipliers were estimated, but stm projected jobs between about 820 and 850. 3) The project is expected to generate significant net fiscal benefits to the City. Using multipliers based ona review of the Urban Land Institute's "Dollars and Cents of Shopping Centers", a project of about 350,000 square feet could generate as much as $700,000 or more in sales tax per year. While there are service costs associated with commercial projects such as this, analyses indicate that the net revenues will be significant. For example, a report prepared for a similarly sized"proJect in the City of Guadalupe suggested that the net revenues to that city would exceed $360,000 per year (UDJ Fanns Specific Plan, Technical Appendix", City of Guadalupe, 1993). Another example is a hypothetical 500,000 square foot commercial center proposed in Atascadero. Adjusting to a size of about 350,000 square feet to more closely match the GenCom proposal, the estimated net revenues are approximately $385,000 per year (UDEIR for the South Atascadero USL Extension", City of Atascadero, 1996.). Thus, it would appear that a net benefit of between $300,000 and $400,000 per year to the Arroyo Grande general fund would be likely from a project of this size and type after buildout. \,